Submitted by Leann Ryans



There was a reason alpha females were rare, and Ka’vin was sure it was because the species would die out if they depended on breeding them to survive. Imagine the usual, bossy, short-tempered alpha, then add in hormones and constant discomfort.

They were nuclear bombs with short fuses, the slightest bump setting them off.

Somehow, they had gotten lucky, and Scarlett became pregnant during his first heat.

Lucky, he reminded himself.

An alpha female was nowhere near as fertile as an omega, or even a beta woman, but his potent omega seed had been enough to make up for it. He was certain he would never go without heat suppressants again. He would be lucky to survive to see his child born.

Slipping around the corner from the bathroom into the small living space connected to their room, Ka’vin sat a bottle of water by where Scarlett paced in front of the couch. Her body was still strong and lean, but now her belly bulged forward, distended from his baby growing inside her.

The thought made a warm glow spread through his chest, and he tried to push the feeling through the bond to soothe the jagged irritation he could feel from her. It had taken time to get used to the bond they shared, but it completed him in ways he hadn’t known he needed.

“It’s bad enough this belly throws off my balance, now my joints are loosening so I’m even more likely to fall over my own damn feet and make a fool of myself.”

She stuffed another bite of her sandwich into her mouth as she turned to pace the opposite direction.

“And I’m eating enough for a horse, yet I’m always hungry!”

Ka’vin hid his smile behind his hand. He had talked to others, and even her doctor assured them it was all normal, but Scarlett wasn’t taking the changes well. She raged at every new change to her body, yet in quiet moments he would catch her caressing her belly and cooing to the baby inside.

“You’re growing a person. Your body needs the food.”

“I know what I’m doing,” she snarled, turning to face him, her blue eyes blazing.

The lush mane of burgundy hair billowed around her, having grown thicker in the months since they mated.

Taking a deep breath, Ka’vin remained calm. He pushed his joy and contentment through their bond, doing his best to soothe her.

Scarlett’s anger was hard to deal with, but he didn’t blame her. A lot had changed in a short time, and he could understand the feeling of her body no longer being her own. He’d gone through similar before being rescued by the soldiers.

“Do you regret it?”

His quiet question was met with another snarl.


Scarlett stopped pacing and pulled in a lungful of air before coming to kneel before him where he sat on the couch.

“No,” she said softer. “I never want you to think that. Can’t you feel how happy I am?” she asked as she took his hands in hers.

He knew it was there, a constant blaze under her other feelings, he just needed to remind her of it sometimes.

Smiling, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers.

“How about I give you a massage? I can use that warming oil you like.”

Her eyes took on a predatory spark that sent a shiver down his spine. With them bonded, he wouldn’t go into heat again while she was pregnant, which was good since they were deep in space before they found out about her condition, but even without the added hormones of heat it didn’t mean they weren’t still ravenous for each other.

“Will you wear your loincloth for me?”

Cock throbbing, he smiled and rose from the couch, helping her get to her feet.

“Anything for you, my Alpha.”

She cupped his cheek and pressed another kiss to his lips.

“You were the best gift I’ve ever received, and our baby is an unexpected blessing I never thought I’d have. I’m so lucky you submitted to me.”

Purring with happiness, he followed his mate to their room.

The End

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