Possessive Alien’s Mate by Luna Hunter

Chapter Thirteen



“Excuse me, girls,” I say as I quickly stand up. We were just discussing what we think about Vullar. Conclusion? He’s scary as hell. Thiray leads me to an empty room and closes the door behind him.

“Vullar will watch over you. I am returning to Thulara. This is… goodbye.”

“Like hell it is.”

“What?” He frowns deeply, his white brows furrowing. “Did I not explain myself correctly?”

“I’m telling you I’m coming with you, Thiray.”

He shakes his head. “No, you cannot. The needle only fits one, and I promised Dhauk I would return you.”

“I do not belong to Commander Dhauk. I’m my own woman, I make my own choices. I’m choosing to come with you. You need my help.”

“I do not need help!”

I narrowly resist rolling my eyes. “Stop being such a proud Thaana for a second and let me help you, Thiray. You saved my ass, you poisoned yourself to save my life! Now it’s time for me to return the favor. I am going with you, whether you like it or not.”

Thiray is taken aback. “I had not foreseen this. The Needle... It will be cramped.”

“I’m sure we can manage.”

“The Council will not be pleased… but perhaps you can plead your case better than I ever could… okay.”

“Okay?” I ask, my heart jumping.

“Okay. We will leave immediately.”

I hug him tightly and plant a kiss on his lips, taking him by surprise. Before he has a chance to respond I run back to the kitchen and tell the girls the news.

“What?” Skylar says. “You can’t go, you’re like, our leader!”

“Yeah, you can’t leave us with him,” Naomi whispers.

Aliyah nods furiously along with the loud protests.

“Thiray needs my help,” I say. “I’m really sorry. But, I’m sure Vullar can’t be that bad.”

“Bad? Have you seen him?!” Skylar says, her voice loud enough to carry through the entire ship and back again. “I thought Thiray was scary, but this guy looks like his evil twin!”

I take my time hugging the girls in turn. The last couple of days we’ve grown very close. It hurts to leave my newfound friends behind, but that’s how life has to be sometimes.

“I’m going to leave now or else I’ll cry,” I say. “I’ll see you soon, girls, promise.”

“Yeah, yeah, go on, get out of here!” Skylar says. “Before that alien takes off without you!”