Ruthless Stranger by Maggie Cole



Loud music,the dinging of slots, and flashing lights create the atmosphere. Everywhere you glance, people are drinking, gambling, or watching the big-screen televisions. Hailee and I are at our table, waiting for Kora and Skylar to return from the restroom.

"What about those guys?" Hailee points to a cocky group of guys in their thirties. Televisions cover the wall, and they are watching the games.

I shrug. "Hot and almost all have wedding bands."

She winces. "Whoops. Didn't look."

A younger, light-haired man appears out of nowhere and slides in the seat next to me. He slurs into my ear. "Can I buy you a drink?"

I jump.

His blue eyes are bloodshot, and he reeks of too much alcohol. His head sways, and he brings his face closer to mine.

"No, thanks.

He wiggles his eyebrows and puts an arm around me. "Come on. One drink."

"I'm good." I escape his grasp and scoot my chair closer to Hailee. She puts her hand over her mouth, laughing.

He points at Hailee and circles his finger. "How about you?"

She shakes her head. "All good. We were leaving anyway."

"Noooo." He pouts then a goofy grin forms. "The party is just starting, and I'm it!" He pounds on his chest.

We rise and link arms. Hailee waves. "Bye."

"You girls are no fun!" he calls after us.

"That's why I'm never going cougar," I claim. "Too much babysitting."

Hailee snorts and steers me toward a slot machine. "I never said take the inebriated ones who can't handle their liquor home." She sits at a machine, and I take the seat next to her.

She slides her card into it and pulls the lever instead of using the buttons. "It's so much more fun going old-school. I wish we could still use coins." She hands me her card. "Here. Play."

"I'm good." It was nice enough my friends brought me on this trip, but the last thing I'm going to do is spend their money gambling. And my budget is too tight to waste anything.

"There you are," Skylar's voice booms behind us.

I spin in my chair.

Hailee glances behind her then resumes playing her slot machine.

"You took long enough. We thought you got lost," I admit.

Skylar and Kora disappeared for over an hour. Hailee and I both finished off two martinis.

They exchange a smirk-filled glance. Then Skylar takes the chair on my right side and pulls it into the aisle so she's in front of me. "So..." She bites her lip, as if she's going to laugh.

Kora takes a chair next to Hailee and drags it next to Skylar. She sits, too, staring at me like she knows a dirty little secret.

My belly twitches with nervous flutters. "What are you two up to?"

They glance at each other right as Hailee pulls the lever again. The machine turns neon pink and flashes while dinging loudly.

"Oh my...holy!" Hailee cries out. The numbers continue skyrocketing up.

The four of us jump up and cheer, continuing to watch the slot machine numbers get higher and higher until it finally quiets.

"Twenty thousand dollars!" Hailee screams.

"How did you do that?" Skylar asks.

"I just...holy...twenty thousand dollars!" Hailee shouts.

We rotate between gaping at the machine and hugging Hailee.

"Twenty thousand dollars!" Hailee repeats, her eyes wide.

"This must be an all-around lucky night. Hopefully, the luck hits Kora and me, too," Skylar chirps, and her smile tells me my instincts are correct, and she's up to something naughty.

"What are you talking about? I didn't win anything," I claim suspiciously.

Kora slips her arm around my shoulder. "I'd say you hit the jackpot."

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

Kora glances at Skylar.

Hailee hits the button, and a ticket pops out of the machine. "I need to go to the cashier. There's no way I'm gambling this away!"

Kora's lips twitch. "We'll go with you after we escort Aspen to her suite."

I cross my arms. "My suite?"

Another look I can't decipher passes between Skylar and Kora.

Hailee gets over her shock. "What have you two been doing all this time?"

Kora tightens her arm and spins me. "Let's talk about it on the way upstairs."

"You're confusing me right now."

Skylar steps on the other side. "Just trust us. You'll thank us tomorrow."

"For what?"

"Umm...hello! I just won twenty grand!" Hailee declares and steps next to Skylar.

"We know. We're excited. Put your ticket in your pocket for a few minutes. We have to drop Aspen off."

What is she talking about?

I stop walking. "I'm seriously confused right now."

"You and me both. What's more important than cashing out my twenty G's?" Hailee asks.

Skylar smirks. "Come with us and find out."

"Ugh. Fine. I hate it when you two do this kind of stuff," Hailee whines.

"Do what?"

"Leave me out."

I raise my hand in the air. "I'm not in the knowledge zone, either."

We get to the elevator right when the doors open. Everyone steps out, and the four of us step in. Kora slides a key card and punches a button.

"We're on six," I say.

Skylar points to everyone but me. "We're on six. You're on thirty for the night."

My stomach flips. It's as if it's aware of what's to come. "What are you talking about?"

"Skylar, Kora, what is going on?" Hailee demands.

The elevator dings and comes to a stop. The doors open. Kora and Skylar each grab my hand and pull me out.

"You'll see," Kora replies.

Hailee continues to grumble, following us down the hall, and I don't say anything. I've had too many martinis to count, and I'm used to Skylar and Kora being secretive. They always seem to have something up their sleeves. Whatever they are doing will probably result in lots of laughs and some crazy memory.

Just go with it.

It's Vegas.

They wouldn't do anything to hurt you.

They lead us down the corridor. Light-brown carpet has chocolate-brown, sky-blue, and cream lines every few feet. Manly, rich-brown paneling lines the wall from the floor to my knees, and the rest is covered in creamish-gold wallpaper.

We stop in front of the only door I've seen.

"I know Hailee won big, but I think this is beyond your budget," I comment, knowing how the rooms on the top levels are expensive suites that the four of us together would never be able to afford.

"We aren't paying for it." Skylar's voice is full of sugar and sin.

My stomach flips again. What are we doing here? "Then who is?"

"Mystery man," Skylar practically sings.

"Who is that?"

"Now, it wouldn't be a mystery if we told you, would it?" Kora reprimands.

"Once again, I'm totally confused," I state.

Kora swipes the key to unlock the door, and we walk into the suite.

I freeze several steps in. "Wow." The Vegas skyline is lit up. It stretches and twinkles for miles. A fireplace is turned on in a cozy sitting area. Eggplant-colored accent pillows and curtains are set against soft, off-white furniture and walls. A sexy woman's voice singing pumps through hidden speakers, but it's in a different language, so I don't know what she's singing about.

"Quick, let's check it out." Kora loops her arm through mine and drags me farther in.

"I feel like we're in the Twilight Zone. Someone seriously needs to fill us in on what is going on," Hailee interjects.

"We will. Promise. Let's take a quick peek first," Skylar replies.

We walk through the suite in awe. There is a sunken bar, marble bathrooms, a steam shower, a formal dining room, solarium, whirlpool tub, and two king-size suites.

"This is bigger than my apartment!" Hailee exclaims.

"Why are we here?" I ask again.

Skylar leads me over to the bar. A round of drinks is waiting for us on the counter. There are two martinis, a vodka tonic, and a cosmopolitan.

"I'm getting creeped out now," Hailee mutters. They are the same drinks we had downstairs.

Skylar motions to the seats. "Sit, and we will explain."

Hailee raises her eyebrows at me, but we pull out the barstools and sit.

Kora holds up her drink to make a toast. Her eyes light up. "To fulfilling your fantasy."

Skylar's expression matches hers, and she holds her glass up next to Kora's. "And removing the chastity belt!"

Butterflies take off in my stomach. "What are you talking about?" I ask for what feels like the millionth time.

"Toast first," Kora says.

"Enough! What in the hell is happening here?" Hailee demands.

Kora takes a sip of her vodka tonic. "Skylar and I went to the bathroom and ran into a man in the hallway."

"A silver fox!" Skylar gleams. "Well, there're very few grays in his hair, but he does have some and he isn't younger."

"Yep. No courgarlishousness for you tonight," Kora sings.

My pulse increases. I blurt out, "So you decided to bring us to his suite? A stranger?"

"Calm down. Do you want to know why?" Kora asks.

"Please, fill us in." Hailee's annoyance fills the air.

"He's super-hot, has a sexy accent, is in his mid-forties, and is obviously rich," Skylar gushes.

"You sound like you bought him," Hailee blurts out.

Kora playfully backhands her on the shoulder. "Stop it. We did not buy him. But he won't take from Aspen. In fact, he's going to do everything she wants for the night."

"What? Did you prostitute me out?"

"No!" they both cry out at the same time.

"You want me to sleep with him? A stranger?"

"Yes," they say in unison once again.

I glance behind me. "Where is he?"

"He's not coming in until we leave. And you have to abide by the rules."

"Have you two gone crazy?" I take a mouthful of my gin concoction, wondering how my friends could ever be this insane or create this scenario.

Skylar stirs the cocktail straw in her cosmopolitan. "Nope. We are seizing the opportunity to help you get exactly what you want."

Hailee puts her forearm on the bar and turns in her chair. "And what exactly does she want?"

Kora accuses, "Were you not paying attention at the pool?"

Hailee tilts her head. "You're going to have to be more specific."

"Blindfolded by a stranger. No name. No face. No relationship issues. An older man who will command you in the bedroom and give you one night of multiple O's." Kora's eyes light up.

"Remove the chastity belt! I demand you do!" Skylar dramatically yells.

"Are you crazy?" I ask.

"Yep, they've lost the plot," Hailee agrees and drinks her martini.

Skylar sighs dramatically. "Let's look at this. You're in Vegas. There are no strings. He's going to give you exactly what you want. At any time, if you want him to stop, he will."

"So he claims. You don't know this guy. He could be a total psychopath." I point out the most important fact, but my insides also stir.

What if I could do it?

No, I can't. It's too crazy.

But is it?

"Skylar and I have vetted him for you. You should trust us. This is the one thing you need and also want. You'll never get a more perfect situation. We're miles from Chicago, he's smoking hot with a body to match, and he agreed to all our terms."

"Oh my God. You two..." Hailee shakes her head.

Skylar groans. "Don't sit on your high horse, Hailee. We're in Vegas. Crazier shit has happened here. Aspen needs to get back on the horse, and this is an awesome way to do it. The man is a Thoroughbred. Her entire fantasy can be fulfilled."

I drink a third of my martini, letting the cold liquid slide down my throat.

It's been so long since anyone has touched me.

Maybe I should do it.

Nope, it's crazy. It's not anything I would ever do.

Maybe that's the point. And it is Vegas.

"You'll never get another opportunity like this," Kora cuts in.

"Every divorcée needs to get back in the saddle at some point. Why not have your fantasy come true when you do? If anyone has earned a night full of mind-blowing O's, it's you," Skylar insists.

"But he could be a psychopath," I say again.

"He's not!" Kora exclaims.

"No. And he's totally your type. Trust us," Skylar urges.

Could I really do something like this?

Skylar twists a lock of her magenta hair around her finger. "He agreed to all your rules."

"My rules?"

"Yes. Your fantasy."

"How did you even get to the point of discussing this?" Hailee asks.

"He heard our conversation at the pool and approached Skylar and me." Kora says it as if it's totally normal.

Heat burns my cheeks. "What?"

"And this just gets better," Hailee mutters and finishes her drink.

I take another large mouthful of mine.

Is this seriously happening right now?

He heard me. How embarrassing.

Why am I mortified? He's willing to be a participant.

He could be crazy.

"Where is he?" I glance around the room again, but nothing has changed.

Kora points to the front door. "Waiting outside. When you're ready, we will leave, and he will come in."

The burning in my face intensifies. "You're serious?"


I put my hands over my face. "This is so embarrassing. He must think I'm totally desperate."

"Nope. He's actually got the hots for you," Skylar claims.

I look through my fingers. "What?"

"He's been watching you all night. He promised us he would abide by all your rules. Tomorrow, he'll leave before you take the blindfold off. He's going to give you the night you want. It'll be all about you."

My heart pounds harder. "I can't—"

"Why not? You're divorced. Your husband didn't pay any attention to you. This is your fantasy come true, and this guy is a grade-A stud. There is no doubt in either of our minds he knows what to do. He's not younger, he's several years older, and you'll never see him again. We're in Vegas, no one but your closest besties will know. What is stopping you except your fear right now?" Skylar raises her eyebrows.

She's right.

This is insane.

One night of feeling good.

I can give myself O's.

Not the same thing.

I don't have to ever see him again.

I couldn't do it.

I blurt out, "Hailee, go talk to him and see what he's like."

Hailee gapes at me. "Are you considering this?"

"No. Well... I don't know. go talk to him." Hailee has known me longer than anyone. Kora and Skylar are crazier than Hailee and me. If Hailee talks to him and tells me to do it, then maybe I'll consider it.

What am I doing?

Hailee rises. "I'm going to go talk to him, just because I'm curious about who this guy is, but this is completely insane, and you two have lost your minds." She points to Skylar and Kora. "When I get back, we're all leaving. Together."

But maybe I should do this.

Nope. I'm leaving with the three of them when she returns.

Hailee shakes her head at Skylar and Kora.

Kora rolls her eyes. "Don't be all judgy and screw this up for Aspen. Go meet him. You'll see."

My stomach pitches with nervousness and excitement. Blood pounds in my ears, and my thoughts spin a mile a minute about what the night could be like in both good and bad ways.

Hailee stomps off, the sound of the door opening and shutting echoes through the room, and my pulse increases further.

She's gone for at least fifteen minutes. During that time, Kora and Skylar continue to try to convince me why this is the perfect scenario and I should do it.

By the time Hailee returns, I've not committed to it, but the growing desire to do something wild and crazy for once in my life takes hold. All I've ever done is be responsible. Peter left me no room to be carefree in my twenties or thirties.

I'm going to be forty in a few years, and my life is one big boring event after another.

Hailee comes in. I expect her to grab me and tell me to leave with her. But she doesn't.

"You should do it. He's perfect for you." Her voice is so convincing it further breaks my resistance.

"What?" Part of me is jumping up and down, happy she said that, and the other half wants to run out the door, petrified of the entire situation.

"Told you!" Kora exclaims.

Skylar holds up her hand, and Kora slaps it.

I put my hands over my face. "Oh my God. Is this really happening?"

"Yes," they all say in unison.

"Go in the bedroom. Face the window. Don't turn around when he comes in or attempt to look at him. If you do, the fantasy is over. He'll leave. The rules are clear," Kora states and grabs my elbow and leads me to the bedroom.

I've never done anything so insane. But maybe it's time to do something for me for once.

I'll never see him after tonight. My friends are right. It's perfect. No strings, drama, or long-term ramifications to worry about. No one I have to take care of and support afterward.

I'm just going to let go and be in the moment.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

My friends all hug me with excitement in their faces and remind me not to turn around, whatever I do.

When they leave, I stare out the window, gazing across Vegas, feeling the sin and excitement of the city. My stomach flips in anticipation. When the knock hits my ears and the door opens, I take a deep breath and do everything in my power not to turn around.