Stolen By the Alien by Ashlyn Hawkes



It’s bittersweet to say farewell to my brother. The visit is far too short, but he’s already been in communication with a few other Garrux about Maestro Shule. Apparently, shortly after I left Garrus, some of the Garrux had already been whispering about wanting to oust Shule, which makes me feel far better about that.

“You know what to say?” I ask Rumus again after we hug.

“Yes. You’re dead, just like Hannah said, and Hannah killed herself before I arrived.”

Hannah grimaces. “I hate that you can’t return to your planet, Omur.”

"Maybe once Shule has been dealt with, and besides, Rumus knows better than to not visit me."

“And we can visit them!”

“Not until Rumus comes out to collect us,” I tell her.

“Why can’t we use our command module?”

“I have to bring it with me,” Rumus explains. “If I leave it here, if you two operate it, the maestro will know.”

“Ah, yes. Of course. Please, let us know once everything is settled with Shule.”

“Of course, Hannah. I’m sure you’ll want to see my little one, and I’m also sure it won’t be long until you two will be waiting for the arrival of your first. ‘Course I have a head start on you, but I’ll have a larger brood.”

Hannah just laughs and shakes her head.

More hugs, a kiss on Rumus’s cheek from Hannah, and my brother finally departs.

I move behind her, wrapping my arms around her.

She rubs her ass against my cock. Somehow, that small bit of friction makes my already hard cock even harder.

“If you don’t stop, I’m going to take you right here and now.”

“Take me,” she begs, and I realize she has a hand up her gellious skirt.

I yank off her dress and take in her glorious body. She continues to push her fingers deep inside herself, and my cock dribbles precum at the sight.

She removes her hand but starts to play with her clit instead. My hand strokes my cock, and I reach out and tweak one of her nipples.

Her eyes fly open, and she licks her lips. “I want to taste you, but I want you to also come in my pussy. I want to have your baby.”

“You will,” I groan.

She pushes me to lie down, and then she straddles me. Her ass is on my chest, and then she leans down and takes my cock into her mouth. Her tongue swirls around my cock, and she gently scrapes her teeth at the head of my cock.

With a growl, I grab her ass and lift it up. I pull her closer to my face, and I proceed to eat her out, licking and nibbling and sucking until she screams around my cock. My load shoots out of me, my cock throbbing with need even as I experience one of the best orgasms ever.

She swallows every drop and leans back, giving me more access to her pussy, and she soon squirms.

“It’s too much,” she murmurs. “Too much.”

I lay my tongue flat against her clit and press. Her yell is deafening.

Hannah draws back. “Please.”

“Tell me what you want,” I order.

“As if you don’t know,” she says, breathless, her words hardly audible.

“You want me to come inside you, don’t you?”

"Yes. Fill me up, please."

“I think I can comply.”

But she spins around and falls onto my cock.

She rides me as hard as ever, and my cock feels like it’s going to vibrate right off. It’s different, my orgasms when I vibrate versus when I don’t. It’s so much stronger when I vibrate, and when I’m vibrating, and she comes on my cock, it separates my soul from my body. My soul lifts out of me and goes into her, and that’s precisely what happened when we melded.

And it’s happening again now.

I give her all I have, everything within me, and she takes it gladly and gives everything that is her, and all I can do is accept the precious gift that is Hannah, my mate, my wife.

My everything.

* * *

Aweek has passed.

A whirlwind of a week.

Hannah never did grab her Earthling clothes from the command module before Rumus left with my module towed behind his. She’s been wearing gellious clothes, but Rosina and some of the other Rockians have also given her some of their clothes, which is closer to what she had worn on Earth. The temperature here is beautiful, warm without being too hot, and there is grass everywhere, not a speck of dust or sand anywhere.

It's beside a small stream that I've built our house. It's small to start, with two rooms, but I already have plans to expand it, and I can expand it more and more as our family grows. I truly wonder if she is pregnant already, but I suppose we'll find out soon enough, and if she isn't, well, it shouldn't take too much time.

Abruptly, Hannah pulls away from me. We’re lying in bed together—a bed of flowers within our house—and she stands and walks over to the window.

“Omur,” she murmurs.

Her tone has me rushing out of bed. A command module is landing.

Just then, my brother calls me.

“What is going on?” I demand.

“It’s the maestro. He disappeared shortly before I left to return here.”

“I… I think I know where he is,” I say bitterly. I disconnect the call. “Hannah, stay here.”

She snorts and follows after me. Of course she does.

The door to the module opens. The ramp descends, and there is Maestro Shule. He doesn’t seem to see me at all, marching down the ramp and heading toward the growing cluster of Rockians.

His arms stretch out, and a woman with red and purple hair glides forward. They fall into each other’s arms, and I turn to Hannah.

“Is that… Is that how it is for some people? They just see their mates, and they just know and accept it?” she asks, clearly bewildered.

“I was flying in the command module, and I felt a pull toward Earth. I allowed that pull to direct me where I should take the module, and I kept coming closer and closer until I realized the pull was you. You brought me to Earth. You forced me to steal you.”

“I forced you to steal me.” She sounds incredulous.

“Well, you stole my heart, so it’s only fair.”

"I stole your heart? What about my heart?" she counters, hands on hips.

“You cannot believe that you are innocent.”

“I am not guilty of anything.”

“Not even of loving me?” I ask, wrapping my arms around her.

“Not even of that. I have no guilt at all about that. All I do is love.”

I kiss her deeply.

A throat clears.

“Garrux love to do that,” Hannah mutters as she moves to stand beside me.

There before us stands Maestro Shule. He has an arm possessively around the woman I am sure he will meld to as soon as they are alone.

“Omur, you live. This is your mate?”

“My mate and wife, Hannah.”

Maestro Shule nods. “I, ah, suppose I should… I did not realize what it… I suppose I felt only lust for that Earthling before. I was confused and mistaken, and she was not my mate. Lili here is my mate, and I feel so utterly foolish to have not realized this before.”

“Why did you come here?” Hannah asks. She waves her hand. “I’m glad you found your mate, but that’s not—”

“Actually, it is why. The more I thought about Omur clearly wishing to disobey me for his mate, for the woman who hadn’t even accepted being his mate… It made me wonder. I had not felt anything like that before, and I sought to. I… I was wrong to try to keep you two apart, and I am so very glad you both live, and I owe you an apology, Hannah. You as well, Omur.”

I can’t say anything. I’m far too shocked.

"So you were trying to fly around and find your mate, and you just happened to end up here?" Hannah asks. She sounds so very skeptical, and I can't blame her.

“Yes, that is what I’m saying,” Maestro Shule says. “I wish to make this up to you both. I do not feel that I should be the maestro. I… I was terrible and no better than the Grots.”

“The Grots?” Hannah asks.

“You do not have to worry about them,” Lili says. “They will not come here.”

“Who are they?”

“Another humanoid species,” I say. “Who will be maestro then if you step down?”

“Whoever the others decide.” Maestro—er, Shule—glances down at Lili. “I must return to Garrux. Will you come with me?”

“Where you go, I follow,” she murmurs, her eyes shining brightly.

Hannah glances up at me, and I realize her eyes are also shining. Is it possible to meld without having sex? Perhaps.

“Everything has worked out, it seems,” Hannah says stiffly.

“Please, let me know if there is any way that I can fix the wrongs I have caused against you,” Shule begs. “I will not leave until you tell me.”

Hannah eyes me, and I nod.

“We wish to remain here on Harrock,” I say.

Hannah smiles. “I’m glad we do not have to lie and live in secret here, but I do wish to remain here.”

“I understand, but please, do not think badly of the Garrux,” Shule says urgently. “I am certain you can return at any time. Rumus will wish to see you, I am sure. His mate is pregnant.”

“I know,” I say.

“I… I sent him because I had a feeling Hannah lied to me. It was then that I started to doubt everything about myself, my thoughts, my actions. It took me some time, but I knew I had to leave, to get away. I did not originally seek to find my mate. I truly thought I already had, but I was so wrong about so many things, and I am more sorry than I can say.”

“I forgive you,” Hannah says.

Shule looks at me.

“If my mate forgives you, then I do as well,” I say a bit stiffly.

“I failed you. As maestro, I should have been ecstatic that you found your mate.” Shule hangs his head.

Lili wipes her eyes. “His sorrow is drowning me,” she murmurs. “He is sincere.”

“Please return to Garrus,” he begs. “Do not stay away on my account. If you wish to be where I am not, I—”

“We have chosen to live here,” Hannah says. “Here we will remain, but I would like to go and see Garrus eventually. I will want to meet my sister-in-law and my niece or nephew.”

Shule dares to smile.

I gape at him.

“What?” he asks, his tone a little grumpy, but his smile remains.

“I’ve never seen you smile before.”

"Well, this one here stole me away," Shule says. "Love can transform a person for the better."

“Yes,” Hannah murmurs, looking up at me. “Yes, it can.”

Shule and Lili end up departing for Garrus later on that day. He leaves his command module for me so that we can venture to Garrus whenever we chose, the two of them flying off on one of the Rockians’ space vessels.

“Are you certain you wish to remain here?” I ask Hannah.

“Yes. Don’t you?”

“I do. It will be nice to be away from the Garrus for a time, I think.”

“Why do you say that?”

“They tend to be a bit nosy and want to know if you’re trying hard enough to have babies, if you are cycling, that sort of thing. It’s a bit invasive.”

“Oh,” she says faintly.

“It might be best to fly over once you’re pregnant so we can avoid any uncomfortable questions.”

She shrugs and leads me back inside our house. “They can ask any question they want. I don’t have to answer.”

“No? What do you have to do?”

“Love you,” she whispers.

And that’s precisely what she does next.

* * *

Thank you for reading Stolen by the Alien! This one was so very hot and spicy! *fan self*

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Book three, Taken by the Alien, is available for preorder!

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