Stolen By the Alien by Ashlyn Hawkes



It’s absurd.

The notion of having a mate.

A hot mate at that.

An alien mate.

Green skin. His eyes are green with a black ring inside that widens and shrinks, maybe depending on his mood. His clothes look almost like they’re made of some kind of gel. No belt for his pants… They look close enough to pants, I assume.

Maybe all of this is a dream. There has been one time in my life that I sat down on a bench and fell asleep. I woke up to have my purse still beside me, but my wallet had been stolen. The thief got nothing, though, because I had accidentally tucked my credit card into my pocket earlier that day, and I never carry any money. I also only carry the one credit card since I keep my debit card at home. I'm weird.

Minimalist. That’s a better word for me.

No, weird works because, honestly, I don't know what to think. I used to think I was an excellent judge of character, but that's a crock of horseshit, ain't it? I was wrong about Brea how many times? And Luca? They fucked me over with a chainsaw and not gently either.

Fuck them.

Fuck them both.

Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.

So maybe I do know what to think after all. I mean, it's no contest, really. A cheating bastard or a hot alien? I mean, yeah, the hot alien mot be delusional, but he's muscular, even more muscular than Luca. Luca has that thin, skinny muscular body of an Italian model, but Omur here has real muscle, and the muscle in his pants? He’s packing, hard already, and I haven’t even done anything to turn him on. Although…

I lick my lips and bite my lower lip.

Sure enough, Omur sucks in a breath, staring right at my lips.

Hmm. It sure is nice to have a guy all hot and bothered over me.

Even if he is delusional.

And this might be a dream.

And even if it’s not, what the hell? Why not have a quick romp and see how he is in the sack? Knowing my luck, he’ll be fucking amazing, and right before I come, I’ll wake up.

“What exactly do mates do?” I murmur, lowering my head so I can look up at him, a classic demure pose.

“They love each other,” he says immediately, eagerly.


“They respect one another, are always there for each other, be the support each other needs.”

My heart begins to pound. Um, I thought there would be sex in there somewhere… I am so not ready for a heavy-duty relationship like all of that.

“There’s sex, too, right?” I blurt out.

Yeah, so smooth, Hannah.

The black rings in Omur's eyes widen so that the green of his eyes is all swallowed up. It makes him look intimidating, daunting, not scary, though. Looming. Like a vampire or something.

Okay, so sue me, but I love me some spicy vampire romances, especially if it's a centuries-old vampire and a virgin young woman who tames him and has to learn all about sexual desires from him.

Omur’s not a vampire, though. Just an alien.

I want to fuck an alien.

What the hell has happened to me today? Where the hell has my mind gone?

Omur hasn’t answered, and maybe that’s just as well.

“You, ah… You don’t drink blood, do you?”

“No,” Omur says, his confusion genuine. “Why? Do you? I heard Earthlings are a bit backward, but…”

“No! No, I don’t drink blood.”

“Oh, good.” He sounds relieved.

I have to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” he asks.

I bite my lower lip again. “I… I don’t know what to think about the whole mating thing, but fuck it. You need attention, don’t you?”

His cheeks turn a brownish shade. Hmm. Green and what color makes brown? Orange, I think. Is his blood orange instead of red? And if that's the case, will his cum not be white? I sure hope it's not black because that would just freak me out. No way do I want to swallow black cum.

But do I want to swallow his cum? Or have him cum inside me? Better not. I mean, I don't know if it's possible if he and I… What is he? Can his kind and Earthlings have a child together? I do not want a child with him. No. No way. I am not up for that. A kid? No. Maybe one day, but I would have to have my head on straight. Luca almost kicked my head clear off my shoulders, the fucker.

So fuck him, and fuck Brea. I have an alien cock to fuck right now.

“You don’t need to—” Omur starts.

I’m already shrugging out of my coat and dropping it onto the ground. I cross over in front of him. His pants are made of gel. It’s not gooey, though, but it is malleable, and I don’t have to hardly push to get it to move down his hairy legs, kneeling before him to ensure his pants are down to his ankles. His cock springs out at me. A drop of precum glistens on the head of his cock. Hmm. Orange. I can deal with orange cum.

I lick the bead of precum. Hmm. Tastes a bit like… licorice. I’ve always loved licorice.

“Fuck, Hannah,” he says.

I giggle and rock back to stare up at him. “You say fuck?”

“It’s the equivalent of a different word in my language.”

My eyes widen. “Oh my God, I didn’t even realize… It didn’t even register that you’ve been talking to me in English.”

“English. Ah. I didn’t know the name of your language. Do all Earthlings speak English?”

“No, we have a ton of languages,” I murmur. “I only speak English, though. What’s your curse word?”



"Yes. We Garrux spent a great deal of time with Novans millennia ago. We left them once the planet Nore became too small for both of us, and we founded Garrus. Ovian is one of the few terms we still use that is from their language. We have our own language that evolved in the time since we left them."

“When did you leave them?”

“Two thousand and fifty-two years ago.”

“Oh, wow.”

He bends down, reaching for his pants, so I lick along his shaft. He’s long and thick, and he has two thick veins. I kiss the head of his cock. It’s not quite like an Earthling cock, but to say how it’s different eludes me. The head is much fuller, a bit more triangular, but with a rounded tip.

I suck all of the head into my mouth. Almost immediately, hot liquid fills my mouth, shooting all the way down my throat. I swallow on reflex, sucking as if his cock is a straw, and more and more cum comes out. It's so damn delicious, and I keep on sucking. He ejaculated far more than Luca or any of the other guys I've been with have ever produced.

Gradually, I realize he’s saying something. He touches my shoulders.

“Stop. Please,” he’s begging.

I swallow the last bit and ease back. “I’m sorry,” I say, a bit dazed. “I’m not sure what came over me.”

His eyes are almost entirely green, a much more mesmerizing shade than Luca’s. Fuck Luca. I won’t compare the two anymore.

“I didn’t mean to go too far,” I whisper. “If you didn’t want—”

“Ovian,” he growls. “Of course I wanted that, but I didn’t want you to suck me dry. I… If you will let me… I want to be inside you.”

My eyes widen. He’s still as hard and thick as ever, or maybe even more blood has rushed to his cock because it might be longer.

“Just how big are you?” I blurt out.

“Not too big, I hope,” he says.

I lick my lips and swallow hard. “I…”

“If you don’t want to, we don’t have to.”

I rub the back of my neck as I stand. I’m wearing an off-the-shoulder black sweater and skinny black pants that I have to lie down on my bed in order to zip. Comfortable black heeled boots. I look good, if I say so myself. I look rockin’, ready for a night out on the town. I’m even wearing huge earrings.

“Will, ah… Will having sex affect the whole mating thing?”

He doesn’t wince or flinch or degrade me in any way for doubting him, which I appreciate.

“Hannah, can I ask why you gave me oral?”

“Because I wanted to.”

“Well, I’m glad for that because I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to, and I don’t want to do anything to you that you don’t want, but I—”

“I don’t want any talking but the answer to my question. Will having sex affect the mating… affect it?”

“It might,” he says with a shrug. “You’re my mate. Garrux only ever have one mate.”

“Even if one dies young?”

“Even then.”


“This is new territory for me too,” he murmurs.

Is he… Is he nervous about all of this? I don’t feel nervous. If anything, I feel energized. For so long, I wanted to be with Luca but also balance that with my independence, and maybe that pushed him into Brea’s arms. I don’t know, but this… this isn’t about being independent, or maybe that’s entirely what this is all about. I’m a free woman now, and I can ride any cock I want. Who cares if the cock I want to ride right now is a cock that belongs to a green-skinned alien who claims we’re mates?

“Do you have a bed on this thing?” I ask, walking around him.


I glance over my shoulder to see him yanking up his gel pants. He scrambles to join me and wordlessly brings me to a wall. He presses his hand against it, and part of the wall seems to vanish to reveal a small room that’s almost entirely a bed.

I enter the room first and start to undress. Omur enters, and there's the faintest of sounds as the door locks. By the time I remove my bra so I'm entirely naked, he's naked and sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Are you sure about this?” he asks nervously.

I straddle him. “I am.”

His cock is squished between us, and I rub up and down against it a few times before reaching down to ensure we’re lined up. Omur sucks in a breath, and I have to admit that I do too, and I ease just the tip in.


He’s huge.

So huge.

He hurts.

But his cock is so warm inside me. I didn’t realize that when I sucked him, but the warmth is so fucking erotic, and I lower myself a little more, a little more…

His hands run up and down my back. His entire body seems to run hotter than mine. It’s as if he’s heating me up from the inside out, and I’m melting into a puddle of desire.

Something within me wants this, wants his cock, maybe even wants him to be right about the whole mating thing because fuck my old life. Fuck the pain I’ve felt. Fuck all of that shit. I want this. I want love, to be cherished, to know my mate will never leave me.

Even though he’s only half inside me, I shove myself down the rest of the way and almost start to cry. He’s that huge.

He’s talking to me, but I can’t hear him again. My hands are on his shoulders, and I force myself to ride him slowly, ever so slowly, still trying to get acclimated to his hugeness.

Slowly, the sound of slapping bodies can be heard. I’m the wettest I’ve ever been before in my life, and that’s definitely helping with my adjusting to his size.

His hands climb up my back to rest on my shoulders. He’s trying to draw me toward him, his one hand on the back of my neck that’s flung back. If he wants to kiss me…

No. No kissing. Kissing is too personal right now.

But cock riding is allowed?

I hate that stupid voice in the back of my mind.

I tilt my head back even farther, and he gets the point, rubbing my back again, digging his nails in, which only excites me all the more. He’s losing control, and that’s what I want too.

My hands shift to his back, and I jerk slightly as I feel tiny bumps like scales maybe on his back. That jerk has his cock hitting into my g-spot, and my walls collapse on his cock. I ride him hard and fast, trying to prolong the waves of pleasure that roll all throughout my body, the heat rising throughout me. My entire body is tingling, like it’s on fire, and then Omur lets out a roar that is totally animalistic and hot and sexy all at once, and I can feel even more heat inside me as he comes violently inside me.


That was amazing.

So fucking amazing.

Omur collapses onto the bed, and I giggle as I flop down beside him.

He looks at me with a knowing smirk.

“Why do I get the feeling you’re keeping something from me?”

“I didn’t want to give away all of my secrets,” he says with a wink.

“Wait, what kind of secrets?” I ask, cocking my head to the side, lifting my eyebrows as I lift up, my hand on his hard chest, using him to support myself.

“Trust me. You’ll find out eventually. If you realize I am your mate, well, then, maybe I’ll show you every trick I know.”

“Every trick in your sexual toolbox, huh?”

“Uh… sure…” Omur says.

Giggling, I lie back down and close my eyes. It's been a wild, crazy night, and who knows? Maybe I'll wake up back in bed at home.

Um… No. I don’t want that because right now, I’m currently homeless.

Fuck Luca. Maybe I don’t want this to be a dream after all.