Stolen By the Alien by Ashlyn Hawkes



It’s so confusing. All of it. For some reason, I wish I never opened my mouth, that I had just let Omur continue to touch me, that I gave into him. I swear, it feels as if my body craves him, craves his touch. I desire him.

Or maybe it’s just that I want to feel desired after what happened to me with Luca and Brea. Those two hurt me so very deeply, and I don’t know how long it’ll take for me to recover. The sex with Omur is amazing, don’t get me wrong, but maybe I shouldn’t be feeding the beast.

Which means what exactly? That I should demand that he returns me to Earth? What kind of a life is waiting for me back there? I have to get my stuff from Luca’s place, but I don’t have a place to live right now. I guess I could shack it up in a hotel for the time being until I find myself an apartment, but I don’t even want to go through that hassle.

Oh, and work. Work. What’s nice is that I saved up a boatload of vacation time that had to be used up before the end of the year so I don’t have to work again until after the new year, but actually, that’s not all that nice after all, considering I can’t even use work as a means to get my mind off of everything that had happened.

Plus, I doubt Omur will be allowed to return me to Earth and my old life without my first having my mind wiped. Does that mean I’ll just forget about him? Will I have a huge gap in my memory where the best sex of my life had once been? Or would they plant memories into my head to account for the lost time?

I don’t… I don’t know what to think, and honestly, I don’t want to talk to Omur right now. I’m too confused about it all, and I really hope I never see that maestro guy. He won’t like me, and I already don’t like him. He’s a… not sexist. Speciest? I don’t know the term for it, but he’s definitely against Earthlings.

Okay, so yes, not all Earthlings are good people, but I’m sure there are good Garrux and evil ones too. That has to be the case with all humans, no matter their species.

Just how many different humanoid species are there out there?

Hmm. Maybe I could handle talking to Omur after all but only if we both stay fully dressed because I want to actually talk. Then again, maybe we would have to be on opposite sides of the room for us to actually be able to communicate with words only and not our hands and our mouths.

My fingers touch my lips, and I close my eyes, huff a sigh, open my eyes, and put my clothes back on. With a yawn, I lie down on the bed and close my eyes again.

Sleep comes to me. Omur comes to see me, and it’s not hard at all to get him to agree to let me return to Earth. Even better, he won’t force me to have my mind wiped. He just accepts that he will never have love again, and I… I’m just going to have to try to move on with my life, with no best friend, with no fiancé… no alien either.

No home as well, but I opt to ignore my stuff at Luca’s. No. I can’t do that. I never like to use my credit card all that much. I’m the kind to pay it off every single month. Credit card companies hate me for it, but my credit is excellent.

And while I have the money for everything I could possibly buy, especially because I don’t have to save up for our wedding anymore—hey. I wonder if I can get some of the money back.

It’s getting late, though, and I don’t want to head to a hotel. No. I do need to get my stuff from Luca’s. Might as well get it done and over with. I don’t think he would go so far as to change his locks before I get my stuff out, but I do know him well enough to know he would be changing his locks at some point.

The last thing I want is to see either of them again, and I hope with every fiber of my being that they’re still at Brea’s house. I really don’t want to see them.

I take an Uber over to Luca's place. For a while now, this has been my home, but no longer. It's just a place I used to go to. Even the sight of the freshly planted flower bushes causes me to frown when normally, they would have me stopping to smell them.

Wait. Freshly planted? Shouldn’t there be a new layer of snow on the ground? I couldn’t have been gone away from Earth all that long while I had been on Omur’s spaceship.

But it is warm out, too warm for my coat, and I take it off and drape it over my arm as I march up the long, winding path to the front door. My key does fit into the lock, and I turn the knob, unlocking the door. The door swings open, and I cautiously step inside.

The air feels a bit stale, like no one has been around here for a while, which suits me just fine. I’ll just head to the basement. Luca should have some boxes in there.

I open the basement door. Immediately, I can smell sex. I hear them next. Seriously? Out of all the rooms they could be having sex right now, they have to be in the basement?

I’m not a Peeping Tom, not at all, but I do glance around. Luca and Brea are butt naked. She’s standing by one of the walls, hands pressing against it for support as Luca rams into her again and again. She’s shrieking like his cock is doing something absolutely amazing to her. Her eyes are closed, head back. The way her boobs shake is a bit odd. Did she get implants? When?

Gah. I really am a Peeping Tom. I go to move, to grab one of the boxes, when Luca looks over at me. His lips, lips I've kissed a million times, curl into a vicious smile, and he starts to fuck Brea even harder, just to spite me.

I grab a box and flee the room, rushing to our bedroom, but when I open the door, Luca and Brea are on the bed where I slept with Luca for countless nights. I do my best to ignore their moans and groans and collect my stuff, only my clothes aren't in my drawers. All that's inside are thongs and lingerie that aren't mine. They must be Brea's.

Maybe he shoved my stuff into the attic. I rush up the stairs to the attic, and as soon as I open the door, I can hear them again. They’re up here.

What the fuck? You know what? Screw this.

I rush out of the attic and make a beeline for the front door. It’s only as I see Luca taking Brea from behind with her bent over a table near the front door that I realize this must be a dream. There’s no way they can be in so many places like this otherwise.

“I… I’m so glad I’m your wife,” Brea moans.

My gaze falls to her left hand. Sure enough, there’s a ring on her third finger. A very familiar ring.

The same ring he gave me.

I can’t help it. I should be furious with them, but the sight of that cheating bastard’s lousy ring on her finger has me laughing so hard that I’m crying.

Luca slows until he stops entirely.

“Keep going,” Brea whines. “Why are you stopping?”

“I think we did it,” he says, his tone that of grim satisfaction.

“Did what?”

“Broke her.”

Brea snorts. “About time. She always was a bit clingy, don’t you think?”

“That’s not true,” I protest. “You know that’s not true. If anything—”

“You and your fucking independence,” Luca says with a snarl. “You don’t even know what love is if all you’re worried about is so-called independence. Love is about needing the other person. It’s about needing someone outside of yourself as much as you need air, but you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you? No, of course not. You don’t understand the first thing about commitment. The funny thing is, if you would’ve just let me love you, I wouldn’t have had to turn to Brea to have what you weren’t providing me. I did love you, Hannah, but my love wasn’t enough for you. No one will ever be good enough for you. You’ll make mistake after mistake with every guy you’re with until finally, you’ll be left alone, dying, with no one to come mourn you because you would have become so very independent that no one gives a shit whether you live or die.”

“Luca, no. That’s not—”

“Oh, yes, it’s true.” Brea pushes herself up on the table. She doesn’t care that she’s naked and exposing herself to me. Luca’s probably still shoved deep inside her.

“Shut the fuck up, Brea.”

“You never gave Luca what he truly needed. You aren’t a real woman, are you? You might have a hole that guys can shove their cocks into, but real guys want more than just a hole. They want your heart, your mind, your body, and your soul. You don’t have a soul, though, do you?”

“You’re the fucking bitch without a soul,” I ground out.

“Oh, yes, I’m the villain of the story.” She gasps and claps her hands to her boobs. “I don’t think so, dear. That’s you. Think about the terrible position you put Luca in. He didn’t want to have to look elsewhere, but you weren’t fulfilling all of his needs. It’s not his fault you were so very lacking. Honestly, you really need to face facts. No one will ever love such a washed-up reject like you.”

“You never loved me, Luca,” I say.

Luca shakes his head. He walks away from Brea and steps up to me. His hands cup the sides of my face, and for a moment, I think he’s about to kiss me like he used to, but no. He pushes me away from him. I stumble backward and fall hard onto my rump.

"You aren't worth the air you breathe," Luca says.

He grabs his cock, and I think he might be about to pee on me, but I shriek and lunge at him, trying to claw his eyes out, to rip off his cock or balls. Tears stream down my face, and I can’t breathe because I’m too busy screaming.

Maybe they’re right. Maybe I really am insane.

I choke on my tears as I wake up from the far too vivid nightmare. My entire body shudders but not as much as it should because I’m being held. Omur is holding me, whispering to me, telling me that it’s all right, that I’m not alone.

He’s wrong, though. I am alone, and I don’t know if I’m worthy of love. I don’t know what I want out of life, and I don’t know if I’m capable of loving another the way they deserve to be loved.

Maybe I will end up dying all alone.

I cry that much harder, grabbing onto Omur's arms, forcing him to hold me that much tighter, wishing he would never let me go. Maybe I can pretend to be his mate. Maybe it'll eventually become true.

Or maybe Omur will realize he’s mistaken, that I’m not his mate, and Ms. Isolation will be my name.