The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 8:  Terry




The next evening, Terry knocked twice and walked into Ethan’s office, heading straight to the bar in the back room.

“What are you doing here?” Ethan was stretched out on the couch watching the Club through the monitors. “Do you need a room or something?”

“No. Why would you ask that?” He grabbed the scotch and poured himself a drink.

Ethan held his brandy snifter up for a refill. “Because you found a sub last night.”

Terry filled Ethan’s glass before plopping his large frame onto one of the big chairs. “Hardly.”

“What happened?” Ethan sat up.

“Besides you interrupting?” He was still a little pissed about that. Ethan could’ve stepped inside and discreetly left. The bastard had probably wanted to join.

“Sorry. I didn’t think you’d be making a move.”

“Oh? Why?” She wasn’t exactly his type but he’d made it clear that he was interested in her.

“She’d almost been raped.”

“Oh. Yeah. That.” He took a sip of his drink. “You know what they say. When you fall off a bike, it’s best to get right back on.”

“You’re an ass.” Ethan laughed.

Terry chuckled. “Never said I wasn’t.”

“So, what happened?”


“Nothing? Really? You struck out?” Ethan grinned.

“For now.” He had no intentions of letting his little rabbit get away for good.

“You’re going after her?” Ethan studied him. “I haven’t seen you chase a woman in years.”

“And you won’t this time either.” He did not pursue women.

“Then, you don’t want her?”

“I do, but she’ll come to me.” He wasn’t sure how he’d accomplish that, but a little peek into her life and he’d find some way he could assist her besides in the bedroom.

“Really? What are you going to do? Sue her for something?”

“If I have to.” He smiled.


“Don’t start. I’m telling you, she wants me.”

“She just doesn’t know it.” Ethan rolled his eyes. “Now, you sound like Nick did.”

“Don’t ever say that.” He tried to keep a straight face but failed. He and Nick always bickered but the young guy was like a somewhat estranged brother to him. “And this is different because she knows she wants me, but she’s scared.”

“Good instincts, that one.”

“Fuck you.”

The phone rang and Ethan answered it. “Who?” He smirked at Terry. “Send her up.”

“Who’s here?” Terry was nervous. Ethan had that same look in of victory in his eyes as when he’d bet on something with bad odds and won.

“You’ll see.” Ethan stood and made a production of straightening his clothes and hair.

“Who is it, the fucking Queen or something?” He didn’t like this. As a lawyer, he wanted to know the answers before the questions were asked.

There was a knock on the door. Ethan strode over and opened it. “Come in.”

Terry followed him out of the back room and almost groaned. It was Maggie. She was dressed in her Outback uniform and she looked delicious with the black pants and white button-down shirt. He wanted to unbutton it and kiss that soft skin until he found her breasts. They’d be warm and smooth, softer than satin, and her nipples would be succulent.

“Oh. Hi.” She smiled at Terry. “I didn’t think you’d be here.”

“Really?” She’d come to be with Ethan. Not terribly surprising. All women wanted Ethan but this time it sucked. He’d wanted the little innocent.

“But, I had hoped that since you were a member, Ethan would know how to find you.” She walked over to him, carrying a brown grocery bag.

“So, you came to find me, not Ethan.” He sent his friend his own look of victory.

“Yeah. This is for you.” She held the bag out to him. “I was less than gracious last night and I wanted to thank you.”

“You already thanked me.” He would’ve rather she’d thanked him with a fuck but her words would have to suffice for now.

“Not enough. I really appreciate you helping me.” Her eyes went to the bag. “I know this isn’t much but…”

He took the bag and opened it. He pulled out the large container and removed the lid.

“Damn. That smells good.” Ethan moved a little closer.

“I didn’t know what kind of cookies you liked so I made chocolate chip—most people like those—sugar, peanut butter and oatmeal raisin.”

The container was almost overflowing. Terry couldn’t help but stare at all the goodies. “You made these?”

“Yeah.” A slight blush crept across her cheeks.

Immediately, his eyes dropped to her breasts but tonight those lovelies were concealed by clothes. “Thank you.” He hadn’t had homemade cookies since he was a kid.

“Like I said, it isn’t much but—”

“No. I mean it. Thank you.” He put them aside and moved toward her. “Would you like a drink?” His little rabbit had returned and he wasn’t about to let her scurry away again.

“You’re welcome and no. I have to get home.”

“You could stay for one.” He smiled, letting his eyes roam down her frame.

She backed away, more heat filling her cheeks. “Really, I can’t. Thank you, though.”

Always so polite, his little rabbit. He couldn’t wait to make her beg him for his cock. He’d make sure she said both please and thank you. “I’ll walk you out.”

“Oh. No.” She glanced at Ethan. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“Ethan won’t mind.” He moved toward her slowly and purposefully. He wasn’t letting her escape without at least having a taste of her.

“Me?” mumbled Ethan around a cookie. “No. Go. Have fun.” He shoved another cookie in his mouth. “These are fabulous.”

“See?” Terry almost purred as he continued to the door.

“You don’t have to.” She was ready to bolt. “I can get back to my car by myself.”

“I’m sure you can, but”—he leaned close to her ear—“I want to escort you.”

“Oh. Okay.” She stared up at him, waiting. She was so ready to follow his lead.

“After you.” He opened the door.

“Of course. Thank you.”

They walked down the hallway and into the elevator. He stayed close to her, his shoulder almost brushing against hers, building the anticipation for when he did touch her. He pressed the button for the ground floor. “Did you park in the garage?”

“No, the parking lot.”

He nodded.

“You really don’t have to do this.”

The quaver in her voice was music to his ears. There was no way she thought he’d hurt her which meant the only reason for her nervousness was attraction. It was time to show her that she had no reason to fear her feelings for him. He turned toward her and her eyes raised to his.

“But if I didn’t see you out, I couldn’t do this.” He captured her chin and slowly lowered his face to hers, giving her plenty of time to stop him, but she didn’t.

Her eyes darted to his mouth and she licked her lips, her pink tongue leaving a smidgeon of wetness on her lush lower lip. It was like she’d licked his dick. He couldn’t delay any longer.

His hand wrapped around the back of her neck. “Open for me.” His lips were so close to hers that he could feel the warmth from her breath.

She obeyed without hesitation, her mouth opening slightly. His hand tightened, adjusting her head for his kiss. She was lush and wet, her fingers grasping his shirt, holding onto him as if he were the only thing in her world. That was perfect because he was going to be her dom and that meant he was the only thing that mattered in her world. He tipped her head, deepening the kiss and she moaned. It was a soft little sound that made him want to fuck her until she repeated that noise over and over again.

The elevator dinged and he stepped back, her lips and body following him for a quick moment before she blinked and straightened. He grinned. The little rabbit was his.

“After you.” He put his hand on the side of the door to keep it from closing.

She stepped into the garage, her face flushed and her legs a little unsteady. He followed behind her, taking her arm to steady her. She didn’t object as he led her to his car and pulled out his keys.

“This isn’t my car,” she said.

“It’s mine.” He opened the door. “Get in.”

“Why are we at your car?”

His little rabbit wasn’t too bright. “To finish what we started in that elevator.”

She stared at him, confusion in her lovely hazel eyes. Her lips were red from his kisses and he couldn’t resist tasting them again. He bent, capturing her mouth but this time he didn’t coax he demanded. Her body stiffened and her lips were tight and closed. Obviously, she wasn’t ready to surrender. So, it was back to persuasion.

“Open for me.” He ran his tongue over her lower lip before nipping that succulent flesh. She gasped, giving him the access he desired. His tongue dove into her mouth, exploring and caressing. Her hands tangled in his hair and her body pressed flush against his. She was so soft and warm, her belly cradling his cock as her breasts smashed against his chest. He was going to fuck her right here if he didn’t stop. Not that it’d be the first time someone had gone at it in the garage, but his little rabbit wasn’t ready to put on a show.

He broke the kiss but kept her engulfed in his arms. “Get in the car.”

“What?” Her hazy, passion filled eyes were on his mouth as if it had the answers to all her problems.

“Get in the car or I’m going to put you on the hood and fuck you.” That should get her moving.

“No.” She moved all right but it was away from him and his car. “I need to go home.”

“You need to get in my car.” He was losing patience with his little sub.

She shook her head, backing away.

“Maggie, you want this as much as I do. Don’t deny it.”

“I…” She clutched at her throat. “I’m sorry, but I can’t.” She turned and hurried away.

“Damnit.” He closed and locked his car before striding after her.