The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 28:  Terry




When Terry woke it was still dark. Maggie was draped over him, warm and soft. He could stay like this forever— in bed with her and satiated—but life didn’t work that way. He lifted her arm and slipped out from under her leg. He sat up, grabbed his jeans and pulled them on before walking into the living room.

Last night had been fantastic, better than anything he’d ever had. She’d been so open and trusting. He’d fucked her three more times after the first, tying her to the bed, spanking her while his dick was buried inside her. She’d let him do whatever he’d wanted and she’d enjoyed every minute. He couldn’t imagine going back to not having her, but she came with a pre-made family.

He sat on the couch next to Beast and scratched the dog’s ears. Beast moved so he could lay his large head on Terry’s lap.

“What am I going to do, boy?” He stared into the darkness. “I don’t want to get used to having kids around and then losing them again.” It’d been devastating when it’d happened with his children but at least he’d still been able to see them–not every day, but at least once a week. That wouldn’t happen with Maggie’s kids. If she left, she’d take her family and he’d be alone. He was used to being alone now. It wasn’t so bad, but at first, he’d almost gone crazy—drinking a lot, experimenting with drugs, anything to forget that he’d lost everything that was important to him. He didn’t think he’d survive it again.