Roped Tight by Kim Loraine


The wind whippedmy face as I push Shadow harder, the two of us racing along the edge of the outskirts of the ranch lands my family had owned for generations. I couldn't believe my dad wanted to buy more, expand such an already large parcel of land, but then again, he was building a legacy. He was gonna pass this place down to us, hoping, I was sure, that we'd all settle down, have families, and live together on this ranch. The more open property we had, the better the chances we’d all do that.

We loved each other, but sometimes we just wanted to be apart. I wondered if he knew about me. Mama had her heart set on all of us finding love and getting married. Give her grandbabies she could spoil rotten. What would she do when she found out there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in Hell I’d settle down with a wife? I hoped she'd be the woman I thought she was. The mother who loved her kids no matter what. The thought of telling them who I really was scared me to death. I didn’t want them to worry about me. Deep inside, I knew my parents would just want me to be happy.

That didn't make me finally admitting who I was and what I needed any easier. Sure, I’d dated girls in high school. I’d kissed them and thought they were pretty, but I knew I'd never be with a woman. Could never fall in love with one. Because love was more involved than just having affection for a person. I needed both love and lust.

I caught sight of a lone rider in the distance, even without his horse Sunny’s distinctive markings, his broad shoulders and strong thighs painted a picture I couldn't ignore. It was Tucker. Fuck, why couldn't I stop thinking about him? I shouldn't have kissed him. Not until I was really sure that he was into it. It could have ended so badly, with a fist to the face, or worse. Why hadn't I waited, asked, given him an opening to make the first move? But there was something about him that made me feel like he was exactly what I needed.

Tucker swung his arm around his head as he whipped the lasso he was working with before releasing it and roping the steer in his vicinity. I saw why he was so good at wrangling, why he roped at the rodeo and won. I bet he made a good amount of money each season, just winning those competitions. Every time I took home a belt buckle, I also pocketed a nice chunk of change.

I rode past him, hoping he wouldn't notice me, but also secretly hoping he might. His gaze immediately locked with mine. Shit. Those eyes of his saw straight through me. They sent a wave of electric energy humming in my blood. My damn cock thickened in my jeans, and that was not something I wanted to deal with while riding a horse.

He smirked, tipped his hat at me, and muttered, "Sammy."

My fucking heart fluttered. Fluttered. Like I was some kid with a crush. He hadn't done more than let me kiss him one time, and I was jumpy as a cat in the bath. I didn't know how I was gonna survive being here around him. One hard and fast rule my dad had always had was don't mix business with pleasure. That meant ranch hands were off-limits, the vet was off-limits, hell, the riding students were off-limits. Yet here I was, wondering if his lips would still feel so perfect against mine if I kissed him again.

"You skipping supper tonight?" I asked, ignoring my instinct, which was to run away.

"I ate quick. Wanted to get in an evening ride. I love when the sun starts to set in the summer. The sky is like a painter's canvas. I've been all over this country, and I've never seen anything like the Montana sky on fire at night."

I chuckled. "And yet, looks like you found yourself a rogue steer instead of solace.”

"It seems this guy wandered off. Thought maybe I'd take him back where he belongs.”

"You want some company?"

He chewed his lower lip for a minute, then shook his head. "I don't think that's a good idea, do you, Sammy?"

My heart sank. He was right. So right, I didn't want to admit it. I was attracted to him, clearly unable to control myself around the man, and I made him uncomfortable. He was trying to let me down gently. I had done the same for plenty of women.

That didn't stop the shame from creeping up my neck in the form of a hot flush. "Right, have a good night, Tuck.”

He clucked his tongue, his horse immediately starting forward, and rode away from me without another word. I was going to have to stay away from Tucker Weston, if only to avoid the embarrassment of my drunken assault on his lips.

The next morning I woke to Clint banging on my bedroom door. "Sammy, get your ass up. It's important."

I glanced at the clock, fucking thing said it was four-thirty in the morning. Ranchers got up early, but this early only happened for a real good reason. Blinking a few times, I sighed and sat up. "What is it, Clint?"

"Got an emergency. I need you."

My blood ran cold. An emergency? That could be anything. It could be a wildfire; someone could be hurt. Shit. Mama could be hurt.

"What's going on?"

I threw open the door, staring at my brother. His expression was grim, eyes hard, jaw clenched. It was bad. That much I could tell.

"It's Dad. He's… He's sick, Sammy. No one else knows. I was supposed to go up to the property he bought in secret for Mama in the Rockies today. Instead, I'm taking him to Bozeman to see a specialist because it’s gotten so bad he can’t drive.”

"A specialist?"

"It's cancer. Lung cancer. He hasn't told Mama. The bastard thinks he's gonna be able to keep it from her."

That wouldn’t work. She’d be madder than a nest of hornets when she found out he was keeping things from her. But that wasn't my business. That was between the two of them. "So you need me for what?"

"I need you to go up to the new cabin he bought for mama. I was supposed to work on getting it ready. We’re supposed to be going camping. At least, that's what Mama thinks is happening. Instead, we're going to the hospital. He wants to give her this cabin for their anniversary. I need you to get it fixed up. It should take a week or two, that's all. It's got to be ready for two horses and two people. Dad is determined to give her everything he promised her, and that was part of the deal."

My gut churned. Cancer. What would happen to the ranch? Then I shook my head. I knew exactly what would happen. Clint would take over, and I'd be here, working hard, keeping everything going. I’d put aside my bull riding dreams if it meant keeping my family's legacy alive.

“What do I need to pack?"

"My truck’s all loaded with lumber, tools, and the horse trailer’s already hitched. The cabin is furnished, and there's a well with a generator, but I don't know how well it works. I've loaded up my truck with most of the supplies I thought we’d need, and I'll send a ranch hand along with you."

I nodded. "All right, just let me get some coffee in me, and I’ll pack a few things."

He clapped me on the shoulder and gave me a slight smile. "Thank you, Sammy. Tucker’ll meet you at the truck in an hour."

Tucker? I was gonna spend a week, maybe two, in a remote cabin with the man I spent last night fantasizing about? The Lord was testing me. I was pretty sure I was going to fail.