The Cardinal by M.E. Clayton


Salvatore – (One Month Later)~

“How’s Blake adjusting?”

I looked over at my brother. He was sitting behind his desk, looking like he didn’t have a care in world, but I knew better. He’d been a mother hen when Frankie had become pregnant, but a pregnant Remy was doing a number on him. And the only reason I knew this was because he’d admitted as much. If he hadn’t, you’d never be able to tell.

“She’s coming along,” I answered. “With everyone pregnant but Sienna, she’s finding herself busy these days.”

“And how is she emotionally and mentally?”

“She and her mom have a quiet understanding and they are getting along fine. And with Caitlin in rehab, that’s a huge weight off her shoulders. They talk once a week on the phone.”

The second Frankie had gotten her hands on Caitlin Turner, Caitlin had been sober enough to be scared out of her mind. It hadn’t taken much to convince Caitlin to go to rehab, but the one Frankie had picked out for her rival Alcatraz Island. Caitlin was pretty much imprisoned, but she was alive and being treated by the best in the field. Frankie’s contribution to her recovery had been to inform her that Frankie had no problem slicing her open if she ever crossed the line again. Hell, if her toe even came close to the line. And though effective, we all knew addicts couldn’t be trusted, so Caitlin Turner would never be free of supervision.

“And you?” he asked. “How are you feeling about married life?”

“It’s crazy how one woman can change everything,” I answered.

“Isn’t it, though?”

I leaned back on the couch. “I understand you guys all a lot better now.”

“We don’t seem so crazy anymore?” he joked.

“Let’s just say, I understand Phoenix’s celibacy during those six year a little bit better now,” I replied. “When there’s only one for you, there’s only one.”

Luca nodded. “Agreed.”

I stood up from the couch. “The pregnancies are taking us into a whole new world, Luca. It’s definitely a new reign now.”

Luca let out a subtle breath. “It is,” he agreed. “But just know that while I don’t care about your relationship with Carlita, she will never be allowed around my wife or children.”

I shrugged. “Understood.” We’ve always known Ma was going to have to settle for mine and Leo’s children to make her a grandmother and she knew it, too.”

Luca stood up from his chair and made his way to the bar. Pouring a drink for each of us, he said, “I’ll need you to act as Underboss until my son comes of age.” And without an infliction his voice, he added, “And if Remy gives me daughters only, then I’ll need you to groom your firstborn son as Underboss, so he can take over should you meet an untimely death.”

I huffed out a laugh. “And if Blake gives me only daughters?”

“Then we’ll groom Leo’s firstborn son,” he answered easily.

“And if Sienna gives him nothing but daughters?” Luca speared me with a look. “What? It’s possible, Luca. And we need a plan D if we end up siring nothing but girls.”

“Then Vincent Fiore will be Underboss,” he said, even though he knew the position could only go to a blood Benetti.

“Or your firstborn daughter could be Underboss,” I suggested.

“Either way, it would certainly set a new precedence,” he remarked in thought. “However, one that would work through an arranged marriage.”

“Vincent and your firstborn daughter?”

He nodded. “Actually, alliances between our families would do nothing but strengthen what we’ve already built.”

“Benettis, Fiores, and Mancinis?” I laughed. “Christ, there’d be no stopping us.”

Luca grinned as he raised his glass in a salute. “To the next generation of Benettis, Fiores, and Mancinis.”

I raised my glass. “To the next generation.”

The End.