Blurry by Michelle Hercules



Aspike of adrenaline shoots up my veins as the American hunk hops behind me on the Vespa, looping his strong arms around my waist. He’s so big, he barely fits on the small scooter.

I try not to think about what I just did. This is most definitely not one of my smartest ideas. Despite my bold talk that I know he isn’t a bad guy, he could very well be a psychopath.

Tonight, I’m willing to take the risk. I can’t face that stupid wedding by myself. I need a distraction, and Mr. Cuddly Bear couldn’t be more perfect. He doesn’t really look like a stuffed toy, more like the opposite. He’s so rugged with those tattoos on his arm, that scruff on his face, and massive body; he’s sure to give my mother a heart attack. Plus, he’s the complete opposite of preppy Pietro. I need different. Maybe it’s high time I forget my cousin’s fiancé.

Aside from the American’s sinful good looks, it was his deep voice that made my blood course faster through my veins and ultimately throw caution out the window.

“Do you make a habit of inviting strange men to join you at family parties?” he asks near my ear, giving me goose bumps.

“No.” I laugh nervously. “I’m Chiara Moretti, by the way. What’s your name?”

“Alistair Walsh.”

Hell and damn. Even his name is sexy.

“That’s not a common American name, is it?”

“Nope. My parents are Irish with Scottish blood.”

“Hmm, how Outlander. Well, nice to meet you, Alistair. See, now we’re no longer strangers.”

I rev the engine and take off, needing to work extra hard to keep the balance with the increased weight.

This is, by far, my craziest stunt. I’m sure I’m going to receive a lecture from my father, and he usually looks the other way when I do something that pisses my mother off. It’s too late now. Besides, knowing Alistair will be there has already managed to dissipate the anxiety that had been crushing my chest an hour ago. I’m actually giddy, and I don’t even know why exactly.

“So, Alistair,” I scream to be heard over the wind. “What brings you to beautiful Tuscany, business or pleasure?”

“Neither,” he shouts near my ear, his warm breath fanning over my skin and doing crazy things to my body.

My nipples are as hard as pebbles now, and the little hairs at the back of my neck stand on end.

Ah, shit.

As of now, I’ve only slept with two guys, and neither of them was a real man like Alistair. They were boys really, inexperienced as hell.

“Well, that’s a first. I assume you’re here alone?”

Please be alone. Please be alone.


Relief washes over me.

“Gee, do you always answer in monosyllables?”

“Nope.” He chuckles, and I find myself smiling as well. This will be fun. “I’m sorry. It’s a bit hard to talk with the wind blowing on my face.”

That’s true, but I’m enjoying him shout-whispering near my ear. He has no idea the effect he’s having on me right now. It’s a miracle I can hold a conversation when I’m so aware of his hard chest pressed against my back, of his strong arms wrapped around my waist. Even though I’m the one driving the Vespa, he’s controlling the ride. I might need to change my underwear when I get to Villa Moretti. My panties are soaked. I’ve never gotten so turned on so fast by any guy before.

When my grandparents’ villa finally appears on the horizon, I let out a sigh. Staying this close to Alistair for another minute would have me combusting on the spot.

The building at the top of the hill is a typical stone construction, dating back centuries ago. To strangers, this must seem like an idyllic location, but I never enjoyed coming here. It always involves family affairs, and besides Max, all my cousins are odious.

The first thing I notice is the number of cars parked in the courtyard has doubled.

Alistair whistles as I park the Vespa. “That’s a big party.”

“Not really. Most of the guests are family and close friends.”

I wait until he hops off before I do the same, smoothing my dress. I try to tame my hair next by combing it with my fingers. “Be honest, how close is my hair to resembling a bird’s nest?”

Alistair moves closer, and I have to crane my neck to keep staring at his face. He’s so damn tall, and I’m five foot nothing. To my surprise, he runs his hand through my loose strands, and I have to suppress the moan that threatens to escape my lips. His eyes capture mine, and I begin to drown in the depths of his azure gaze. The color of the Mediterranean Sea. Tiny flecks of turquoise in his irises give an extra depth to an already mesmerizing stare. My breath hitches right before the tip of my tongue darts out to moisten my suddenly dry lips. Alistair’s eyes drop to them, and his Adam’s apple bobs up and down. He wants to kiss me, and I’m dying for him to do so.

“Chiara! Where have you been?” my mother yells from the front door, breaking the spellbinding moment.

Alistair takes a huge step back and turns toward the house, finding my mother there with fire spitting from her mouth.

Fuck, I’m in so much trouble.

“I went to town like I said I would.” I open the Vespa’s storage compartment, retrieving two bags filled with the most expensive cigars I could find.

My mother’s sharp gaze diverts to Alistair, who stays rooted to the spot, watching her warily. I bet he’s regretting his decision right now.

“And who is that man?” my mother asks bluntly.

Ah, shit. I haven’t thought of an excuse to justify Alistair’s presence. Stupid me. I’m glad Alistair doesn’t understand Italian, but I know he couldn’t miss the sharp tone of my mother’s voice. She narrows her eyes at me when I don’t answer right away.

“Um, he is—”

Ecco, he’s my friend, Aunt Ofelia.” Max joins us in the courtyard to save the day.

Where the heck did he come from?

“Yes, he’s Max’s friend from the US,” I add quickly before my cousin starts speaking in Italian to the poor guy.

I don’t miss the eyebrow raise Max gives me, nor the upturn of his lips.

“Hey, buddy. Glad you could make it.” He pats Alistair’s back as if they are indeed friends.

“Thanks for inviting me.” Alistair doesn’t miss a beat, following along with the charade.

Phew. A good sign. Looks like he wants some booty, and I’m all too happy to oblige. The thought of having a one-night stand with Alistair makes my core throb in anticipation. Crap. I’m not prone to bouts of insta-lust. I usually require some major flirting and alcohol before I even contemplate sleeping with someone. That explains why I’ve only had a couple of hookups. Most of my friends from school have lost count of the number of casual sex encounters they’ve had. I’m the most prudish eighteen-year-old at All Saints, despite what the rumors say. And I have Paola to thank for that. Before she graduated high school, she made sure to tarnish my reputation just for kicks.

Max turns to me with a glint of mischief in his gaze. “Say, Chibi, how did you find my friend?”

I blink a couple of times to clear my mind from my stray thoughts. “Oh, he had car trouble. I found him on the side of the road with a flat tire and no jack.”

Max glances up and down at Alistair’s clothes. “Come on, let me get you something to wear. My family will flip out if they see you come in wearing jeans and a T-shirt.”

Alistair throws me an uncertain glance.

I nod in encouragement. “I’ll catch you later. It was very nice to meet you, Alistair.”

He follows Max inside, and as soon as they disappear over the threshold, my mother grabs my forearm and pulls me closer. “If you think I buy for one second that half-baked excuse Max concocted, you’re sorely mistaken, Chiara.”

“It’s not an excuse. Alistair is Max’s friend from New York.”

“Do you think I was born yesterday? I know you very well. I’m sick of your shenanigans. If your father hadn’t already paid for your year abroad, I wouldn’t let you go to California. You may fool him into believing you’re going for your education, but I know all you care about is parties and sleeping around.”

I pull my arm from her grasp and rub the sore spot. I’ll have an angry red mark there, but that’s not what’s making my eyes burn. “Go ahead, Mother, just call me a whore.”

“You sound so offended,” she sneers. “I know very well what you were up to in Milan. Your cousin filled me in on the sordid details.”

“Paola is a fucking liar!” I finally lose control of my emotions.

Fury flickers in my mother’s eyes. She grabs my chin, digging her long nails into my skin painfully. “You’d better watch your tongue. I’ll not tolerate that kind of filthy language.”

I step back, freeing myself from her sharp talons. There are so many things I want to say, but the words get lodged in my throat. Yes, I have ulterior motives for going to California. I want to escape all the fucking stares and gossip from All Saints. Thanks to my cousin’s lies, everyone thinks I’m a nympho. The distance is also a great motivator. Maybe with an entire ocean and country between us, my family will forget I exist.

“Don’t worry, Mother. I’ll make sure to keep my profanities to a minimum.” I turn on my heels and flee back to the house. I won’t give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

I don’t find Max and Alistair anywhere, and for that, I’m grateful. If Max sees me in this state and the mark on my arm, he’s going to lose his shit. He’s another one who hasn’t been very lucky in the parental department. While my mother abuses me mostly with words, Max’s father enjoyed using him as a punching bag. Thank fuck that asshole is now in jail.

I veer toward the kitchen, where the caterers are in full swing preparing food for the party. I spot what I’m looking for right away, and before anyone can say anything, I wrap my fingers around the bottle of Chianti and bolt out of the room.

But the problem is, where can I hide? If I manage to slip outside unseen, I can take the track down the valley and find a spot out of sight.

I veer in that direction but stop after a couple of steps when I hear the sound of overly cheery female voices approaching the house.

Paola’s friends. Ugh.

Looking left and right, I make a split-second decision and enter the first room to my right.

It’s not empty. Alistair is there wearing nothing but his boxer shorts.

My jaw drops while my heart jumps up to my throat, getting stuck there.

Mamma mia.

I don’t care that my reputation is already in the gutter. I’m so riding that tonight.