Brightly Burning Bridges by Ivy Wild

This section is always the most difficult to write. Not because I don’t much much to say, but because I have TOO much to say!

To my husband: Thank you for continuing to support this dream, even though it’s getting quite expensive!

To Christina: Thank you for taking a chance on me!

To Sarah: Thank you for giving me mean mom talk when needed! Leo & Taurus forever!

To Jessica: Thank you for making ANOTHER beautiful cover. I am always in awe of your talents!

To Jules: Thank you for editing this book and making sure I am presenting the best version of these characters!!

To Zsuzsanna: Thank you for being the first one to help me get this whole thing up off the ground. I will always love you for it!

To Maria: Thank you for being an amazing enemies-to-lovers beta reader, for loving my dirty talk and for secret fantasy talk ;)

To my wonderful ARC and Street Teams: thank you for pimping and supporting me on this crazy journey. I am so lucky to have such an amazing support group, truly!

And to you, the reader! Please consider leaving Silas and Skyler a review.