Only You by K.T. Quinn



The Day She One-Upped Me

I have a fucking crush on my neighbor, I realized as I stared at Molly through the room divider.

She looked as pretty as a peach, sitting there on the edge of her bed with a glass of wine in her hand, one leg crossed over the other and staring at me expectantly. If it were any other time, in any other place, I would’ve sworn she wanted me to join her. She was giving me the fuck-me eyes to end all fuck-me eyes, like she wanted to forget our dinner and skip straight to a sweaty, naked dessert. To lose ourselves in the mindless drive of our bodies until neither of us could breathe.

And the way she smiled at me? My cock was screaming at me to cross the space between us and take her.

But even though I ached to give her everything I had and leave nothing on the table, I knew it wasn’t what she wanted. She was the kind of girl who moved slowly. We barely knew each other. Even if this were a real third date, sex wouldn’t be on the table.

Which is a shame, Feisty, because the things I would do to you…

I shook it off and thanked her for the booze before I could do something I regretted.

She ran through my dreams that night, all puckered lips and soft whispers, and lusty, leering smiles.

I woke up as hard as a rock. I closed my eyes and she reappeared in my mind, sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs uncrossed, open just enough to give me a peek at the panties underneath her dress. I stretched on the bed, pushing the comforter off my chest and letting my hand drift down to my cock, squeezing myself the way I imagined her squeezing me with those long, pink-tipped fingers. I stroked myself lazily while thinking about what I wanted to do with her. What I wanted to do to her. Within moments the spark of lust inside me was a wildfire burning out of control, and my hand moved furiously as I pictured her perfect tits pushed together in her dress, begging to feel the caress of my tongue, and I thrust into my palm until my dick throbbed and I exhaled Molly’s name to the ceiling.

My hand and stomach were a hot, dripping mess as I lay in bed, panting.

Yeah, I thought, I definitely have a crush on my fucking neighbor.

Even after that, Molly was stuck inside my head like a bad idea. To try to get her out, I went to the gym in the morning rather than the afternoon. Jogging was like meditation to me. It helped me turn off my brain and focus on a simple, physical act. Putting one foot in front of the other, over and over, until I was sweaty and exhausted.

But soon after I started, I saw Molly in the mirror. She had her earbuds in and was walking down the hall in front of the gym windows. A few minutes later she walked by again. She must have been doing laps around the floor, like the other day. And she was conspicuously not looking in my direction.

My phone lit up on the treadmill holder.

Molly: Before you ask, I’m NOT stalking you. I came out for my walk at this time because you normally exercise in the afternoon.

I slowed the speed enough that I could respond.

Donovan: You know my workout schedule? You sound like a stalker to me.

Molly: [eye-rolling emoji]

Donovan: Admit it. You like looking at me.

Molly: Not even a little bit.

Donovan: Prove it. Go walk on another floor. Unless you can’t keep your eyes off me.

Molly: I’m not changing my routine because of you!

Molly: You’re probably the one who wants to ogle ME.

Donovan: I was here first.

Molly: I can ignore you. I doubt you can do the same

Donovan: Trust me, Feisty. I’ve got the willpower of a saint

The next time Molly walked by the gym, she paused in front of the window. She turned toward me and pulled her arms behind her back like she was stretching, but the effect pushed her tits up like they were going to pour out of her tank top.

I’ll admit: I couldn’t look away. And when she was done she gave me a smug little nod before continuing her walk.

Two can play at this game, I thought with a smirk.

When she was gone from view, I paused the treadmill and went to the window. I waited until she walked by again, then slowly peeled my shirt over my head. I wasn’t as ripped as some of the guys at the gym back home, but I stayed in shape and knew I looked good. I flexed my arms and chest muscles as I removed my shirt, giving her the full show.

She glanced at me and rolled her eyes. But she blushed, too.

I returned to the treadmill, content that I had one-upped her.

Boy was I wrong.

The next time she walked by the windows, I gawked at the sight. Her shirt was gone and she was only wearing a bra, which showed a lot of skin. Her full breasts gently bounced up and down as she walked by. I may have been imagining it, but it looked like there was a small smile on her face.

Touché, I thought as she disappeared around the next wall.

I couldn’t help but watch her when she walked by again. My eyes followed her in the mirror, drinking in the sight of her fair, exposed skin. She looked soft and smooth, and I began fantasizing about what it would feel like to hold her in my arms without any clothing between us. To get a handful of her curves, cupping her breasts and lowering my mouth to her nipple so I could give her a playful lick…

“Focus, man,” I said to myself after she was gone. “You’re supposed to be taunting her, not the other way around.”

I increased the speed on the treadmill and ran faster.

The next time she passed, she had gone a step further. Her jeans were gone, and a perfect pair of cotton white panties clung to her hips. This time she walked extra slow to make sure I got an eyeful. She even leered at me through the window.

I tried to stare straight ahead at the mirror, but there was no way I could ignore the way she looked. She was gorgeous fully-dressed, but half-naked?

This girl is a bombshell.

I was half-hard in my jogging shorts, which made for an awkward running motion. The clock on the treadmill said I had ten minutes left. I didn’t want to cut my workout short.

Stick it out, I thought. Get an eyeful the next time she walks by, then ignore her.

The whir of the treadmill changed in pitch as I increased the speed again.

I waited for Molly to reappear, and then I waited some more. My feet pounded on the treadmill with every stride. Had she gone back to her room? Not seeing her again suddenly felt more torturous than having her strut her stuff.

Finally she appeared. She walked like a runway model milking her time for all it was worth, strutting down the hallway. I didn’t try to hide the way I watched her in the mirror this time. I grinned widely at her.

You want to distract me? The joke’s on you. I don’t mind a bit.

Molly’s smile disappeared as she realized I wasn’t fighting it. An annoyed look flashed across her dark eyes, and then was replaced with something like inspiration. She looked like she had a really good idea.

She suddenly stopped and held out her phone. She let go of it, dropping it on the floor. She covered her mouth with her hand, like a mime acting out a scene.

Then she turned around and bent over to pick up the phone.

Ah, fuck.

My eyes locked onto her ass automatically. The white cotton panties were molded to her skin in a way that left nothing to the imagination. Her ass was perfectly heart-shaped, tapering up to a narrow waist that I desperately wanted to wrap my hands around. Flashes of what I wanted to do ran through my head. Bending her over just like that, pulling the panties down slowly. Burying my face in her pussy from behind. Sliding my tongue as deep as I could to taste every delicious inch of her.

I was so distracted that my foot landed on the edge of the treadmill, the part that wasn’t moving. I stumbled forward and tried to regain my stride, but my other foot was off-balance now. I started to fall, flailing around with my hands, finally grabbing onto the treadmill rails before I face-planted on the ground.

I regained my composure in time to see Molly stand back up, holding her cell phone and laughing. She tossed her hair and strutted away with a victorious smile on her face.

I’m going to get you, Feisty, I thought while resuming my workout. Just you wait.