Princely Submission by K.C. Wells

Chapter Thirteen

Jordan reached for the tablet on the nightstand and peered at the time. A quarter of six. Judging by the light that filtered into his bedroom, the sun was just coming up. He’d been awake for a while, but he’d been comfortable and unwilling to move.

Except now he really needed to pee.

As he exited the bathroom, he glanced toward the door that led to Stuart’s room.

Did I dream last night?

Stuart’s hand on his backside, his cock, and dear Lord, his finger in Jordan’s hole…Jordan had wanted the experience to last longer, but once Stuart had penetrated him, the finish line had appeared out of nowhere, and then it was all over.

He held me. He rocked me.

That had been almost as magical as what had preceded it.

It didn’t take a genius to work out what had passed through Stuart’s mind, which would have accounted for the way he’d gotten up from the bed and handed Jordan his clothing, before wishing him a good night’s sleep.

For that to happen, I’d need to be in his arms.

Jordan was well acquainted with guilt. He’d lived with it every time he’d fantasized about his tutor, his valet, the stable hand, the head groom…

Stuart fears my father. Which was understandable. Yet in his heart, Jordan knew it was more than fear.

It was integrity.

Jordan grabbed his jeans from the closet, pulled on a T-shirt, and crept through the suite. He wanted to think, and having Stuart so close messed with his head. Outside, he headed for the hotel gardens he’d spied the day of their arrival. The air was cool and filled with birdsong, and there was no one around except for a gardener.

Jordan walked along the stone-lined paths, inhaling the heady fragrances that assaulted him. When he reached the center, he stood in awe. Before him was a large pond surrounded by trees and shrubs, with a waterfall at the far end cascading over rocks. Swans glided effortlessly over the water, giving the view a serene air. Benches had been placed around the pond, and Jordan sat on the nearest one, gazing out at the tranquil setting.

Is this it? Do I leave things as they are?

He couldn’t do that. As amazing as the last night had been, it wasn’t enough. Jordan wanted more, and he wanted it with Stuart, but he knew that would be no simple task. He won’t be an easy man to convince.

“Jordan, why are you up so early?”

He jumped at his mother’s voice, and lurched to his feet. “Good morning.”

She strolled along the path toward him, her long bronze-colored dress catching the sun’s early rays. “May I join you?”

He gestured to the bench, and they both sat. She gazed at the swans. “I found this spot yesterday, when we returned from our shopping trip.” Her eyes widened. “Oh. I have something for you.” And with that, she got up and hurried back the way she’d come.

Jordan had to smile. His parents were nothing alike. Mother was the light to his father’s dark, the one who made the king laugh in a way no one else could. She wasn’t of royal blood, but her family tree went back centuries: Jordan had studied it when he was younger.

Eventually she returned, carrying a paper bag. She sat beside him, placing it on her knee. “I saw this yesterday, and I knew it was perfect for you.” She reached into the bag and removed a package wrapped in cream tissue paper. “A belated birthday present.” When he jerked his head up to stare at her, she sighed. “I promise we will make it up to you when we get home.”

“You didn’t forget. That helps.” He tore into the tissue, and she laughed. From the tatters, he pulled out—

“Oh, Mother.” His throat seized when he saw the hooded sweatshirt. It was predominantly white, but made to look as if vivid paint had dripped onto it, covering the shoulders, upper arms and chest in a bright rainbow.

“I don’t think there will be another like this in all Elloria,” she observed. “Do you like it?”

Jordan put the hoodie aside and threw his arms around her. “I love it,” he whispered. Then he sat back and admired it before laying it with care on the bench beside him.

“Give me the wrapping paper.” She screwed it up and dropped it into the bag. “I have something else for you.” She withdrew a cellophane-covered object. “Though this is more for when we return.”

Jordan gazed at the label on the wrapper. “A Pride flag?”

She nodded. “Many flags fly from the palace ramparts. Perhaps we need to add a new one.” She placed it back into the bag and set it on the ground.

His throat tightened.

His mother stroked his cheek. “I wanted you to know that your father and I love you, and will support you.” She smiled. “He will do that in his own way, with his commission. My way is with this flag. I want there to be no doubt where the monarchy of Elloria stands.”

“Mother, you’re amazing.”

She flushed. Then she tilted her head to one side. “Did you know that here in the US, men may marry men, and women may marry women?”

He resisted the urge to chuckle. “Yes, Mother. I’ve known that for a while.”

“Perhaps this too is something to be discussed when we return home.”

Jordan gaped at her. “You want to introduce marriage equality? Perhaps that is something for the future. Every journey begins with small steps, Mother, and that seems to me to be a huge leap.” Then he froze as a suspicion dawned. “You’re not planning to marry me off to some prince or duke, are you?”

She laughed. “No, but I’m trying to pave the way for you, in case you meet someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.”

“The way you met my father?”

The queen stared at a passing regal swan. “I was introduced to your father when I was sixteen.”

He blinked. “That sounds almost as if it were an arranged marriage.”

“No one referred to it in those terms, but basically, yes, that was the idea.”

Jordan took her hand in his. “Why have we never spoken of this before?”

His mother’s eyes twinkled. “Because up until now, my son showed no interest in such things, and I would not have brought up the subject. But the prince I see beside me is a very different young man.”

His chest swelled. “You think I’ve changed.”

She nodded. “And for the better. But your father has changed too.”

Jordan had privately thought the same thing. “What do you think brought that about?”

“I think we both realized we have to let you live your own life, because to control you in the way we had done would not allow you to grow into the king you must be one day.”

And then Stuart came along, and told him I needed to visit a gay bar…

“Tell me about meeting my father.”

She laughed. “Luckily for me, I loved him almost from the start. Which was very lucky for him, because he was so aggravating.”

Jordan laughed too. “Father? No.”

“Believe me, no one else would have put up with him. So I think we were meant to be.” She looked Jordan in the eye. “And perhaps there is someone out there that you are meant to be with.” She tut-tutted. “Listen to me, getting ahead of myself. I have only just come to terms with the idea that there will be no daughter-in-law in my future, and yet I’m talking about you finding the love of your life.” Her hand was gentle on his face. “Don’t search for him. Let him find you.”

It was a conversation he could never have envisaged.

“Do you have any plans for today?” she asked.

“I haven’t decided what I’d like to do yet.” He knew what he’d like to do, but it simply wasn’t going to happen.

Not without a little push from Jordan, at any rate.

“Well, don’t make up your mind until your father has a chance to speak with you. He might have a surprise lined up for you.”

“A surprise? What is it?”

She laughed. “If I told you, it would hardly be a surprise, would it?” A nearby bird let out a shrill cry, and she gave a start. “Your father will be awake by now, and wondering where I have disappeared to.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Have breakfast with us?”

“I will.”

She got up. “And Mr. Whitmore is invited too.” Then she strolled back along the path.

Jordan watched her go with a smile.

It took this visit for me to wake up to the fact that my parents are wonderful.

Then he got up and headed back to his suite. The day stretched out before him, and once the meetings were done, time was his to spend as he wished.

And I wish to spend it with Stuart.

Whatever this surprise turned out to be, he needed to talk to Stuart, and it was probably the hardest thing he’d ever do.

It didn’t matter what Jordan said—Stuart still felt as though he’d gone a step too far. And as he walked out of his room that morning, he wondered how he could break it to Jordan that what they had shared would have been fine—if Stuart hadn’t been employed as his bodyguard.

I’m in a position of responsibility.

I’m supposed to be the adult here.

He approached Jordan’s bedroom, only to catch sight of him emerging from his shower, a towel wrapped low around his hips, low enough that Stuart could see the fuzz of his pubes. A shiver coursed through him as he recalled the feel of Jordan’s dick, the hot little hole that had sucked his finger in as if it goddamn belonged in there, and the noises Jordan had made.

I’ve just been too long without sex. That’s it.

Except that wasn’t it, and he knew it. And he also had a sneaking suspicion that Jordan had wanted Stuart to see him in his state of undress.

Jordan paused in the act of rubbing his hair, and slung the towel around his neck. “Good morning.”

“Morning.” Jesus, he didn’t know where to look, especially when the bulge in Jordan’s towel attracted his gaze like a magnet.

“We’re expected at breakfast in a half hour.”

“Okay, but… I think we need to talk about last night.”

Jordan smiled. “I agree. So let me put on some clothes, then we’ll talk.”

Okay, that was easier than he’d anticipated. Maybe he’s reached the same conclusions. Stuart headed for the living room where he sat on the largest couch.

How do I start?

He didn’t think Jordan would be happy about calling an end to any such… activities, but Stuart didn’t imagine the prince was thinking clearly. Stuart could understand that. A whole new world had opened up to him, and Stuart was about to close the door.

One of us has to be responsible.

Jordan came out of the bedroom and joined him on the couch.

“Okay.” Stuart took a deep breath. “First of all, you must understand—”

“No, you’re the one who needs to understand a few things, so you’re going to listen,” Jordan interjected.

This wasn’t the way Stuart had seen the conversation going, but he was prepared to take a detour. “Fine. I’m listening.”

Jordan expelled a long breath. “Last night was… breathtaking. I loved every second, and I wouldn’t change a thing that happened.” He placed his hand on Stuart’s knee. “And the more I think about it, the more sense it makes.”

What makes sense, exactly?” Stuart’s pulse quickened.

“You took care of me last night. So what I’m about to propose is that you continue to… take care of me.”

Stuart tensed. “Okay, just tell me what’s on your mind.”

“I’m twenty-one, and in all those years, last night was the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to me.” Jordan shivered. “I didn’t come to the US to represent my country, or help my father. I came with only one thing planned.”

Stuart had a feeling he knew what was coming.

Jordan pulled himself upright and looked Stuart in the eye. “You already know I was going to pay Drake for an hour of his time. The whole aim was that when he left my room, I would no longer be a… virgin.” He bit his lip. “Well, you know how that went. But then I listened to you, and I realized you were right. It was risky. And since then, I’ve also realized that it’s not what I want anymore.”

“It isn’t?”

Jordan shook his head. “If I had my way, I’d want my first time to be with someone who would make it a good experience, who would treat me right… who would care for me, the way you cared for me last night.” His breathing hitched. “And you would care for me, wouldn’t you?”

Oh fuck.

“And before you refuse, think about this. I’d rather do this with you, than sneak out on my own and find someone else who will. And while it’s not what I want, I will sneak out if I have to. So it’s either you, or some stranger in a bar. And I don’t think you’d want me to put myself at risk like that.”

Jesus. The king had been right—Jordan was a master at working out what his buttons were.

“And it’s not just because you’re here, you’re available…” Jordan swallowed. “I wanted you the moment I first laid eyes on you.” He bit his lip. “I also wanted nothing to do with you, so you can imagine the turmoil I’ve been in.”

A heavy knot grew in Stuart’s stomach. “Jordan, I—”

“And there’s something else. You understand me. You know what… what makes me tick. Because what else was last night, other than you giving me what I needed?” Jordan was trembling. “You can tell me I’m delusional, but when we danced at the ball, and I touched your hair, your beard… I sensed something. And maybe what I sensed is that you want me too. I hope to God I didn’t imagine that, because if so, I’ve made a fool of myself. And I know what you’ll say. You’re being paid to protect me, to be responsible for me… Well, think of this as taking care of me.” Another hard swallow. “Please, Stuart, don’t say no. I just laid my soul bare. Don’t let that have been for nothing.”

Stuart’s heart pounded, his thoughts swirling so fast he could barely keep up with them.

What the fuck do I say to that?