Princely Submission by K.C. Wells


Two years later

Stuart glanced up as the door to his office opened. He smiled when he saw Dave. “I was just thinking about you.” He shuffled the sheaf of papers in front of him into one neat pile, then tucked them into the manila folder.

All done and dusted. He’d spent the morning making sure everything was shipshape.

“Ready for the big day?”

Stuart laughed. “If you mean, am I ready to hand over the reins to you, hell yeah.” He gestured to their surroundings. “All this can be your headache now.” He gave Dave an inquiring glance. “Still not sorry I hauled your ass over here?”

Dave snorted. “Are you kidding? Why be a cog in a wheel in New York, when I can be Head of Security in Elloria? And you were right. This place is beautiful.” He approached Stuart’s desk and sat in the chair facing him. “By the way, ‘big day’ was a reference to Pride.” He gestured to the window. “There are rainbow flags everywhere, and people on street corners handing even more of them out.”

Stuart snickered. “Jordan has pulled out all the stops to make the first Ellorian Pride a day to remember.” Every time Stuart caught sight of a rainbow flag fluttering in the breeze, draped over a balcony or hung in a window, his chest almost burst with pride. Jordan did that.

“I saw him on the palace’s Facebook page: Live with Prince Jordan.” Dave grinned. “He’s a natural in front of a camera.”

“He’s a natural at a lot of things.” And still sneaky as fuck. Jordan was keeping a secret, Stuart was sure of it. Not that it would be a bad secret, but… “What was he talking about this time?”

Dave gaped in mock horror. “You missed it? He was talking about the new services on offer at the country’s clinics. You know, HIV and STI tests, confidential advice, family planning, LGBT helpline, trans counseling…” Dave shook his head. “He said he’d be going there to be tested too. I think it’s amazing what he’s accomplished.”

Stuart thought Jordan was amazing, period.

“Will you be watching the concert tonight?”

Stuart laughed. “I’ll be listening on the balcony, lit up in rainbow lights. Jordan has lights set up to illuminate every wall of the palace.” The sound stage had already been erected in the main square, and the event would kick off as soon as the king had made his proclamation. “I hope a lot of people participate.”

Dave stared at him. “Seriously? I’ve had reports from every hotel, guest house, Air bnb, the rail station, the bus companies… It won’t just be Ellorians out there today. People are coming from all over the place. This is huge.”

That flutter of pride swelled in his chest. Jordan did that. Then Dave’s words registered. “You’ve had reports? I thought that was my job.”

Dave’s eyes twinkled. “Hey, I’m an overachiever. You knew that when you hired me. So when do you officially step down as Head of Security?”

“When the king makes his proclamation, I assume.” Stuart shook his head. His life was going to change once that happened.

There was a knock at the door, and Jordan poked his head around it. “There you are. I might have known I’d find you at your desk.”

Stuart smiled. “I was discussing the handover with Dave, only to find he’s gotten a head start.”

Dave bowed his head. “Your Highness, with your permission, I’ll go brief my team, seeing as there’s only an hour left.”

Jordan nodded. “Thank you, Dave. I’ll see you on the balcony.” Dave walked out of the office, closing the door behind him, and seconds later, Stuart was on his feet and Jordan was in his arms.

“Where have you been?” Stuart murmured between kisses. “I didn’t know you’d left the palace until Rachel sent me a text to say she was with you.”

Jordan’s eyes gleamed. “How could you not know where I was? Or haven’t you secretly installed a tracking app on my phone?”

“Damn.” Stuart released him and took a step back. “When did you know about that?”

Jordan chuckled. “When we came home after LA. I was talking to one of the security men about how quickly you’d found me, and he told me all about it.” There was a glint in his eyes. “That was sneaky.”

“Hey, I had to keep an eye on you, remember? And I did uninstall it when we got to LA.” Stuart bit his lip. “You’d stopped being a brat at that point.” He grinned. “Well, almost. Now… where have you been?”

“I was on a secret mission, and Rachel was my accomplice.” Jordan grinned. “She’s an excellent bodyguard. Almost as good as you.”

He laughed. “Let me guess. You’ve got her wrapped around your finger.”

“Not quite, but we’re getting there.”

Stuart put his hands on his hips. “Okay, spill. What have you been up to?”

Jordan gave an exaggerated sigh. “Can’t I have any secrets?”

“From me? Nope.”

Jordan returned to the door and bolted it. “I don’t want my parents coming in here while I show you.”

“Show me what?” Stuart stilled. “Please, tell me you haven’t got your dick pierced.”

Jordan blinked. “And what if I have? Would that be so bad?”

Stuart gave him a mock glare. “Being hard around you is an occupational hazard—I don’t need anything else to think about.” Then Jordan unfastened his pants, and Stuart groaned. “Oh dear Lord, you did.”

Jordan rolled his eyes. “Patience, please.” He pushed his pants past his hips, then his briefs, and Stuart saw a piece of cling wrap taped to his skin below his right hip. His breathing hitched when he saw the tattoo that lay beneath it. “Oh, Jordan…”

It was an intricate design, made up of a rainbow heart, their names inscribed upon it, and coiling around it was a rope in rainbow colors.

“I told the tattoo studio they couldn’t put it on their website—not yet, at any rate.” He smiled. “Maybe later today.” He looked Stuart in the eyes, his brow wrinkled. “Do you like it?”

Stuart claimed Jordan’s mouth in a kiss, pouring his heart and soul into it. “I love it,” he whispered against Jordan’s lips. “Almost as much as I love you.”

Jordan deepened their kiss, his arms around Stuart’s neck. Then he released him with a chuckle. “Good to know I rank higher than a tattoo. And now that you’ve seen it, we need to get ready. Mother is already making noises.” He gave Stuart a hard stare. “And please, get changed in your room.”

Stuart smirked. “Why? It’s just a room to give me somewhere to hang my clothes and store stuff. I haven’t slept in it once in two years.”

“We both know what will happen if we’re getting dressed in the same room.”

Stuart grinned. “Failing to see a problem here.” Then he held up his hands. “Okay, I’ll go to my room.” He tapped his watch. “Shouldn’t you be getting changed now? You don’t want to be late.” Jordan glared at him, and Stuart wagged his finger. “Behave, or the ropes stay in the nightstand drawer tonight.”

Jordan froze. “See you at the balcony.” He scooted toward the door, but paused before going through it. “By the way?” He smiled, his face alight. “I love you too.” Then he disappeared from sight.

Every time he says it, I get a warm glow. Not bad for two years. Stuart shut down his monitor with a sigh. It’s been a good job.

His new position promised to be even better.

By the time Jordan walked into the royal chamber with its grand doors opening out onto the balcony, his parents and Stuart were already there, talking quietly. They turned in his direction, and his mother caught her breath.

“You look wonderful.”

Jordan’s dark blue suit had been made for the occasion, as had Stuart’s dark gray one. “I still think a rainbow suit would have been more appropriate,” he muttered, feigning disappointment.

“If you were in New York, maybe,” his father commented. “Not in Elloria.” He handed Jordan a glass of champagne. “I’d like to propose a toast before we go out there.” Jordan could hear the crowd already: they’d started gathering as he’d returned to the palace.

He took the glass, and Stuart moved to his side.

The king raised his. “To the first Pride in Elloria, and its architect.” They clinked glasses, and Jordan took a sip, unable to miss the way Stuart’s nose wrinkled.

He leaned in. “Nothing wrong with a little tickle, is there?”

Stuart fired him a warning glance.

“I asked you both to join us here, because I’ve made a decision.”

Jordan shoved aside his playful mood and gave his father his full attention.

King Ludomir sighed. “In seven years’ time I will be sixty. I don’t intend to rule as my grandfather did, holding onto the throne until he breathed his last. These last two years have showed me Elloria will be in safe hands, so on your thirtieth birthday, you will be crowned king.” He smiled. “Thirty is a good age at which to begin your reign.”

“And by then you will hopefully have children,” his mother added. Warmth flooded through him. It was something he and Stuart had already discussed with great enthusiasm. Where they couldn’t make up their minds was which route to take—surrogacy or adoption.

Her eyes sparkled. “Which reminds me. Have you discussed a date yet?”

Jordan nodded. “We thought next year would be good, to coincide with Pride. Assuming this year’s event is a success, of course.”

The king inclined his head toward the glass doors, beyond which the noise level had risen. “I think that’s a forgone conclusion.”

“Besides, it will take me a year to organize it. Royal weddings have to be magnificent.”

Stuart narrowed his gaze. “Do I even want to know what you have planned?”

Jordan grinned. “No.”

“Are you ready for your new role?” his father asked Stuart.

“I am, Your Majesty.”

“And are you still certain you do not wish to have a title?” the queen asked.

“When we are married, Your Majesty. Maybe then.” Stuart glanced at Jordan. “Maybe.”

That had been another hot topic of discussion. Stuart claimed being consort would be title enough.

I’ll wear him down.

From the doorway, Dave cleared his throat. “Your Majesties, Your Highness, it’s time.” He gave a nod to the guards, who opened the doors, and a cheer rose up outside.

The king led everyone out onto the stone balcony, where a mic had been set up on a stand. Below them was the packed courtyard, the people spilling out beyond the gates, stretching as far as Jordan could see, and it was a sea of rainbow flags.

His mother stood on his father’s right, and he and Stuart stood on his left. The king stepped up to the mic, and the crowd whooped and hollered as they applauded. Then he held up his hand, and a hush fell.

“Welcome to the first ever Pride Day in Elloria.” A roar greeted his words, and Jordan beamed. It was better than he’d hoped.

“This event has come to pass because of the efforts of my son, Prince Jordan, who has become a tireless advocate for LGBTQ rights in our land.”

Another swell of applause took Jordan by surprise, and tears pricked the corners of his eyes. Stuart took Jordan’s hand and squeezed it.

“But before I officially open these celebrations, I wish to make an announcement.” The crowd hushed instantly. “It gives Her Majesty Queen Adrianna and I much pleasure to announce the engagement of Prince Jordan to Mr. Stuart Whitmore.”

Jordan swallowed at the thunderous applause that filled the air. The king turned to him and Stuart, beckoning them to step forward. They raised their joined hands, and the people went wild, waving flags and banners with renewed vigor.

Jordan snuck a glance at Stuart. “You haven’t quite perfected the royal wave yet,” he teased.

“That’s okay,” Stuart murmured. “I have other skills to fall back on.”

“Such as?” Then Jordan gasped as Stuart took him in his arms and kissed him, accompanied by a cacophony of horns, sirens, shouts and applause. Stuart broke the kiss, but the noise level showed no sign of abating.

“Kiss him again! Kiss him again!” The chant grew louder.

Stuart turned to Jordan. “Can’t leave them wanting more, can we?” This time he moved slowly, enfolding Jordan in his arms and taking his time, while the roars of appreciation reverberated against the palace walls. Jordan brought his hand to Stuart’s face, stroking his beard.

Then his father coughed, and they broke the kiss to the sound of laughter.

The king stepped up to the mic once more. “No one told me the first event for today was to be a royal kiss.” More laughter erupted at his words. “Let Pride begin!”

At his words a royal fanfare filled the air, the lights went on, flooding the palace walls in a rainbow, and the crowd reached fever pitch. The king and queen waved, and the people waved back, some flying flags, others holding up banners.

Stuart leaned in to whisper. “Remember one thing when you become King. You may rule in Elloria, but I rule in our bedroom.”

There was only one possible response.

“Yes, sir.”

The End

Thank you for taking a chance on this book. I loved writing Jordan and Stuart’s story, and I hope you enjoyed reading it. And if you have time, please consider on Amazon, Goodreads or BookBub. Your reviews are so important.

And maybe this is where I should add that we will be returning to Elloria at some point. There’s more Stuart and Jordan to come…

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