Wicked Games by Jarica James


By the time the others got back from their own duties, it was nearly six. Angelina was already rushing around cooking for us but Keir was like a bloodhound, sensing we had news the moment he sat. Nothing about the coming conversation was going to go well. Then again, no talk of war ever goes well.

Life in the mafia was never dull, at least.

“Food first. Business after,” Angelina ordered, sliding platters of chicken gyros onto the table. Keir gave her a curt nod, and she patted him like was the best boy, which had me biting back a giggle.

“Why didn’t we have an Angelina growing up?” Dani asked as the old woman walked away. The hint of sadness there was something I felt in my soul.

“Because your family was sadistic and abusive?” Killian mused. It was said lightly, but they all looked venomous at the words.

“Well, fuck them,” I said happily, biting into the gyro and groaning at how good it was. “Angelina’s going to make me gain fifty pounds.”

“Nah, we do enough training to counteract it,” Ky said seriously. I bit back a whine knowing they’d have Dani and I in daily workouts before we knew it.

“How’s Helena, Dani?” Killian teased. The question had my eyes snapping to hers.

“Snitches get sucker punched, Kill,” she growled, trying to ignore me, but I wasn’t deterred that easily.

“Excuse me?”

“What? We’ve been hanging out,” she said casually.

“Is that like Netflix and chill hanging out?” I asked, biting back my laughter. A smirk played across her face, giving her away. “Oh, so it’s serious?”

She blushed… actually fucking blushed. “She’s great. I need to go meet her in a second.”

“She really is,” Keir agreed, both a warning and approval in that statement. Dani nodded, but didn’t look deterred in the least.

“Speak of the devil,” I muttered as Helena walked in, her steps stuttering at the sight of us all. “Guess you need to eat faster.”

“Oh, sorry, I didn't know you had a meeting,” she said quickly, turning to leave but Keir stopped her.

“Not so fast. Get over here and get a plate. Join your Family.” Helena turned and looked surprised. Her long black hair flipped over her shoulder and she looked like a timid mouse as she spun around. The girl was too sweet to be mafia, but I had a feeling she had enough cousins and family around to protect her.

“Okay,” she said, dropping in the empty chair next to Dani. I saw Dani shift her hand to Helena’s leg. It was nice to see her being affectionate with someone.

“Now that Angelina’s out of earshot,” Killian prompted, but Ky and Keir chuckled.

“What’s that, Killian Adrostos?” her sharp tone cut through the room and he winced. “I know it’s not you disrespecting your auntie!”

“Sorry, Auntie,” he mumbled. She huffed then smiled, putting more food on his plate.

“It wouldn’t kill you boys to talk about something normal once in a while. How’s the weather? What are your plans tonight? Hell, gossip if you have to,” she grumbled the whole way out of the room.

“She scares me,” Kill admitted, Dani and I both bursting into laughter. It was a testament to all of our childhoods that she was what scared them.

“So, Helena, what are you going to do tonight?” I asked. From past conversions I half expected her to stumble through her words, but instead she said one, a sly smile on her face.

“Dani.” All of us chuckling and Dani leaned over, whispering in her ear. Helena blushed furiously but we turned away so we didn’t torture them too much.

“Is it wrong that I kind of want to just relax tonight?” I asked. “Like late night snacks and TV, comfy clothes, kind of night.”

“Who are you?” Keir asked. His voice was laced with amusement. “I have to run out for one last thing, then I’ll be back. I’m okay with that idea if you wait for me.”

“Deal, if you go soon,” I agreed. “Otherwise, I’ll be wrapped in a cocoon of blankets and refusing to move before you get back.”

“Then finish eating,” he said pointedly. I glanced around and realized I was the only one still going, so I shoved half a gyro in my mouth like a chipmunk and smiled.

“That’s our queen,” Ky said sarcastically, but then he turned serious. “Routes are on schedule, they’ve accommodated for Seth’s absence. But Sana had a realization today. Then Frank showed us some surveillance.”

“Go on,” Keir prompted. I finished my overly large bite and took a drink to clear my mouth.

“My cousin dropped by the shop,” I started, both of them looking at Dani. “I forgot in the chaos but I saw him in the basement I was held captive in. He wants me to be his wife.”

“Ex-fucking-scuse me?” Dani and my other guys all bit out.

“Yeah. He thinks I’m his ticket to run the Family. But, he’s also who Eros sent down to do his bidding. And from Frank’s pictures of other Families doing the same. Well…” I trailed off and looked at Ky.

“We think he’s starting a war,” he finished.

“Of course,” Keir said, far too calm for my liking. “But they can bring it and we’ll be ready. Tomorrow you need to contact our allies, see who is loyal, Kill. Ky, you make a plan with our guards. And I’m talking to Joe tonight, I’ll get him on it.”

“Okay,” they both agreed before Keir brushed a kiss across my forehead and hurried from the room.

“Let’s meet him upstairs,” Ky said, taking my hand and leading me up.

* * *

“This show is awful,”Killian whined, but I shoved the remote between my boobs to keep it safe.

“What. You think I won’t dive in there?” he asked. Ky whipped his head around to glare at us.

“This is why I don’t watch shit with you two. Shut up so I can hear who’s the chef.” He took an angry swig of his whiskey and turned back to the TV. The judges were making their guesses. “My bet’s on the guy who didn’t know what a tomatillo was.”

Just as they were announcing the winner, the door banged open. We turned in time to see a blood covered Keir in the foyer. My first instinct was to run to him, like it was his blood, before I realized who I was talking to and just stood where I was.

“Shower. Now,” he growled, waiting until I was close enough to grab my arm and yank me after him toward our wing. “I really miss our shower room, but this’ll have to do.”

“Who’d you kill?” I asked, but it seemed he was done speaking. Red streaks covered my sweatshirt and I nearly yelled at him for ruining it, but something in his eyes stopped me. I could already tell he was about to wreck me. He better at least pamper me afterwards.

When we got to the master bathroom, he ripped his clothes off, then mine. Though at least he put his in the trash.

The blood had streaked through his clothing and colored his skin. He grabbed my hair in his fist and led me to the shower, pulling me after him and slamming me against the tiled wall. I hissed at the sudden cold against my skin, my protests ended since he was already turned, adjusting the water. Just as I reached for him, he spun around and stopped me, his hand tightening around my wrist.

“I just tortured a man, and now I want to fuck you in his blood. Are you going to cooperate or do I need to take what I want?”

“It’s funny you think that’s an option,” I laughed. But I wanted it as much as he did, lifting my hands and holding them above my head. He grinned, looking every bit the psycho he was with bloody streaks trailing over his face and chest. Taking my movement as my submission, he lunged forward and tightened a hand around my wrists, holding me in place as he claimed my mouth. His lips were forceful, laced in teeth and intensity. I could taste the copper in my mouth as he bit down hard on my lower lip. He moaned at the taste, tongue dancing with mine as he ground his hips into me. His cock was hard as it pushed into my belly and I grinned into the kiss. His grip loosened at the feeling of my smile and he pulled away, a questioning look on his face. I dropped to my knees, the blood and water cascading over my face, but from the wolfish smile he gave me, he didn’t mind.

I opened my mouth, giving him permission to fuck me how he wanted. And my man didn’t hesitate to grab his dick and guide it to my waiting lips. There was no gentleness in the way he moved and I relaxed my throat just in time since he thrust into me so hard my head hit the shower wall. He pinned me there for a moment, making it nearly impossible to breathe. Drool dribbled down my chin as I fought for air, and he finally pulled back just when I didn't think I could take it much longer. He gave me just enough time to pull in a shaky breath before he was pounding into my mouth again. My hands clung to toned thighs, nails digging into his skin in protest as I tried to balance myself, hollowing my cheeks and giving him as good as I could manage.

Moments later he pulled out all the way before grabbing a fistful of hair and yanking me to my feet. My pussy throbbed at the treatment, loving every rough touch he gave me. I cried out, my throat raw and sore from his treatment. But Keir thrived on that shit, his smirk evil before he turned me around and kicked my feet apart, turning us so my tits and face were shoved into the glass shower door. I blinked my eyes open to see Killian and Ky watching me, both of their cocks out as they stroked them slowly. My pussy clenched at the sight and I couldn’t take my eyes away. Then Keir was thrusting into me, my eyes fluttering for a second before I caught myself and forced my gaze to stay on my other men. Fingers dug into my hips as he fucked me mercilessly, lifting my hips slightly so he could go deeper still. My hands braced on the shower wall, toes curling at the feeling of him stretching me.

“Fuck,” he growled. “This right here is what I needed. My girl’s tight pussy and the thrill of the kill.”

His dirty talk and the way he fucked me threw me over the edge, my eyes closing as my orgasm rolled through me in waves, voice husky while I screamed his name. He didn’t hesitate, fucking me through the sensitive moment with renewed determination.

It wasn’t long before he was coming too, filling me with his hot cum. He slammed his fist into the shower wall as he did. But when he pulled out, I knew he was far from done, his breath still coming out in quick, angry pants.

“Go. My bed. Now,” he ordered. I didn’t bother to wash myself off, standing and stepping out of the shower. I’d forgotten about the other two until I nearly ran into them. But Ky stopped me with a hand held out, jacking himself off furiously until he was coming too, aiming for my stomach and covering me with his cum as well. Kill wasn’t far behind, yanking me closer and doing the same. I was still in a post sex haze, their additions only making me smile. Something about them watching as their brother fucked me, loving it enough to mark me as well, made me feel powerful and sexy.

They had satisfied smirks as they gestured for me to keep going, not giving a fuck I had cum covering my body and dripping down my legs, but fuck if it wasn’t hot as hell being owned by them. It was the perfect distraction from the shitshow that my life had been recently.

I’d just laid myself out on his bed when Keir was coming in, his eyes feral as he dropped between my thighs, grabbing my ankles and yanking my legs wide. He stared down at my dripping pussy before he was thrusting in again, already hard and needing more. He fucked me fast and rough, the headboard slamming into the wall over and over. Now that he’d gotten the first fuck out of the way, I knew he’d last a while.

He slowed down enough to lean over me, biting down on my breast so hard I screamed. He chuckled at the sound, rocking his hips into mine slowly as he sucked on my skin, making the bite mark sting something fierce. I whimpered and shoved him away, but he didn’t budge. I knew it’d be dark purple the moment he did, but Keir would get off on that tomorrow too. When he did let go, he only swirled his tongue over my nipple, before trailing it between the two and finding another spot to claim. This time I knew another bite was coming, his teeth already grazing my skin. It almost made the anticipation worse, this time the bite was even more intense, the sucking sensation after sending fire through my veins, my pussy throbbing against him. He shifted his hand between us, pinching my clit as he bit down again, the pleasure and pain consuming me whole as I came hard, vision blurring and screams echoing over the walls.

He let go and leaned back, pausing and simply watching me as I came down from the high of my release. My eyelids were heavy as I blinked up at him.

“I love you, my queen,” he said, before slamming into me again. He didn’t stop until he was filling me for a second time. By then I was exhausted and sated, and it seemed he was too, pulling me into him and holding tight.

“I need to go clean up,” I whispered, but he didn’t let me move, instead holding me tighter.

“Sit there in my cum so you know who fucking owns you, Sana. This won’t be the only time I fuck you tonight.”

I felt like I’d just closed my eyes when I was woken up by someone’s hands pinching my nipples. When I managed to peel them open, Keir was grinning down at me. He grabbed me around my waist and flipped me over. I’d barely registered what happened when he was fucking me from behind, his earlier cum acting as lube. My body was sore and I could barely do anything more than just relax and let him get it out of his system. He didn’t care, taking what he needed from me like I existed solely for his pleasure. And damn if I didn’t fucking love it.

When he finished this time, ensuring I came too despite my protests, he lifted me and took me into the adjoining bathroom. Now that he’d fucked the anger and energy from his system, Keir cleaned me up gently.

The smell of something cooking had my sleepiness falling away. I took the towel from Keir and dried myself before walking toward his closet. I grabbed a tee and threw it on over myself, the hem just hitting below my ass. Since it wasn’t just our home now, I grabbed a pair of boxers and pulled them on too. I shrugged… good enough.

Killian was tossing peppers and steak in a skillet when I walked into the kitchen. Part of me was shocked that Angelina wasn’t fussing over him. He was singing along with a song on his phone, his voice surprisingly good. It was so domestic I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Smells good, Kill,” I called out as I settled on one of the barstools at the island. He turned and grinned before turning the music off.

“Nice to see you survived,” he teased. “It sounded like he was torturing you as well.”

“Ha ha,” I grumbled. Needing a drink, I got up and went to the fridge, pulling out a cold wine bottle before hunting down glasses.

“Above the sink,” Killian told me, gesturing with his spatula.

“Want one?” I offered, hand resting above the second glass.

“May as well get four down,” he laughed. I did as he suggested and he turned off the stove. When I turned around again he was already uncorking the wine.

“Should probably get two more,” I said with a smile. “Dani will smell this and hurry down.”

“Dani isn’t here. She left about an hour ago, mumbling something about this house being too loud for her,” he joked, cracking up at my wince. “Only partially kidding. She took Helena out to the club. We gave them the VIP lounge for the night.”

“That seems to be getting serious,” I noted, glad to see her warming up to someone. She deserved happiness and Helena complemented her perfectly. She was the gentle to Dani’s cold calculation, and that worked for them.

“It does. She punched me when I asked how it was going, so I'll take that as a sign it’s going well.” I laughed at that mental image, knowing it was something Dani would do.

“Ah, she’s alive,” Ky said as he walked in. I rolled my eyes, earning a warning glance from him.

“Kill said almost the same thing. How little faith you have in me,” I huffed, taking a sip of my white wine.

Ky took a glass and sat right as Kill sat a platter of fajitas, a plate of tortillas, and a bowl of homemade salsa on the counter in front of us.

“Is Keir behind you?”

“I think so, unless he tired out,” I laughed. The irony of that would be hilarious. But of course he walked in a moment later, looking smug and downright happy.

“I don’t tire,” he fired back, dropping into his chair and fixing himself a plate. I followed suit, needing something in my stomach after all of that exercise.

“So, does this mean I can go back to work tomorrow?” I asked innocently. All three of my men sat their food down and turned to me. I could see the answer in their eyes. “Listen, I have a store. I can’t just close it down.”

“Yes you can. We have money and so do you,” Keir said, like that answered all of our problems.

“Okay, true. However, I like what I do,” I fired back. “I’ve worked hard on that business.”

“What if we expanded… hired some staff? Got you into a nicer area?” Kyrell reasoned. “Win all around and you could be open while you’re not there all the time.”

“There’s already a game store downtown,” I reminded them. “It’s just more mainstream than I am.”

“So, we buy their branch out,” Killian said. It was infuriating how they had an answer for every fucking thing I said.

“Or I could just work at my store.”

“Okay… I see you’re going to be difficult,” Keir said with a sigh. “There’s an open shop next to Joe’s bar. We buy it, and that building is big enough you could have your game room as well. You choose who we hire but it needs to be Family at this point. Eros isn’t going to take this lightly. We can even hire Gabe in to help manage. He knows games.”

“So do I,” I grumbled, not mentioning that he taught me most of what I knew. Video games weren’t something I was allowed to have, so it was my first rebellious move being on my own. “But... I’ll think it over.”

“Good,” Keir said, picking his food back up. We ate in silence after that, the guys letting me mull over their deal. I couldn’t argue with their logic, and I was finally warming up to being able to tell the guys the full deal, to stop thinking of my life with a looming expiration date. Part of that meant relying on them, and this was an easy one to not fight them on. Giving up control wasn’t my favorite, but it would be nice to stop worrying about the shop.

“So, I found a show I wanted to watch. It’s a mafia crime show and I thought it’d be fun to laugh at. Anyone interested?” I offered. They smiled indulgently and twenty minutes later we were all comfortable on the couches, watching the storyline unfold. If I thought Kill cooking in the kitchen for us was domestic, it had nothing on this. And even if they didn’t realize it, this moment meant more to me than they knew, a glimpse at the life we could have if I managed to find a way to get rid of Eros. It was something I wanted so badly I could fucking taste it.

Game on, Grandfather.