Claimed by Vicki Lewis Thompson


Handling the DJ duties at a wedding had a surreal quality for Alex, considering that the last wedding he’d attended had been his own four years ago. Divorce had knocked him for a loop, but he was starting to recover. Still, he wasn’t quite so ready to believe in happily-ever-after.

His sister Josie believed in it, though, and after hearing Jack’s toast, Alex no longer worried that Josie was making a mistake to hook up with the guy. They had an even chance of making a life together, which was all anybody could ask for. Apparently Jack had seen the error of his ways and understood what love was all about. Alex wished he could say the same.

When it came to lust, though, he got it. The minute he’d been introduced to Morgan’s sister Tyler at the rehearsal dinner, he’d been hit with a gigantic case of old-fashioned, gotta-have-it lust. He’d spent Friday night dreaming of her bodacious body.

Thanks to his DJ job, he had a perfect view of the dance floor where he could watch Tyler’s sexy moves. He’d been guilty of bypassing the country tunes at times and deliberately choosing numbers that cried out for swiveling hips and shimmying breasts. Tyler’s mother Bianca could dance, but Tyler took that inherited sense of rhythm to a whole new level. Alex would love to have some of that action directed his way.

The idea was pure fantasy. Tyler would be leaving Wyoming tomorrow with the rest of her family. Alex knew nothing about her life or whether she had a boyfriend back home, wherever home was. He knew she was twenty-six, because he’d talked with her twin brother Regan at the rehearsal dinner.

He hadn’t quizzed Regan about his twin because that would have been way too obvious. And stupid. He and Tyler would be occupying the same geographical space for another twelve hours, tops.

In some ways that would be ideal for him, though. Getting it on with Tyler would simply be rebound sex, nothing more. He didn’t have the psychic energy for an actual relationship. No telling what her agenda would be, or if she’d even noticed him. He thought she might have. A couple of times he’d caught her giving him the once-over.

In any case, fantasizing about her naked had livened up this gig. He almost hated to see it end, because then he couldn’t ogle Tyler on the dance floor anymore. But end it did. Darkness crept over the meadow, the guests began to leave, and he started packing up the gear.

“You did a fantastic job.”

He glanced up to discover the object of last night’s wet dream standing before him, her black curls in disarray and her dark, long-lashed eyes shining with pleasure.

“Thanks.” He couldn’t think of a single other thing to say. This wasn’t the sort of situation where he could ask her out for a drink. The only bar was several miles away.

“You picked a lot of my favorite songs.”

“That’s good to hear.” He tried not to stare at her full mouth, the mouth he would not be kissing except in his dreams tonight.

“I was hoping we’d get a chance to talk, but you had to play music and I had to help keep the party going.”

“Right.” God, she was luscious.

“We’re both done, though.”

“Uh-huh.” His pulse rate jumped. She was going somewhere with this, and wherever she headed, he’d gladly follow.

She held up a bottle of champagne and two glasses. “Ever had champagne in a hayloft?”

His response stuck in his throat and he had to clear it before answering. “Nope.”

“Me, either, but I plan to tonight.”

“Sounds… fun.” Brilliant, just brilliant.

“Anyway, I’ll be up there in about fifteen minutes.” She winked at him. “And I have an extra glass.”

Alex tried to tell himself he had more sense than to accept that invitation. But in his heart, he knew a hayloft was in his immediate future. Hot damn.

* * *

Alex Keller’s night of passion with Tyler O’Connelli rocked his world, but not as much as Tyler’s unexpected return to the Last Chance Ranch in SHOULD’VE BEEN A COWBOY, book four in the Sons of Chance series!