Accidental Acquisition by Evangeline Anderson


As he began to give his body over to his other side, Kalis sent frantic thoughts to the Ursus who shared his being.

She’s frightened! You must be gentle! But don’t let her get away—heal her quickly—she’s badly wounded.

This changing process—which lasted only a split second in most cases—was the only time he had direct communication with the beast inside him. He could sense it at other times, moving on the other side of his psyche, but this was the only time they could actually talk.

As the fur sprouted from his skin and his face elongated into a blunt muzzle, he heard back from his other half.

Understand. Gentle…careful…frightened.

The Ursus didn’t speak in words often—it mostly communicated via emotions. From it, Kalis felt his own feelings for Jillian echoed back at him. Love… protectiveness… caring… the desperate desire to heal and guard and shelter from harm…

He was right—the massive beast inside him loved the curvy little Earth female as much as he did. The Ursus only wanted to heal and protect her.

He only hoped that Jillian would allow herself to be healed.