Accidental Acquisition by Evangeline Anderson


Kalis frowned as a low moan from Jillian’s side of the sleeping platform woke him. He was always sensitive to her cries, since lately she’d been having terrible nightmares of that night down on Earth when her ex-mate had nearly betrayed her to her death.

He had nightmares of his own, when he thought of what might have happened to her if the Goddess hadn’t intervened and sent him to her so quickly. As it was, he still berated himself for not getting there sooner. He wished desperately that the female he loved hadn’t had to go through such terrible trauma. Of course, his Ursus had healed her body, but clearly her mind was still in turmoil.

“Sweetheart?” He rolled over and pulled her small, fragile body close to his own much larger bulk, trying to be careful of her as he did so. He hadn’t realized what delicate creatures humans were until his Ursus had crushed her ex-mate without even trying. The fact that he had killed one of them—a male at that, who ought to be tougher and more resilient physically than a smaller female—had spooked him somewhat. Ever since, he had been even more careful of Jillian.

“Kalis!” She snuggled close and put her arms around him. Her soft, curvy body was nearly naked and the feeling of her flesh against his caused his shaft to react. But Kalis did his best to ignore it—he just wanted to comfort her, he told himself. Not…anything else. After all, it had only been two weeks since she almost died of the knife wounds and blood loss. He wanted to be sure she was all right before they did anything remotely physical again.

But this time, as he held the female he loved close to him, Kalis didn’t smell the sour scent of fear on her. Usually he could tell right away when she was having nightmares—his nose told him as well as the copious tears she’d cried against his chest while he held her and comforted her. But tonight, that scent was absent. In its place was…

He frowned, inhaling deeply in the dark. Was that the scent of her feminine desire? But how could a nightmare arouse her?

“Kalis?” she murmured again, and shifted against him. This time she seemed to be pushing her full breasts against his side almost on purpose.

“Jillian?” he asked. “Sweetheart, are you all right?”

“I…I don’t know. I feel so strange.” She moved against him again and this time he felt her pussy pressing against his thigh. She was hot and wet, he realized with a shock—which was certainly not her normal state after a nightmare.

“Did you have another bad dream?” Kalis asked her, reaching down to brush the hair out of her eyes.

She shook her head.

“I don’t think so. I was dreaming, but it wasn’t about Brad or…or anything else to do with him. It had to do with you…and your Ursus. With Brun.”

Kalis felt a small shiver of delight go through him, as he always did when she spoke of his Ursus by his secret true name. They were the only two people in the entire universe who knew it, and that was how it was going to stay. The fact that his other half had given the woman he loved his true name was remarkable, since he hadn’t even given it to Kalis’s first mate.

“What were you dreaming?” he asked her softly, stroking her cheek.

“It was confusing…” She shook her head. “But I think I was on my hands and knees on the ground. I was digging for some kind of buried treasure but for some reason, I wasn’t wearing any underwear.”

“No underwear, hmm?” Kalis couldn’t help thinking this dream sounded intriguing. Also, was she wearing any underwear now? If she was, he certainly couldn’t feel them as she pressed her pussy against his thigh. “Go on—what was I doing in your dream?” he said. “And what about my Ursus?”

“You were right behind me,” Jillian told him. She was pressing harder against his side, rubbing herself against him as she talked but Kalis didn’t know if she was quite aware of what she was doing. “You were telling me something like, ‘You have to dig deep to find the treasure. Deep—really deep.’ And every time you said the word ‘deep’, you…” She trailed off, as though embarrassed.

Kalis cleared his throat, trying to control his reaction to her soft, curvy body pressing so intimately against his own.

“Go on,” he urged. “What was I doing when I said the word ‘deep?’”

“Well…” Jillian shifted against him and looked up at him from under her lashes. He could see her lovely eyes glinting like two stars in the darkened room.

“Well?” he urged again.

She nibbled her bottom lip.

“Every time you said the word ‘deep,’ you pressed inside me,” she confessed in a soft voice. “You were filling me up—fucking me—while I was digging for treasure. Only sometimes it was you…and sometimes it was your Ursus. Is that even possible? I mean for the two of you to, er, switch places back and forth, that way?”

“Not exactly. Though there is something akin to it during a deep bonding,” Kalis said, frowning.

“A deep bonding? What’s that?” Jillian asked.

“It’s a step beyond bonding sex—for a B’varren Kindred, anyway,” Kalis told her. “It’s when his Ursus is…” He cleared his throat. “Is intimately involved in the bonding process. It doesn’t happen very often, but when it does, it results in an incredibly deep and close bond with your mate.”

“Were you deep bonded with your other mate? With Kara?” she asked softly.

Kalis shook his head.

“No, my Ursus didn’t choose to participate in my bonding with her. Just as he didn’t choose to give her his true name. He loved her, I think, but not as much as I did.” He stroked Jillian’s flushed cheek, noting how hot it was. “But with you, it’s different, sweetheart. I think he loves you every bit as much as I do.”

“That’s sweet, but what a weird dream!” Jillian shook her head. “So strange…but somehow I didn’t want it to end.”

“It sounds like…a very interesting dream,” Kalis admitted, wishing that his cock would go down. He was sporting a huge erection but he hoped she wouldn’t notice.

His hope was in vain, however, because the next thing he knew, her small hand was wrapped around his shaft and she was caressing him gently.

“Kalis,” she whispered, rubbing herself against him some more. “In the dream, you and your Ursus were both so deep inside me and it felt so good.”

“Now, sweetheart…” Gently, he pried her soft little hand off his aching cock, though it was the last thing he wanted to do. “You know we ought to wait a little bit longer to be sure you’re completely healed before we bond.”

“I am healed, though,” Jillian protested. “And for some reason, I’m aching to be with you. Please, Kalis, can’t we just try? I just—” At that moment, she froze and got a look of intense concentration on her face.

Kalis frowned, but didn’t interrupt. He knew the look of someone receiving a Think-me call, well enough. He just wondered who would be calling her at midnight.

“No, I wasn’t asleep,” he heard Jillian murmur. “But why are you calling me in the middle of the night? Is one of the babies sick?”

There was another long pause and then her eyes widened.

“Oh no! Are you sure? But Suzanne, I ate four of those things. Five, actually, because I sneaked back into the pantry and had another at the end of the night, after service was over!” There was another pause and then she said, “Overdose? Can you overdose on that? I mean, I know the centers of the chocolates were really concentrated but I didn’t know—”

At this point, Kalis couldn’t be silent any longer.

“Sweetheart, what is it?” he asked anxiously. “Who is that?”

“It’s Suzanne. Give me just a minute more,” Jillian told him. Her gaze turned inward again, and he knew she was talking to her friend. “Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yes, I guess I’ll have to tell him. No, don’t worry about me—I’ll be all right. Don’t feel bad. Look, Suze, I really have to go.” She winced and shifted her hips. “I, uh, think I’m kind of feeling the effects right now. Don’t worry—Kalis is here to help me. Okay, love you too. Goodnight.”

Kalis was watching her anxiously as she finally looked up at him.

“What happened?” he demanded. “What were you talking about when you said you overdosed on something?”

Jillian bit her lip.

“Okay, this is going to sound weird, but Suzanne has been thinking about opening a patisserie and chocolate shop that has a section just for couples, with all the products made with Bonding Fruit.”

“Bonding Fruit?” Kalis exclaimed. “That stuff can be dangerous if you don’t have a mate to help you after you eat it!”

“That’s exactly why she’s going to make it a couples only section,” Jillian told him. “And she had some of the chocolates with her today and asked me to try them. Only she accidentally mixed them up and instead of eating the harmless passion fruit ones, I apparently ate five of the Bonding Fruit ones.” She nibbled her lower lip. “Which could account for my sexy dream, I guess.”

“And the way you’re rubbing against me,” Kalis murmured, because his sexy little female was still at it, pressing her full breasts and bare pussy against his side and thigh, driving him damn-near crazy.

“Am I?” Jillian looked down at herself. “Oh God, I am! I’m sorry, Kalis—I didn’t even realize. And where is my nightgown?”

“Maybe you took it off in your sleep?” he suggested. “At any rate, I certainly don’t feel it right now. Feels to me like you’re completely naked, sweetheart.”

“I am!” Jillian sounded equal parts horrified and aroused. “God, this Bonding Fruit is strong stuff if it made me get naked in my sleep!” She pressed harder against him. “I can’t help myself, Kalis—I want you in me!”

“I’m not surprised, after eating all that concentrated Bonding Fruit,” he growled, frowning. “But I still don’t know if it’s safe…”

“I feel fine—completely healed!” Jillian told him. “I swear I do. Please, Kalis, I feel so achy and swollen and empty inside. If you don’t help me, I don’t know what I’m going to do!”

Kalis looked at her in concern. Was she really healed? Was it safe to bond her to him?

She is healed. I healed her.

The inner voice of his Ursus surprised him. Though they had become even closer and he was able to communicate with the other half of himself more easily ever since Jillian had tamed him, Brun still spoke only rarely. But this time he seemed to have a very definite opinion.

I healed her, his Ursus informed him again. It is safe to bond her to us.

Us? What do you mean, ‘us’? Kalis sent back, but then Jillian was rubbing against him again and making soft, frantic sounds of need, which were incredibly distracting.

“Please, Kalis!” she was nearly moaning as she pressed her breasts against him. “Please, I need you in me!”

“All right, sweetheart—all right,” he murmured, stroking her cheek and leaning down to kiss her forehead—which was hot, just like her cheeks. “We’ll try it, but very gently,” he told her. “How do you want to do it?”

“On my hands and knees—just like in my dream,” Jillian said at once. She was already scrambling into the center of the bed and spreading her legs for him, Kalis saw. The sight of her lovely, curvy body so open and needy, begging for his shaft, made him harder than ever, but he still wanted to be gentle with his fragile little female.

“All right,” he told her, getting up behind her. “But don’t you want me to suck your nipples or bathe your sweet little pussy with my tongue first?” He loved the taste of her juices and would have been more than happy to give her a tongue bath before they made love.

But Jillian was shaking her head.

“No. I need you in me now,” she insisted. She shifted impatiently on the bed, which caused her full breasts to sway like ripe fruit and her pussy to open even more, sending the intoxicating fragrance of her feminine heat to his nose.

Maybe it was the sight of her submissive posture or the way her pussy was so wet, or her hot, eager scent, but Kalis found he couldn’t wait any longer.

“All right, sweetheart,” he growled, getting to his knees behind her. “We’ll try making love—bonding—but gently and slowly.”

“Okay—that’s fine.” Jillian was shifting her hips again, tilting her pelvis to give him better access to her pussy. “Only hurry, Kalis! Feels like I’m going crazy I need you in me so badly!”

“It’s okay—you’re going to be all right, sweetheart,” Kalis assured her.

Reaching between his legs, he took himself in hand and fit the broad head of his shaft to the soft, wet mouth of her pussy. His first impulse was to push deeply inside her, but he made himself slow down and take things easy. After all, she was small and fragile and he was much bigger than a male of her own species. He had to be careful not to hurt her.

So he eased his way inside, gritting his teeth at the incredible pleasure of having her inner walls caress him. Entering her was like pushing deep into warm, wet velvet—soft and hot and deep and eager.

“Oh God!” he could hear Jillian moaning as her inner walls stretched to accommodate him. “Oh God, yes, Kalis! This is exactly what I need—yes—more—yes!”

Well, at least he didn’t have to worry that he was hurting her, he thought, as he continued to push slowly but steadily into her tight channel. His sexy little Elite seemed to be enjoying the way he was thrusting into her, at least, if the way she was begging for more and more was any indication. Gods, he loved it when she called his name and begged for him to fill her with his shaft!

At last, he was all the way inside, her tight, wet pussy stretched tightly around him. He could feel the mouth of her womb kissing the head of his cock as he cradled her hips in his hands, loving the feel of her surrounding him so completely, surrendering to him so utterly as she welcomed him in.

“Oh God, in me!” Jillian was moaning. “In me so deep!”

Kalis opened his mouth to answer, but then he heard a voice in his own head speaking.

Deep is needed for a deep bonding, his Ursus growled. And a deep bonding is what is needed.