Clearwater’s Redemption by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 1

Knox Present Day

Walking into Dale’s office on the top floor of the clubhouse, Dale hadn’t said a word, just handed me a folder.

I tagged it, read over it, moved the sick fucks to the order I would end them all in. I saved the best for last.

Nodding to Dale, I left his office then walked down the stairs to the main floor.

Seeing Cotton, I held up the folder, and with a deep sadistic smile, he nodded.

Over the next four weeks, I hunted down the assholes that had wanted Maddox. Sick fucking human beings. The world was a better place without them.

I had places in certain states, where I handled business. Luckily for the others, I didn’t have a place where they were located, but for this asshole, I did.

The sick fuck that was kneeling in front of me now though, I had waited for him. He was the bastard that had wanted Maddox.

I wanted him to be scared. The news of all of the others being taken out by my hand that had been involved in this, I wanted him to know that something was coming for him.

The others had died easily enough, but for this piece of wasted space, easy just wouldn’t cut it.

Walking around my prey, smelling the acrid blood, I allowed it to fill up my senses. I thrived on that taste. The taste of revenge, fear, and of power. Here I had all the power.

And that all-encompassing power was something else, it caused everything else in the room to fade away.

I jerked the hood off of his head, as I said, “Shouldn’t have tried to take the boy.”

“I didn’t take him.” Funny that he knew which boy I was referring to.

“Shouldn’t have thought about hurting that boy,” I said in a deadpan tone.

The fucker didn’t have anything to say to that.

“Shouldn’t be doing anything to little boys or girls,” I jerked at the chain that was attached to his wrists, pulling them up behind his back. I smirked when I heard both of his shoulders pop out of their sockets at the angle.

He howled in pain, “Fuck, man, whatever you want I’ll give it to you, just fucking stop.”

“Have the little boys you've hurt begged you to stop?” He didn’t need to answer me, I knew they had. I knew they had cried through the pain. I knew how they felt.

My fury needed to be unleashed, but just a sliver of it, while he was still dangling I threw all of my weight into one solid punch to his temple.

His eyes rolled back in his head and he was out.

I moved the chain along the steel beam I had it attached to, when I had it above a steel slab, I lowered the chain.

I unhooked his wrists as I placed them in the cuffs that I had attached to the steel slab.

After I had his wrists cuffed, and then his ankles, I stepped back.

I walked to the one table in the room and grabbed a pair of pliers. Then I walked over to him.

With the pliers, I grabbed his flaccid cock with them through his jeans then I squeezed. His back bowed up off the table as he came too. Tears were leaking out of his eyes.

“Hope you like pain,” I told him as I twisted the pliers.

Would you believe he fucking pissed himself? Shaking my head, this man was nothing but a little bitch.

It was time for me to have some fun. I pulled my knife out of its sheath at the small of my back, ran the blade over my fingertips, relished in the feel of the little bite that came along with it.

Snarling at him, I placed my gloved hand down on his forearm, then just like I was skinning a fish, I dipped the blade into his skin and slid it through his flesh.

His cries and howls of pain only made the monster that lived inside of me roar with happiness.

Sadly after that piece of skin came off, the fucker blacked out from the pain a-fucking-gain.

I walked out to the front porch and grabbed a bucket of rainwater, as I made it to him, I dumped it on his face.

He sputtered as he came to yet again.

“Fuck asshole. Fucking stop.”

I said one word, “No.”

After I had sliced off the skin on his other arm and his chest, I grabbed a screwdriver, put my gloved hand on his forehead to hold him in place, lowered to his ear, and whispered, “This is for Maddox.” With a hard jab, I jammed that screwdriver into his eardrum.

I watched the life drain from his eyes.

After I stepped back I checked myself as I pulled the gloves from my hands then tossed them on the body, strangely I didn’t have any of this vile piece of shits blood on me. Fucking A.

Being done with this piece of human filth, I poured gasoline on him, then on the entire floor of the wooden shack, grabbed my lighter, then lit the entire space on fire.

Taking another hit from my blunt, while I sat on my bike, I watched the orange flames as they engulfed the wooden shack I had found and bought under a dummy corporation.

I may be in an outlaw motorcycle club, but I hadn’t gotten to where I was by being stupid.

Since I was done with these sick fucks, it was time.

In an hour I made it to Wrath Ink.

The moment Clutch saw me enter, he stood and nodded his head to his studio. He knew what I had done.

“How many?” he asked.


He didn’t say anything as he got his shit ready, then he asked, “The bastards that kidnapped Maddox?”

All I did was nod.

“Fucking A brother.” Clutch knew about Maddox because he was a member of our Dogwood chapter in Tennessee.

Clutch was also the only one I trusted to tattoo me. Even though I had to drive the five hours to have work done, it was fucking worth it.

On my right bicep, he tattooed thirty-eight more crows.

I’ve never told anyone the meaning behind the crows but my brothers only know what the crows on my right arm represent.

When I was a little boy, I had seen a crow fly down and attack its prey, mercilessly, I felt a kinship to them.

Hence why I now have around one hundred and fifty crows flying up my arm.

As I tried to pay Clutch he shook his head at me, “Nah brother, not for this.” Nodding, I turned out of his studio and made it to the front door. All the while ignoring the women that had stopped what they were doing to watch me walk past.

Shit like this pissed me the fuck off. So fucking what if I was six foot seven and pushing close to three hundred pounds. So fucking what if I had ink all up and down my body, except for my neck, face, a portion of my chest, and my left arm.

However I noticed Shiloh at the end of the counter hadn’t had eyes for me, but for Clutch, however, the man was ignorant of that fact as he walked to the women, ignoring Shiloh. Judging by her hurt expression, yeah she had it bad for him.

Since it wasn’t my place and I needed to get back to Clearwater, Shiloh turned her gaze from Clutch to me, I nodded to her, then I watched a smile morph on her face as I walked out the front door to my bike.

I checked my phone before I got back on the road. I hadn’t heard from her, which was unusual. She texted me randomly during the day.

To be honest, I didn’t know how any of this shit worked. I was out of my element with this shit. In anger, I started up my bike and sped towards the clubhouse.

The moment I made it through the front doors, Cotton’s gaze immediately went to the fresh ink that was wrapped on my arm, he looked me in the eyes and nodded.

Later on that night with my back to the rest of the club, I sipped on some Jack and debated on what the fuck to do.

I didn’t mess with a woman that was taken. Hell, I didn’t mess with any woman, at least not in the last five years. I hadn’t seen not one woman that had turned my head.

Except for her.

“Knox, you need another drink?” I growled. Why the fuck couldn’t Amberly take the fucking hint?

I held up my half-full glass of whiskey then brought it back down.

“Knox… I…” I knew what she was going to say, and I’d had enough.

Growling yet again I turned my head, “Done said it. Not repeating myself. Not changing either. Leave. Me. The. Fuck. Alone.” I bit out at her.

It wasn’t that Amberly wasn’t beautiful, because she was, it wasn’t that she had been with all of the brothers but me and Dale. It was simply that when I looked at her, all I saw was black and white. Not gray.

I wanted someone who was gray. Someone who didn’t fit in either category. Someone that didn’t give not one flying fuck what someone thought about her. Even though I was a big man, I didn’t want a woman with a lot of curves, I wanted someone tiny. Someone that was also timid and shy, but yet that lit up with my touch, even though I’d never let her touch me.

And only one woman in all the years I’ve been alive has ever hit every single fucking one of those categories except the last one.

The club was alive at night like it always was. Lucy had the kids in the family room so everyone could kick back and chill.

“Hey girl, what’s…” I didn’t pay attention to her conversation, not until I heard her name.

“Fiona, honey, what is it?” At her name, I stood then walked over to where she sat on Cotton’s lap, pulled out my phone to see if I had missed a text or a call, why hadn’t she called me?

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Novalie asked in a growl, her eyes narrowing to slits as she listened to whatever Fiona was saying to her.

“I’m on my way. I’ll fucking kill him.” She growled just like a mamma cat.

“What?” I bit out in anger.

I ignored Cottons warning growl for speaking to his ole’ lady like that. I cut my eyes to him, and at the look in them, I saw his eyes widen in surprise.

Novalie stopped her movements as she looked up at me with fire blazing in her eyes. “The bastard was in Fiona’s bed with another woman, and when she went to leave, he fucking hit her…”

I didn’t care what else she had to say. I threw my glass to the ground, hearing it shatter as I stormed out of the clubhouse, fury fueling me on.

That bastard had dared to put his hands on her. On mine?

Fucker was going to pay. Fucking hard.