Ripped: The Price of Loyalty by Tania Joyce


Chapter 10

The hangover from hell pounded like a jackhammer inside Kyle’s skull when he woke early in the afternoon. His mouth was dry, and his breath stank like a dead animal. He dragged himself out of bed, showered, and packed for his trip to the iHeartAwards and some publicity stops. The whole time, visions of being in the music room last night with Gemma bombarded his mind.

He’d sensed her the moment she walked in. He always did. Fueled by alcohol, the power of the music had possessed him. All his hurt, frustration, heartache and pain had come out through the drumsticks.

He’d played until he had nothing left.

Numbness was all that remained.

But the look on Gemma’s face was something he’d never forget. The shock in her eyes when he’d ranted at her ripped his heart in two. He’d never meant to hurt her. He wanted her to be happy. How stupid had he been?

Would she believe him if he put last night down to drunken stupor? He could deny everything. That would be best for everyone. Maybe last night was the therapy he needed to finally get things off his chest, to move on and stop dwelling on her.

Yes. It was time to move on.

Kyle zipped up his suitcase and dragged it out into the hallway. Hunter had drilled the changes to their schedule into his liquor-laced brain last night, even set his alarm. With half an hour to kill before the driver was scheduled to pick them up for the airport, he headed toward the kitchen. He swore under his breath when he saw Gemma on the sofa, working away on her laptop. Her eyes met his, and a cold shudder ripped through his bones.

“We need to talk.” Gemma’s hard tone was like a sharp slap across his face.

He winced, opened the kitchen cabinet, and grabbed the box of Tylenol. “Where’s Hunt?” Was there any way he could avoid this conversation?

“He’s having a shower.” Gemma’s eyes followed his every move. “You need to explain last night.”

Kyle gulped down two tablets with a glass full of water and made his way over to the sofa. He slumped down next to her and stared at the ceiling. He wasn’t sure he could explain last night, even to himself. Alcohol, combined with heartache, combined with music was one lethal cocktail.

He closed his eyes, took a depth breath, then turned his head in her direction. “What about it?”

She shut her laptop and tossed it on the chaise beside her cast. “Why didn’t you say anything to me . . . about having feelings for me?”

“What are you talking about?” He winced, the throb in his head and chest unbearable. “Why? What did I say?”

Gemma repeated every word he’d said. But it was unnecessary because it was still crystal clear in his mind. He swallowed hard, trying to find some glimmer of inner strength to beat down the truth. When would his lies harden his heart, and finally stop it from aching? Because he didn’t want to let this pain rule him anymore.

“Gem, of course I care about you.” Kyle wiped his hand down his face. “You know that. And yes, we connect when we play music, I don’t ever want to lose that. I’m fine with you and Hunt being together.” Denying everything would make it easier. Easier on all of them. It had to. It had to. It had to.

She wriggled on the seat. “I’ve never heard you play drums like that before. It was incredible and so intense. Then . . . when you went off at me . . .” Gemma’s voice quivered, barely above a whisper. “I . . . I didn’t know what to say.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said. “It was a long night, and I had way too much to drink. I got carried away playing.”

“The music was mind-blowing.” She wrapped her arms across her belly. “Kyle, I really care about you. But I’m with Hunt, and struggling to make that work as it is. You’re my best friend, and I don’t want you to be jealous or upset or whatever the hell is going on with you. But if you want me to do something different, please let me know. I don’t want any problems between us. You and Hunt will always come first. You’ve got to remember that.”

“Gem, seriously. I’m fine. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Good.” Gemma smiled, but it didn’t reflect in her eyes.

Guilt weighed him down. From now on, he’d have to be more careful about what came out of his mouth. His two best friends were together and he would not get in their way.

“Hey.” Gemma nudged him in the arm. “I recorded that piece last night. We’ll have to write some kickass lyrics for it.”

His stomach lurched. Remembering how he felt last night when he played was not something he wanted to do. Something he didn’t want to think about. Not ever again. “Nah, it was probably shit.”

Hunter stomped down the hall, dropped his suitcase by the elevator, and ambled over to the sofa. “I’m ready to go.” He leaned down and kissed Gemma on the head. “See ya, babe.”

Kyle turned away, not wanting to witness any form of affection between the two of them. But seriously. No kiss on the mouth? Those two had the weirdest relationship he’d ever seen.

“Let’s go, Kyle.” Hunter straightened.

Not wanting to move, Kyle’s stomach gurgled, and his head hurt.

“You look like shit.” Hunter smirked. “You better not throw up on the plane again, like you did in Singapore.”

The memory of rough turbulence on a hangover made a cold sweat break out on Kyle’s forehead. “Let’s hope it’s a smooth flight.”

“Now I’m glad I’m staying home.” Gemma grinned, then glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. “You two better get going. Don’t have too much fun without me.”

Hunter grabbed his wallet off the sideboard. “Promise. You take care of that leg, babe.”

“I hate that I’m not coming with you.” She pouted and turned in Kyle’s direction. “Come here.” She beckoned him over with a wave of her hand. “I need a hug.”

Kyle sighed and shuffled over toward her, and she curled her arms around his shoulders. He rubbed his hand down her back. “We’ll see you in a week. Hope you miss us heaps.”

“Yeah, I will. And just so you know, we’re going to be okay.” She whispered in his ear. “You, me and Hunt. Together forever. Always.”

Kyle buried his face in her hair and held her tight. Forever in hell was not his idea of fun.

She gave him a peck on the cheek and drew away.

“There’s no doubt in my mind, Gem. Together forever. Always,” he said softly.

If he told himself that enough times, he might start to believe it.