Ripped: The Price of Loyalty by Tania Joyce


Chapter 6

The first signs of spring in New York were everywhere. The trees in the park across the road from Gemma’s apartment in Tribeca broke out in new growth, the snow long gone, and the sky a brilliant blue. After ten days of vacation in the mountains with her two girlfriends, Lexi and Kara, all the freezing weather, drizzly rain and exhaustion from tour had finally caught up with her. Struck down with the worst cold, her whole body ached.

Rugged up in her warm coat, beanie and scarf, Gemma hauled herself along on her crutches, back across the road to her apartment after ducking into the pharmacy to grab more painkillers for her leg and a fresh supply of tissues. The chill in the air burned against her cheeks, constricted her lungs, and frazzled her brain. Her reality was about to change. Hunter was due back from his vacation at any moment.

Hunter is my boyfriend. Hunter is my boyfriend. Hunter is my boyfriend.

Saying it over and over did nothing to settle her nerves. The mix of excitement, terror, apprehension, and a tingling buzz shooting through her veins wasn’t helping either.

Hoisting herself along, Gemma concentrated on her swing—crutches, legs, crutches, legs. Her arms ached. Even though she was fit from performing, she panted from all the exertion.


Shit! Her breath hitched and she halted in the middle of the paved park area. The last thing she needed was to be swamped by fans. She turned toward the crowd standing at the crossing. No one glanced her way. She peered at the people sitting on the park bench. No one looked up from their coffee. But movement across the street caught her eye. Her heart rate jumped seeing Hunter jog toward her. With his hair flying loose, his black sweater on, and his jeans hanging low on his hips, he tucked his bare hands under his armpits and crossed the street. He jumped to a halt in front of her, wrapped his arms around her waist, knocking her crutches and shopping to the ground. He picked her up, spun her around and placed her back on her feet.

“Hi honey. I’m home. Missed you.” His breath misted the air. His cheeks flushed red in the cold.

Lowering his head, he gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

“Don’t kiss me out here, you idiot.” She took a step back and tugged her beanie back into place. “Besides . . . I have a terrible cold.” Gemma rubbed her runny nose. “Also, don’t call me honey ever again.”

“You’re right.” He stubbed his boot against the ground. “Honey doesn’t suit you. I’ll have to come up with something else. How about . . . Shnookums?”

Gemma thumped him in the arm. “No cute names whatsoever. Ever.”

“No nicknames. Got it.” He picked up her crutches and tote bag. “You mastering these things yet?

“Yea-p.” Gemma hooked the crutches under her arms and headed for the crossing. “I have muscles I didn’t know existed. My arms and shoulders ache all the time.”

“I’ll give you a massage later on to make you feel better.”

Hmm. Hunter’s hands on her flesh. Not sure that no-sex rule was going to last very long.

“You’re going to stay with Kyle and me for a while. Right?” Hunter asked.

“Maybe. If I do, it’ll be in the spare room. Not in yours. I’m not ready for that. Not yet. You promised me we could take it slow.”

“I’m down with that, Gem. But do you want to come back to my place so we can catch up? It’s fucking freezing out here.” Hunter rubbed his hands together.

Gemma nodded and they headed down the laneway to his apartment, only one building and five hundred yards away from her own front door.

Gemma hoisted herself out of the elevator and down the hallway to the open living area and video game noise. Sun streamed in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, but offered no warmth, despite shimmering off the white oak floors. Hunter and Kyle’s huge five-bedroom apartment took up the entire tenth floor of the building and resembled a glasshouse more than a cozy, private home. Not to her liking at all. With its high-end security and electronic gadgetry, it had more gizmos and tech within its walls than a hi-fi mega store.

“Hey. I didn’t know you were back early.” A tug pulled inside her chest seeing Kyle sprawled out on the white leather modular sofa. His eyes were puffy, his hair an unkempt mess, and he didn’t even look up from playing his video game.

She shuffled around the furniture to sit next to him and dropped her shopping onto the floor.

“I got back yesterday and went straight to bed. I’ve got the flu.” Kyle’s chest rattled when he coughed.

“Me too. Why didn’t you call me? I could’ve come over and we could’ve hung out together and shared a box of tissues.” She lifted her cast onto the chaise and propped a cushion under her knee.

He shrugged. “I felt like crap. I wouldn’t have been good company.”

“Gem? Kyle? Latte?” Hunter called from the kitchen.

“Sure,” they said together.

“Are you happy now Hunt’s home?” Kyle’s focus remained glued to the TV set. He clicked and twisted the controller around in his hand. Explosions and gunfire boomed and reverberated through the sound system. Jetfighters and enemy attackers flew and spun across the huge flat-screen.

“Yea-p.” She grabbed a magazine off the coffee table and flicked through the pages, not taking any notice of the contents.

“Then why are you breaking out in a cold sweat?” Kyle asked.

“I’m not.”

“Yeah. You are. You’re fidgeting.”

Why did Kyle have to be so intuitive?

Gemma sighed and glanced over at Hunter. “It’s just . . . going to be weird.”

“Tell me about it,” Kyle mumbled.

Hunter placed the coffees on the table, fell on the chaise beside Gemma, and rested his head on her lap. She hesitated, smiled, then ran her fingers through his wavy hair. This was going to work. Everything was going to be fine.

Then she sneezed. And sniffled. And rubbed her watery eyes.

“You two sound disgusting. I better not get sick.” Hunter sat up and shuffled to the end of the sofa. “Not sexy at all, Gem.”

“You know you want me.” Her voice didn’t sound seductive at all through her blocked nose. Diving into her shopping bag, she grabbed the box of tissues and blew her nose.

“Not like that, I don’t.” Hunter waved his finger. “But I know what I do want. And that’s food.” He turned to her. “Want anything, sweet pea?”

“Don’t call me that.” She nudged him hard in the leg. “But since you’ve offered, some bagels would be nice. The ones from the shop around the corner. And some chicken soup. Soup would be soooo good.”

Hunter leaned forward and ran his hand up her leg. A sparkle shimmered in his eyes. He crawled toward her and tried to kiss her, but she placed her hand against his face and laughed. Yep, kissing him was still too weird to contemplate.

Undeterred, he grinned and sat back on his heels. “Just because I’m your boyfriend now doesn’t mean I’m your slave, woman!”

“While I’ve got this broken leg, you are. Now, get me some food, manbitch!” Gemma pointed toward the kitchen. It was going to be fun ordering Hunter around instead of having him telling everyone what to do.

Kyle groaned and threw the game controller aside. “Gem, if you’re going to stay here while you’ve got your cast on, there’s got to be ground rules. There’s to be none of this lovey-dovey shit while I’m in the room. Otherwise I’ll move out. Maybe I should go and stay at your place so you two can be alone.”

“Go pack a bag, bud.” Hunter waved toward Kyle’s room down the hallway.

“Don’t be stupid,” Gemma snapped. “Kyle, I promise. No sweet talk. If Hunt keeps it up, I’ll be out of here before anyone else. Got it?” She had to agree with Kyle. Sweet talk made her want to vomit.

“Fine.” Hunter pushed up the sleeves of his sweater and stood. “I’ll go order some food since our housekeeper’s slack. Kyle, you right to keep Gem company?”

“Always have been.” Kyle sighed and rested his head back on the couch.

When the office door down the hallway clicked closed behind Hunter, Gemma turned to face Kyle. He stared up at the ceiling, then rolled his head toward her. His face softened, but his smile didn’t touch his eyes. The cold vibe radiating off him had her more worried about what was bothering him more than his health.

Gemma grabbed and cuddled a cushion. “I know we talked on the phone while on vacation, but I really want to make sure you’re okay with me and Hunt. I won’t let being with him affect our music or our friendship. I promise.”

Concern flickered in his eyes, but within a blink it was gone. Kyle shuffled toward her and hooked his arm around her shoulders. “You’ve nothing to worry about, Gem. I’m fine. It’s just going to take some time to get used to.”

“Tell me about it.” She rested her head against his shoulder. “You know you’re the best.”

He rubbed his hand up and down her arm and cuddled her tighter. “I know.”

“Hey, lovebirds.” Hunter’s footsteps thudded on the floor. “Dinner, groceries, drinks, and bagels will all be here within the hour.” He slipped onto the sofa beside her.

A chill shot through the air, and the hairs on Gemma’s arms stood on end when Kyle moved away from her. With a steely mask drawn across his face, he picked up his game controller and zapped away.

She didn’t like him acting like this, but knew he’d come around when he accepted and understood she had to take this chance at love. She didn’t like to think of the consequences if it didn’t work out.

Hunter’s eyes locked onto hers, and he gave her a cheeky smile. He rubbed his hand up and down her sweatpants. Soft. Gentle. Kneading. “How about that massage I promised before?”

Her throat ran dry. His touch made her blood pressure rise, her body tense, and her hands tremble. “Maybe later. I need food first.” She drew herself up to sit taller on the sofa and inched away from him.

What was wrong with her? Her mind whirled, searching for a way to relax and let go of her fears. Because Hunter was the change she needed. All the dreams she’d had must have meant something. This shift from friends to lovers was going to be easy. Right?