An Assassin’s Oath by Shayla Hart



It's dark. So damn dark I couldn’t see anything. Calm down, Ezra. Just breathe. Oh God, oh god, I said I trusted him, but what if he was lying and he’s tied me up so he could rape me!

My mind is reeling. My heart was beating so hard, and so fast I thought it would break through my ribcage or stop altogether. There I was, laying on a bed, naked, bound, and exposed to a professional killer who was clearly about to assault me.

Each time I tug on the restraints, I feel a sting and burn, and it makes me whimper. My fingers we starting to go numb— that’s how tight the bastard has tied me up. Has he just left me here? Or was he just standing there watching me like a sick pervert touching himself?

My stomach rolls at the mere thought of it. I strain my ears to hear a sound, anything, but it was dead silent; the only sound was my heavy breathing and my heart beating loudly in my ears.

Suddenly, I feel the bed dip, and I freeze. My breath hitches up in my throat as I wait and try to anticipate his movements. I jump, startled, when I hear his deep voice in my left ear. “Have you ever been tied up like this, Ezra?” The deep timbre of his voice in my ear sends a mass of tingles straight down my spine, and I gasp, surprised.

“No,” I whisper, praying he has an ounce of humanity inside of him and pray he isn’t about to do what I fear he is. I don’t want to have to carry this burden for the rest of my life.

“That’s a real shame. Because you look gorgeous right now.” Damien whispers in my ear, and my stomach flutters. “Tell me why you chose me.”

I couldn’t think straight. What is he talking about?“W-what?”

“At the club, had things gone as you’d hoped, and we fucked last night…I ‘m curious why you chose to give your virginity to me?” Damien questions, and I wet my lips; my throat suddenly dry as though I swallowed a spoonful of sand. “Tell me.”

“I already told you,” I answer quietly and hear him hum in my ear.

“You’d rather fuck a stranger in a club than give your virtue to the man you’re promised to?” The heat of his breath combined with the coolness of the room is causing goosebumps to break out all over me and every hair on my body to stand.


“How far have you gone, Ezra?” I swallow the gasp when I feel the stubble of his beard lightly graze against my cheek. I hesitate, my cheeks burning hot at his question.

“Not very.”


“As far as you took me last night,” I confess and can swear I heard him suck in a sharp breath.


“No…” I whimper against the warmth of his breath on my ear. “Damien…” I curl my fingers around the silk ties to stop myself from leaning into his warmth, arching up into him. What is he doing to me? My body has never reacted to anyone like this before.

I’m seriously twisted.

“You’re telling me no one has ever tasted this perfect pussy before?” I groan at his words and shake my head, biting down on my lip. “Fuck Ezra,” Damien growls in my ear, and I quake in response. “Pretty girl, if you were mine, I would feast on your pussy tirelessly. You’d be fucking my face till I’m almost suffocating between your legs and drowning in your cum.”

Oh, my God!

“Jesus.” I moan. “Damien.” I squeeze my thighs together when my clit pulses with need.

“I’d make you come so hard and slow you’ll be weeping in pleasure.” I tug on my restraints and swallow hard when I feel Damien's hot breath against my breast. My nipples peak and tighten in anticipation as I instinctively arch up into it. An enthralling heat surges through me, causing me to shiver. What the fuck is happening? Was it fear that was causing my body to react this way?

No! Goddamn it, you’re supposed to be repulsed! What are you doing, Ezra!

“You’re wet,” Damien whispers gruffly. “Your clit is red and engorged, which tells me you’re excited at the thought of me eating your pussy.” I fist my hands and let out a throaty moan or groan of some sort—I couldn’t even tell anymore.

What’s worse is I was fucking enjoying this, despite everything in my mind screaming at me to kick and thrash, beg him to stop, my body was having none of it. I’m sick. I’m a sick and twisted person. “I need your consent. Yes or no?” I hear him growl impatiently, and I part my lips to speak, but nothing came out. “Let’s try it this way. If you accept, spread your legs for me. If you do not, I’ll untie you, and that will be the end of it.”

I tried to fight the urge, I did, but my legs shamelessly fell open for him on their own accord. I feel the bed shift as Damien shuffles down. I gasp in surprise when he effortlessly flips me over and pushes me up on all fours. “Spread your legs for me.” I obey. Spreading my legs wider and remain still, gripping the headboard for support, and before I could even muster a nod or utter a single word, his big hands were on my body, exploring, feeling every inch of exposed skin he could reach.

I hiss when he pinches my nipples, twisting and tugging them. A surge of pain and desire passes through me, and I bite down hard on my bottom lip.

I feel his lips on my spine, followed by his tongue traveling down slowly, stopping to nip and suck at my flesh.

Those strong hands grab handfuls of my ass and squeeze’s hard enough to leave his mark behind. I whimper and rock my hips back against him, wanting and needing more, and he holds my hips with his hands and grips tight until I groan. “Stop moving.” I still at his command, and my breath hitches in my throat when he parts my legs further, and I feel him pull my hips back.

I pant breathlessly when his mouth inches closer to my vagina. Just like his fingers the night before, his velvet tongue licks up through my aperture, and he glides his tongue over the bundle of nerves at the top, causing me to buck my hips against him on impulse.

“Oh, my God. Damien…” I moan as he licks, flicks, and sucks my clit into his mouth hard.

Holy shit!

I writhe against him and rock my hips, my legs quiver, and he slid his hands over my buttocks and yanked my hips down before he glides his tongue inside me. I grunt. “Uhhhnn yes...”

Damien squeezes my thighs, and I scream when a hard slap lands on my left buttock. Tears burn the back of my eyelids from the sting, but I didn’t have time to process before his tongue is back on my clit, sucking and flicking over and over, bringing me closer to orgasm. “Use me. Fuck my mouth. Make yourself cum on my tongue, Ezra.” My toes curl as heat coils deep inside my belly. My fingers curl, my back arches, panting breathlessly. I rock my hips back and forth against his mouth and almost cry at the sensations.

I grip the headboard tight, my head goes dizzy, and an uncontrollable, burning heat rushes through me at lightning speed. My thighs quiver and I lose my breath. “Oh God…Oh God, I’m going to come.” And just before I go over the edge, he thrusts two fingers deep inside me, and I scream again when he penetrates me with his fingers so deep, and his mouth continues to tease my clit.

I felt like I was about to pass out; the pain of his fingers deep inside me and the pleasure of his mouth on my clit incites sparks through me that I couldn’t put into words if I tried.

The only thing I could do was helplessly scream and moan. “Yes, yes…yes! I’m coming, Damien!” He presses his finger down on my g-spot and continues to rub, and before I could come down from my first orgasm, he was making me climax all over again.

I whimper and pant as he brings me closer to my second climax. Those long fingers roughly thrust while I tug my restraints hard. I hiss when it pinches my skin and burns, but that only fuels my pleasure as I erupt once again. I see stars behind my eyelids. My cry of pleasure hangs in the air for a couple of seconds, and I press my head against the headboard, breathless, spent, and my body aching like it never has before.

I groan when Damien’s fingers slide out of me and the bed shifts; he crawls up behind me, his fingers curl at the nape of my neck, and he pulls me up, so my back is pressing against his chest.

My head falls back against his shoulder and his lips, dropping an open-mouthed kiss to the base of my neck while his fingers close around my throat. I hiss when he sinks his teeth into my flesh and sucks hard enough to draw blood and leaves a red mark behind. “Something to remember me by later, pretty girl,” Damien growls, gliding his tongue over the love bite before he tugs my blindfold off.

I wince and blink until my eyes adjust to the brightness of the room again. I look back and up at him, and he stares down into my eyes with that silver gaze of his. I gasp when he unties my arms, my fingers were numb, so I move them around to get the blood circulating again.

I glance down at my wrists and see they were bruised and red with the burn the friction caused from when I was tugging on them. Damien also notices and wraps his fingers around my hand, lifts my wrist, and brushes his thumb along the marks. I hiss in response, suddenly feeling the burn, and he drops my hand again and shifts off of the bed.

“Get cleaned up and come down for dinner,” Damien utters and walks out of the bedroom. I watch his retreating back and sink back on the bed, pressing my back against the headboard, I pull my knees to my chest, and once the door was closed, I exhale slowly. My body still trembling, my ladybits slick with a mixture of him and me.

What did I just do?

* * *

Another shower later,I got dressed in a different pair of jeans and a t-shirt and curled up on the bed. I wasn’t hungry, and the thought of facing him made my stomach tight.

The room grew dark as the sun sets, and I just laid there trying to figure out how one person can feel so numb yet be in such agony at the same time. I flinch when the door opens again, and I can hear his footsteps coming toward the bed. My senses pick up on the smell of food, and sure enough, Damien slides a tray of food on the bedside table. “You didn’t come down for dinner.” He says, more of a statement than a question.

“I’m not hungry.”

A frustrated sigh, “Ezra, you haven’t eaten anything since you’ve been here. You need to eat.” I ignore him—which was a mistake because I feel his fingers around my arm again, and he’s dragging me up. “I said, eat!” He barks, glaring at me, and I whimper, fighting against him.

“I said, I’m not hungry.” I shouldn’t have defied him. I should have nodded like a good girl and listened, but I didn’t. Damien grabs my face with his fingers and lifts my gaze to meet his, our lips a breath apart.

“Stop provoking me, Ezra. If I tell you to do something, you fucking do it. Do you understand me? I don’t have the fucking patience to play games with you.” He states, squeezing my arm tighter, and I glare back at him.

“Oh really, because to me, it seems like you love to play games, or is it only when it’s on your terms.” I hiss when he yanks me closer, so my body is pressed up against his so much that I feel the ripple of his muscles through his shirt up against my torso.

“It’s always on my terms, Ezra.” Damien growls, “What were you expecting exactly? I devoured your pussy and made you come hard twice, don’t go looking for some hidden romantic meaning behind it because you’ll be left disappointed, sweetheart.” Damien tells me indifferently and pushes me back forcefully. I fall back on the bed and rub my arm.

“You’re a real piece of work… you know that.”

“Is that the thanks I get for making you feel good?” I gape at him as he crosses his burly arms over his chest and smirks at me arrogantly. I roll my eyes in response—another mistake. “Did you just roll your eyes at me?”

Uh-oh. There’s that dangerous glint in his eyes again. I stare up at him, and before I could blink twice. Damien was on me like flies on hot shit. I’m pushed back on the bed with him straddling me, his fingers tight around my throat. I gasp, cough, and struggle against him as his fingers bite tighter into my skin. “You do not roll your goddamn eyes at me, Ezra. Do it again, and I will give you something else to scream about. You hear me?” I nod and suck in a deep breath, filling my lungs with oxygen once he loosens his grip on me.

I peer up at him, and something flashes in his eyes, but it disappears too quickly before I could read too much into it. “That plate better be empty when I come back up here,” Damien warns as he walks over to the door—stopping to glance back at me over his shoulder one last time and closes the door behind him.

I sigh and close my eyes, rubbing my painfully throbbing throat. I look over at the tray of food. It was lasagna and a side salad with a bottle of orange juice on the side. I pick up the fork and force myself to eat at least some of it before the psycho decides to come back up and kill me for disobeying him again.

I managed to force down half the lasagna and orange juice before my stomach protests, and I drop my fork, not wanting to throw up.

* * *

Two days goby terribly slowly. I tried my best to avoid him and stayed out of his way. Damien would bring me food and leave without a word or so much as a glance. I hadn’t seen him today, and I was going stir crazy being cooped up inside. I needed air. It was almost dusk; the sun had begun its descent. I make my way downstairs and look around—no sign of Damien.

I walk through the kitchen and slide the door to the back open and step outside. I hear music the moment I step out—rock music, no surprise there. I look around, and for a fleeting moment, I wanted to run as fast as my legs would take me but, something inside me told me not to, that he would find me and kill me before I could get too far.

I follow the sound of the music which was coming from the other side of the house. Walking around, I stop when I see Damien was working out in his gym. I suppose a body like his doesn’t happen overnight and would require hard work and discipline to upkeep. Just watching him made me realize how badly I missed running and working out myself.

Sighing, I lean against the doorframe and watch him lifting weights, sweat dripping from his forehead, his arms and torso glistening under the late afternoon sunlight. Why did he have to be such a cold-hearted bastard? Furthermore, why did he have to look like he did? Like he’s been sculpted by Greek Gods— tall, robust, and muscular. So sinfully handsome. Dark and brooding. It would have been a lot easier to resist him if he didn’t look so damn good all the time. I have this uncontrollable attraction to this man.

I wish I hadn’t been blindfolded that day so that I could have watched him. I close my eyes and picture him with his head between my legs, those gray eyes staring up at me as he pleasures me till I’m climaxing all over his tongue.

I open my eyes and gasp when I see him towering over me. I lift my eyes to his and gulp. Damien was standing so close to me I could feel the heat radiating off his body, smell the sweat on his skin. “Jesus.” I breathe instinctively, trying to back up but curse when my back hits the door. Damien smirks and decides to cage me in by lifting his arms and place them on either side of my head.

“What are you doing out here?” He questions, lowering his head so he could look me dead in the eyes. He loves doing that—eye contact was something he was big on, it seems.

“I, um…” I search my brain for an excuse, but I couldn’t think straight with him this close and looking at me like that. “I needed some air. I’ve been confined up in that room for days. I heard music and followed it here.”

“Enjoy watching me work out?” I had the urge to roll my eyes but caught myself just in time. I wasn’t looking to get choked again and have him make good on his threat, which I’m sure he would without hesitation or remorse.

I let my eyes roam over him before I look up at him again. “I’ve seen better,” Damien smirks, and his eyes darken, straightening; he takes hold of my face in his right hand and lifts my head, so I was compelled to look up at him.

“Is that right?”

I nod.

Damien wets his lips, his eyes never leaving mine. “Your eyes tell me different, pretty girl.” I force myself to hold his gaze, and he leans closer, his nose almost pressed against mine.

The scent of him made my head whirl, a mixture of his cologne, sweat, and laundry detergent. I had the urge to inhale deeply so I could soak up the intoxicating manly scent of him and use it later when he invades my mind—which he does ninety-five percent of the day.

“And exactly what do my eyes tell you?” I need to learn to shut my mouth around this man and stop defying him, but something tells me he secretly enjoys the push back.

“That you want more.” He utters arrogantly, biting down on his bottom lip as his eyes slowly drift down to my lips. “Deep in that fire you’ve got burning in those gorgeous blue eyes of yours, you’re curious, thirsty, and you’ve now got an insatiable hunger for hot, dirty, kinky fuckery…with me.” I resist the urge to quiver when I feel his hot breath on my lips.

“I wouldn’t read too much into it.”

“And what were you fantasizing about before?” Shit. How the hell did he know. I must be transparent as hell for him to know I was fantasizing about him.

“What? I don’t—I wasn’t.” I try to object, but the knee-weakening glare he was currently donning told me to stop wasting my breath because he didn’t believe me.

“Don’t lie to me.” He licks those sinful lips, and my eyes drift down to them at the gesture and back up to his eyes again. What the hell is wrong with me? “Tell me.” He demands, leaning in closer.

“There’s nothing to tell.” I lie, but he doesn’t bite and continues to stare at me expectantly.

“Ezra.” I groan inwardly at the threatening tone in his voice. I feel paralyzed. Every time this man comes near me, I freeze, and all the air gets forced out of my lungs, leaving me breathless.

“Why would you assume I was fantasizing?” I question and wince when his fingers tighten around my jaw. His lips are so close I can feel his breath on mine, and my stomach constricts with anticipation.

“Because your cheeks were flushed, your lips slightly parted, and your breathing was shallow. Just like it is now.” He explains his voice deep and quiet, an octave over a whisper, and it made my head go hazy. “Let me ask you one more time and think twice before you lie to me again. What were you fantasizing about?”


“That, I already know,” He hisses. Smug bastard. “More.”

“I was picturing your head between my legs. H-how it would feel to watch you while you…um...”

“While I what Ezra. Say it.” He murmurs darkly, his free hand gripping my waist, his fingers digging into my skin.

“While you lick my…” I moan when I feel the tip of his tongue trail along my bottom lip. If it weren’t for him holding me up, I would have crumbled to the floor; my legs had turned to jelly.

“Lick your what…” Damien whispers teasingly. He was deliberately tormenting me and loving every goddamn second of it.

“My clit.” Damien bites his lip, and for a second, I see desire radiating in his eyes, but it vanishes, and he smirks smugly.

“Naughty girl,” He lets go of my jaw, brushing strands of my hair away from my face. “You want to watch while I devour your pussy?” Why does it sound so much sexier when he says it? I feel my nether region go moist, and my clit throbs when he talks to me in that manner. No one has ever spoken to me like that, and I didn’t even know I liked it till Damien.

I swallow thickly, unsure if I should respond or not. His lips are so close, and I wonder what he would do if I kissed him. Would he kiss me back or pull away and punish me for daring to touch him?

Would the punishment be worth the crime?