Marked By Rejection by Avery Stone


A Caged Beauty In A World Of Shadows


"We have a problem, Alpha!"

The flow of my pen across the signature line paused at the slightly panicked voice that shot through my mind. It wasn't like the interruption was not predicted, but I assumed I'd have a few more minutes to myself.

Before hell breaks loose.

"Do you regret saving her?"

My attention dove deep into the hollow darkness of my subconscious, noticing the being who camouflaged so perfectly with the sinister shade that so many were afraid of - the shade of darkness.

Lowering the golden pen onto contract before me, I further leaned back into my chair, while my eyes took in the dimmed room of my office.

"Surprisingly, no." I spoke out loud, my voice maintaining its usual tranquility.

"You wish to unlock her?"

"I wish to free her." I didn't hesitate to admit the truth of my underlying motive before I rose up from my chair and began to head to where I needed to be: the forest.

My steps were timed, perfectly in sync as I took my time to get to where I needed to be. Not too fast, not too slow, the precise movement leaving onlookers unconcerned as to where I was going or what I was doing. It made sure no one really knew if a confrontation was going to occur thanks to the way I carried myself.

No need for reinforcements.


I tried not to sigh at Lilith's hissing demand for my attention. The poor woman projected a front of iron chaos and yet when trouble stirred, she'd summon me like we were suffering from a brewing plague.

I'm aware of Falcon losing control. I'm coming.

"Alpha, he's after the girl!" That piqued my interest, and I actually had to acknowledge my oversight. "You didn't say she was a Monarch!"

There was no need to say anything if the prey didn't know what a dangerous predator she was. I really did assume I'd have more time to confront this issue, but I guess the Goddess had other plans in mind, which meant I'd have to get moving.

I'll be there. Secure Falcon.

Truthfully, I wasn't sure if she'd be able to do that when Falcon was in his shadow form. The rogue wolf shifter was a pain in the ass to tame when he lost his shit, but after years of captivity and brutal torture, I couldn't blame him for being triggered.

"Do you think it's her scent?"

My wolf's inquiry was justifiable.

Cinder and daisies. It could be more of the cinder scent. Most Monarchs carry that aroma due to their love of fire.

"Brother is a fool for letting her go."

Our power-hungry brother looks at appearances. He doesn't have the patience to dive deep to see what powers are hidden within. He wants domination, not loyalty and commitment.

"His trash is our treasure."

You're not uninterested in the idea of being mated to her?

"You seem to be happy," he noted. "I see no reason to be against it. Her potential was written across her body when Zen tugged her out of that flaming car."

He had a damn good point.

Zen may have tried to act like he wasn't completely baffled by her survival while Lilith's jealousy oozed off of her, but it was hard for me to not be impressed by this hidden gem of a woman.

That glowing skull upon her chest was the answer to my years of prayer, but I didn't think what was prophesized by that Seer would actually morph into reality.

At least a part of it.

As the older twin of the Hollow family, I was born into riches, power, and immediate fame in the realm of the shadows. That alone gave me the advantage in life. But my born authority invited my younger brother's downfall, and though we were destined to be loved by one, he'd just ruined his chances.

Not like I'd wish to share such a radiant flower.

I could tell she was delicate, and with the brief understanding of what was unraveling to the surface, I knew it would take me much more time and effort to help her bloom, but it was a challenge I was ready to commit to.

I just wished I could have enjoyed a power nap before unnecessary mayhem let loose.

Reaching the edge of the forest, I prepared to walk a little faster, but my entire body stilled at the sudden shift in the air.

"ALPHA?! Uh...something weird is happening with the girl."

The desolate eyes of my wolf opened then - an action very few were able to ignite from the uninterested being of absolute destruction - but the spike of tension that burst through the air not only caught our attention…it demanded to be felt. The tiny crackles of fire begged to be heard, and if I didn't move fast enough, blood would taint our lands.

I couldn't allow one of our own to be killed so easily - or brutally - and I frankly wanted to see just how stunningly beautiful this woman was in her triggered glory.

My shirt was off and I was darting into the forest without a second thought in my mind. My wolf's attention was still focused on the prize: the sight of our new arrival.

The forest had shifted to complete darkness at some point, but the pitch-black fog did nothing to stop me from seeing the underlying world. I was born in the pits of the shadows, my vision awakening at my very birth.

It made running through the night such a wonderful experience, especially when the world was heightened in its true form of overflowing energy.

My feet raced across the muddy ground, the world a blur as my speed was upped thanks to my pinch of excitement. When was the last time something had made me feel like a boy running through the wild?

The day I'd killed my fucked-up father with my own hands.

I had to bear in mind that my thrilling enthusiasm wouldn't do anyone good if I let it out of control, but this unexpected occasion deserved a hint of amusement - like I'd won a lottery in our world of domination.

So many mocked my pack; the hints of imperfections that made us uniquely different were weaknesses in their eyes. If only they could see how those flaws shone brightly in power and delivered a level of strength far greater than one could imagine.

This Little Bird, one mocked for being shy, quiet, and broken, would be the epitome of rejection - the silver lining that would prove how deadly one could be if pushed to feel like their purpose was to not exist.

When I reached the site of the confrontation, I couldn't help but come to a stop as my eyes took in the woman standing before the whimpering wolf. My hand moved on its own accord, snapping my fingers to slow the time of the surroundings, just so I could enjoy this sacred moment at its heightened peak.

So I could witness what was hidden in the shell of this divine being of chaos.

I secretly wondered if this woman knew how attractive she was. Her body was clearly suffering from malnutrition from the assault and trauma she'd experienced in the care of my psycho brother's pack, but even with the loss of weight, obvious lingering bruises, and scars upon her slightly tanned flesh, she was a goddess that should be bathed in the richest of waters and clothed in the finest cloth.

She was short at 5'6" and though I'd never been attracted to shorter women, she was already beginning to wiggle her way into my exceptions. Her silky strands were long and loose, a wild mess of orange to turquoise that was layered with silky white.

The blemishes of her battle wounds made her tanned skin vibrant, but it was her tattoos that pulled me in, the Monarch designs upon her biceps and her chest hiding a story I wished to uncover.

The lines of exhaustion in her face and the dark circles under her eyes did nothing to diminish her overall attractiveness, and now in this unlocked element of power, she pulsed with confidence as her eyes burned with intensity.

Something triggered the beast within, and it wasn't her wolf that was the danger.

It was what no one else saw but me...the skull holding the key to her fruition.

If only she could see this magnificent view, the way the black aura danced around her frame while sparks of embers and bursts of flames licked her flesh and gathered upward.

The howling silhouette of power lifted its head upward, as if the full moon were at its highest point in the sky and it was the flaming wolf's time to howl in declaration.

I caught onto the others trying to reach out to her, the sound slowed due to my gift that began to wear off with every slow second. The whimpering sound of Falcon's wolf told me he'd met his match. His triggered reaction was a grave mistake due to his underestimation of the woman he was facing.

He was only getting a glimpse of this woman's power, and if only they could see what I was witnessing with my very own eyes.

As if the sight of her wasn't enough, her lips curled and revealed glimmering white teeth. The desire for bloodshed was so obvious in her eyes that now burned mischievously with mixed shades of red and orange, but what took my breath away was the scar that ran down her right eye.

The sign of rejection instilled by my brother - the same one as mine.

The confrontation changed my life, all because of my selfish brother who couldn't accept being second - who wouldn’t let me take the throne I was born to proclaim.

I'd been a naive fool back then, a child trying to figure out what I wanted in life when he'd not only outcasted me from my own pack of wolves but marked me with the scar that ran down my left eye in hopes I'd never forget what he'd done to me.

The agony of the incident should have destroyed me, at least that was what he wished upon my head: the disgrace, utter embarrassment, and heartbreak of being among the shadows when it was my right to stand in the spotlight of our empire.

He'd stolen everything that fateful day, but what I still carried within was persistence.

I wouldn't go down a loser, a failure in the eyes of my own. Everyone had moments of defeat - scenarios that left them falling upon their knees, exhausted for the journey ahead - but only a few got up and carried on, and I was one of those individuals.

This charming princess was no different, and how I would love to spoil her with admiration and teach her what a chilling treat she could be to the world: toour world.

She took a step forward, and the power I thought couldn't thrum with more intensity grew, doing very little to make a valid point of domination. If I didn't witness this myself, I would have never believed such power existed, but now I understood why the Monarchs had slowly vanished.

It had nothing to do with their troubled waste of a son.

They hid in the shadows to protect their daughter from this daunting world of anarchy.

Gwenivere Monarch, the second child and only daughter of the Monarch Empire. Eighteen years of age. I was positive I knew more about her family legacy than she'd been privileged, all because it was my desire to know more about her.

Everyone else thought her existence was a joke.

I understood why she'd abandoned the city at the age of fourteen and tried to start independently even when she was still a teenager in this big world, but did she truly understand why?

Or was it planted into her mind like many of the memories surely sitting within her subconscious?

One of the reasons our union would be a blessing was the opportunity to help her find out the truth, but that started with gaining her trust after my brother clearly broke any chance of her loving someone so similar to his heartless ass.

As the final threads of my spell began to fade away, I moved with speed until I stood before my dangerous queen. My hand yearned to feel her tender flesh, and it was rewarded with her intense warmth that surely could have burned my skin off if I wasn't immune to her flames.

I wasn't sure how her shortened name would sound in this captivating moment in time, but it escaped my mouth's grasp in hopes of reaching the innocent woman beneath these layers of protection.


It took a few added seconds for her name to register, and her eyes finally acknowledged me as they locked right onto mine.

I felt speechless now that we were up close; the radiating power that coursed through us alone was far too tempting to ignore. How my body begged for me to close the distance between us, for my lips to captures hers as my muscled body pressed firmly against her delicate frame.

From years of research, I'd understood how dangerous and powerful these bonds between fated mates could become, but I'd underestimated just how lethal they could be to my damn sanity.

This woman hadn't gotten the chance to introduce herself to me, let alone fully acknowledge exactly who I was, and yet I was so madly in love with every bit of her that I had to fight against my own craving for control.

How easy it would be to take advantage of this situation like any horny shifter on this planet, but I had to control the pulsing desire that struck my cock with hardened eagerness. I'd waited years for this, and though our age gap was five years, her brink into adulthood didn't hinder my lust for her.

Surely this bond that ties us is playing the main role in our reunion.

I was sure I was one of the few who remembered the day we'd met five years ago.

Four heirs in the world of drugs, money, and domination.

I hadn't spoken with Malifer in a while, but I knew about his own confrontation with rejection and how he was combatting what was set up by his own envious family member.

His younger brother was doing exactly what mine was.

Fate was finally bringing us together. What an amusing game she enjoyed playing. But where would this leave us on the power scale?

Does it even matter?

I witnessed those orbs of burning fury begin to droop, and though I hadn't completed the Alpha bond, I sensed the drop in her energy, which prompted me to catch her before she could collapse to the ground.

My hooked arm held her weight with ease. I knew right away we’d have to work on her nutrition while building her strength now that I got a feel of how light she was. Compared to when Zen had retrieved her from the burning car, she'd surely dropped a good ten to twenty pounds give or take.

I won't deny the fact that the idea infuriated me.

She was a woman born to inherit an empire of millions, and yet she was treated like a worthless slave by a boy who craved physical power rather than opening his eyes to see the true connections hidden beneath the surface of our gambling world.

I noticed how Wren's eyes struggled to remain open, and I knew she wasn't fighting the need to rest, but the idea of being vulnerable. That look of questionable irony, the emotions reaching the surface of those irises that were dilated because of multiple factors, feared what would happen if she passed out.

My wolf was curious to get a glimpse of her wild feelings that would bounce through the bond when cultivated to benefit us both, but for now, he simply admired her in his spot, which told me he wouldn't make this bonding process as complicated as I'd originally expected.

Returning my attention to the dangerous maiden, I knew what I'd have to do as an Alpha to ensure she actually got some rest.

"Rest, Little Bird." My voice continued to radiate with calmness though I ensured a hint of my authoritative nature was threaded around those encouraging words. "No threats shall harm you."

One thing I knew would need to be implemented in her lifestyle from this moment onward was self-care. I could bet my life that she gave the world all of herself and got nothing in return, leaving her depleted and in a cycle of instability and lack of self-love.

Many thought my way of helping my pack members heal was absurd. That pushing them to the brink of physical, emotional, and mental destruction was the key to unlocking a warrior of absolute worthiness.

My philosophy was the polar opposite.

The best warriors in my pack knew what their limits were, respected themselves and their worth, and unlocked a new level of power within themselves that burnout, agony, and self-deprivation couldn’t conquer.

She accepted my permission to rest, and I watched as her eyes closed and her body went limp. The added weight of her submission didn't hinder me in the slightest. A protective part of me pushed forward - encouraging me to scoop her up so her body didn't rest upon the chilled surface of mud and earth.

I took a moment just to inhale her scent, catching onto those cinders, hints of daisies, and the scent of the soap Lilith had used to wash her body yesterday evening. I bet she wasn't aware just how long she'd been unconscious for, but it didn't matter now.

Her unconsciousness will now give me a chance to get things in order.

"Alpha!" The three acknowledging voices made me smirk just slightly as my muscled back faced them. I remained still for an added second, reeling in the parts of me that wanted to get lost in this woman's presence in my arms and not do anything pack-wise.

Sadly, duty calls.

Like a snap of one's fingers, I was back into my Alpha mode.

Turning around, I acknowledged Lilith, Zen, and Yael on their knees with their heads bowed. Their obedience was probably because they were uncertain as to how I'd react to this sudden commotion that was interrupting my "peaceful" time.

I was sure they assumed I was doing anything but work after drowning myself in deals and other bullshit that had piled up my schedule after I had to get my hands woven into the mess happening in Underground, but this really wasn't something I wanted to deal with now.

Life always loves to throw a curveball my way.

My eyes noticed Falcon's movements as he tried to get up and shake off the fear that cloaked his energy. It was slightly amusing to see a woman who knew nothing of her power frighten Falcon's wolf, but I had to remain serious if I wished to stress my point.

He was up and defiantly growling my way, his focus returning to the frail woman in my grasp. If I could eye roll I would, but the threatening sound made my wolf actually open his eyes once more, and that shifted the air entirely.

Making it heavy with my power and demanding respect from anyone close in radius.

He fell victim to that invisible command. His whimpers were followed with him bowing on all fours in submission. I didn't let my guard down, walking past the others until I stood right at his bowed head and gave him a glare that would haunt him in his nightmares for a few days.

"Your messy past with the Monarchs doesn't apply to her." I stressed every word. "She will be joining the pack and though you don't need to get along with her, I suggest you display a pinch of respect, especially when she overpowered you without her own knowledge."

His whimpered reply was enough for me as I looked over to Lilith, who was up but still bowing her head.

"My apologies, Alpha. I hadn't predicted the sudden shift in circumstances," she apologized. I didn't really blame her. My Betas were there to ensure things didn't get too messy. I never asked them to break fights apart unless it could lead to instant death.

This case, however, would have led to a very gruesome end.

"It's not your fault," I admitted, though my voice held a bit of harsh judgment and I was sure she sensed it along with the rest of them. Their bodies grew a little tenser at my comment. "Ensure things are cleaned up. I already have a booked schedule. I don't need to add explaining why our forest is a mess to our visitors to the list."

"Yes, Alpha," Lilith replied.

I glanced over at Zen, who rose up the moment he sensed my lingering stare.

"I'll ensure the magic is cleared here." He already knew what I was going to ask, which made sure I didn't waste my energy. My eyes moved over to Yael, and I knew because he was still new to the pack, he wouldn't know what his role would be.

I honestly hadn't gotten a chance to think of one.

That thought only triggered exactly what I'd request of him.

"I want you to stay with Gwenivere until she wakes up. She's most comfortable with you and since you're also new to the pack, you two can adapt together."

"Thank you, Alpha," he stated with sole obedience. It was something I liked about him. He didn't ask questions or try to defy those in power.

Unless they showed signs of unworthiness.

"You may rise," I prompted and watched him lift from the ground to stand. I took a moment to stare at his absent arm, before deciding this would be a good time to ask him what I should have a week and a half ago.

"I'm asking this in the presence of the others simply because I'd need to order this promptly if you agree to the idea," I began, catching his attention. He lifted his head up slightly so his eyes of gold met my ruby ones. "Do you wish for a prosthetic and, if so, do you have a preference?"

I could feel his shock, even as he fought to not show his true emotions upfront. I knew his reaction was defensive, to protect himself from anyone who had ill intentions seeing what moved him emotionally.

"I can't afford one, Alpha," he quietly acknowledged.

"I didn't ask about affordability, Yael," I tossed back.

He knew I wasn't going to repeat the question, but I was pleased that he was taking a moment to think about it.

To decide on what he truly wanted for once.

"I'd like one," he began as he lifted his eyes from his right side to return his attention to me. "However, I'd like it made specifically for confrontations and battles. I'm not sure if that can be done-"

"It can," I voiced and looked to Zen, who understood what I'd need him to do once we ordered the parts.

"We can make it so you can summon it with your magic abilities," Zen offered. "You're really attuned with the earth element so if we get the proper materials, I can help make that a possibility."

Yael didn't fight showing his true emotions that spread across his face, the flood of gratefulness with lingering lines of shock taking over his expression. He swallowed and blinked his eyes a few times.

"Then that would be a debt I'm willing to carry, Alpha."

Yael had always impressed me with his humble nature. Whether that was engrained before the slaying of his family or due to his connection with nature would be something that I'd discover with time as his Alpha, but it was good to know my actions were acknowledged and appreciated.

"As a member of Outcast Hollows, there are no debts. I'm your Alpha and have to ensure your comfort, safety, and satisfaction. I don't request anything but your devotion to empowering yourself. I'm already confident about your loyalty."

"Thank you, Alpha," he whispered and gave a half bow while he pressed his left hand to his chest. "I'll ensure Wren is protected and taken care of while we adapt to the rules."

"Good," I replied. "Zen will show you your resting quarters. For now, you'll stay in the private sector with Wren until I can assess the pack's dynamic with two new additions. We don't normally accept rejects so close to one another, but I guess our Goddess is seeing what our pack can handle."

Turning away, I got to the point as my patience was wearing thin.

"I have other things to attend to. Wren will recover in the Pack House," I announced, knowing it wouldn't be a debate. "Athena will watch over her."

Returning my eyes to Lilith, I continued, "Ensure they're both set up for training with everyone else by Monday."

"Yes, Alpha."

That was all I really had to say.

"You're all dismissed," I declared, but looked over to Falcon specifically as he rose up onto his paws. "You will personally apologize to Wren. Sooner rather than later."

He'd have no choice in the matter, and I cared not about his stubborn personality.

"You two are far more similar in circumstance than you're willing to acknowledge," I couldn't help mutter. "I suggest you act wisely from now on."

"Woof," he quietly replied.

That was all I needed to hear before I walked away and was suddenly back in the Pack House. The crackle of flames settling back into their rightful place beneath my skin felt good, especially when I hadn't teleported with my flames in a long while.

I headed to the guest room. It didn't take long before I laid Wren onto the soft white sheets and covered her with the thick comforter.

My instincts told me she'd be unconscious for a while, but I could rely on Athena to take care of her with Yael on watch duty. I was curious in regard to her wolf, but that would have to wait for another day.

I'd have to physically assess her strength as a human first.

Especially after that stunt she just pulled without a second guess.

It was interesting how she was triggered by Falcon but wasn't with Kolt.


"Their similarities in magic and energy could be the reason." My wolf decided to offer me a glimpse of his eternal wisdom. "She can learn from him if they set aside their differences."

"As long as he doesn't flirt with her," I grumbled. I was a jealous fucker and wouldn't stop myself from killing anyone who tried to hit on what was mine.

"Your claim on her is obvious, but it would be smart to not delay revealing the triad connection between us."

"Not a triad anymore," I noted with a sigh of relief.

Staring down at my sleeping maiden encouraged the lift of my lips.

"One man's trash is another man's treasure," I hummed. "You fucked up, Kolt, and I can't wait till you realize just how screwed you'll be when I've empowered what you've rejected."

Let the real games begin.