Loyal Lawyer by Lauren Runow

Chapter Eighteen

Summers in Philadelphia are the most enjoyable time of the year. Sure, the Christmas decorations in the historic city make for a wonderful winter, and the spring tulips and fall leaves are beautiful, but the summer months are filled with excitement.

With the windows open and the music blaring, Shawn and I are packing up the last of the day’s orders, which are being shipped out for a bridal shower.

“I like these new boxes. The quality is swankier than your last,” Shawn muses as he brings over the last tray of truffles.

“They are a high upgrade, which I’m hoping will gain presentation points and visually lift up the quality.” I hold up one of the new chocolate boxes. They’re still mauve, but the card stock quality is much thicker. “Just a few more, and you’re done for the night.”

“I can deliver these for you.”

I grin as I turn his way. How’d I get so lucky to have such a great employee? “That’s sweet of you. No hot plans tonight?”

“Nah. Raynne and I split, so I’m lying low for a few days.”

I shake my head. “Why am I not surprised? Do you stay with anyone for more than a couple dates?”

He shrugs like it’s no big deal. “I like the variety—shoot me. That chick was feisty, but damn, was she crazy, so that one wasn’t my fault. Girl put a wireless Ring camera in my apartment without telling me.”

“That’s a bit excessive, but how did you not know a Ring was installed at your front door? Don’t you walk by it every time you enter?”

He laughs as he turns to me with his eyes opened wide. “Because it was inside my house, not outside. Yesterday, my sister came over, and Raynne called immediately. ‘Why do you have a girl in your apartment?’ she asked. I was like, ‘How in the hell do you know who I have here?’ She said I was denying it and had proof because she was watching me! The camera was buried behind my books, like a little sneak. I told her, no way. It’s over. I can’t be with a woman who doesn’t trust me.”

“Wow. Well, you can’t say we didn’t try to warn you. It’s the misspelled name; it’s like a curse for you.”

He sighs. “I need to find me a nice girl with a good head on her shoulders. I’m not getting any younger.”

I laugh. “You’re twenty-five. I think you have time until you have to settle down.”

“I didn’t say anything about settling down. I just want to be with a woman and not have to worry about her going through my drawers when I’m out or making a fake Snapchat to snoop.”

“I would offer a suggestion, but I met my boyfriend by dialing the wrong number.”

He purses his mouth and contemplates the idea. “I could try that. Maybe I can meet myself a sexy accountant or something. It’ll be the hot new dating trend. I bet I can get it to trend on TikTok.”

I nudge him hard with the side of my body since I can’t use my hands. “You just stick to meeting people the old-fashioned way. Want me to see if Sebastian knows anyone? He’s hooking Charity up.”

Shawn glares out the side of his eye. “Your man is hooking Charity up with a hotshot attorney?”

“I’m not exactly sure with whom—someone he went to school with.”

A grimace crosses his face as his brow furrows. A harrumph comes from his chest as he focuses more on the song playing. He’s silent as he works with me to fill the boxes with truffles. The music helps us move quicker as the beat is more up-tempo than what usually plays while we work.

Where I excel at tempering chocolate—heating and cooling it to the desired shininess or snap of the chocolate—Shawn is excellent at molding. He has a design technique that makes the perfect mold for the presentation boxes. For someone who decided recently that he wanted to be a chocolatier, he has a gift.

He’s bouncing to the music yet zoned out as he works, which happens often.

“What did you want to be when you were a kid?” I ask him, pulling him from whatever he was thinking.

“A ball player. An astronaut. A principal. Pretty much a different thing every day. That’s why I never made it to a four-year college. I went to community college to get my feet wet, and then I could decide what I wanted to major in. Nothing stuck. I was miserable, so after I got my associate’s, I went to work for a construction company. I hated that even more than college, so I took a bunch of odd jobs until, one day, it just hit me. I always liked to bake. That’s not something that was thought of as a career in my family before.”

“Was your family supportive?”

“Yeah.” He grins. “Surprised the hell out of me. I hustled my way into the culinary academy, and the day I got in, they threw me a party. Honestly, I think they were all just relieved I’d picked a damn path. There’s nothing worse than a man without a purpose in life. I found mine, and now, here I am.”

He’s so talented. I’m sure his family knew that all along. There are only a few weeks left in his training, so he’ll be able to explore his options fully. I was planning on waiting a few more weeks, but why hold off the inevitable?

“The orders have certainly picked up, and the new advertising is drumming in online sales. I think it’s time we made it official.”

“Are we now going steady or something?” he teases.

I giggle. “Something like that. How would you like to work here full-time? Forty hours a week, set schedule, and I just applied for a small-business health insurance plan, so while I can’t give you an hourly raise, I can get you medical. What do you say?”

With his eyes down, he grins a huge, wide smile and then looks up at me like I’m out of my mind. “Amy, in the two years I’ve been working here, I’ve seen you quadruple your business. The quality is amazing, and, sure, this place is a dump, but it’s also the best place I have ever worked. You put your heart into everything here, and we have fun. What other job can you jive with your best friends like this at? I’d be crazy to say no, which is why I’m not. To be honest, I wasn’t even looking to work anywhere else. I knew you were gonna pull through.”

If I could hug him right now, I would, but my sanitation gloves are holding a box of truffles. Shawn lifts an elbow for a pound, so I lift mine and give him a nudge.

Just like that, I have my first full-time employee, and I’m not freaking out at all. Everything is falling into place.

Once we’re finished, Shawn helps me clean up, and we make sure everything is ready for tomorrow. He won’t start full-time for a few weeks, but once he has his degree, it’ll be great to have him here every day.

While he takes out the trash, I head to my office-slash-bedroom and change into a pair of jeans and a tank top.

“See you early tomorrow, boss,” he says when we lock up in the alleyway. “Unless you want me to come in late so you can sleep in,” he says with a smirk on his face at the sight of my overnight bag.

I point to him. “Nice try. Just because I’m sleeping elsewhere doesn’t mean you can come in late.”

He laughs, which I’m sure is because he knows I’d never let anything get in the way of work. “Hey, can’t blame me for wanting to sleep in.” He motions to my bag. “Why don’t you just move some of your stuff to his place, so you’re not lugging a bag all the time?”

“We’ve only been together for a few months, and we’re still new to this relationship. I’m perfectly fine with leaving my things here, tidy in my place, where I can find them.”

“Right. He can keep your dog but not your underwear.”

“Plus, a toothbrush and some toiletries. I mean, a girl has to be prepared.” I give him a cheeky grin and then wave him off as I walk to the bus stop and head to Sebastian’s office.

As I enter the building, I wave to the front receptionist, who buzzes me in without a question. The first time she did it, I felt so special because I knew Sebastian had made the unique arrangement for me. He even made me a badge in case there’s someone new at the desk who isn’t familiar with me. Tonight, my Blake, Fields, and Moore card stays tucked in my bag as I saunter through the lobby and up the glass elevator.

When I get to Sebastian’s wing of the office, Miles stands as soon as he sees me. Instead of the cool demeanor behind those black-framed glasses, tonight, he seems apprehensive.

“Is he in a meeting?” I ask, pointing to the closed office door.

Miles inhales. “Yes. Well, I mean … not exactly,” he says slowly.

I narrow my eyes, unsure by what not exactly means. “Okay. I’ll just hang here then.”

Normally, I go straight to Sebastian’s house after work, but since I was done earlier than usual, we decided I’d meet him here, and we’d go to his home together.

I’m standing against the wall, watching as Miles taps on his desk. I open my mouth to make small talk when Sebastian’s office door opens, and I stand straighter, waiting for him to come out.

Instead of my tall, handsome boyfriend, I see a pregnant woman walk out the door. She’s very pretty with blonde hair and a button nose. Her boobs are huge, which I’m assuming is from the pregnancy, yet she carries herself like the added weight on her body is a fashion accessory to be flaunted in a fitted floral dress that hits above the knee.

I smile at her as she steps out.

Sebastian appears next, and when his eyes meet mine, there’s hesitation on his face as he looks to the woman and then back to me. I glance over to Miles, who is staring at the three of us with raised brows and an uncomfortable smile. Sebastian slides his hands in his pockets and sets back on his heels, seemingly unsure of what to say.

She must sense there’s an eerie silence because she spins around and checks out the three of us before settling on me with a curved brow.

This is all the reaction I need to know without a doubt that this woman is Lauren.

Sebastian swallows a lump in his throat.

I don’t know what I’m more bothered by—the fact that I’m standing here with a woman who is carrying my boyfriend’s child or the fact that this is the first time I’ve seen Sebastian not one hundred percent on his game.

I clear my throat, obviously needing someone to break the uneasy tension in the room.

He inhales and then gives one of his cavalier smiles. Even if it is a little forced. “Lauren, I’d like for you to meet my girlfriend, Amy.”

Well, this is awkward.

She holds out her hand to me. It’s dainty and limp, making me wonder if she’s expecting me to kiss it instead of shake it. “Hello. It’s nice to meet you. Sebastian told me he’d found someone new.”

Her tall stature and raised chin exude her confidence. If I were to nitpick, I’d say, I don’t like the way she uses the term someone new—like I’m just a plaything he found and will dispose of, like I’m an old hat—or how she’s eyeing up my flip-flops with an expression of disdain that is a far cry from the beige patent leather heels she’s wearing despite the fact that she’s nearing the end of her second trimester.

I let the negative thoughts rush out of my head and keep my cool. Just because she’s very beautiful and bearing Sebastian’s child doesn’t mean she’s sizing me up or putting me down.

Oh, who am I kidding? She is one hundred percent doing those things.

Now, it’s my time to force a smile. “Yes, it’s nice to finally meet you.”

“I’m sure this little man is all he talks about. He’s going to be the best daddy. Already has his schedule cleared. I’m gonna need him twenty-four/seven in the beginning.” She nods slightly with a small grin. “Well, Sebastian, thank you again for your help with this.” She holds up a file. “We’re still on for nursery shopping, right?”

He nods his head and turns to Miles. “Yes, next week. Please make sure you clear an hour for me on Thursday afternoon.”

Miles starts clicking through the computer screen as Lauren walks over to him and adds, “Also, clear the third Saturday in next month.” She turns to Sebastian, “My mother is throwing us a baby shower. My family is dying to meet the father, so you have to attend.”

Sebastian nods again as his eyes blink rather profusely. “Of course.”

“I’ll need your mother’s address and anyone from your side who you want to invite,” she adds easily.

Instead of looking at Sebastian’s reaction, I find myself staring at Miles, who seems to be mouthing the word, Wow, as he keeps his focus on his screen and away from her.

“I’ll email you a list. Have a nice night,” Sebastian says as he gives Miles a tilt of his head in the direction of the front door.

Miles stands and walks around his desk to usher Lauren toward the front of the office. “I’ll walk you out.”

When the two of them are gone, Sebastian faces me and leans in for a kiss. “Hey, you’re early.”

I hold up my watch. “Nope, right on time.”

He looks at the dial and seems surprised. “Oh, wow. That took longer than I’d thought it would. We did our wills today.”

“That’s a bit morbid. You’re both so young.”

“God forbid something happens to one of us, but we wanted to make sure our families are present in our absence. It was her idea and a brilliant one. Her parents mean the world to her, and having them in the child’s life is important to her, no matter what.”

“Is she thinking you’d really keep their grandchild from them if that were to happen?” Even I know Sebastian would never be that kind of person.

He shrugs. “I kind of felt the same way, but I guess it’s always better to have everything in writing, just in case. Believe it or not, if I’m not there to sign the birth certificate, my son will be considered illegitimate. Can you imagine such a thing? Bad enough her church won’t baptize him because we’re not married. Luckily, mine will without a question.”

“You two have so many things to prepare. And you’re shopping for a nursery?”

“Yes. She asked in passing, and I agreed. Figured I’d get the same one for my house. That way, when he’s with me, everything is familiar.”

“That’s a great idea actually.” I let out a ragged breath.

“Right. Well, let me grab my things, and we’ll get going.” He turns and enters his office.

When Miles returns, he’s rubbing the back of his neck as he takes a seat at his desk.

Good to see I’m not the only one who found that entire exchange to be uncomfortable.

Now, if only I had the guts to tell Sebastian how I really felt.

Maybe first, I should be honest with myself.

I just don’t know where to start.