Claiming Her Beasts #2 by Dia Cole



As I stood in the aisle of the bleachers two rows above Dominic, I realized I was in trouble.

Big trouble if the ticking muscle in the sergeant’s jaw was any indication.

“Did I do something wrong?” I couldn’t have broken one of his rules already.

“The show you and Hippie put on a few minutes ago was inappropriate.” Dominic’s tone practically frosted the air around us.

“Hippie?” I said in confusion.

“Him,” Dominic sneered, jabbing his thumb at Reed’s back.

Reed and the Sighns had almost reached the basketball court without noticing I was still waylaid at the top.

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” I refused to let Dominic embarrass me. It wasn’t as if I’d given Reed a lap dance or we’d taken our clothes off or anything. I had nothing to be ashamed about and the sergeant was an ass to call me out on it. “Now if you’ll excuse me. I want to catch up to my friends.” I motioned for Dominic to step out of my way.

Moving too fast for me to track, the sergeant raced up the steps and grabbed my arm. “You're not excused.”

The dizzying speed in which he moved brought to mind another muscular soldier. He’d grabbed me too.

The gym vanished, and I was suddenly back in my childhood bedroom fighting a monster.

He picks me up by my throat.

“Daddy,” I manage to choke through his clenched fingers.

The blank look in his eyes terrifies me.

I struggle to breathe. “Daddy, please.”

He lifts the knife—

“Ms. Walker,” Dominic said loudly, his voice tearing me from the nightmare.

All at once the sergeant’s handsome face and the gym blinked back into focus.

My breath came in shallow pants as I tried to calm myself.

The past can’t hurt me.

I closed my eyes and tried to stop the tremors wracking my body.

The past can’t hurt me.

I focused on the rain pattering against the windows behind me. The soothing rhythm calmed me down enough that I could suck in some air.

“Are you okay, Ms. Walker?” Dominic’s voice was gentle, almost sympathetic.

I didn’t want his sympathy.

Snapping my eyes open, I glared at him. Although logically I knew it wasn’t Dominic’s fault he triggered a flashback, I blamed him just the same. “Don’t touch me.”

The sergeant released my arm and backed down two steps. “Tell me what happened just now.”

No. I didn’t have to tell him anything. I was so sick of his imperious attitude. First, he dragged us all here in the middle of the night. Then he lectured everyone for over an hour about his stupid rules. Then he forced us to stay in here even longer waiting for assignments. And now he wanted to reprimand me for playing tonsil hockey with Reed.

Well, two can play at the judgement game.

I put my hands on my hips and glared down at him. “You’ve just violated safe house rule number two.”

“What?” He blinked as if in surprise.

“You grabbed me aggressively. I’d call that an act of violence.”

He shook his head. “No, I only wanted to—”

“To threaten me? To intimidate me?”

“None of those things,” he shouted, rocking back on his heels. He must have been too close to the edge of the step, because he fell backward and had to pinwheel his arms to find his balance again.

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. Turning the tables on Sergeant Pain in the Ass was the most fun I’d had in days. Sniffing audibly, I added, “I don’t enjoy being manhandled nor do I enjoy being lectured like a naughty child.”

“You were dry humping in plain view of everyone.” An edge crept back into his tone.

He had a point, but I sure as hell wouldn't give it to him.

“People can look away.”

“They shouldn’t have to.” His nostrils flared. “You won’t act like a two-dollar hooker in public again.”

The authoritative tone in Dominic’s voice hit a raw nerve. Anger and seduction were the only tools in my arsenal. Going with seduction, I fluttered my lashes at him. “What if I enjoy acting like a hooker?”

He sputtered clearly not knowing how to respond. I got the distinct impression, very few people ever challenged him.

“I’ve just added safe house rule twenty—no public displays of affection,” he announced with a smug lift of his chiseled chin.

I made a sound of exasperation. “Why do you have to have a rule for everything?”

Reed having finally realized I wasn’t with the group, shouted, “Lee, come on!”

I cupped my mouth and called back, “Coming.” I turned to glare at Dominic. “Are we done here?”

“No.” Dominic folded his arms over his tactical vest. “You won’t be excused until you understand that the rules maintain order and keep everyone safe.” It might have been my imagination, but he sounded a tad defensive.

“And how is me kissing Reed unsafe?”

Dominic’s expression tightened. “Because it might make some men want things they can’t have.” He probably intended his words to be a warning, but they sounded like a confession instead.

My stomach did a slow flip.

The air between us thickened with sexual tension.

“That’s their problem,” I said, licking my lips.

He tracked the motion of my tongue with an intensity that made it hard to breathe. “I don’t think you understand how dangerous some of these men are.”

Need and recklessness had me saying, “Maybe I like dangerous men watching me.”

His breathing hitched, and he climbed a step. We were so close now, my next inhale was spiked with his cinnamon-scented breath.

We stared at each other without moving.

I had the feeling I’d taunted a predator to the point of attack. But instead of being afraid, I eagerly anticipated being feasted upon.

Dominic reached out and skimmed his fingers along my jaw.

A jolt of electricity crackled through both of us.

A groan escaped his lips. That strange connection between us grew stronger with every heartbeat.

I swayed forward, surrendering to the unseen force drawing us together.

His mouth was an inch from mine when an animalistic snarl had us both rearing back.

Over Dominic’s shoulder, I saw Reed bounding up the bleacher steps.

Holy crap.I’d never seem him move so fast.

As if sensing a threat, Dominic spun around and held up his hand. “This doesn’t concern you, Mr. Marshall—”

Reed smashed his fist into the sergeant’s jaw.

I don’t know who was in more shock, me or Dominic who stood there gaping at Reed.

“Reed!” I exclaimed in horror.

The sergeant caught Reed’s next punch. “You’ve made a big mistake, Hippie.” He squeezed Reed’s fist so hard I heard popping joints.

“You’re the one that made the mistake. Woof, motherfucker,” Reed growled.

Dominic’s bronze face went pale. “What did you say?”

“You heard me, Dom.” Reed reared back and smashed his forehead against Dominic’s face.

Blood exploded from Dominic’s nose, but the soldier continued to stand there as if struck dumb.

Reed tore his hand free and punched the sergeant again.

Dominic’s head snapped back, his blood spraying my shirt.

“Stop it!” I tried to force my way between them.

“Stay back.” Dominic put out his arm, keeping me from getting any closer.

Reed tossed his head, making his hood fall back. His long sandy-blond hair flew around his face. “Don’t worry, dirty dancer. A few punches won’t hurt this Titan fucker.”

The deep timber of Reed’s voice and the darker hue of his eyes tipped me off to the fact that I was dealing with Reed’s unstable alter ego.

“Not Reed,” I said softly.

Reed flashed me a grin that was slightly feral.

Oh, no.My stomach dropped to my toes.

“Stand down,” Dominic said under his breath. At first, I thought he was talking to me, but then I saw Darcy and Mike standing at the base of the bleachers. Both had their weapons drawn.

Crap.My heart pounded. They’re going to shoot Reed. I had to stop this before things took a deadly turn.

Reed body-checked Dominic into the side of the aisle and reached for my hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

Dominic, moving faster than a striking cobra, intercepted the move. “Don’t touch her.”

Reed stepped right up into the massive soldier’s face. “She’s mine, Dom. My mate. And if you touch her again, I’ll gut you where you stand.”

Dominic returned his glare. “Return to your body, beast.”


Reed laughed. “Your orders don’t work on me anymore. I’m free for the first time in my life. Free to fuck my mate.” He winked at me over Dominic’s shoulder. “Free to leave this place.” He motioned around the room. “And free to avenge the deaths of my brothers.”

Oh, God. He’s totally insane.

“I won’t allow it.” Dominic grabbed him around the neck and squeezed.

Reed didn’t help his cause by laughing. “My mate will never forgive you if you murder me.”

“Stop!” I grabbed the back of Dominic’s arm and tried to break his kung fu grip.

Reed made a choking sound, his face purpling.

He’s going to strangle Reed. Panic had me grabbing my knife and pressing it against Dominic’s throat. “Let Reed go.”

Dominic swiveled his head to look at me. “You’d threaten my life over this beast?” The betrayal in his eyes shouldn’t have stung, but it did.

“Let him go,” I demanded, the knife trembling in my shaking hand. There was no way I’d actually slit his throat, and I sensed he knew that.

Dominic cursed and roughly tossed Reed down the steps.

Reed tumbled five rows and landed panting in the aisle.

I side-stepped Dominic and rushed down to him. “Are you okay?”

Nodding, Reed sat up. He tried to say something, but it came out a croak.

No wonder. The skin around his throat was swelling and bruising.

Dominic’s boots thumped on the steps behind me.

We have to get out of here.“Can you walk?”

“Yeah,” Reed answered hoarsely, pushing himself to his feet. He glared up at Dominic, but I was not about to let them fight again.

“Come on,” I grabbed his hand and tugged him down the bleachers. As we descended, I noticed the gym was empty of everyone except the two soldiers who awaited us at the bottom. I tensed, waiting for Darcy and Mike to make a move, but they only watched us.

Their menacing glares put a chill down my spine. By attacking their sergeant, we’d crossed a dangerous line.

“You are nothing but a two-dollar hooker,” Darcy sneered.

I blinked, realizing she’d overheard my conversation with Dominic. How is that even possible?

Reed didn’t seem the slightest bit concerned about the soldiers. He shoved them out of the way and pulled me toward the back door.

“Wait…” If we went out that door, there’d be no coming back.

We’ll be exiled.

A quick look back at Mike and Darcy’s angry faces confirmed we already were.

My body went stiff with dread as I let Reed drag me through the door.

Where will we go? How will we possibly survive out there on our own?

We stepped out into icy rain that quickly soaked us to the bone.

As I shivered, Reed tilted his face up to the storm clouds and let out a dark laugh.

Only then did it really hit me. Oh, God. I’ve traded my best chance of survival to be with a madman.