Bratva Boss’s Secret Triplets by Bella King

Chapter 18


My arm is throbbing like a motherfucker and Dr. Paul only gave me codeine for the pain versus my usual Percocet and vodka combination. I think he might be punishing me for being reckless, maybe he wants me to really remember what it feels like this time. It would be easy enough for me to get shot specifically for pain pills if I wanted to.

I’ve decided that it’s safer to keep April here for now until I figure out what connection Dean has with Saint Gray. I’m not afraid of him as a person, but if he’s working with them and has any access to their new wonder-drug, I need to keep a close eye on her to make sure she doesn’t end up as collateral damage in a war she never signed up to fight.

There’s an extra sleeper room in the facility that hasn’t been used in a while, and I figure April would be grateful for any safe place to stay where Dean can’t find her. I’ve had some of my men make it up for her, at least so it doesn’t feel like a prison cell.

“I’ll need you to stay here for now, so just settle in so we can ride this out,” I say to her as I open the door to the room.

April stalls for a moment, scanning the room from the outside before she’ll walk in. “It’s just kind of… creepy,” she replies, finally relenting to my wishes and following me in the room.

“This is the kind of place where Dr. Paul sleeps all the time, you’ll be fine,” I say as I try to avoid rolling my eyes at her. It’s so predictable that she wouldn’t be happy with a free place to stay after she was literally almost murdered by her ex in her apartment.

April rolls her eyes at me as she sets her suitcase on the floor next to the bed, sliding it underneath with her foot. “Whatever, I’m grateful to get away from Dean no matter what. He wasn’t himself at all back there, he was really scaring me,” she replies, her tone softening as she thinks back to her brush with death.

I nod and leave without a word. I don’t have time to worry about her emotions. She’s safe, and that’s all I need before I can get started with more research. I need to figure out who Maria Addison is and track her down for questioning.

When I return to my office, I’m already coming up with an onslaught of questions to ask her when I find her. I don’t even know this person, but I know April met with her at the same clinic where Dr. Ryan has been synthesizing and distributing this new drug. Who goes to a clinic just to meet with someone?

After logging back into my computer, I immediately search just the name first to see if there’s anything major that comes up, like a criminal record. Instead of anything particularly helpful, I find an obituary.

The date reads October 13th, 2007.

That can’t be right.

I continue clicking around on the search results to find something more damning. After fifteen minutes of searching, all I have is the damn obituary. Maria Addison was forty-eight when she died, and I can’t find any relation whatsoever to the clinic. She never worked there or saw any doctors there.

I’m not ready to confront April about it yet. I doubt she’s involved with Saint Gray, and I can’t think of anything major that would compel her to lie to me about who she was seeing. It's possible she was just there for a routine pussy doctor visit and was too embarrassed to say anything.

She needs to grow up if that’s the case. No grown woman should be that embarrassed about female healthcare. She’s not that immature.

But why would she give me the name of a dead woman?

She could have just as easily made something up.

I look down the hallway and hear April opening the door to the room. I’m not afraid of her running away, so I assume she’s just going to wander the hallways out of boredom, possibly looking for a bathroom.

I probably should have told her where everything is, but my blood loss has been messing with my head hardcore since we got here. I have no doubt I was minutes away from needing a transfusion before we got here. She’ll have to forgive me for being less attentive.

After she’s been gone for a good three minutes, I casually walk down the hallway to her room, listening closely for her delicate footsteps before I enter the room. I have an idea.

She hasn’t opened her suitcase yet, which makes it easier to grab from under the bed. It also ensures that nothing is missing, so I can get a better idea of what exactly she’s hiding from me.

This might be disrespectful, but I’ve never been the type to follow the rules. Besides, she doesn’t have to know I’ve been here. I just want a quick peak, and then everything goes back inside. She’ll never know.