Bratva Boss’s Secret Triplets by Bella King

Chapter 24


I’ve finally started to drift to sleep when the sound of machine gun fire snaps me from any intention of resting. More gunfire! What a concept! I guess I’m used to it by now, but not enough to sleep through it.

Immediately, I fly out of bed and nearly put myself through the window trying to see what’s going on outside, completely unselfconscious of the fact that I’m only wearing panties and no shirt. The draft from the outside cools my skin, and the gunfire chills me from the inside out. There is no warmth left for me right now.

Staring out the window, I’m met with a horrific tableau of men firing repeatedly at none other than Dean. He’s somehow completely disregarded any security and is clamoring towards the building, practically on all fours as he loses his balance trying to avoid the onslaught of bullets that are chasing him across the grass.

He’s here for me, but how the fuck did he find me? He’s lost his mind, and for some reason, I’m at the center of his demented chaos.

Just as I think things couldn’t get any worse, Dean’s dazed eyes meet mine through the window, and he immediately sprints towards me, enraged. Before he’s able to crash through the glass, he’s stopped mid-jump by a series of shots.

Rebel jogs up behind him as Dean falls forward, accompanied by a younger man who looks just as happy to have murdered someone in front of my window.

Dean falls flat on the ground, just close enough for me to see the details of his wounds. His back has been riddled with bullets, starting at the base of his neck and cascading down his back.

As much as I hate Dean, I’m horrified.

Rebel walks swiftly up to Dean, pointing a pistol at his head and firing twice, blowing his skull to pieces like a goddamn watermelon. His brain paints the window in front of me, pink and red and brown streaming down the glass like the window of a cathedral in hell.

All I can do is scream.

Rebel hears me and stares right at me, past my eyes and deep into my soul where all my worst fears live.

He holds my gaze for what feels like an eternity, but as soon as he breaks away, I have to calm myself I just watched the father of my three unborn babies shoot a corpse, just for the hell of it.

I can’t believe I’ve gotten myself into this. A one-night stand! That’s all it took to get me locked in an organized crime base with an egomaniacal, maladjusted psycho! And he thinks I should be grateful to him!

This is the worst thing I have ever done. Had I just told him no that first night, I could still be a normal person with normal problems and no pregnancy to speak of. I could have found a perfectly normal boyfriend who is maybe a little bit average, possibly underachieving like Dean, but would at least keep me safe.

My veins hum with anxiety as adrenaline courses through them. Do I dare leave? Is staying any safer?

Before I’m able to make a decision, Rebel practically falls through the door, never knowing his own strength in any situation.

“Get the fuck away from me!” I shout, trying to channel my inner housecat as I attempt to make myself look bigger. I don’t have much practice with yelling, but I have a feeling I might want to get better.

“What’s your problem? I just exterminated your stalker ex. You should be thanking me,” he replies, totally casual and unbothered. His inability to understand my emotions, ever, makes me want to grab his head and shove my thumbs into his eyes.

“Fuck you! You’re a fucking monster!” I scream. I can feel my body preparing to fight, even though someone like Rebel could put me on my ass in two seconds if I even thought about swinging on him. All I can do is shout at him.

“I really don’t get it, April. Weren’t you afraid for your life? He literally tried to kill you just a few days ago,” he replies as if we’re having a disagreement over dinner rather than as a result of him killing someone in front of me.

“Why do you have to kill? Why kill at all? Why did you have to come into my goddamn life and make a fucking mess of everything?” I bellow, my anger reaching the height of its capacity.

I need to calm down. Being stressed like this will hurt the babies for sure, but I’m so fed up with this lunacy. I just want to be safe, not surrounded by death everywhere that I turn. I can’t even sleep at night without someone being murdered in front of my bedroom window.

“I think that someday you’ll see the value in killing like I do, and then, you’ll thank me for wasting that piece of shit,” Rebel says, stepping closer to me. I feel like he’s sizing me up somehow as he looks down at me, almost two heads taller. He knows he’ll win no matter what. I’m powerless, no matter how much I kick and scream.

The space between us has become charged, almost like it was the first time we met. So much unspoken intent on both ends, both of us powerless to fight what our bodies want. I am furious with him, that hasn’t changed. But feeling him inches from my exposed breasts uncovers a vulnerability in me that I wasn’t aware of before, like I want him to carry me everywhere for the rest of my life.

“How long you think you’re going to stay mad? I can come back,” Rebel says sarcastically, knowing full well that I won’t let him leave my room until he’s completely turned me inside out.