Bratva Boss’s Secret Triplets by Bella King

Chapter 33


“How did you find this? How did you know about this?” I squeal, to my embarrassment.

I’m almost too bewildered to care. Just moments ago I was tied to a chair about to be injected with a mystery drug, then only moments later the man who told me I was pregnant was shot three times in front of me.

“First tell me what it is,” Rebel says sternly.

I’m so grateful to him for saving me that I’d do anything he asked right now. I’d go to the ends of the earth for him.

“This ring belonged to my late mother, Maria Addison. I had to sell it for rent money when I moved here, and I always regretted it. I kept tabs on the person who bought it in the hopes that I would be able to buy it back from them, but over the years it seemed less and less likely. I never thought I’d see it again, it’s the last thing I have of her,” I stammer as I fight back tears.

“So, I lied about my security going through your things,” Rebel replies. “I found a receipt from an old pawn shop in your suitcase, and the date on it was from a few years ago, so I wanted to check it out. I thought for sure you had been married and were lying to me,” he continues.

“No, never, I just wanted that piece of her back for so long that it felt like I would never be able to have it just because I wanted it so badly,” I reply, tears now streaming down my face with no sign of stopping.

Rebel looks at me again, staring intently at my face. “Something else is up,” he says, his eyes narrowing.

My stomach lurches. “Yes, you’re right. I don’t know how to tell you this, and I never thought I would have the chance, but... I’m pregnant with triplets, and they’re yours,” I say with as much confidence as my previous emotional outpour will allow.

Rebel’s face is impossible to read, as is typical of him.

I could throw up right now.

“This is amazing news, why didn’t you tell me before?” he says with a note of disbelief in his voice.

“Well, come on, Rebel. I’ve seen you kill multiple people since I met you two months ago. The first time we had sex, which was when I got pregnant, you led criminals to my apartment complex and almost got me shot to death,” I reply, both understanding and irritated that he’s confused at the pregnancy being a secret.

How couldn’t it be? What kind of woman wants to be tied down with a mafia boss that she doesn’t know upon first meeting him?

“If you want to raise these babies with me, you need to make sure that we’ll be okay,” I continue, gathering more courage as his reactions become easier to gauge. “Even just raising one baby under normal circumstances is hard enough, triplets is going to be infinitely more difficult, and that’s not considering the potential for a midnight shootout.”

Rebel sighs and stares off at the wall behind me in consideration of my words. “You’re right. If I were in your position, I would have been scared shitless to find myself pregnant with triplets, that’s for sure. But I promise you April, I’ll never, ever let anything bad happen to you or the babies if you give me the chance to prove it,” he says, looking back at me and gazing into my eyes.

I’m ready to completely unravel. All the guilt, all the weight of this secret has been lifted from my shoulders, and now I know that the father of my babies is not only willing to support us, but enthusiastic about doing so. I've never met a man who was actually excited for fatherhood, and least of all did I expect Rebel to be the one to change that.

“Rebel, you’re bleeding,” I say suddenly as I notice the blood seeping from his crudely-stitched bullet wound from two days ago.

“Hey, don’t worry about that. We need to get you out of here first, and then we can worry about me. We need to make sure the babies are okay with all the stress you’ve been under lately. Damn, I wish I had known, April,” he replies.

He walks me through the hallway and up the stairs to the main entrance where Eric and Luke are both standing at attention, waiting for us. Even though I don’t know them, I’m so happy to see them.

My emotions are flooding my brain with all kinds of unusual feelings. Everything feels so vivid and renewed, like my neurochemistry is acutely aware of just how close I came to being killed.

When we arrive out to the car, Rebel gently grabs me and pulls me close to him, kissing me deeply and passionately like nobody ever has, not even him. This kiss feels like the beginning of a new era of me and Rebel, and it makes my blood feel effervescent in my veins.

As we drive away, Rebel has cordoned Eric and Luke into the back of the car, insisting that I’m as close to him as I can be as we drive away. He takes my hand as he drives, showing no sign of letting go.

The sun is setting now, streaking across the sky in bright orange and pink ribbons. In some places, it looks like the sky is made of broken glass where a portal to a better place is fighting to open. It feels fitting. I can’t stop looking at it as I feel Rebel’s hand play with my fingers.