The Game by L.P. Lovell


After dinner at an upscale restaurant, they take me to a nondescript building on the other side of the city and lead me into a dark room. I have no idea what's coming next, but I know something is coming. Each day is its own twisted form of fucked up.

The door closes behind us with a bang, and a hard chest meets my back. “Don't be scared of the dark, sweet Ella,” Preston says, then slips away.

I whirl around, disoriented as I reach for him in the dark. “Preston? Tobias?”

There's no response, no sound, no light, and I begin to panic. It's complete sensory deprivation. Just when I feel like I’m about to lose it, a bright light cuts on.

I hold up my hand, shielding my eyes from the blinding bulb. Three shadowy figures loom to the side of the room, just out of reach of the glow.

“Hello, little lamb. Number Three wanted to meet you, but he's a little shy.”

Number Three? The man who Tobias took a call from yesterday as Preston fucked me? The addition of someone else to the game leaves me unnerved, but I remind myself that Tobias and Preston wouldn't let anything happen to me…would they? No, of course not. I'm their little lamb, their sweet Ella...But for every time they make me feel safe, there's another time when they make me feel exposed, vulnerable, and cripplingly weak.

“Say hello,” Tobias says, his silhouette shifting behind the light.


“Hello, Ella.” There's a subtle edge to Three’s British accent. Familiar yet so foreign.

“You will submit to Number Three the same way you would to us.”

The idea of submitting to someone who isn’t Tobias or Preston feels wrong and dirty, but what choice do I have if I want to win? It is, after all, still about winning—Isn’t it?

The three shadows huddle together. There’s an exchange of hushed whispers, a nod of heads, then Tobias tells me to strip. I don’t want to get naked in front of Three, but then I remember I’m low on dignity these days and what I want doesn’t matter.

The heat of the bright light warms my skin as I lower the zip on the extravagant dress. I try to forget a stranger is infiltrating our perfect little threesome as I slide the straps from my shoulders, then let the material pool at my feet.

“Beautiful,” Number Three breathes. “Perfect.”

“Isn't she?” Tobias adds, a pleased note humming through his tone. “And her pussy is to fucking die for.”

Butterflies erupt in my stomach at his filthy words. I like that he loves my pussy. I like that he wants it and makes it sound so dirty.

Three steps forward, but remains hidden within the shadows. “Close your eyes, and turn around,” he says. “I want to feel that pussy for myself.”

The butterflies disappear, replaced by a sinking feeling in my gut as my attention drifts to the other two silhouettes looming in the darkness. Part of me thinks they’ll stop this. They said I’m theirs. I chose to stay with them on that bridge, just them, but I bite my tongue before I earn myself another strike. Apparently, the rules only work in their favor, not mine, so I turn my back on them.

Footsteps cross the room, halting just behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when I feel the heat of this stranger’s body; the brush of his suit jacket against my bare skin. He places his lips at my ear, and when his cold finger touches my spine, I jump.

“Spread your legs.”

I hesitate for the slightest second which elicits a low growl from Tobias on the other side of the room. “Don’t embarrass me, little lamb.”

Embarrass him? My jaw tightens and I widen my stance as I fight the feeling that this isn’t right, that they shouldn’t want another man to touch me. Three’s hand trails over my ass, skimming along my crack. On instinct, I jerk away.

“You’re supposed to submit…” His hand lands on my hip, stilling me.

Three’s touch lacks Preston’s teasing and Tobias's brutality, and I hate it. His hand leaves my hip and moves between my thighs. Instead of a gentle stroke or an exploratory swipe, he rams two fingers inside my pussy. I push up on my tiptoes on a hard breath in an attempt to escape the intrusion, but his fingers only dig in hard.

“I thought you said she's always ready, Tobias?” His tone is low and gruff as he works his fingers in and out.

“She is.”

“She’s not even wet.”

Three’s right I’m not wet. I’m not needy… He continues to finger fuck me as another pair of shoes cross the room.

The air shifts behind me and fills with a familiar, savage tension. The sage scent of Tobias’s cologne wraps around me seconds before he’s in front of me, and his hard grip lands on my jaw. His gaze drifts to my mouth before he leans in and nips at my bottom lip. “I’ve never felt that pussy of yours dry...” He pinches my nipple, pulling and tugging until I'm nothing but sensation. Until I am wet.

Three groans over my shoulder. “There we go. Slick and tight.” His fingers bury deeper, pumping in and out with ease. But it’s Tobias my body craves.

“She must like you, Tobias,” Three says, annoyance lacing his voice.

“Do you like me, little lamb?” Tobias’s teeth graze my earlobe. “Do you want me?”

How could I not? He’s like an angel and the devil, heaven and hell, pleasure and pain. Of course I want him. “Yes,” I breathe.

“Good.” He reaches between my legs, his touch brushing my clit before his fingers meet Three's. “How much can you take?” Tobias asks, joining Three by pressing his finger inside my pussy.

The combination of the two men stretches me to my max, and I’m almost ashamed to admit I like it. They both finger fuck me, hard and violent while Tobias praises me. He tells me how good I am, how perfect my pussy is for them, and my breath grows ragged as heat builds in my muscles. Each thrust of their fingers, each satisfied groan they let out as they whisper how wet I am pushes me closer to climax.

“Her ass is even better than her pussy,” Tobias says. “But that’s only for me.”

“Is that so?”

A finger circles my asshole then presses inside. I have both men’s fingers in my pussy, one in my ass, and it’s nearly too much. “I love your tight little hole, little lamb. Both of them.”

I stagger forward a little, but they don’t let up with their pleasing assault. I’m so close to that edge, so damn close, and then Tobias tells Three his time is up.

Fingers pull out and I instantly miss the fullness, but it’s quickly replaced by more fingers.

“I don’t want him to know what you feel like when you come,” Tobias whispers. “I’m a selfish man, Ella.”

Then he plays me like a musical instrument, strumming and caressing. The pressure builds until I’m frantic for release, and then with a flick of his wrist, Tobias lights the fuse that sends me into a freefall of pleasure. He coaxes moan after moan from me as my body rides out the waves of my orgasm.

I haven’t even started to come down before Tobias steps away. “Preston,” he says. “Fuck her without mercy.”

When Preston steps out from the shadows, he’s already naked and fisting his hard cock. “Without mercy?” he repeats. A sick smirk curls his lips before he grabs my waist and shoves me to the floor and forces my legs apart. “So messy and wet, Ella.” He nudges my entrance with his cock, then he slams into me. This possession, the brutality of it all feels so good. I want him—I want Tobias. They're mine and I'm theirs, and that's how it should be. I don't want three players, just them.

Preston pounds into me, making my pussy exquisitely sore. I can just make out the sound of skin slapping skin in the shadows. The thought of Tobias masturbating makes everything inside of me heat.

“I want them to watch my dick fuck you.” Without warning, Preston rolls over, shifting me on top of him. “Show them your pretty pussy, sweet Ella. Show them how easily it milks my hard cock.”

Heat unfurls everywhere. Preston's dirty words. His dick, his hard grip—I love it. I love the thought of Tobias and Three watching, wanting. Want and desire are powerful, powerful feelings. “Ride my cock harder,” he groans, and I do. I bare down as hard as I can, slamming over him again and again.

Tobias steps into the light with the fly of his slacks unfastened. He pumps over his hard cock. “Yes, ride his cock, little lamb. And look at me while you do it.”

I crave these two men like an addict, without shame and to the detriment of my well-being. I roll my hips, driven on by Tobias's gaze as he shifts closer and closer. Everything inside of me tightens. The pleasure rises like a tidal wave and I lose all inhibition, moaning as my pussy clenches around Preston. My muscles falter and I collapse onto Preston’s sweat-slicked chest.

“I’m not done yet, sweet Ella.” He flips me onto my back and fucks me like a rabid animal as Tobias moves to stand over me, working over his cock faster and harder, his jaw clenching as he stares down to where Preston and I connect.

I can’t take much more. My pussy is raw and heated, swollen from pleasure.

Preston stills above me, groaning my name as he comes. And Tobias—Tobias drops his chin on a grunt, shooting ribbons of his come onto my chest and stomach.

The only noises in the room are a chorus of heavy pants. Preston drags his tongue through the pool of Tobias’s come before he pulls out.

A deep groan comes from the side of the room and I assume Three has just reached his climax. I shouldn’t enjoy this. I should feel degraded and used, but I don't. I feel empowered. Sated. So very full.

I lie on the floor, wondering what depraved, sickened part of me these men have awakened until Tobias drops my clothes to the floor beside me. “You will go home with Three tonight.”

“I...” I trail off. I can't argue with him. I can't ask him why or tell him I don’t want to go… But all of it is true, and I can’t help the fissure of hurt that rises as I dress.

They just fucked me. Tobias’s come isn’t even dry on my skin, and he’s giving me to another man like I’m some cheap whore. But isn’t that exactly what I am? Here—selling myself to these men for a million dollars.

None of this makes sense, least of all the misplaced sense of betrayal I feel right now.

I’ve just zipped my dress and smoothed out my hair when a knock comes from a door at the back of the room.

“Oh, my…” Tobias says before the door swings open.

Two men in suits stand outside, a black bag held between them. On a sigh, Tobias steps to the side and allows them into the small room that must reek of sex.

“Oh, Ella...” Preston shakes his head when the men deposit the bag on the floor.

“You see what you’ve done, little lamb?”

Here I go, trying to muddle my way through these two men’s labyrinths and mazes.

“Show her what she’s done.” Tobias steps beside me, lacing his fingers through mine as Three exits the room. The two men unzip the bag, then turn and leave.

“Step closer, Ella,” Tobias purrs in my ear. But I don’t want to step any closer. The longer I stare, I’m certain of what that is, and I want no part of it. But I’m shoved forward and my worst suspicions are confirmed.

There’s a dead man inside the bag—The man from the alleyway.

“You gave an addict enough money to kill himself.” Tobias chuckles before clapping his hands together. “You're a killer, little lamb.”

Preston is suddenly right beside me, kissing my cheek. “Welcome to the club, sweet Ella.”

I’m not a murderer like them! My gaze snaps from the bag to Tobias as he spreads his arms wide, a malicious grin on his perfect face. “Yes, welcome to the game,” he adds with a joyous lilt.

But I didn’t put a gun to that man’s head or a knife to his throat. I can’t be held responsible for his decisions. “I didn't kill him. I gave him money. I—”

“Had you simply given him the one hit of heroin that was in that bag he would still be alive,” Tobias says.


He shifts beside me, his presence feeling more and more like the devil. “Why did you give him the money?”

The money over the drugs seemed like a better option. “Because I wanted to help him.”

“We know, sweet Ella. So sweet.” Preston kisses my throat.

“She wanted to help herself, Preston. Don't give her too much credit. She did it because it was easier, because it made her feel good about herself.” I hate that Tobias is right. I hate so much that he’s right. “The Good Samaritan.” A deep laugh rumbles from his throat and Preston joins in.

Tobias’s green eyes flicker with a wild edge when he brings his face inches from mine. “That money you gave him was basically taking a gun...”

“And putting the bullet in the chamber.” Preston kisses me again.

Tobias threads his fingers through my hair. “Pulled the trigger.”

“Just waited for him to fall.”

“I...” I stare at the man’s body in the bag, my stomach churning. I did what I thought was best, but why did I think it was best?

Tobias yanks my head back. “Some people can't be helped.” Tobias releases me and steps away. “And right or wrong, what does it all truly mean? What is the point when there are vices to both sides?”

Did I, in some way, kill this man? Did I lose the game? Did I lose the game? What kind of person have I become that losing even matters at this moment? I swipe at the tears building in my eyes, trying to ignore the enticing heat of Preston’s breath on my neck.

“He used to be a very successful lawyer.” Tobias drags my attention away from the dead man’s body. “So good that his argument and ability to find loopholes allowed a murdering rapist to walk free— A murdering rapist who ended up killing this man's wife.”

“Such a shame.” Preston sighs. “Imagine how hard it would be knowing that your stupid decisions, your hunger for money, helped aid in the death of your one, true love.”

Tobias squeezes my shoulder. “In a sense, he killed his wife by helping that criminal get away. Oh, the irony, sweet little lamb.”

“The depression. The guilt. It ate away at him.”

“Bit,” Tobias pinches me. “By bit. Until he just wanted something to make it go away. Much like you on that bridge last night. Didn't you just want it all to go away?” I did. For a moment there, I really did.

“Had you not had us, wouldn't you have wanted to be put out of your misery?” Tobias's hands creep around my waist before he spins me around and tugs me against him. “Did you judge him, little lamb? When we told you he was inferior, did you believe it to be true?”

My mind races. What is the right answer? Is there ever a right answer with these two? I stepped into this man’s life. I pulled a lever that led to his death when I had no business being involved at all. I'm playing this game because...because... Because I have nothing else. Tobias and Preston, the money—those things are my vices. My addiction, my high that I will do nearly anything for.

Tobias's grip on my waist tightens and his face inches closer to mine. “Better yet, do you believe you are superior? Can you be above the petty moral constructs of right and wrong?”

My gaze drifts to the door, back to the body, then to Tobias. I wish I could walk away, but—I exhale. I can't. There’s nothing out there for me. It's twisted and fucked up, but on some level, this game, them—It’s akin to a spiritual awakening. And I don't want to leave this behind. I can't.

“Be superior, little lamb.” Tobias’s warm tongue skirts my lips.

“Tell us you are superior.” Preston’s hand skirt along the curve of my ass.

“Tell us you are better than everyone else,” Tobias whispers.

“I want to...” I trail off, drunk on the tension, the control; the fear beating away at me. I both love and hate who they make me. With each second I spend with them, I believe they possess a little more of my soul. And the worst part is: I long to be unhinged in a way I fear I will only ever be with them. I want them to own the deepest, darkest parts of me. But...I glance at the dead man and ask, is it worth the cost?

“Say it, little lamb,” Tobias coos. “Own it, and we'll own you.”

My heart pounds against my ribs, excitement lances through my veins as I force down the guilt, the sense of morality I feel for the dead man. “I am superior.”

Tobias grabs my chin. “Correction. You are superior to everyone except us.”

And of course, I could never be superior to creatures such as them.

Tobias glances at Preston. I watch the silent conversation dancing in their eyes before he reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a black cloth which he ties around my head, blocking everything out. “Game four's not over yet. Prove that you're superior, little lamb.”

“I'll miss you, sweet Ella,” Preston says before his warm lips touch my cheek.

Panic sets in when I hear their footsteps cross the room. I’d almost forgotten they’re leaving me. “Don't…” I start. “Don't leave me. Please.”

“Number Three will take good care of you,” Preston says mere seconds before the door slams shut. A single lock clicks into place.

Something about Three scares me, but surely Tobias and Preston wouldn't leave me with him if he were—

“Little Ella...” The gravely sound of Three’s voice sends goosebumps over my skin. “Turn around, my pretty little toy.”

I don’t want to turn around. Preston and Tobias have done awful things and made me do awful things, but I’ve never wanted to run away and kiss that million dollars goodbye as much as I do now. Swallowing, I pivot on my feet and turn toward the sound of his voice.

“Tell me, Ella…” He’s close enough now that his warm breath trickles over my lips. “Will you submit?”

An uncomfortable feeling winds through my gut. I want to tell him no and run, but to run from him is to run from Tobias and Preston. If I leave the game, I leave them. And without them, I have nothing. Three is now part of the game, and I am in play.

As soon as I nod, he grabs my elbow. I blindly follow his lead, hearing a series of doors open and close until I feel the outside air cycle around me. The low hum of traffic comes from somewhere in the distance. I want to ask where we're going, but I can't.

I’ve been in this game for four days now. I’ve been demeaned, taunted, and pleasured in ways I didn't think existed, but this… This is the first time I've truly been scared.