The Game by L.P. Lovell


The Beginning of a New Game


Iring the bell of 1801 Vanderbilt Avenue, and a man in a tuxedo opens the door.

“I'm here to see Mr. Benton,” I say.

The man gives me a quick once over, then steps to the side, allowing me in. “Right this way.”

The heels of his shoes echo into the marble foyer as he leads me to an elevator. I step inside and he reaches in, selecting the 37th floor. “If it stops on any other floors, don't get off. You won't be able to get back on.” And with that, the elevator slides shut.

This is starting out as the weirdest interview I've ever been on. The elevator quickly reaches the top floor and I step out onto a rooftop patio. The lights of Manhattan twinkle in the background, the wind howls over the empty space. “Hello?” I say, straightening my suit jacket. “I’m here to meet Mr. Benson.”

The red glow of a cigarette greets me, followed by a white puff of smoke. A man in a suit steps out of the shadows. “Good to see you again, Mr. Dawson.” He moves into the dim light, and a woman in a flowing white dress steps up beside him. They look like a power couple. Dominant and soft. The perfect complement to one another. “This is my associate.” He waves toward her. “Ella Taylor.”

She crosses the rooftop with a click of heels, and when she stops in front of me, she looks familiar. Doe-like blue eyes. Long blond hair. Perfect red lips. I’ve seen her before. A man couldn’t forget a woman that beautiful.

“Didn't I see you on the subway yesterday?” I ask.

A smirk settles over her lips as she holds out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Alec.”

“I have a proposition for you,” Mr. Benton says, dragging my attention away from Ella. “One million dollars.”

One million dollars? I feel my brow wrinkle. What the hell is this man talking about? “I'm sorry. I don’t understand what you—”

“What would you do—” Ella leans in next to me, and the sweet scent of her perfume makes me drunk—” For a million dollars?”

“Or better yet...” Tobias laughs. “What would you not do?”

“Would you submit yourself?” Tobias asks.

My gaze pings between the couple. Seduction flashes through Ella’s eyes, and my dick stirs to life. “Would you kill someone?”

“Fuck no.” I take a step back, but Ella grabs my wrist and yanks me toward her with more strength than I’d expect her to have. She presses her warm, tight body against mine.

“We're offering you one million dollars for a week of your time.” Her lips touch my ear followed by the warmth of her tongue.

My gaze locks on Mr. Benton as he circles around me. “Let's be honest, it’s not like you have anything to live for.”

“Seven days.” Ella trails her warm fingertip over my arm. “Only seven days and your life will forever be changed.”

“Think of the possibilities.”

“The freedom,” Ella says.

“What the fuck is going on? Is this some sick game or something?” I pull away from her hold.

“Why yes,” he says. “Yes, it is.”

“And all we want is for you to play with us.” She moves beside him, placing her hand on his chest. “One million dollars. Are you game?”


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