Father and Son by S.E. Law



Ican’t believe how well my date last night went. To be honest, I was expecting the worst. I was expecting an ogre to paw my curves before leaving me sore and regretful.

But instead, Braden McLean is everything a woman would want. He’s gorgeous, with night-black hair and penetrating blue eyes that trail over my curves, making me hot. Even more, he’s nice too. He’s not a “nice guy” per se, and I’m not so naïve that I would think that. But he’s kind and generous, and I can’t believe he paid me five thousand dollars just to spend the night with him!

Of course, it was a night to remember. I woke up the next morning, sore and achy all over, wincing as I sat up. Braden was still asleep beside me, and I cast a long, lingering look over that huge, bronzed form. It would be so nice to make love again, but as the gray light of morning streamed in through a crack in the curtains, I knew I had to leave. I wanted to avoid the awkward conversation that was bound to happen.

As a result, I snuck out, wincing a bit as I limped for the door. He really did a number on me, but it felt amazing, and I shot him one last glance over my shoulder before leaving. I’ll always remember Braden McLean. He made my first time as an escort wonderful, and I appreciate him for that.

But now, I’m on the phone with Lucy, and she wants to know how it went.

“So?” she inquires, practically bouncing up and down on the screen. “How did it go?” Lucy’s glowing with her pregnancy, and I laugh a little.

“It went well actually! Better than well – it was amazing. The client was really handsome, but it was easy to talk to him too. I was a nervous wreck, of course, but I think I can handle it.”

“Of course!” my friend gushes. “You’re good with people, girlfriend! That’s why you’re going to be an amazing therapist.”

“And Lucy,” I add in a low voice. “He paid me five thousand dollars for one night. The money already hit my bank account.”

She gasps, her eyes going wide.

“Are you serious?”

I nod.

“Yes. I might be able to help my parents, actually. Of course, I still have a long ways to go, but things are looking up.”

Lucy nods, rubbing her hands over her swollen belly thoughtfully.

“Are you going to see him again?”

I take a deep breath and shrug.

“I don’t know. I mean, I can’t reach out to him. He has to request me through the service, so I hope so, but I can’t do anything about it. In the meantime, I actually have another date tonight.”

Lucy starts, jerking forward on the screen.

“Are you serious?”

I nod.

“I was surprised too, but City Girls texted me this morning and said another client has booked me. It’s kind of insane. I had no idea things would go this fast.”

Lucy nods.

“Wow. Just wow, girlfriend. But remember, no matter how handsome and charming they are, you can’t fall in love.”

I laugh.

“Fall in love? Who said anything about that?”

She looks thoughtful on screen.

“I’m just saying, honey. I care about you, and I know you have a soft heart. Remember that bird you found, and how you wanted to adopt him? You kept him in your apartment for two days before turning him over to the SPCA.”

I nod, looking down.

“I liked Bananapopsicle,” I say in a low voice. “I wanted to heal him.”

“I know,” Lucy says sympathetically. “And it was cute how you named him Bananapopsicle. But that’s the thing, Sarah. You have a soft heart and you’ll give it to the first man who asks, so just brace yourself okay? Put up some walls around your heart.”

I nod.

“Of course. I’ve only seen this client once, so really, it’s nothing.”

But then my pal gets a wicked look in her eye.

“So how was the sex?” she giggles. “Good or bad?”

I giggle a bit myself before going serious.

“Honestly, it was the best sex I’ve ever had,” I say, going into a bit of a trance thinking about Braden. “And he was huge too. I didn’t think I’d be able to handle him at first, but he made it work.”

Lucy giggles.

“You go, girlfriend! Oh my god, why am I so pregnant right now? I have to live vicariously through you.”

I pause, shooting her a curious look.

“Don’t you have pregnant sex though?” I ask. “Brandon loves how you look, so I’m surprised that he’s not … well, you know.”

My friend laughs as her daughter Nora runs on-screen. She scoops up the little girl and nuzzles her curls.

“Oh, Brandon’s definitely into my pregnant shape,” she giggles. “Daddy loves Mommy, and makes sure she knows it every night. But I’m just saying be careful, okay Sarah? Don’t lose your head, no matter what.”

“Of course not,” I reply smartly. “And thank you for making me do this,” I add. “I have five-thousand dollars in the bank because of you, and I’m actually going to call the bank this afternoon to get the foreclosure conversation rolling. Of course, it’s not enough, but it’s a starting point.”

Lucy claps her hands together excitedly. “I knew this would be good for you! Make sure you’re saving some of the money for yourself though, girlfriend. You deserve it.”

I nod.

“I will. It’ll help a lot with bills and tuition because you know I’ve been eating a lot of ramen and canned beans recently.”

Suddenly, there’s a sharp cry behind Lucy and her expression goes exasperated.

“I think Nora needs some attention, so I’ve got to run, but have fun tonight, okay? I want to hear how it goes.”

I nod.

“I’ll call you tomorrow. Love you!”

“Love you more!” she sings.

We hang up and I check myself in the mirror. My cheeks are flushed and I have a big smile on my face. I guess I can thank Braden McLean for that, but then I try to calm myself down. Lucy’s right because he’s just a client, and I can’t let myself get emotionally involved. In fact, I have another date tonight, so I need to clear my mind of Braden and focus on my next client.

Quickly, I step into the shower and lather up. I’m still a bit sore down there, but the ache is bearable and quite nice. But I put that out of my mind again. Although it’s difficult to believe, I’m now “that woman” – the kind that makes love to two different men on consecutive days. It’s crazy, but if my customer tonight is handsome and pleasant, then why not?

Resolved, I step out of the shower and head to the closet. My date tonight asked me to meet him at an upscale restaurant in Midtown called L’Atelier, which name sounds fancy in and of itself. I’ve obviously never been, but I looked up pictures to make sure I knew what I was getting into, and sure enough, it’s an elegant restaurant that appears to serve French food with a modern twist.

Surveying the contents of my closet, I choose a short, black skirt and a silky red blouse. The blouse gives a hint of my décolletage, showcasing the shadow between my breasts. But it’s modest too, with full sleeves and a ruby color that brings out glints of red in my hair. I slip into the same high heels that I had on yesterday and then grab a black leather clutch before fluffing out my curls. Hopefully, tonight’s date is just as successful as the previous one.

* * *

Upon reaching the restaurant,my stomach dances with excited butterflies. The maître d’ is very polite and directs me to the bar because my date hasn’t arrived yet. I seat myself on the stool and turn to the bartender before ordering champagne with a smile. Why not? City Girls has turned out far better than I ever expected.

Suddenly, a low growl sounds behind my shoulder.


I spin and immediately the breath whooshes from my lungs because tonight’s client is gorgeous. He’s older, with flecks of gray sprinkled throughout his black hair, but he’s got glinting blue eyes and square jaw that makes me gulp. He’s tall, too, wearing a dark suit that highlights his broad shoulders, and long legs.

“Hi,” I manage in a breathy tone. “You must be Grant. It’s lovely to meet you.”

The handsome older man nods.

“You too, sweetheart. Are you ready to go? I have a table for us in the back.”

I nod, collecting my drink before smiling at him. His blue eyes are so dazzling that I almost faint, but then I make myself stay strong. Don’t go swooning over a client, Lucy’s voice rings in my ears. These men aren’t looking for love. But still, a girl can enjoy her job right? Flashing Grant a dazzling smile, I hop off my stool

“Yes, ready.” With that, I follow his broad back to our table, where he gallantly pulls out my chair for me before seating himself.

Grant orders us each a glass of red wine.

“So, Sarah, how did you come to join City Girls? Tell me a bit about yourself.”

I bite my lip and smile. If I’m not mistaken, I’m getting good at my spiel. “Well, actually I just got started with the agency, so this is pretty new to me. I mean, you’re not my first date or anything,” I add hastily. “It’s just I haven’t been in this lifestyle long.”

He nods, a smile quirking at his lips. “Go on.”

“I was talking to a friend, and actually her husband used to use City Girls before they were married. So she recommended that I look them up and then voila! I was hired.”

Grant nods, blue eyes glinting.

“And does your friend’s husband still use City Girls?”

I gasp, shocked.

“Oh no, of course not. He’s very much in love with Lucy, and would never dream of it.”

Grant chuckles low in his throat, taking my hand.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m sure your friend and her husband are very happy together. Did they meet through City Girls by chance?”

I shake my head.

“No, I don’t think so. At least, Lucy has never admitted it, but maybe I should ask …”

The handsome older man chuckles again, giving my hand a squeeze.

“I didn’t mean to throw you into such a tizzy. Tell me more about where you’re from.”

Ah, safe territory. I take a deep breath, although my heart’s still pounding.

“Well, I live in New Jersey, the same town where I grew up in, but I’m at Manhattan Community College, taking classes in psychology. I’m hoping to get my degree soon so that can become a therapist.”

Grant nods.

“Wow, that sounds interesting. What made you decide on that major?”

Smiling, I explain to him how much I like to help people, and the words flow easily. I’m always excited when I talk about my concentration and sometimes, can get a little carried away. But Grant nods and looks genuinely interested, interjecting at all the right times. Finally, I wind down a bit.

“Okay, enough about me,” I say with a laugh. “What do you do in the city?” I ask. He smiles.

“I’m actually own a real estate brokerage. It’s called Collins. Have you heard of it?”

My eyes widen. This is so weird because didn’t Braden also own a real estate brokerage? What are the chances of these two men being in the exact same industry? Then again, real estate is big money in Manhattan, so it’s not that unusual, I suppose. Still, what a funny coincidence.

“How long have you been a broker?” I ask.

Grant chuckles. “A long time. I started out as an agent decades ago, but then I formed my own firm, so now other agents work for me. It’s great. I like mentoring younger folks, and we’ve really created something special that brings a lot of value to our clients.”

At that moment, the waitress returns with our drinks and we each order a meal. I put in an order for coq au vin, and Grant asks for the grilled skirt steak. Wow, fancy. I take another sip of my drink, my heart pounding in my chest. I’ve never had such expensive items before because usually, I’m a cheeseburger and fries girl, but this is a great time to expand my palate.

Surprisingly, the meal goes off without a hitch. I was afraid I’d have a Pretty Woman moment where the food goes flying off the table in an embarrassing incident, but everything goes smoothly and I enjoy my chicken immensely. Who knew French food could taste so yummy? Plus, the conversation with Grant is easy and unforced. He’s gorgeous, so I can hardly take my eyes off him, but he makes me feel comfortable and at ease. At the end, we order strawberry clafoutis, and Grant laughs as I get a bit of whipped cream on my nose. But then, those blue eyes go dark as I pop the last bite in my mouth. He takes my small palm in his big one and squeezes a little.

“So sweetheart, I’ve really enjoyed my time with you tonight. Are you ready for phase two? There’s a nice hotel just down the block from here where we can enjoy the rest of the evening.”

I act coy.

“I’m not so sure about that,” I say sweetly. “My boss says I’m only supposed to provide companionship.”

Grant smiles. “What your boss doesn’t know won’t hurt him or her. You know, secrets and all that.”

I let out a flirtatious giggle.

“Is it a nice hotel?”

Grant grins, his smile positively predatory.

“The best. And in fact, I’ll sweeten the offer. How about five thousand dollars for your companionship, honey? That’s a nice chunk of change, isn’t it?”

I practically fall out of my chair because this is the second man in a week who’s offered me four figures to sleep with him. Plus, both clients have been incredibly handsome and off-the-charts charming. How is this even possible? But Grant’s totally serious. He squeezes my hand again, those blue eyes going dark with desire.

“So what do you say, baby girl? Would you like to find out just how good I can make you feel?”

My mouth goes dry, but the space between my legs goes warm and moist.

“Yes,” I whisper, and it’s the truth because I’m wildly attracted to Grant the same way I was attracted to Braden. With that, the handsome CEO pays for our dinner and takes my hand before leading me out on the street as I trip along behind him. Oh wow, he really means business! Soon enough, we’re ensconced in a suite at the Palace Royale, and I gasp at its luxuriousness. The walls are a subtle caramel color, complementing the golden drapes and cream carpeting. There’s a view of the Empire State, as well as what appears to be a full kitchen and two bedrooms.

But Grant’s not wasting any time. Within moments, I’m nude save for my sky-high heels, and his blue eyes flare hungrily as he strips off his jacket.

“Fuck,” he groans, staring at my luscious breasts before dropping his eyes to the shadowy vee between my thighs. “You’re absolutely gorgeous, baby girl.”

But tonight, I let the vixen inside out. Sitting back on the king size mattress, I lift my knees so that they’re up by my ears and then slowly reach down with one hand to pull my pussy apart, showing him my glistening pink insides. Oh god, hopefully my pussy and ass don’t look too raw and red from Braden’s hard pounding last night. But I put that out of my head and remind myself that the lights in this bedroom are low, so Grant can’t see. Then, I pull myself even wider, revealing my hard nub before reaching down to stroke it with soft fingers.

“Do you want a taste, Daddy?” I coo. “My honey’s sweet, I promise.”

With that, Grant descends, licking me to heaven and savoring my flavor before taking me to the Heavens and beyond. Just like last night, he decides to use all of my holes and I give them to him willingly. I pant and gasp, adoring the conquest of my curves, and willingly accommodate the gorgeous CEO’s massive length over and over again. Who knew that being an escort could be so satisfying? It’s the best decision I ever made, and I’ve enjoyed every second of it so far.