Down Under With Dad’s Best Friend by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Fourteen


I have never been so embarrassed in my whole life.

I move as fast as I can to yank my dress back up over my chest, but I’m fairly sure the man who works here saw everything anyway. There would definitely be no way to mistake what we were doing – Sean was right over me, his body pressed against mine as I lay back on the sofa, my dress pulled up almost to my waist. It’s bad enough he saw what he saw – but given a few more minutes, I think he probably would have seen more.

“Captain,” Sean says, quickly. “Ah – I think we’re good for a while.”

“Certainly, sir,” the Captain says quickly, and I hear a clink as he sets down the tray he was carrying on a side table. I can’t bear to look at him. I don’t want to meet his eyes. I don’t know whether he’ll be horrified, or amused, or something worse. I don’t even know which is worse. “I’ll let the other staff know you’re not to be disturbed for… an hour, or so?”

“Until we come out,” Sean suggests.

“Yes, sir,” the Captain says firmly, and I hear the sound of the door opening and closing as he leaves.

Which allows me to groan out loud, covering my flaming face with my hands.

“Oh, god,” Sean says, but he’s laughing. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea he was just going to walk in without knocking like that. To tell the truth, I… got a bit carried away.”

I can’t bear to take my hands down from my face. Carried away. What does that mean? Does it mean he didn’t actually want to kiss me, or – do any of that other stuff? Is that what he’s trying to tell me now, that it meant nothing?

“Are you alright?” he asks, gently. I feel one of his hands on mine, trying to persuade me to uncover my face. “I’m sure he’s seen a lot worse if it’s any consolation. And he’s very discreet. He won’t tell anyone what he saw.”

“He still saw it,” I say, finally managing to let my hands drop. Sean doesn’t let go, however – he keeps hold of the hand he was touching, letting it slip around in his grip until he is holding it properly, like… well, like a lover.

Which gives me a tiny dash of hope back.

“He’s not coming back now,” he says, his voice low and a little husky. “Which means we can do whatever we want. No one else is going to see, now. We’re totally alone here.”

His hand slides up my leg, moving under the fabric of my dress.

It’s now or never. He does want me, which makes my heart thump almost painfully in my chest. It makes a jolt of electricity travel to the pit of my stomach and stay there, an excitement that can’t be ignored.

But it also makes me realize now that I’ve had a little more time to adjust to this situation and to think, I need to say something. Now that I’m not carried away in the moment, too, I need to be honest.

I take a deep breath. This could end everything. The last thing I want is for him to see me as a child, but telling him the truth could do just that. Even so. It’s important. I can’t keep this from him.

“Just wait, a minute,” I say, my hand landing on top of his, to stop his movement. “I need to tell you something.”

He frowns, his expression going from playful to serious. “What is it?” he asks. “Do you… regret…?”

“No!” I say, shaking my head fiercely. Regretting what just happened between us is something that is never going to happen. It was already amazing, and we didn’t even get very far. “No, and I’d love to do it again. To do more, I mean. It’s just…”

“What is it?” he prompts when I still don’t manage to finish the sentence.

I bite my lip. I have to say it. No matter how juvenile it makes me sound. “I’m a virgin.”

Sean’s hand jerks back from my leg immediately. He almost rears back, as if he’s a horse who just saw something he really didn’t like.

Damnit. I knew I was taking a risk. I just hoped he wouldn’t care. But it turns out I was wrong.

I’ve ruined everything.

Immediately, I know that now I’ve found something I regret. Ever opening my mouth. I should have just let it happen – just pretended everything was normal.

But I couldn’t help but think that he would know.

“Sorry,” I mutter. “You probably don’t want anything to do with me, now.” I can’t look him in the eye.

“No,” Sean says, and I hear such an unexpected tone in his voice that it makes me look up. He doesn’t sound angry or disgusted, and he hasn’t gone cold on me. He sounds… concerned. “No, I do. But this is a big deal.”

“Oh, god,” I say, shaking my head at myself. “I didn’t mean to cause any problems. I just thought…”

Sean takes both of my hands and squeezes them. “You didn’t cause any problems. And by the way, telling me was absolutely the right thing to do. It’s just… this isn’t right.”

“Just because I’m inexperienced?” I say bitterly, feeling tears rise up in the back of my throat.

“Yes,” Sean says, but there’s a kind of pleading tone in his voice that makes me look up. “Because your first time shouldn’t be like this – rushed, on a boat, knowing that anyone could walk in. Without any build-up, without anything to make it special. It should be special. You only get one first time.”

“What if this is how I want it to be?” I ask stubbornly.

“You don’t,” Sean says, and his expression softens. “You just think this is your only chance. But it’s not.”

“Isn’t it?”

“No.” Sean leans in to plant a kiss on my lips, a brief flutter. “Because I still want to do this with you. I just want to take the time to do it right.”

It slowly dawns on me that he’s not turning me down outright.

That he just said he wants to have sex with me.

He really does want to do this.

I haven’t messed anything up.

“How?” I ask. “We’re both only here for the week.”

“And tomorrow is a brand new day,” he says, kissing my fingers this time, bringing them up to his lips. “I don’t need to be anywhere or go anywhere. I can spend the whole day with you. In fact, making it special starts right now. You can consider this the warm-up event.”

“The warm-up?” I repeat. As much as I like the sound of that, I’m already hot for him – and I feel like he must feel the same way. “Can’t we just skip to the main act now?”

He grins a slow and lustful grin that makes my toes curl in anticipation. “You don’t need to be in a rush,” he says. “I said this is the warm-up. I’ll give you a little taste of what the real thing will be like.”

“A taste?” I say. I like the sound of that – but it also scares me just a little, because I have no idea what he’s talking about.

“Trust me,” he says, and I realize that I do.

I nod, just once, and bite my lip, ready to see what comes next.

Sean moves to the floor, which as a first step really confuses me. He gets down on his knees right in front of the sofa, and I have no idea why he might need to do that. Isn’t he just going to get his clothes dirty?

But then he reaches out for me, moving me, making me sit with my ass right on the edge of the couch and my back lying against the comfortable cushions. He knows exactly what he’s doing, which is enough to help me relax – even when a tremor of anticipation runs through me as he runs his hands up along the sides of my thighs, right up under my dress, pushing up the fabric until my panties are on display.

And thank God I picked out a nice lacy pair to wear today, just because I knew I was going to be with him and I didn’t want to be caught wearing something ugly if the wind lifted my dress.

His fingers hook under the edge of the lace, and all thoughts go completely out of my head. My breath hitches in my throat as he starts to pull my panties away from my body. I don’t even need to lift my hips to help him, because he already has me right on the edge of the couch. And before I can fully process what’s happening, he’s drawn them down my legs and away, pulling them over my feet – my shoes having fallen off when we were making out earlier.

And then he parts my legs and moves between them, and just like that, I’m completely exposed in front of him.

My instinct is to put my hand over my nakedness, to hide it. No one has ever looked at me like this. No one has ever seen me naked, and certainly, not this close up. It’s almost too much.

“Candace,” Sean says, and even the way he says my name makes me tremble. “Trust me.”

I take a deep breath, and I move my hand out of the way.

I can feel my cheeks heating up as he moves closer. What is he doing, getting a closer look? Making a real in-depth analysis?

Wait – his head is moving so close – what is he…

His tongue touches my exposed sex, and I shudder in surprise and also at the way a spark of electricity seems to flow through my whole body at the touch.

Then it’s not just a touch – it’s a lick. It’s a lick that runs over the whole of my lips down there, exciting every single nerve and making me feel like he’s bringing me to life. I shudder again and moan, no longer in control of my own reactions.

Sean’s tongue works me slowly and surely, building up speed as it goes, sometimes changing rhythm. He even buries his tongue deep inside me, and I feel my hips twitching and rolling as he hits different nerves, as some of his actions send even bigger waves of pleasure through me.

He learns quickly and then focuses on the things that make me moan the loudest, doing them again and again.

It’s like a vast wave of pleasure is building up inside me, like water behind a dam. It feels so good, but the higher the pressure gets, the more I can feel the need for a release. I strive towards it, pushing my hips forward, almost riding his face in my excitement, so carried away I even forget to be shy or embarrassed.

And then Sean’s fingers rub at a sensitive spot at the same time that his tongue rasps over another, the pressure is too much, and the dam breaks. I feel a flood of pleasure running all over my whole body, tingling, making my hips buck out of control as everything pulses and releases inside of me.

When I come down a little more, I open my eyes to see Sean watching me, still on his knees.

“Good?” he asks with a grin.

I can only gasp for breath in reply.