Down Under With Dad’s Best Friend by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Eighteen


I meet Sean in the hall outside the changing rooms, which were completely swanky and not at all what I expected. I feel a little nervous in just my robe and nothing else, but when I see that he’s wearing the same, it makes me relax a little more.

“Ready?” he says, greeting me with a lascivious smile and a look, up and down my body that makes me want to blush.

“I think so,” I say. “I’ve never done this before.”

“You’ll love it,” he says, handing me a slip of paper. “Here. That’s your booking confirmation. Just head through those doors up ahead and they should get started right away. I’ll meet you back out here when we’re done.”

I nod, feeling nerves fluttering in my stomach. I really have no idea what to expect from this massage. I’ve seen them in movies or on TV, but never had one myself – and usually, when they are shown, it’s to make some kind of comedy moment, which doesn’t tell me a lot about what they’re really like.

I move down the hall and part ways from Sean at two sets of doors – one marked with a one, and the other with a two, indicating which massage table is which, I suppose. My ticket says one, so I head through and wave a nervous goodbye to Sean as he steps through his own door.

I can’t help but wish we were spending a little more time together instead of being apart, but I suppose beggars can’t be choosers. He’s paying for all this, after all. I shouldn’t complain about anything.

I walk into the room and hand my ticket to a small, quiet, and graceful woman who nods at me and indicates in soft tones that I should lie face down on the massage table. Once there, she asks me to loosen my robe and then pulls it down to my ass. I’m still covered completely, with my breasts pressed against the table, but it feels strangely intimate all the same.

She turns down the lights in the room until we’re lit by candles only, and puts on some gentle music. Just when I think she’s about to start, she tells me she’ll just go fetch some more oil and come back in a moment to begin the massage, so I lay there waiting for her to return.

When she does, apparently it’s straight to business. She doesn’t say a word to let me know that she’s about to start, but rather pours some warm liquid right onto my back and starts to rub it into my skin. She works in circular motions, and even though this is all quite new and startling, I find my eyes sliding closed in relaxation as the tension slides from my muscles.

At first, that’s all it is. The masseuse works my back and shoulders, then the muscles of my legs and arms. I’m feeling drowsy and starting to think that we must be reaching the end when I feel her hands dip towards the area still covered by my robe.

In other words, my ass.

Is she supposed to go under there…?

I make a small noise in the back of my throat as her hands caress the sides of my hips, making the robe move and shift on top of me. This is starting to get uncomfortable. Any second now, if she keeps moving, that robe is going to fall off and leave me completely exposed…

But then her hands are gone, and I feel myself breathing a sigh of relief. We must be done now.

Except apparently, we’re not, because then I hear her walk around closer to my head, and her hands land on my shoulders again.

Such big hands, now that I think about it.

“Well,” says a familiar voice. “Do you want me to stop? Or are you enjoying your massage too much?”

I find myself twisting and turning, trying to move my head to look up without having to expose my body. But when I do finally get my head turned in the right direction…

“Sean!” I say in surprise. He’s standing there in his robe still, his hands shining with the massage oil he’s been rubbing into my skin.

It was him, all along.

“Well?” he prompts, with a sly grin.

I consider it. His hands on my ass… if that’s what he’s suggesting…

“Continue,” I say, pretending to be imperious as I lay my head back down on the table, like a queen.

Sean chuckles throatily. “You asked for it,” he says, and a moment later I yelp in surprise as he whips the robe away from me.

I’m lying completely naked in front of him now, and even though I’m still covered by the table in the front, it gives me a rush of exhilaration to think of him seeing me like this. If it were anyone else, I think I would be scared, nervous, wondering what they thought of me. But the way Sean treats me makes me feel so at ease, I forget to even be self-conscious.

The next thing I feel is his strong hands kneading my ass, and that does make me gasp out loud. He works my flesh in a way that feels completely erotic, especially when I think about how he must be exposing me when he moves his hands apart. I find my legs falling just slightly open. I want him, and there’s no point in hiding that.

I almost protest when his hands disappear, until they slide up the sides of my body. Sean’s hands find my breasts and massage them from the side, and then I feel his gentle yet insistent persuasion to roll over. I find myself laying on my back in the dimly lit room, barely able to see much of anything, as Sean takes advantage of the moment to roll my breasts in his hands, squeezing and releasing.

I hear myself moan, unaware I was going to do it until the noise came out of my mouth. Then his fingers and thumbs flick over my nipples, making them rise to attention and drawing out a shuddering breath. The feeling of pleasure creates a warmth that shoots right down to the bottom of my stomach, pooling there, and I know I’m getting wet already.

A fact that is confirmed when Sean continues his massage between my legs, using his strong and sure fingers to caress, rub, and flick the same nerves that drove me wild last night. If I thought that was good, then it was clearly just the warm-up. Sean’s hands move faster this time, one of them tweaking my nipple until I can do nothing but gasp and moan, bucking my hips up to meet his hand, writhing uncontrollably.

Right here in the middle of the spa, in a room where anyone could walk in. There’s an erotic thrill to that, too. The thought that we’re doing something naughty, something we’re not supposed to…

And Sean clearly has a lot of problems with keeping his hands to himself as soon as we’re alone in a room together.

Those thoughts, along with the sensations all over my body that I can’t even describe, are driving me faster than ever towards a build-up of pleasure that has to be released. I find myself gasping his name as I let go, writhing on his fingers, feeling a total release of everything inside me. All the tension was already removed by the massage, and now it’s like my whole existence is only pleasure, nothing else.

I think this must be the best thing I’ve ever felt in all my life.

When I come down enough to open my eyes, it’s in time to hear Sean growling low in his throat as he thrusts my robe at me, apparently swept up off the floor.

“Get dressed,” he says, a tension in his voice that makes me sit up immediately. Have I done something wrong?

“Why?” I ask, ashamed to hear my voice trembling.

“Because I can’t hold off any longer,” Sean says, his voice a deep rumble. He catches me, taking my face into his hands and kissing me rough and hungry. “I need to be inside you right now. Come on. We’re going upstairs.”

I slip into my room, speechless, my heart racing inside my chest. I already reached my climax, and yet I feel ready again almost immediately, so turned on by his words I feel like if he touched me down there it would happen all over again. Instead, he waits until I’ve hopped down from the table and fastened my robe, tightening his around himself at the same time. Then he takes my hand and pulls me out into the hall, apparently not caring about leaving our clothes behind in the lockers as he tugs me towards an elevator near the changing rooms.

“Shouldn’t we…?” I ask, gesturing towards the doors we came through earlier. We’re both only wearing our robes, after all.

“No,” Sean says, his voice gruff. “I can’t wait any longer. It’s fine. This elevator is only for people using the spa, so no one will bat an eyelid that we’re riding it in robes.”

“Oh,” I say, which is all I manage to get out before the elevator arrives and he pulls me inside, hitting the button at the very top of the panel to make the doors slide closed. And the second they do, he pounces on me, pushing me up against the wall, and devours me with his kiss.

I’m utterly breathless by the time we reach the top floor and his suite, and he practically has to carry me out to the door. We move inside a huge space decorated lavishly and comfortably, but I barely have time to appreciate it as he shuts the door behind us and pounces on me again.

“Wait,” I say, panting for breath and pushing him back gently.

“What is it?” he asks, immediately frowning. “If you’ve changed your mind, I’ll understand.”

“No, it’s not that,” I say, struggling to get enough oxygen to actually formulate a question. “Are the things we bought earlier up here now?”

“Yes, they’re in the bedroom closet,” Sean says, nodding across a wide living space complete with a huge television screen.

“Then, wait until I call you,” I say, dashing across the space.

Sean might have spent the day preparing surprise after surprise for me – one more of which is the bedroom, decked out with rose petals scattered across the bed and floor with delicate music starting up as soon as I enter – but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t thinking up my own plans. I have one surprise waiting for him – and I hope he’s going to love it.