Down Under With Dad’s Best Friend by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Twenty-Three


The last few days we spend in Melbourne blend into one long day, no longer divided by the normal things like a working schedule or responsibilities. We wake when we want, eat when we want, sleep when we want.

As it turns out, what we want to do most of all is make love, and so I start to forget what day it is while we’re locked inside my hotel room. As much as I want to take Candace out and treat her to all the VIP rooms and fancy restaurants I can think of, we never quite seem to make it past the bed and room service.

Which is fine by me, because I think I could quite happily stay here in this bubble for the rest of my life, and never miss a damn thing.

I stop paying attention to my phone, knowing that I can just trust my team to deal with any urgent queries without me. They have all the documents from the latest deal, and it’s not like I’m the only talented businessman in the world. I might be one of the best, but our firm employs a lot of the best. I can trust them to take care of things without my oversight.

It’s the first time I’ve ever done it because normally I keep such a tight rein on things. But I know that I don’t have anything to worry about. And more than that – I don’t care. I’m having such a good time with Candace, thinking about anything outside of this room seems to just be superfluous.

“What do you want to do today?” I ask toweling off my head. Candace is just settling down in front of the mirror, ready to turn the hairdryer on her own locks. She’s wrapped in only a towel, just like the one around my waist. We’ve had to let room service in a couple of times just to get the towels replaced, with the number of times we’ve showered only to get hot and sweaty all over again.

“I don’t know,” Candace says, looking around at me. There’s a downturned look around her eyes, one that I don’t like to see. “Tomorrow is my last day here. Maybe we should do something special.”

“Of course,” I say. I drop to sit on the edge of the bed, where I can meet her at eye level. “I’m sorry, I kind of hijacked your vacation. Did you want to get out and see anything?”

“No,” Candace says, a smile lighting up her face again. “You didn’t hijack anything. I’m pretty sure this is better than any kind of sightseeing tour I could have booked.”

“What, then?” I ask. “What would make it special for you?”

Candace looks to the floor with a thoughtful expression. “I don’t know,” she says again. “It’s been pretty fast, this week. We skipped a lot of… milestones.”

Milestones? My heart beats staccato in my chest. Is she saying that she regrets rushing into things? Whether it was now or later, I was going to make her mine. I knew that. I think on some level, she knew that too. There was no way I was going to be able to hold back for long, not when she was right in front of me and so clearly willing.

“What kind of milestones?”

“Well,” Candace says, biting her lip. She looks up at me, and I understand all of a sudden that she has been giving this some thought. She may be pretending to think, but I’m fairly sure that’s only because she’s shy about saying it. She knows what she wants. “How about we do some… you know… couple stuff? Like we would if we were dating. We’ll have to do it quickly, though, since we only have one day.”

“Alright,” I say, interested in this idea. “Well, we already had dinner together somewhere nice. Twice, actually.”

“And we kind of already went on vacation together,” she replies with a sweet smile. “Especially if you count the day on the yacht.”

“We’ve had a spa day, too,” I say, grinning as I get into the swing of the game. “And we’ve kind of experienced living together, in a way. What else is there?”

“Um,” Candace says, then her eyes light up. “Watch a movie.”

“Well, that’s easy,” I say, turning to gesture out towards the lounge area. “We can do that right here. What else do you want to try?”

“We should get takeout,” she says. “I know we had room service already, but something that has to get delivered. Like Chinese food or something.”

“Chinese takeout and a movie,” I nod. “Done. What else?”

“Oh! Get some groceries delivered. I could cook for you,” Candace says.

I laugh. “Where?” I point out. The suite might be impressive, and it does have a kind of kitchenette, but it’s sorely lacking in resources and appliances. It’s got a microwave and a kettle, and that’s about all.

“Hm, that’s right.” She pauses. “We’ll have to skip that one. I don’t know, what else do dating people do?”

The idea of introducing each other to our friends and family comes to mind, but I don’t voice it. It’s too much of a sore subject. I don’t want to remind her that I’m literally her Dad’s best friend. I’ve been trying hard not to think of it myself.

“They argue,” I say, jokingly.

“Yes! We should have our first fight,” Candace says, her eyes gleaming.

I laugh. “How?”

“Well, usually it’s when a couple starts to spend some more time together and one of them reveals an annoying habit, right?” she says. “We just have to bring our annoying habits out right now.”

I quirk an eyebrow, challenge accepted. I stand up, still only wearing my towel, and keep eye contact with her until I know she’s waiting for the big reveal.

Then I take the towel from around my waist, hold it out, and drop it in a crumpled heap on the floor.

Candace mock-gasps.

“Are you just going to leave that there?” she asks. “Don’t you know how to tidy up after yourself?”

“No,” I smirk, standing deliberately with my hands on my hips, everything hanging out proudly for her to see.

“Sean Fogarty,” she says, obviously about to start a tirade.

“Sean Scott Fogarty,” I supply because a rant is always more impressive when you use the person’s full name.

“Sean Scott Fogarty,” she continues, without missing a beat. “Clear up after yourself. Right now!”

“Make me,” I say, the smirk still in place.

She gets up huffily, pretending to slam the blow drier down on the vanity table but really placing it carefully. “I’ve told you once,” she says. “I’m not going to tell you again.”

“Ah, come on, woman,” I say, my grin spreading. “Enough of your nagging. I’ll tidy it up when I’m good and ready.”

“You’ll do it when I ask you to,” she says, coming to a stop so close to me I could reach out and touch her.

“And how are you going to make me do that?”

She looks steadily at me, and I see conflict in her eyes, an impish mischievousness as she plays along, battling with a daring that she doesn’t know if she feels yet.

But then she does it.

She grabs her towel, pulls it off, and dumps it on the floor right on top of mine.

“You’re going to clear it up – and you’re going to put mine where it should be, too,” she says.

I look up and down her naked body, glorying in it. Sure, it’s not the first time I’ve seen her naked. We’ve been all over each other for days. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still have a very strong effect on me. I feel myself stiffening to attention, getting so hard that I’m glad I no longer have any clothes or other restrictions that might make it uncomfortable.

“Yes, ma’am,” I say. I bend over to get the towels and then straighten up. “But what’s my reward?”

“I think you know what your reward is,” Candace says with a giggle.

I step back, falling again into the same sitting position I occupied before – just, this time, without the towels. I dump the offending objects on the bed beside me and reach for her. She moves forward, still giggling until she straddles my legs, and then I help her climb up onto her knees on the bed.

Perfectly placed to slide down, her breasts against my chest, I carefully position my cock to slowly and teasingly glide inside her.

She rides me right there on the edge of the bed until the giggles drop from our faces and we’re all seriousness until our breath comes so fast we can hardly keep up with it until we lose all control. And I hold her tight against me there, hoping we never have to stop doing this again.