Twist Me by Mia Monroe

Epilogue~ Is Forever Long Enough


I open the patio doors to let Akira, our new puppy, outside for a morning sniff around the garden. Her name means intelligent, and she is that, but she’s also a ball of endless chaotic energy as she moves in swift circles around the yard, sniffing at Mitsu as he tends to the herb garden.

He glances up at me, smiling, his long hair tucked into a messy top bun, his shirtless back already glistening in the morning sun. It’s been a year since we officially moved in together, and what a year it’s been. Mitsu’s business exploded after an article about Shibari ran in a national publication and people started seeking out more information in their areas. As one of the top-rated masters in Miami, he’s now got a waitlist for his workshops, and we just finished the addition to the house two weeks ago so he can have the workshops separate from the space we live in. I work part time at Black Heart to help support Mitsu in his business and still have time to volunteer.

I watch as Mitsu chases Akira around the yard while Caesar and Cleo purr around my legs, looking for their morning food. Mitsu indulged me, allowing me to grow our fur family from one to three in a matter of months, and I’m happy to report they all get along. The kittens enjoy Akira’s erratic energy, and she loves end of day snuggles with them as they crowd into her doggie bed with her.

Mitsu saunters over to me, his face full of joy, and the words I’ve been holding back for weeks push their way back to my lips. This isn’t the most romantic setting, but…

I hand Mitsu my coffee mug, and as he watches me with questioning eyes, I go down on one knee.

“Marry me?”


“Will you marry me? I want that with you. I want this elevated.”

Mitsu’s brow furrows. “Are you sure?”

“As sure as the sky is blue and the sun is shining. As sure as the breath in my lungs. As sure as the blood in my veins. I am yours, Mitsu, forever, and I know now why it matters to you to be married officially. It’s not just telling us, it’s telling everyone. It’s telling the world and the universe and it’s putting love, desperately needed love, out there for others to feel. I would be so honored to be your husband if you’ll say yes.”

Mitsu drops to his knees, tears escaping his eyes. “It means so much to me. Thank you.”

“Is that a yes?”

He laughs, cupping my face after setting down my mug. “Of course. Absolutely yes. I love you so much, Grey. More than…whatever is more than infinity.”

I laugh, kissing him.

“I love you,” Mitsu repeats. “I love this life. I love the future we’re gonna have. Marrying you is…” He smiles, swallowing hard. “It’s a dream I never knew I had until I met you. I’ll make you happy, Grey. My happiness depends on yours.”

“I know, you sweet, poetic man. I love you so much. I am so happy.”

“Me too.”

We kiss as Akira tries in vain to push herself between us. Mitsu pulls us to our feet while keeping me wrapped in his arms and his kiss. I hold him tight, knowing without a doubt that I’m holding my future.

“Bedroom?” he whispers on my lips.

“Garden,” I whisper back. “Twist me apart.”

“Fuck yeah.” He kisses me again. “I have just the thing in mind to celebrate our engagement. Your feet won’t touch the ground for hours.”

“Baby, my feet haven’t touched the ground since I met you.”

Mitsu graces me with a gorgeous smile. “Let’s go.”

“Lead the way, Sensei.”

Mitsu grins at me. “Sensei, huh?”

“Well, you are the master of your craft and the master of my world.”

“Okay then, koibito.”

“Ooh, what’s that?”

“Lover. Or maybe myĆ«zu is more fitting as you are my muse.”

“Either of those. You sound hot speaking Japanese.”

Mitsu’s eyes darken with lust as his tongue dances across his lips. “Then let us go practice our Kinbaku, and I will shower you in words of love.”

Smiling, I bow. “Hai dozo, Sensei.”

* * *

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