Crossed Fates by Lexi C. Foss


“Fuck!”Alaric shouted. At least, I assumed that was his name because his father had called him that over the phone.

Right before saying his brother had just been poisoned.

Fuck, I echoed in my head, eyeing the furious shifter in front of me. He hadn’t crumpled to the ground in defeat or cried out beyond the curse, just stood there bleeding and glowering at me with an expression that said he sincerely wanted to repay the favor.

I ripped the blade from his joint and jumped backward out of his reach, which was the exact opposite direction of what I’d originally intended. Up, I reminded myself. I meant to go up the stairs and run.

Only now I was well and truly blocked by an alpha male with an axe to grind.

Awesome. Well done, Makayla.

He slowly bent to pick up his phone with his good arm, his now-black eyes on me the entire time. I still held his knife in my fist, but he wore a gun on his belt. While I had good aim for a throw, I suspected he’d be faster, even without the use of his dominant hand.

Rather than place the phone at his ear, he put his father on speaker and held it in a way that suggested he would drop it in exchange for his pistol if I so much as moved. “Poisoned with what?” It came out in a grated tone that sent a shiver down my spine. My wolf practically purred in response, intrigued by the rumbly voice.

We are so not going there,I told her.

Not that she had any intention of listening. When she sensed an attraction, she dove headfirst into it. Which was usually fine because I didn’t mind hot one-night stands. But something about this male told me it wouldn’t be just a night.

Probably because he appeared to be under the dubious impression that I was his mate.

Damn Bitten wolves, always talking about fate. They didn’t believe in the concept of choice—a fact that was really too bad for him because I had every intention of making my own decisions, and I did not choose him. Or anyone.

Some wolves were made for mating. And I most certainly was not one of them.

“Silver,” his father said, drawing me back to the conversation with another shiver.

Silver poisoning. What are the chances of that being a coincidence? I wondered, sighing to myself. Definitely not high.

Damn it, that meant I needed to help this jackass now. After his bout of manhandling, I wasn’t very keen on that idea.

Although, I did stab him.

And from his expression, he wasn’t likely to forgive that anytime soon. Despite the fact that my action had been justified. Mostly. Okay, it might have been a little harsh.

Bitten wolves didn’t heal the way my kind did. I was immortal, but I could be killed if injured severely enough. Meanwhile, his kind were practically human. They aged normally and could die from natural causes—apart from disease. However, they typically healed faster than a mortal. He’d probably be good as new in a day or so.

Besides, it’s not like I stabbed him in the damn chest. Why is he being so grouchy about it?

“Silver?” Alaric repeated, sounding doubtful. “How?”

“We suspect it was from his visit to the city this morning,” his dad replied, a note of irritation in his tone. “As you know, he had a lunch appointment.”

Alaric’s jaw ticked, highlighting the light dusting of dark hairs along his chiseled jaw. “Yes. I meant to meet him there, but I found myself otherwise detained.” He glared down at the hybrid as though to blame him.

I frowned. As he’d just arrived, it seemed an unfair correlation, unless he’d been hunting Vex all day. Why did you come barging in here to kill him? I would have opened my mouth to ask, but I didn’t want to interrupt his conversation with his dad.

“I need you here,” his father said, ignoring the excuse. “Now.”

The wolf flashed in Alaric’s eyes, reacting to the command in that single word.

Definitely an alpha, I realized. His size already sort of gave him away with that over-six-foot-tall frame and broad shoulders. Although, he had an athletic litheness to him that reminded me of a runner’s build. Sleek and trim, but definitely strong. And I had no doubt his endurance in a fight lived up to his muscular build.

Probably has decent endurance in bed, too, I thought, allowing my gaze to drop to his tapered hips and strong thighs.

I was a wolf; therefore, I naturally noticed these things.

It didn’t mean I wanted to test the theory. Of course, my wolf vehemently disagreed. Tramp.

Some of the ire had bled from his eyes as I returned my focus to his face. His full lips even quirked up on one side, my appraisal having not gone unnoticed.

Because yeah, he was a wolf, too. Hence, he also noticed these things.

But the amusement quickly died as he shifted, flinching from the stab wound in his shoulder. Yeah, I’d be paying for that in a few minutes.

I swallowed, considering my options.

He had the upper hand with that gun. He also outweighed me by a lot. I was tall for a woman, making it difficult to squeeze by someone of Alaric’s stature. However, I was fast. Especially in wolf form.

Of course, I couldn’t exactly run around New York City with my fur on. And if I were to shift here, I’d end up naked when I switched back to my human skin later.

Which meant I had to fight him like this. Ugh.

“I need to wrap up this scene,” Alaric finally said, the gravel in his tone remaining harsh and unmoving.

Definitely still pissed.

I can’t really blame him.

“I’ll be there by sunrise, or just after,” he added.

“Good. The pack needs you, son.”

Alaric’s wolf took over his gaze again, his jaw clenching once more. “I’ll do what I can.”

“Do more,” his father returned before cutting off the call.

Alaric just stood there for a minute, his anger tangible. Then he slowly returned his phone to the pocket of his jeans.

I considered apologizing, but it wouldn’t be heartfelt. He’d deserved a blade to the shoulder for grabbing me like some sort of omega in need of a stern lesson.

However, I really didn’t want him to return the favor.

Okay. Maybe I should offer a different sort of olive branch here.

I cleared my throat, considering what to say. “So, um, I’m Makayla.” Seemed like a good idea to give him the answer he’d wanted from me earlier.

Although, I wasn’t going to elaborate.

Explaining my origin would lead to a lot of questions I really didn’t want to answer. It didn’t seem all that right to tell a wolf I’d just met the truth when not even my pack knew about my job as a freelancer, let alone that I did it while jumping realms. Besides, it wasn’t really his business.

“Makayla,” he repeated, and hell if that didn’t make my thighs clench. Did he have to say it in that sexy-as-sin tone? Like he wanted to chain me to a bed and ravage me as punishment for stabbing him?

I mentally shook myself, trying to rid myself of the lustful thoughts.

But they came back with a flourish as he took a menacing step toward me.

Move,I ordered my legs.

They didn’t listen, my wolf perking up at the sight of the approaching alpha. She wanted to shift out of my skin and play with his animal.

I swallowed the urge and held his gaze, feigning a confidence I didn’t quite feel.

He took another step, his black pupils flaring to hide his sapphire irises. Energy hummed across my skin, anticipation curling in my belly.

His woodsy scent swirled around me in a welcome caress that taunted my senses, urging me to kneel in an uncharacteristic display of submission. What the hell? I never knelt for anyone. Well, except for maybe Nathan. As alpha of my pack, he could control his wolves and command them to do whatever he wanted. Not that he ever would.

But Alaric didn’t have that same power over me.

I’m not his.

I stood my ground, my spine elongating as I engaged in a battle of wills with the seething male before me. “If you weren’t my destined mate, Makayla, I would consider killing you right now.”

Harsh words.

True words.

Angry words.

My heart skipped a beat. “Are you expecting a display of gratitude?” Because if he was, he’d be waiting for a hell of a long time.

His gaze fell to my mouth, his fury lashing out at me in a palpable wave of heat. It sent a quiver through me, the brunt of it culminating in my lower belly.

Fighting always turned me on—especially when I had a decent partner—and I had no doubt this wolf would live up to my every expectation.

I licked my lips, and his nostrils flared in response.

“Kiss me and I’ll forgive you.”

“Kiss me and I’ll kill you,” I returned. I wasn’t sure if I meant it, but I tightened my grip on the hilt of his knife just in case.

He smiled. “You know, I never wanted a mate.” His blue irises bled through his black pupils, providing me with an unfettered glimpse at his stunning eyes as they slowly looked me over. “But I think I’m going to enjoy taming you, baby.”

I snorted. “Good luck with that.”

A set of dimples indented his cheeks, giving him a boyish charm that was severely at odds with the rest of him. “Keep talking,” he murmured. “You’re just turning me on more.”

I rolled my eyes, but inside, I felt a similar pull to demand he continue speaking, too. Because his voice reminded me of home. A strange sensation because he wasn’t anything like the wolves of my usual acquaintance, and yet, I felt an odd sort of kinship to him.

No, that’s not right. It’s just my wolf wanting me to roll over and let him have his wicked way with me.A fantastically dirty idea, to be sure, but not one I wanted to entertain.

Besides… “Shouldn’t you be focused on your brother right now?”

That wiped the grin from his features, his jaw hardening all over again. “You know, I would, but someone stabbed me.” He gestured angrily to his shoulder. “How the hell am I supposed to drive up to Silver Lake in this condition, Makayla?”

“If that’s your way of asking me to help you, it’s not a good approach,” I drawled, folding my arms.

His gaze immediately went to the knife in my hand, his stance tense. “As though I’d trust you to help me.”

A fair reply. But I sort of wanted him to ask me anyway.

Silver poisoning, I thought again, mulling over the conversation Vex had engaged in with his unnamed colleague. Could this all be related somehow?

But what did silver poisoning have to do with trafficking innocent girls?I asked myself again.

My gut said it was somehow linked to whatever had happened to Alaric’s brother. Vex’s conversation clearly tipped off the suspicion.

However, if I were being completely honest, I did feel sort of bad about stabbing Alaric right as his father delivered earth-shattering news.

So I didn’t have a choice, really.

It’s the honorable thing to do, I realized with an internal sigh. “Look, I’ll drive you. But we need to get that wrapped up first.” I gestured to his injury with my chin. It looked pretty ghastly, and yet he didn’t even seem to feel it.

Strong wolf, I mused. Hot wolf.

That last phrase obviously came from my animal side. Not that she spoke in full sentences, more in feelings. But yeah, I blamed her for the electric sensation humming through my veins.

I blamed him, too.

Just for existing.

His smolder wasn’t helping. “Careful or I’ll think you’re apologizing.”

“If you consider that an apology, then you should go back to grade-school English and request a lesson on apologetic terms. Pretty sure they come in the form of I’m sorry or please forgive me, not I’ll drive you.

The muscle-clenching in his jaw abated a little, his mouth twitching.

He obviously found me amusing.

Too bad the feeling wasn’t mutual.

“Seriously, do you want a ride or not?” I demanded.

Now that pretty mouth turned upward in a panty-melting smile.

Holy shit,I thought. That’s not fair at all. He shouldn’t just unleash that thing on unsuspecting women!

“Oh, I absolutely intend to take you up on a ride,” he replied, his tone shifting from gravelly to liquid sex in an instant. “But I need to heal first to give you a proper ride in return.” He winked, then caught my wrist in an expert move and twisted the knife from my fingers.

I’d still been standing with my arms folded, and the sharp edge came dangerously close to my breast; only, he raised it to my throat and backed me up against the wall, his expression lethally serious.

“Stab me again and I’ll lock you in a cage you can’t escape from.” The words were a breath against my mouth, our position change knocking me entirely off-kilter and leaving me weak and defenseless against him. He even had my thighs pinned beneath his.

Well, this is embarrassing. Nathan and Marc would be chewing me out for letting this sexy shifter distract me enough to get the drop on me.

I panted against him, not out of fear, but from a different sensation entirely.

He’d just disarmed me and pinned me with only one working arm.

And fuck if that wasn’t the sexiest move I’d ever experienced.

I really need to get laid more,I realized.

My arms hung at my sides, useless to his overpowering masculinity. I knew exactly how to break his hold—by digging my thumb into his wound and squirming out of his reach—but another idea crossed my mind. A dangerous one. A notion that I knew would bring him to his proverbial knees, similar to what he’d just done to me.

He released me before I had a chance to act on it, his narrowed gaze telling me he’d read the intention from my expression. “I have supplies at my place, as well as a car.” He slid the dirty blade into the hilt attached to his belt and pulled out his phone again to type something into it. “Cleaners will be here soon. Once they arrive, I’m leaving.” His sapphire eyes captured mine. “If you’re serious about helping me, feel free to follow.”

The invitation hung between us as a choice, one he turned his back on as he started up the stairs.

Help or leave.

I knew my decision before he reached the top stair.

If there was a link between the silver poisoning and the girls, I had to know.

Follow it is, I thought, trailing after him.