The Alien’s Claim by Zoey Draven


It’s bittersweet finishing the Warriors of Luxiria series. My debut into Science Fiction Romance was with The Alien’s Prize, which was Book 1 of this series, back in 2017. That was three years ago. Three years of constantly thinking about this series and this world and these characters that I’ve grown to truly, truly love.

To my readers, thank you so much for sticking with me! Your messages, support, and enthusiasm for my books keep me writing. I love what I do—I’ve dreamed of being an author since I was young—and that dream has only been possible because of you, so thank you, thank you, thank you!

While I’m sad to say goodbye to this series and these characters, I’m incredibly excited to continue on with my Horde Kings of Dakkar and The Krave of Everton series...and the many more books that will come. <3

