The Alien’s Seduction by Zoey Draven

Chapter Thirty-Three

Crystal studied Cruxan in his sleep, wanting nothing more than to trace the strong, sloping lines of his features. But she stopped herself, knowing that he needed sleep.

Judging by the way he’d promptly passed out, mere moments after pulling her into his arms, she knew that he hadn’t slept at all since Kroratax.

From the moment she’d first seen him, she’d known that he had handled their separation about as well as she had. He’d looked tense, on edge, his eyes dulled of their usual vibrant color.

And it had broken her heart all over again, knowing that she was to blame for it.

She needed to sleep too, but she just wanted to look at him a little while longer, as if to assure herself he was there.

Her cheek was pressed into his forearm, which she was using as her pillow. Her hand was curled over his hip, her legs tucked between his. She breathed him in deep, letting him fill her lungs to the brim.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry, Cruxan.”

Only then did she allow herself to close her eyes.

She woketo his touch and it quickened her breath. It made her want, it made her need as opposed to feel fear.

Early morning light—so early that she knew it was just the beginnings of dawn—filtered through the large window in his bedroom and through a skylight from above the bed.

Cruxan was lying on his side, his eyes bright and rested, stroking through her hair with the hand she wasn’t laying on.

She sighed and pressed closer, running her lips over his bare chest, feeling the heat of him on her sensitive flesh. Underneath her lips, she felt his heart pumping, steady and strong.

When she looked up into his eyes again, she saw his intensity, his realization. Finally, at some point, perhaps when he woke to her beside him, he knew that she’d returned to him. That it wasn’t a dream.

“This is real,” she whispered against his flesh.

His eyes flashed.

His hand ran down from her hair to brush over her lips and Crystal felt the sizzle of desire race through her.

“Remember when you gave me your shirt?” she whispered, smiling. “That first morning when we were traveling to Kroratax?”

Tev,” he rumbled.

“And you could scent my arousal when I saw you bare-chested for the first time,” she said, her breath hitching. She smoothed her hand over his warm skin, her fingertips brushing over his dusky nipples.

Tev,” he purred, his voice dropping deeper, which made her shiver.

“What I didn’t tell you was that I was surprised that morning by my reaction,” she confessed.


“Because I hadn’t felt desire in a really long time,” she said, looking up at him. He stilled. “Over the years, I thought that maybe I was…broken. That that was why I hadn’t wanted anyone. But that morning, all I felt was desire. For you.”

She looked into his eyes.

“I wasn’t broken,” she said softly, stroking down his chest, her hand curving over his hip. He still had his pants on from the night before. He’d been too tired to change from them. “I think I was just waiting for you. I think I was just waiting for you to teach me about desire and need and love all over again. The right way.”

Luxiva,” he rasped.

Her hand trailed over his hip and came to the laces of his leg coverings. She felt him hard beneath the material and her fingers trembled only a little as she undid the knots.

He stilled her hand, tilting her chin so she met his eyes.

“I want this,” she whispered, anticipation racing through her blood. “I want you. I don’t want to wait anymore. I need to feel you everywhere.”

“You are certain?” he rasped, his voice husky.

Tev,” she teased, using his language. “I am.”

She worked the last of the knots away, pulling the laces through, and Cruxan hissed, his eyes squeezing shut, his body tensing, when she pushed his pants down and gripped his cock.

Her breath hitched at how hot his flesh was, how hard. He was just as big as she’d remembered and she knew that they would have to go slowly the first few times, until she got used to his size.

If I ever do, she thought, looking between them, running her fist up and down his length, squeezing at the head. She felt his muscles pull and tighten, grow. The other women had told her that during sex and intense sexual arousal, a Luxirian’s strength could double. She was certainly seeing the beginnings of that now. It should frighten her, but not with Cruxan. She knew that he would never use his strength to hurt her.

He’d never let her pleasure him before, even though he’d gone down on her more times than she could count. But she wanted to. She wanted to give him the pleasure that he’d given her. Over and over again.

Because she loved him. And she wanted to show him, in every possible way, how much.

So, determination sizzled in her belly alongside need.

Luxiva,” he growled when she pushed off the fur covers to the end of the bed and knelt beside him.

“Take these off,” she said, briefly removing her hand from his cock to tug at his pants. “Please.”

Cruxan groaned but helped her, ripping them off with one hard tug until he lay naked before her, looking up at her kneeling over him, his gaze half-lidded, his cock bobbing against his taut abdomen.

Crystal’s mouth went dry, her eyes feasting on the image he made. She bit her lip, memorizing him this way, though she knew there was no need for it. She would see him this way…always.

When she licked her lips, he groaned, deep in his chest.

“Do you have any idea how little control I have right now?” he rasped, his voice tense. “How many times I have imagined this?”

“I might have an idea,” she murmured, taking him back into her fist. “And you said once that Luxirians don’t use their imagination.”

When she looked down at his cock, his eyes widened in realization and he growled, “Luxiva.”

Before he could protest any more, she leaned over him and took his cock between her lips, running her tongue underneath the mushroomed, curved head.

His roar of pleasure shook the entire bed and her eyes flashed up to look at him.

His chest heaved, his hands were clenched into fists at his sides, his eyes dark and wild and rapt on her.

Her heartbeat thundered in her chest as she locked eyes with him. His cock was so big that she could only take in the first few inches, but she did her best. When she hollowed her cheeks, sucking on his thickness, a strangled purr rose from his throat and her breath hitched in surprise when his hips rose unconsciously.

Vrax,” he growled. “Kixavir va nixia, vellixa.

She didn’t even think he realized that he’d spoken Luxirian instead of English. It was oddly sexy, that he was so turned on that he’d momentarily forgotten. Crystal didn’t know what he said, but she heard the heat in his voice, heard his desire, his need for her.

When she pulled back to catch her breath, she continued to run her fist down him, squeezing his very base, her palm running over the knobs and ridges that she couldn’t wait to feel inside her.

Beads of his pre-cum pooled at his head, pushing from the tip. In turn, Crystal squeezed her thighs together, her hips rocking every so slightly. Her arousal felt heavy between her thighs and she knew that it probably permeated the entire room, filling her mate’s senses.

Did it drive him as crazy as it made her feel?

When she slipped his cock back between her lips, he groaned and then pushed up from his position. She looked up at him in surprise, but never stopped laving his head with her tongue. He growled, watching her, but he unclasped her dress, letting it fall around her waist, spilling her breasts from the material.

She moaned around him when his fingertips plucked her tight, budded nipples, little zings of pleasure radiating from his touch.

Then one hand came to her thigh and moved underneath the fabric of her dress, to the juncture of her thighs.

Vrax,” he purred, stroking through her folds. “You are so wet for me, luxiva.”

Yes,” she hissed, pulling away from his cock.

“Is this where you need me?” he growled, circling her tight entrance and she sucked in a breath at his wicked touch.


Crystal shivered with how much she wanted it, with how much she wanted him.

Gently, he extracted her hand away from his cock, his own palms clasping around her arms. He tugged her up, holding her in place before him, and his tongue swirled over her nipples. Her head fell back, a gasp escaping her, as he pulled one into his mouth and sucked hard. She felt that pressure deep inside.

He lingered there until she was clutching his shoulders, until, with a ragged, breathless tone she called his name.

Cruxan met her eyes and he released her breast before licking his lips. God, he was so sexy. Everything about him.

She craned her neck up and sought his lips, kissing him deeply, hoping to show him just how much she wanted this, how deep her feelings extended for him. She hoped to show him everything in that kiss that words simply couldn’t convey.

Her hand came to his chest, pressing into his skin, feeling his heartbeat pound against her fingertips.

Then, she pushed him back onto the bed and she slid her leg over him until she straddled his hips.

Gripping the hem of her dress, she pulled the loose, flowing material up and over her head until she was as naked as he was.

She should feel self-conscious the way his eyes raked over her body, leaving no inch untouched. But she didn’t. Because she saw only his desire, his awe, his love.

Crystal’s breath hitched and she leaned down to kiss him once more, because she couldn’t stop herself.

Then, she positioned her hips over him. Cruxan groaned when she gripped his cock again and pressed him against her entrance.

She felt a tiny jolt of fear, seeing their size difference. Would he even fit?

“Slow,” he rasped, his hands gliding down her body, settling on her waist. In turn, she pressed one hand to his chest, using his bulk to steady herself as she, ever so slowly, began to sink down on him.

Cruxan’s abdomen clenched violently, a harsh breath escaping him when he registered her heat. Crystal’s lips parted as she pressed down on the first few inches.

He filled her to the brim.

Crystal rocked her hips, wiggling down on his cock, which made his hands squeeze her hips.

Luxiva,” he gasped, before a long, desperate purr escaped his throat.

With effort, she managed to get the next few inches inside and she panted with the fullness. She’d never been so full.

“I need your help, Cruxan,” she rasped, squirming over him.

Cruxan looked between them, his eyes going even hotter. He growled at the erotica sight they made, but he wasn’t seated fully inside and she needed him to be. Desperately.

He looked up at her and gripped her hips even tighter.

Tev?” he growled.

“Yes, please!”

He lifted her slightly. “Ready?”

Cruxan,” she moaned. “Yes!

Groaning, his hips thrusted upwards in a fluid motion and all the air in her lungs left her. Waves of pleasure and a tiny prick of pain made her cry out, squeezing her eyes shut.

Cruxan’s own bellow met her ears but his hips immediately stilled once he was seated deep inside her.

Luxiva,” he rasped.

“It’s good,” she whispered once she caught her breath. “You feel so good.”

Their eyes met. And only once Cruxan was certain that she wasn’t in pain, did he allow himself to relax.

Crystal needed more. She felt that desire building inside, building and building.

She lifted slightly and then slammed her hips back down over him.

His choked roar met her desperate moan.

Then she felt his hands tighten on her, felt his grip grow a little more possessive, a little more powerful.

“I will not be able to stop, luxiva,” he warned, his voice absolutely sinful.

“I don’t want you to.”