The Alien’s Seduction by Zoey Draven

Chapter Five

Jaxor’an didn’t even flinch when Cruxan addressed him, as if he’d been waiting for something to happen.

And it was true that Jaxor’an seemed to be waiting…but for what? Or for who?

Unease slid down Cruxan’s spine and it took everything in him not to turn around and look at his luxiva. He felt the sudden, overwhelming newness of his Instinct’s presence, felt it prowl in his chest like a feral beast, uneasy, restless.


His breathing was low, but he scented his mate everywhere around him. Across his skin, through his hair, deep in the sizzling of his belly. He felt her gaze, heard the uneven beat of her heart in her chest.

He blinked, keeping his gaze steady on Jaxor’an. His fist clenched around the dagger, but he needed to keep his composure. One wrong move on his part and it could endanger the females. There was no telling what Jaxor’an had planned.

The male looked different and yet the same as he’d been the last time Cruxan had seen him. Over ten rotations ago now. He’d been young, just out of military training.

Jaxor’an had always been the more rebellious of the two brothers. Whereas Vaxa’an was serious and determined, Jaxor’an lived to push boundaries.

Even now, Cruxan could see that same male within the Luxirian crouched over the lantern before him. But there was something changed about him. A cold detachment, a seriousness that reminded him more of Vaxa’an’s nature. And he wanted that part of Jaxor’an no where near his mate.

“You were always a good tracker, Cruxan,” Jaxor’an said in Luxirian, his voice low, husky. Unused. Cruxan’s gaze narrowed. “I had hoped my brother would send another or that perhaps you’d be in Otala.”

Thankfully, Cruxan had returned from his outpost just that morning at Vaxa’an’s request.

“I will be taking them back now,” Cruxan said slowly, measured. “I will be taking you into custody to await trial before the elders for taking them and endangering them. Perhaps your brother can sway their thoughts. Pray to the Fates he will, after how you betrayed him.”

Jaxor’an didn’t even flinch at his harsh barb.

“You will not take them,” Jaxor’an said easily.

Cruxan would have laughed had the situation called for it. “If you believe I am leaving here without them, you have truly descended into the Mevirax’s madness.”

Jaxor’an stood, unfurling his body, standing to his full height. They were of equal size, though Cruxan’s strength was more refined from hours and hours of warrior training every single span.

Behind him, the females were quiet, but Cruxan felt their presence, sensed that they’d drawn closer to one another.

He frowned, urgency threading through him. He needed to get his female away from this place, needed her against him so he could provide protection, so she wouldn’t have to fear for her safety ever again.

“You know nothing of the Mevirax’s madness,” Jaxor’an retorted, his jaw clenched.

Cruxan’s gaze narrowed. Something in his tone prompted him to ask, “You have no affiliation with them? Every Luxirian knows you sought them out when you left the Golden City.”

“I did not say that,” Jaxor’an replied, his eyes sliding into the darkness of the forest around them.

It hit Cruxan then.

“You are waiting for them,” he growled, his fist tightening on the hilt of the dagger. “They are coming here?”

For the first time, Cruxan glanced over his shoulder at the females.

His gut clenched when he looked directly into the eyes of his luxiva for the first time.


Her eyes were pools of green, though they shimmered with fear and uncertainty. He didn’t need to be an expert on human emotion to know she was afraid.

The rightness of looking at her, but the wrongness of the situation, made his Instinct roar. He felt his muscles shift and grow slightly.

He heard Jaxor’an move. Cruxan flipped his gaze back over to the male, but strangely enough, he didn’t move towards Cruxan. He moved around him, just a little, towards the females. Towards Cruxan’s female.

“I will be taking them now,” Cruxan repeated, his voice edging on a growl, losing patience.

Jaxor’an was watching him, his gaze cold, somewhat detached, but he sensed the madness underneath.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

“You’ve been awakened,” Jaxor’an said, his voice soft. “I see it.”

“You see nothing.”

“I do not need your senses to know what is obvious.” Jaxor’an’s gaze cut to the females, but his eyes lingered on the brunette. Did Jaxor’an think she was the one to awaken Cruxan?

“Be still,” Cruxan growled when Jaxor’an continued towards the females. “Jaxor’an.”

“Would you give her up?” the male asked next. “Would you give her up if it meant achieving the only thing you’ve wanted for a long time?”

Cruxan’s brows furrowed.

Jaxor’an had truly gone mad. The knowledge weighed heavy. Partly because Cruxan would need to break the news to Vaxa’an. Partly because Cruxan had been friends with Jaxor’an. Seeing him this way, seeing him as an unpredictable enemy, it didn’t feel good.

“Never,” Cruxan growled, stepping in Jaxor’an’s path, though it brought the males close together. “I will never give her up. And anyone who tries to take her, or harm her, will enter the blackworld swiftly by my own hand.”

Jaxor’an’s eyes, so like Vaxa’an’s, stared back at him. “I have been wondering the same.”

Cruxan’s lips downturned even more. He watched as Jaxor’an’s gaze flickered around him, back towards the brunette.


A jolt hit him, straight in the chest. For the first time, he looked at Jaxor’an. Really looked at him. What he saw was straightened horns, darkened eyes, bunched muscles.

Jaxor’an knew Cruxan was awakened…because he’d been awakened himself.

“You…” Cruxan trailed off, the knowledge unfathomable. “You have—”

A whirring in the distance reached his ears. An approaching craft. Approaching fast.

He cursed and then Cruxan’s jaw grit together. With disgust, he growled, “You may get your wish. You will never see her again after what you have done. I will make sure of that.”

Thatprompted something from Jaxor’an besides cold detachment. His eyes flared hot and before Cruxan could react, the male’s fist struck out, impossibly fast, and whipped his face to the side on contact.

His temple throbbed at the impact, but he shook it off. He hadn’t been hit that hard in a long while, but he’d been hit harder in his life span.

At least it told him that Jaxor’an wasn’t immune to the possessiveness of his Instinct, to that wild, overwhelming pull. Jaxor’an might think he could give up his luxiva, but he would never actually be able to. Ever.

That same realization seemed to hit Jaxor’an himself.

A growl, one of frustration, of grief, of relief, tore out of the Prime Leader’s brother.

Something unleashed inside him. The whirring in the distance was near. They only had a few more moments before…

The Mevirax. It was obvious to Cruxan what Jaxor’an had meant. He was going to trade the females to the Mevirax. But for what purpose? And why? What did Jaxor’an want above anything else?

Jaxor’an’s gaze shifted to the brunette over Cruxan’s shoulder once again. Suddenly, just like Cruxan, Jaxor’an’s only goal was to get his female away. His Instinct wanted her alone with him, safe.

He didn’t have much time. When he sensed the tendons of Jaxor’an’s muscles bunching, preparing, Cruxan tackled him to the ground with a roar, the earth quaking beneath the hard impact of their bodies. If Jaxor’an got his hands on his luxiva and stole her away, he would never see the female again.

He heard rustling. Pinning Jaxor’an on the ground, the dagger angled at the vein in his throat, Cruxan’s head snapped over to his female and watched helplessly as both of them bolted from the clearing, into the darkness of the forest.

Nix!” Cruxan growled, worry, fear, frustration, need coursing through him.

Jaxor’an resumed his struggles against him and it quickly became clear that an awakened male’s strength pitted against another awakened male’s strength was fruitless. Neither would win.

Cruxan’s gaze connected with Jaxor’an’s, just as he heard male voices echoing through the forest. The Mevirax had come, expecting their bounty, expecting Jaxor’an to hold up whatever bargain he’d made with them.

Endless questions reverberated in his mind but now was not the time.

They came to a silent agreement in that single moment. Both of their females, unprotected, scared, running away from them, were in danger.

Choosing the lesser of the two evils, Cruxan pushed off Jaxor’an and raced into the forest, after his female. Jaxor’an was right on his heels, the heavy crunch of his footfalls loud.

A moment later, the Mevirax discovered the empty clearing and he heard cries of alarm ring up through them. They would come after them.

Vrax, vrax, vrax, Cruxan thought, gritting his teeth.

In the inky darkness, he saw his female’s form. He sensed her, just as she no doubt sensed his chase. Her breathing was quick and ragged and, as if sensing him near, she pushed herself faster. Away from him.

Cruxan’s Instinct reared its head, primal instincts pushing to the forefront of his mind. His blood rushed under his skin, adrenaline and lust and determination coursing with it. He felt his cock harden painfully as he sprinted headlong towards her.

Running from him. Running from him.


He would catch her.

He would bring her to safety.

And then he would claim her.