Captive of the Horde King by Zoey Draven

Chapter Twelve

My back hit the furs of the bed.

Heat registered as a fully nude, fully aroused Dakkari male lowered himself over me, his head dropping to lick the column of my exposed neck, his tongue hitting the golden collar of the necklace I wore. He hadn’t taken it off, had only stripped me of my short skirt the moment we stepped foot inside the tent with a rough, tearing pull.

I let out a small gasp as Arokan ran one massive palm up my bare leg, spreading it, sinking our naked bodies more closely together until I felt something I’d never felt before: a body pressed against mine, so tightly that it felt like my own.

My eyes fluttered closed, my lips parting when he stroked his hand up my body, over my hip, my waist, up to my breasts, where my nipples were still painted gold. I realized that the fermented drink at the celebration feast had probably been for the best. It had loosened my muscles, helped me relax. While I’d been nervous about this moment, about the inevitable, I wasn’t afraid of the pain, of him tearing past my flesh, but I was afraid of how it might…change me. I was afraid that I would like it.

His head rose from the column of my throat, those dark eyes watching me. His expression was a little wild, a little untamed. Saying his given name had unleashed something within him, something he kept tightly reined in, hidden from his horde.

I shivered, unsure whether I wanted to explore that part of him, that dark, exciting, unfamiliar place.

Rei Morakkari,” he murmured, his eyes tracking over my face. They settled on my lips as his fingers trailed back down my body, until they reached my sex.

A small whimper left me when he parted my folds, when he stroked me so gently, much more gently than I’d ever think he was capable of.

Rei kassikari,” he rasped.

Arousal pricked me when his fingers shifted over my clit and I bit my lip, holding back a groan.

Lysi?” he asked.

Yes? Was that what he was asking?

“Tell me something first,” I managed to get out, though my voice sounded a little breathless.


“Why?” I asked softly, one question that had been on my mind more than once.

“Why?” he repeated, his brow furrowing. Despite his confusion, his fingers never stopped moving between my legs, never stopped stoking the fire deep inside me that was threatening to break free.

“You could have had any Dakkari female,” I said, looking up at him. Mirari had told me as much. “It would have been easier. So why? Why me?”

Arokan let out a sharp breath and dropped his head to my shoulder, pressing his lips there. His surprisingly soft lips. I wondered if the Dakkari kissed, like humans. I wondered what it would be like to kiss him.

Or perhaps that was the fermented drink wondering.

He lifted his head, meeting my gaze, and said, “I heard the courage in your voice before I ever saw your face. A human kalles daring to stand against the Dakkari…I was intrigued. I needed to see you. And when I saw your face, your eyes, I knew. Kakkari revealed you to me. I knew you would be my queen. You are strong and you are brave and you were loyal to your kin. That is why.”

Whatever I had been expecting…it hadn’t been that.

My heart pounded in my chest as I absorbed his words.

Lysi?” he murmured, that low voice caressing over my skin like a touch.

This was my new life now. He was my husband now, a horde king of the Dakkari. It was unbreakable. It was…done.

I could fight against it and make life harder for myself. Or I could try to assimilate into the horde, to build a new life for myself while continuing to champion my village for aid. I could help them, whereas before, it was hopeless.

Perhaps my brother’s fire had been a blessing in disguise.

Lysi,” I said softly, meeting his gaze.

Something flickered there at my word, at my affirmation. I felt the shift between us, as palpable as a touch.

He kept his eyes on mine when he ducked his head. When he found my gold-painted nipple and drew it deep into his mouth.

I cried out, twisting a little underneath him, as I felt that raspy, warm tongue. It felt good and I groaned as he flicked my budded nipple, until I felt that small pleasure sizzle in a straight line down my body.

My hands flew to his bulging biceps when he switched to my other breast, when he began speaking in guttural Dakkari, words I didn’t understand but words that sounded…reverent. I felt the twisting shift of his muscles beneath my hand, felt the cords of his arms tighten as he continued to stroke his hand between my thighs.

In the distance I could still hear the drums of the celebration, even that far away. The pulsing rhythm that seemed to mimic the way my sex began to throb.

His body was so warm, so hot, like a furnace. His mouth grew ravenous at my breast, tugging and laving, like he was starved for me. When he finally released my nipple, I looked between us, past the heavy plate of my necklace, and saw that he’d cleaned them of the gold. Now they were flushed a dark pink, sensitive and pointed.

“I will spill my seed deep inside your body this night, Morakkari,” he rasped, his voice dark and gravelly. “You will be heavy with my heirs. You will bear me a horde warrior that will be strong enough to lead, to be Vorakkar.”

My breath was coming out fast, my chest heaving. Children. I’d never even thought about children before.

But still, I resisted him by saying, “You might be disappointed. It could be a girl.”

His lips curled, the sight so shocking that I was momentarily struck dumb.

“She will be treasured. A princess of the horde,” he murmured. “But we will have many children. It does not matter if a female comes first.”

I gasped when he flipped me in one smooth, quick motion, until I was facedown on the furs. His large palms spanned my hips and he tugged hard, bringing me up onto my hands and knees with him positioned behind me.

Ohhh,” I moaned when I felt his tongue lick over my sex, when I felt my belly quiver when it found my throbbing clit. “No, no,” I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut.

Lysi,” he growled in reply before he returned, using that expert tongue on me. “Lysi.”

Pleasure was like a sharp blade and I was walking on the edge. It cut me, knowing that I was enjoying this, knowing that even as I protested, I was rocking my hips back at him for more. It cut me because I didn’t know why I was still afraid.

“Please,” I whispered, but I didn’t know if it was directed at Arokan or myself. “Please.”

“You are ready, kalles,” he said. “You ache for me, whether you will admit it to yourself or not.”

I perceived him moving behind me, the furs underneath me shifting. His hand, calloused, rough, but warm, ran down the length of my spine. When he didn’t move, I summoned the courage to look behind me, directly into his eyes.

Rinavi leika,” he murmured, his tail moving to wrap around one of my thighs, keeping me in place. One of his hands gripped my hips and the other…the other moved up, past my shoulder blades to wrap around the gold collar at my throat.

I inhaled a sharp breath, my eyes widening at the possessive, dominant position.

Rinavi leika,” he repeated, his voice almost…awed. “You are beautiful, rei Morakkari.”

I cried out when he thrust into me, his grip on my hips pulling me towards his thick, hot length. Blood rushed in my ears and over it, I heard his bellow of pleasure as his cock slid inside.

Pain pricked me, a sharp twisting pinch.

“Wait,” I whispered, my brows furrowing.

Arokan’s eyes met mine. That wild look was present, that untamed emotion from earlier. He growled, a purely animalistic sound, but did as I asked, though his grip on my throat and my hips tightened, as if worried I would move away.

The pain was fleeting and Arokan kept my gaze throughout it all, half-sheathed inside me. He wanted to fuck me, I saw it in his gaze. He wanted to consume me, to claim me, to make me his.

My whole body shivered at that thought as the pain slowly melted away, only to be replaced by the foreign sensation of fullness.

A moment later, I felt him move, testing me. I felt him retreat from my body, only to drive back in with a forceful thrust.

Lips parting, I couldn’t help the gasping moan that tore from my throat.

That was all the permission Arokan needed.

That hand on my throat flexed as he began to fuck me the way I’d imagined a horde king would. Dominant, almost savage, thrusts into my waiting sex, as if I was made for his pleasure, as if he owned me. Perhaps he did. Perhaps this was what it felt like to be owned, collared and fucked into frightening pleasure.

Beneath me, my breasts swayed and bobbed with every hard pound of his cock, the heavy plate of my golden necklace jingling in time with his thrusts. My hair fell over my shoulder, tickling my nipples, moving back and forth. Everything was in motion. My arms shook as they held me up, my buttocks clenched, my belly quivered.

“Your cunt is perfect, kalles,” he growled behind me, punctuating his words with strong thrusts, as if to emphasize his point. “Hot and tight for me. Vok!”

Ohh!” I cried out when he picked up his pace even more, the sound of flesh against flesh filling the tent. I felt the sway and slap of his heavy sack against the back of my thighs.

And then I felt something else. That small rounded bump just above the base of his cock…it began to harden. It began to vibrate in pulsing, throbbing beats, in time with his heart.

Arokan!” I whimpered, feeling it press against my puckered, private flesh with every thrust, a wicked, strange sensation that made me crazed.

Lysi, kalles,” he rasped. “Cry out my name when I fuck you, so you know you owns your body. So you know who owns this cunt.”

Oh goddess. His words made crazed too.

Squeezing my eyes shut against the rapidly rising pleasure, feeling that hard bump stimulate me, feeling him deep inside, stretching and filling me to the very brim…it was too much.

My spine arched as I reared back my hips to meet his thrusts. I didn’t care anymore about what this meant, didn’t care that he’d taken me from my village, that he had claimed my body and my life though I barely knew him.

I didn’t care because all I wanted to do was cum.

Yes, yes,” I moaned, my nipples pebbling even tighter, my arms shaking. That hand at my throat pressed and squeezed and after a particularly savage, deep thrust, I began to orgasm. “Ooh yes!

Vok!” Arokan cured loudly as my sex began to clench around his length and that vibration from his bump only increased, becoming stronger. “Luna!”

The strongest orgasm of my life consumed me, stretching from one moment to the next.

I hated him. I hated that he alone could make me feel this way, that he alone could control my body this way.

But it didn’t take away the fact that I came so hard I saw darkness and stars. I came so hard I was momentarily lost to the world, time completely erased when I resurfaced.

When it was over, I was trembling and my arms collapsed beneath me, though he never ceased his brutal, claiming thrusts into my body.

He was fucking his queen. He was fucking me like a barbaric horde king of the Dakkari and I hated that I loved it.

With a growl, he pulled out of me and flipped me again until I was flat on my back. He tugged my hips down, maneuvering me so he could easily pound inside me, filling me even as my sex continued to flutter around him.

My brows pulled together, a rough cry tearing from my throat when that bump pressed into my sensitive clit with every thrust.

Too much, too much! I feared I would cum again when I’d only just stopped.

Arokan’s yellow gaze was on me. His golden tattoos glittered in the candlelight of the warm tent, the expanse of his broad chest only hindered by the stitched gash I’d sewn up earlier that afternoon.

Perfect, golden flesh, perfectly sculpted into a magnificent male who used that magnificent body against me.

When he ground his hips into me, that vibrating bump made me scream. Like a crazed animal, I dug my fingernails into his flesh, my eyes rolling into the back of my head as I orgasmed for a second time.

I heard his roar of pleasure a moment later, felt his hips drive into me, hard and unyielding. Another foreign sensation overcame me when I felt his seed shoot into me, bathing my inner, flexing walls, filling me up like his cock had. I groaned, my chest heaving, even as I rocked into him for more.

Once it was over, Arokan collapsed next me, a deep sound revving from his chest, a sound I’d never heard before.

Before I knew it, his lips were on mine.

I gasped into his mouth and he used that opportunity to stroke that tongue deep inside, soft and slow and hot.

I guess Dakkari do kiss, I thought, exhausted, unsure of what or even how I should feel.

He groaned as I opened for him. Opened for him, just like Mirari had suggested.

As my body calmed, as my breathing slowly returned to normal, as I perceived his seed beginning to leak from between my thighs, he continued to kiss me.

And I responded, dizzy with how gentle he was.

Soon, he pulled away. Looking deep into my eyes, his arm curled under my head, wrapping around the nape of my neck.

With a fierce whisper, he said, “Rei Morakkari. You are mine now.”

My eyelids fluttered, drunk off pleasure and physical exhaustion and a full belly.

Drunk off him.

He had claimed me. Just like I’d always known he would.

And as I fell into a deep sleep, my last thought was: is there anything left of me that he can claim?

I didn’t think so.