The Alien’s Obsession by Zoey Draven

Chapter Ten

Later that night, when the moon was high overhead, Kirov returned from the command center, impatient to see his female.

Every moment that he was apart from her felt unnatural. Luxirians needed to be around their mates. It was a compulsion, a need.

How he’d managed to leave her was a mystery to him. How he’d managed to withstand the passing time…he didn’t even know. He hadn’t made any progress on his work, his mind completely consumed by her, not his latest project, which was an anomaly in itself.

So the moment that Kirov landed his hovercraft on the terrace, he had to calm himself. If he was too hasty, Vixron might be even more suspicious than he already was.

The guard was stationed inside the dwelling. The females were nowhere in sight, had probably long gone to their sleeping platforms, and even Kirov wondered if he would find his luxiva sleeping.

“Ambassador,” Vixron nodded, coming to his feet, from the fire pit.

“I must return to the command center, but Vaxa’an wished for me to check in with you,” Kirov said, the lie falling easily from his lips, especially if it meant he could spend some time with his female, away, alone.

“The females went to sleep long ago,” he told Kirov. “I do not expect them to wake until the suns rise.”

He nodded and said, “Good. I will see about relief duty for you tomorrow evening so you may rest a full night, yes?”

“Thank you, Ambassador,” Vixron said, though his eyes were careful.

Kirov inclined his head and then left, shutting the door firmly behind him. He made a show of walking back to his dwelling, but then did what he did the previous night: cut down the alley and quietly stride along the backs of the dwellings until he was right back where he started.

Her window was open and his breathing hitched with anticipation.

Luxirians had better hearing, better senses overall, than most species, so Kirov employed every technique he’d been taught during warrior training to ensure Vixron wouldn’t hear him as he approached the window.

Peering inside, he saw her. She was sitting at the foot of the sleeping platform, idly playing with the device he’d made for her. She’d figured out how to retract it back into its spherical form and she tossed it back and forth between her hands.

Fates, she’s beautiful, he thought, awed, his body aching at the need he felt for her. He’d never thought that a need and desire this potent was possible, even though Luxirians had always been known for their fierce intensity when it came to matings.

His cock was almost constantly hard and aching, even when he wasn’t near her. Just the memory of her, her scent, her eyes, her lips, her voice could make his Instinct prowl in his chest, urging him to return to his female so he could mate her thoroughly. So he could mark her, fill her with his seed, so every male around her knew that she was his and his alone.


Get control, he said, gritting his jaw.

Only when he’d pushed his Instinct’s will down slightly, did he said, quietly, “Luxiva.”

Lani’s head snapped to the window. Before, her eyes had been unfocused, like she hadn’t been aware of her surroundings, like she’d been in a quiet place in her own mind.

Kirov wanted to know those places. He wanted to know everything about her, what made her happy, what lit her beautiful eyes up with excitement, what made her mind work. He wanted to know what she feared in life so Kirov could ensure those fears never came to life, he wanted to know what had made her sad on the terrace with him that afternoon—a memory that still made him want to roar, that memory of her watery eyes and trembling hands.

He wanted to know her.

She’d been right earlier. They didn’t know one another. Not yet. But Kirov didn’t have to know everything about her to know, with a certainty he’d never felt, that she was meant for him and he was meant for her.

Even if Lani continued to deny their connection with her words, she couldn’t deny their connection in other ways. Like how she looked at him, how her lips parted in awareness, and her body loosened at the sight of him.

Like that moment.

His luxiva might not even be aware that her body was telling him everything he needed to know.

Tossing the sphere on the sleeping platform, she rose and approached him at the window.

“I almost thought you weren’t coming,” she whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She looked at him in a way she’d never looked at him before and Kirov cocked his head, trying to discern what it was.

She was nervous, he realized, blinking in surprise.

Nervous that he wouldn’t come? Or something else?

“I would never leave you,” he said quietly, as if it should be obvious. He frowned. How could she think such a thing? “What is wrong? Have you changed your mind?”

“No,” she whispered quickly. “No, I just…I just haven’t had a first date in a while, I guess.”

She smiled in a way that made Kirov think her words were teasing, a joke, though he didn’t understand what a ‘date’ was.

His brow furrowed, showing his confusion, and she said quietly, “Never mind. Where are we going?”

Kirov’s lips quirked at her inquisitiveness. “You will see.”

Lani pouted at that and Kirov almost groaned, his cock thickening even further, which he didn’t think was possible.

Her expression changed and she asked quietly, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Kirov exhaled a rough breath. If only she knew the wicked thoughts he had about her, she might rethink coming with him.

“Are you ready?” he asked instead. At her hesitant nod, he said, “Push yourself up on the sill.”

The sill was high for her, coming up to her breasts, but she managed to hop up just enough so that Kirov could snag her waist through the open window and lift her out easily, without making too much noise.

The only problem, which Kirov realized a moment later, was that the maneuver made her tunic ride up her thighs. Way up her thighs.

Vrax,” he cursed, almost forgetting that they needed to be quiet.

His hands were still wrapped around her curvy waist, keeping the tunic locked in position, and he set her on her feet on the ground in front of him…but he couldn’t look away from those thighs…and what was on full display between those thighs.

Her cunt was pink, tufted with light, wispy red hair, and it was only until that moment when he realized he could scent her arousal.

His hands held her in place, even when she started to squirm. He spotted dampness on her inner thighs.

Vrax, vrax, vrax!

Now he knew why she’d had a distant, unfocused expression on her face when he’d first seen her.

“You were thinking of a male, luxiva?” he growled softly, bringing his lips to her ear, because he feared that if he continued looking at her beautiful cunt, he might do something…rash. “Tell me it was me that made your cunt ache.”

He heard her gasp and she squirmed in his arms again, trying to lower her tunic. “That’s none of your business,” she hissed and Kirov’s heart drummed in his throat, blood rushing at his sudden jealousy, at the prospect that his female might’ve been thinking of another.

“Do you have a male on Earth?” he rasped, his body going still, dread pooling in his stomach, momentarily cooling his arousal.

He pulled back to look in her eyes because he needed to know the truth. Because if she said she did, he would look in her eyes and tell her that it was only him, from that moment forward, that she could and would forget about any that came before.

Her expression was heated, her lips pursed with annoyance. When Kirov inhaled, he was struck with another heavy dose of her arousal and he realized she liked this.

He growled low in his throat, his muscles shifting and growing, his Instinct pushing him to mate her right there and then, against the dwelling wall, Vixron be damned. Kirov needed to erase any other male from her mind and a thorough fucking from a Luxirian warrior would do just that.

“Tell me,” he rasped.

“Maybe I do,” she hissed again, a little feral privixi, unsheathing her claws. “What would you do about it?”

“You do not wish to know what I would do.” Kirov grinned, but he felt far from amused. It felt more like a baring of his teeth. “Not any longer. It is only me and it will always be me. Do you understand?”

Her lips parted, her eyes flaring with heat…anger perhaps, but also desire.

“Why you overbearing—”

Before she could finish her sentence, Kirov hauled her up in his arms with ease, wrapping her legs tight around his hips.

Which put her aching cunt directly over his aching cock.

Vrax, her heat!

Both of them hardly suppressed a groan and Lani looked at him, her eyes wide and slightly dazed, like she didn’t know what was happening.

Kirov’s eyes narrowed, determined to make a point. So, he began to purr quietly and Lani let out a strangled gasp that she tried to silence.

His purring made his chest vibrate and that vibration went directly down to his cock. She felt that vibration against her cunt and her hands desperately clamored around his neck and shoulders, trying to hang on, when her legs went limp with shock.

Kirov gave a dark grin and began to silently walk back the way he’d come—which elicited a startled moan of surprise from his female—striding along the backs of—thankfully—empty dwellings. He allowed his purring to strengthen the further they went, away from Vixron.

His luxiva was squirming in his arms, her hands tightly clenched into the muscles lining the backs of his shoulders. She seemed not to know whether she wanted to get away or press closer. He growled when he caught her rocking her hips against him ever so slightly, but then seemed to force herself to still.

S-stop, Kirov,” she whispered finally, once they reached the back of his own dwelling, once they were huddled in a dark corner, far enough away from Vixron where they didn’t have to whisper any longer. “O-okay, you win.”

“Say it, luxiva,” he rasped, ceasing his purrs for just a moment as he waited. His body was tight, already hovering on the edge of orgasm, just holding her this way, knowing that she was receiving pleasure from his body…just not in the way he truly wanted her to receive pleasure from him.

When she hesitated, he purred and growled deep in his chest, at the same time.

Lani’s head lolled on her shoulders, her eyes sliding shut, lips parted. And Kirov almost orgasmed right then because he’d never seen anything more erotic in his entire lifespan.

Vrax, female. Say it!”

“I…I don’t have anyone back on Earth,” she finally admitted. Her eyes opened and her cheeks reddened even further when she whispered, “I was thinking about you.”

Kirov relaxed a little at that, relief threading through his limbs, knowing that no other male held her heart. That would be his alone, once he won her.

He pushed his forehead against hers, his horns threading through her hair. It felt like the most natural thing in the entire universe, to hold her this way, knowing she was on the edge.

Lani let out a shuddering sigh and he felt her breath drift across his cheek.

“I could spend my seed in my coverings like an untried youth. Right at this moment, just looking at you,” he rasped, his eyes locking with hers, so close that he could see flecks of green in her blue eyes. “Vrax, you drive me to madness, Lani.”

She bit her reddened bottom lip at his words, her breathing rough, her heat still pressed into his cock.

“Do you wish to cum, female?” he asked her quietly. “I can ease you.”

Lani looked at him, wide-eyed and dazed. Fates, he could tell she was tempted.

But she said, “N-no.”


She shook her head, clarity returning to her gaze. She bit her lip, her expression suddenly unsure. Shy, even.

“No, I don’t want to…right now,” she said.

Kirov tried to read her, fearing that he’d pushed too much. But she didn’t pull away from him, didn’t push at his shoulders. She seemed content just to stay in his arms.

That knowledge warmed his chest and he nodded. “Very well.” But he had to be sure he hadn’t vraxed everything up, so he asked, “You still wish to come with me?”

Her hands flexed on his shoulders.

Lani relaxed a little and some of the shyness in her expression disappeared.

“Duh,” she whispered. “I’m still here, aren’t I?”

Kirov smile was slow. He didn’t know what ‘duh’ meant, but he figured it was another word for ‘yes’ based on context. Mentally, he filed it away, with all her other strange words his language implant didn’t translate.

“Let us depart then.”