The Alien’s Obsession by Zoey Draven

Chapter Twenty-Three

Something warm and heavy was wrapped around her stomach and Lainey smiled sleepily, emerging from one of the deepest of sleeps she’d ever had the next morning.

Blinking, she realized it was just slightly after sunrise. A quick peek out the windows showed the beautiful colors creeping across the sky, though Lainey knew the suns were rising on the other side of the hill.

Turning over, she saw that Kirov was just waking too. Her movements must’ve jostled him a bit and he purred, his arm going a little tighter around her waist, bringing her closer.

“Hi,” she whispered, snuggling into him. Kirov was a good cuddler, she’d discovered, and while she felt a little shy that morning, still getting used to the fact that she would be sharing his bed, she never wanted to leave it.

It was amazingly comfortable and the furs were the softest she’d ever felt. During the ‘cold season,’ as Kirov had called it, Lainey could just imagine snuggling under the furs with him, keeping warm and having fun doing it.

Her breath hitched. Already, she was thinking so far into the future that she honestly didn’t know whether to be frightened or excited. Everything was still so new between them, but there was no denying that Kirov had already claimed a portion of her heart…and she was a little put off since she didn’t know how or when it had even happened.

“A dream,” he rasped, his lazy gaze tracking over her face. Sleepy Kirov? Crazy sexy. He made a groaning sound in the back of his throat and murmured, “I never want to leave these furs.”

“Then don’t,” she whispered.

Last night had been…wonderful. After Kirov had ordered her some food and shaken off a bit of his guilt for leaving her so long, he had put her in his lap and fed her her dinner.

And there she’d been…freshly bathed, naked under a fur throw he’d wrapped around her body, sitting in her male’s lap in the living room with a fire going, with the stars and the moon shining through the windows and the sound of the quiet lake coming through invisible speakers, being fed an amazing dinner of tender, fall-off-the-bone meat and seasoned white roots that tasted like carrots marinated in butter.

Yeah, last night had probably been one of the most romantic nights of her life. They’d been quiet as he’d fed her and with any other guy, Lainey would’ve balked at being fed. But with Kirov, everything was different. Everything. He fed her because he wanted to care for her, because he needed to see her satisfied and happy.

Lainey could handle that.

And it had been strangely…erotic. He’d watched her as she chewed and if a drop of the marinade landed on her lips, he’d lick it off before she could.

Needless to say, it had made them both very, very…ravenous.

Kirov made sure she ate until she was stuffed and then he carried her—bridal style—up to his—their—bedroom, where he’d immediately ripped off the fur blanket, pushed her naked body back onto the bed, and promptly, well…eaten her.

Three goddamn times.Three orgasms and he’d finally given her a reprieve. And when she reached down to return the favor, he grabbed her hand, told her to go to sleep, and snuggled her until she did just that.

So yeah, last night had been pretty amazing so it was no wonder that Lainey woke up with a gigantic smile on her face the following morning.

“The lunar celebration is tomorrow night,” he murmured, after a brief moment of silence. “There is much to be done.”

“Lunar celebration?” Lainey asked, frowning, remembering him mention it once, briefly.

“Whenever the moon is full, every lunar cycle, all of Luxiria holds a celebration. In the Golden City and throughout the outposts,” he explained, his voice all gruff and grumbly and sexy from sleep. “It is why I had to return to Troxva. As Ambassador, I am expected to preside over the celebration.”

“Oh,” Lainey said, reaching forward. A chunk of his hair was tangled in one of his horns and she gently unwrapped it, dropping it back to his chest. Amused affection made her smile.

“As my luxiva,” he continued, looking at her, his arm tightening around her waist, “you will be at my side.”

Lainey stilled. “Um.”

“There will be dancing and feasting,” he said, smiling. “And musicians.”

That piqued her interest. “Really?”


Lainey’s excitement dulled a little as she said slowly, “But, from what I understand, there aren’t very many humans on Luxiria.”

Confusion spread over his face. “Not many. Eight females. Why does this matter?”

She’d never given it much thought, her integration into Troxva. She supposed that Kate had done it, as the Prime Leader’s mate, in the Golden City. And she supposed that Beks, Cecelia, and Taylor had done it too, wherever they were, in their mates’ respective outposts. Of course, they didn’t just stay indoors all day, hidden away. And Lainey didn’t have to fear an unknown male’s Instinct triggering for her if she walked among them, considering she was Kirov’s.

But the prospect of entering into a society, as the only one of her kind, not speaking the language, or understanding many of their customs…it was intimidating.

“Do you…” she trailed off, not quite knowing how to ask. “Do you think that I’ll be welcome? That I’ll be accepted?”

Tev,” he said immediately, that confusion only growing. “Of course. You worry about this?”

“I confess I haven’t thought about it much,” she said, biting her lip. “Not until now, which seems silly.”

Kirov turned more fully on his side so he was facing her, propping himself up on his forearm.

“It is true that many Luxirians in Troxva have not seen a human,” he said, which didn’t make her feel any better. “However, all know that Vaxa’an took a human female as his lavrix’an, his queen. Because she is heavy with his offspring, many rejoice in their union, knowing that the future of the Luxirian race is possible, where we had little hope before.”

“Oh,” she whispered, eyes wide.

“Not only that but Luxiria has possessed inter-space travel technology for a very long time,” he said. “Before the Jetutians attacked, our borders were quite open to other species and it was not uncommon to encounter them, especially in the Golden City. And while Troxva is far east, remember that many that reside here work under my technology division, and the majority have traveled far and wide throughout the universe in their studies, encountering different species, exchanging knowledge and information. You have nothing to fear, luxiva.”

Okay, that made her feel better.

Kirov saw her relax and that crooked, mischievous grin crossed his face. He rasped, “My people will rejoice in our union when you are introduced and they will pray to the Fates that I get you heavy with my seed very, very soon.”

Lainey flushed, pushing at his arm until he collapsed back onto the cushions, and he chortled.

“You’re relentless,” she said, though the thought of her pregnant with his child made her heartbeat flutter.

Kirov gathered her close again. “Have you decided about the ravraxia yet?” He nipped at her ear. “I am eager to mate you the way I wish.”

Her breath rushed out of her lungs and she squinted over at him. “It’s been about a day since we last had this conversation. You think I decided in a day?”

“Judging by your moans and cries last night,” he purred, “as I licked out your hot, perfect cunt—”


“I figured I may have swayed you,” he finished.

Her eyes narrowed.

Two could play at that game.

A sweet smile crossed her face. “And I thought me sucking your thick, hard cock last night in the bath until you came down my throat in buckets would’ve swayed you to just fuck me already. And baby…” she purred in his ear, licking on the outer shell just to tease him, “I would’ve let you fuck me all night long, however you wanted, if you would’ve just asked me nicely.”

Kirov froze, a growl ripping through his chest. He moved, his hard cock—seriously, the thing never went down—brushing her naked thigh.

“Perhaps a repeat of both events,” he purred, moving over her like a panther about to pounce on its prey, “might change both our minds.”

Lainey laughed when he ripped the furs off their bodies, already beginning to kiss and lick down her chest.

Then she moaned, her laugh dying completely.

And neither of them left the bed until much, much later that morning.