Kraving Khiva by Zoey Draven


Four days later

* * *

Eve gasped,feeling Khiva growl between her thighs, the vibration almost tipping her over the edge.

Her hands grappled on his scalp, careful of her nails, as her legs widened even further to allow his tongue to go deeper.

“Khiva,” she moaned softly, huffing out a deep breath, as that tongue lapped at her inner walls. He groaned, finding her wet and aroused and aching and it only made him work harder.

Soon, she was cumming. Pleasure made her spine arch up as stars burst in her vision. Khiva growled, seeing her through the intense waves until he maneuvered his body up and over her, until he gripped her hips, tilting them for a better angle, before sliding deep inside her with one smooth, powerful thrust.

Eve choked on her breath, her chest heaving, her hands coming around to his back, which was now healed completely. Long scars, however, covered some of the deeper lashes that Madame Allegria had given him, scars he would carry for the rest of his life.

Eve pressed a kiss to the side of his face, feeling his rough pants and deep grunts against her neck as he mated her with an intensity she loved. It always seemed like he put everything he had into it, like he was giving her every part of himself.

And so, she gave every part of herself to him in return.

Pax, Khiva,” she whispered. “Nrivi.” More. He’d taught her that word.

With a strangled groan, his hips pumped faster, harder. Eve’s lips parted, staring up at him. He’d admitted to her on their first day on Gorkan’s trading vessel that it aroused him whenever she spoke his language.

Naturally, she said the words she knew every chance she got, which, admittedly wasn’t a lot. But he taught her more every day and eventually, she liked to think she would be able to understand him, that she could even converse with him. Anything to keep his language alive, because it seemed to comfort him to hear it…to know that his native tongue wasn’t forgotten or lost.

It was after these ‘language lessons’ when Eve usually found herself pinned to their small bed, in their even tinier room, with a hulking, turned on Keriv’i between her thighs.

Not that she was complaining. They passed the travel time well.

Eve gasped, throwing her head back, when another orgasm struck her core, radiating up from her sex and down her spine, his name a whisper on her lips.

It didn’t take him long to join her. He tried to suppress his bellow, but failed, as he emptied his teela inside her. Eve chuckled through her orgasm, her face red, wondering if any of the vessel workers had heard him. Or Gorkan.

But then her laugh died as that familiar cresting of pleasure began to assault her body, the warmth from his cum spreading.

“Mmm,” Khiva groaned, still thrusting his hips, emptying it all inside her. “You laugh, but it will be your cries that they hear next,” he teased, his voice hoarse.

“K-Khiva,” she moaned, her hand clenching into his arm.

Wicked, wicked male.

But she loved him. God, she loved him.

It was much later when Khiva took pity on her and cleaned her of his teela and Eve fell back on their small bed, panting, sweaty, and limp.

Khiva nibbled on her neck before sucking on her skin there. She’d learned that when she was around other males, he ‘marked’ her more, whether this was marks on her neck, or shoulders, or whether he ‘marked’ her with his teela, over and over again.

It was a Keriv’i instinct, apparently, but Eve didn’t mind.

Khiva nudged her head so he could kiss her as she recovered. He was still erect, so he wouldn’t give her much of a reprieve before they began again. But for then, she rested.

They’d left Everton over three days ago and had been traveling towards Dumera ever since. All of her things were neatly stacked in their small room—only three trunks of clothes, documents, some of her father’s favorite possessions, some of Eve’s favorite books, her father’s handwritten letter to her, and a hand mirror that had been her mother’s. They took up most of the space in the room, but they wouldn’t be traveling for much longer. In fact, Gorkan had told them they would arrive at Dumera shortly.

So that night was their last night on the trading vessel before they reached their new home, a home that Eve hoped to experience the happiest of memories on with the male she loved. Perhaps, one day, there would be children, a family, a legacy.

Eve smiled into Khiva’s bare chest, feeling one of his hearts beat against her cheek.

“What is it, leeldra?” he asked, nudging her chin up to look in her eyes.

“Nothing,” she whispered, reaching out to stroke a finger over his lips. “Just thinking about what our life will be like on Dumera.”

“We will find out soon,” he teased softly.

“You’re right,” she said. “I’m getting ahead of myself.”

She didn’t even know if children were a possibility for them. Not all species were reproductively compatible in that way.

Time will tell, she thought.

Besides, she selfishly wanted Khiva all to herself, at least for a little while longer. She wanted to spend the time building a life with him, away from the toxicity and memory of Everton, of Madame Allegria.

But what they couldn’t forget was who they’d left behind.

It was a long road for them all, a journey that was just beginning. But Eve and Khiva would do everything in their power, explore every option, to bring Madame Allegria to the justice of not only the Earth Council, but the United Worlds as well.

Along the way, they would search for Khiva’s mother and brother too. Because no one was more determined than her male to find them. And she wanted to help him at every turn until they were reunited.

A long, frightening, uncertain road.

But one that would be worth it at the end.

* * *

Khiva wokeher as he scooped her up into his arms.

“Khiva,” she whispered, sleepily, blinking. “What are—”

“I want you to see,” he said simply, carrying her over to the small, circular window that was their only view from their room. The beautiful, inky darkness of space and bright stars greeted her, a sight that she would never tire of seeing.

But in the distance she saw it.

They were approaching a small, green-colored planet and Eve gasped, suddenly very awake.

Khiva’s arms tightened around her and he whispered into her ear, “Dumera.”

Eve looked at it, her eyes wide. She thought that it looked very similar to the pictures she’d seen of Old Earth, or perhaps it was simply wishful thinking.

Excitement burst in her chest.

She looked at Khiva with a wide smile. His eyes softened when he saw it.

Eve looked back to Dumera.

“Our new home,” she said.

Pax, leeldra,” Khiva said. “Our new home.”

* * *

The End