Kraving Khiva by Zoey Draven

Chapter Seven

Holy hell, Eve thought desperately as Khiva leaned forward.

Ohhh,” she moaned softly when she felt his warm lips wrap around her sensitive nipple, his slick tongue following. “Oh.”

Her sex was absolutely dripping by this point. She had been more aroused than she’d ever been in her entire life before they’d even started kissing, something she feared she might grow addicted to when it came to Khiva.

He was a phenomenal kisser and even though she’d been self-conscious at first as she tried to learn how to move her lips…Eve felt pretty good about it eventually.

But this…

Eve licked her reddened lips, her eyelids fluttering closed. She’d never felt this before…a male kissing her breasts. She never imagined that her nipples could be so sensitive from it, but every lap and suckle of Khiva’s tongue against her made her back arch and her pussy clench.

Her hips began to rock against him, her body instinctively seeking what she knew he could give her. Khiva groaned when she brushed against his cock, pressing into her more firmly.

“Khiva,” she whimpered, needing something. Her body felt like it was coiled tight, ready to spring with energy.

She just needed to get there, wherever there was.

Khiva bit out something that sounded like a rough curse and suddenly, he stood, taking her with him. It was only a few steps to the bed and he laid her down among the plush blankets and smooth sheets. Eve expected nerves to hit her, but all she felt was desire and the need to orgasm. She was so desperate that she was reconsidering her decision to not have sex with him that night.

But no, she knew she would wait. If no other reason than it would give her another excuse to visit him again.

When Khiva straightened at the foot of the bed, he seemed even more massive, towering over her, blocking out the light from the fire. With sure, quick hands, he helped her wiggle out of her dress until she was lying on the bed in just her underwear and nothing else.

It boggled her mind how quickly things had progressed, but it didn’t feel unnatural. It amazed her how much Khiva made her feel comfortable and desirable.

Then again, isn’t that what he has to do for his clients? a little voice whispered in the back of her head. He was one of the Krave, after all.

She cut off her thoughts again, not going there, especially when she saw him glance over her exposed body, that purring trill rising in his chest.

Eve couldn’t help but wonder if he was attracted to her body. Everton women, as he’d hinted at earlier, tended to be slimmer and less curvy, desiring the bodies that looked elegant and beautiful in the latest fashions. Eve had never been altered in her entire life, though it was as normal as eating, especially among the wealthier circles.

Her breasts were natural, as were her hips and thighs. And while she liked her body—though it had taken a long time to—Eve knew she didn’t fit into the standard ‘Everton mold.’

And she was okay with that.

When Khiva’s hand came to the band of his loose black pants, however, all thoughts went flying out of her head. And when he pushed that band down until his pants pooled at his feet on the Old Earth carpeted floor, Eve’s breath whooshed out of her in a quick rush.

She’d seen erotic films. Of course, she had. She had always been curious about sex, so she was no stranger to all the—ahem—working parts. However, she was quickly realizing that Keriv’i males and human men were vastly different in that department and it suddenly became clear why so many human women visited the Krave.

His cock was just as massive in comparison with his body, so much so that Eve wondered how it would even be possibly for him to take her virginity. The head of his cock was bulbous, more round than mushroom-shaped, and had the same grey and black patches as his skin. A small slit at the very tip was wet with a clear fluid, what she assumed was pre-cum.

Thick and wide, his cock was so big that Eve knew she wouldn’t be able to wrap her hand all the way around.

Khiva approached, crawling over the bed until he was hovering over her. Eve’s wide eyes flickered up to him before glancing back down between them, staring at his pulsing cock that was just inches away from her belly.

“You look frightened, leeldra,” he rasped.

“I, um,” she tried, but her voice failed her. Then he dipped his head, his mouth finding her nipple again before he suckled hard. Eve gasped, her back rising off the bed, her sex clenching with need. Though her head swam with pleasure, she tried again, “I don’t think you’ll fit when we eventually have sex.”

Khiva purred in a way that sounded like an amused laugh, the sound completely non-human. “We will need to go slow, pax, and prepare you properly. But do not fear that, female. You will be able to take me well.”

Why did that sound so sexy when he said it?

He returned to her breast, switching nipples, laving the other slowly and gently with his warm tongue, which she caught a flash of and saw that it was black and long.

She was squirming underneath him as he tortured her breasts and eventually, his head rose to kiss her lips, making her still and run her hands up his bare back. His bulging muscles shifted under her fingertips, evidence of his immense strength.

Khiva,” she gasped against his lips.

“Is this comfortable for you, Evelyn?” he murmured. “Would you like to go further?”

Would she?

Yes, she absolutely would. How else would she get rid of the sharp pleasure that was tormenting her body?

When she pulled back to look at him, she bit her lip and nodded. A loud rumble reverberated in his chest when he saw her confirmation and before she knew it, he was dragging her wet panties down her body.

That was when she realized she was lying fully naked on his bed, everything exposed. She fought the instinct to cross her arms over her chest, which was silly since Khiva had already kissed her nipples red.

This is happening, she thought in a daze.

Vauk,” he said softly, running his eyes over her form. To her amazement, she saw more clear fluid push from the tip of his cock and he dabbed it with his thumb, coating his finger. “You remember what I said earlier, female?”

Eve knew he was referring to ‘the taste’ he’d offered her. When she nodded, he knelt between her thighs on the bed, his huge thigh muscles bulging.

He was hairless everywhere, she noticed, her eyes tracking over his magnificent body. Never had she seen a being so…powerful. So eye-catchingly beautiful and brutally raw at the same time.

Slowly, with his thumb that he’d coated in his pre-cum, he leaned forward and dragged it over one of her nipples, making Eve suck in a surprised breath, before crossing the valley of her breasts to circle the other. Her eyes fluttered shut as he slowly ran his thumb down the middle of her chest, gliding over her abdomen, circling her sensitive belly button, before stopping just above her pelvic bone.

Then he watched her, his jaw ticking, his eyes running over her body. Looking down at herself, Eve’s lips parted, noticing the shimmer of his pre-cum obscenely coating her nipples and the obvious trail that he’d drawn down her body made her belly clench.

For a brief moment, Eve wondered what he was waiting for.

Then she felt it.

Slowly, her nipples started to tingle, a pleasant warming sensation, that gradually seeped into her skin and then began to trail down her body, following the deliberate path that Khiva had made.

Then that tingling started to turn into something else.

Eve gasped, letting out a rush of air, when it warmed into sharp, pricking pleasure that shot down to her sex. In mere moments, she let out a whimpering moan, her hips twisting on top of the blankets until Khiva caught her thighs and held her still.

But his touch only made more pleasure overwhelm her body, heat rushing to meet where he held her. Her blood felt like it was buzzing underneath her skin and a muted rushing noise rose in her ears.

Then, without warning, Khiva pulled her thighs wider and dove forward, his cheek resting on her inner thigh before he licked a long line over her exposed pussy.

O-oh my God,” she cried, surprise and intense pleasure making her back arch off the bed.

Again, she thought in a haze: this is happening. She was lying naked on a bed, in Madame Allegria’s brothel, and her sex was being licked by one of the Krave…one of the Keriv’i.

Not to mention that his pre-cum was coating her skin and it was doing some very, very interesting things to her body.

And if this radiating pleasure was just what his pre-cum did, outside her body, then she couldn’t imagine the intensity of the Krave’s infamous abilities when they finally became intimate.

Khiva growled between her thighs and Eve moaned, feeling the vibration of it reverberate around her sensitive clit. Obviously, she’d never received oral sex before and strange, new sensations assaulted her. She was part aroused, part frightened, part loving it. But she was also self-conscious. No one had ever been so intimately close to her before.

And Khiva could see everything. Hell, he was tasting her.

“Is this alright, leeldra?” he rasped between her thighs. “Are you comfortable?”

In the back of her mind, she wondered what leeldra meant in his language and made a mental note to ask him afterwards. If her brain still functioned, of course…

And despite Eve requesting that he take the reigns that night, she appreciated that he was still making sure she was okay with the direction things were heading…or rather, the way things were escalating.

Because things were escalating, alright. And escalating quickly.

“Yes,” she said softly, her voice sounding choked to her own ears.

Khiva made a sound in the back of his throat and her body tightened when another wave of heat from his pre-cum racked her. A strangled gasp filled the room and Khiva tongue’s circled her clit, moving his hands from her thighs to part her engorged, sensitive lips, exposing her further.

Already, impossibly, she was on the very edge of orgasm. Never would she have thought in a million years that she would be able to cum so quickly in a situation like this. The reality, however, was that she was with a very skilled alien escort, with a talented tongue, and that his pre-cum had already ramped her up before he’d ever even began to pleasure her.

So when he gently gave a suckle to her clit before lapping at it with rapid, strong, wicked strokes of his warm tongue, Eve knew she was done for.

Stars exploded in her vision, little pinpricks of white light behind her closed eyelids, as one of the most powerful orgasms of her life consumed her body.

A keening cry left her throat when she felt the warmth and tingling from his pre-cum grow to dizzying, frightening heights, and Khiva growled into her flesh as he suckled on her clit, prolonging her pleasure. Her thighs had lifted, squeezing around his smooth head, and her hands grappled at the blankets underneath her in a frenzy, fearing she would drift away if she didn’t anchor herself.

It was the longest orgasm of her life and she knew that it wasn’t even a fraction of what the Krave were capable of.

Khiva brought her down slowly as after-shocks racked her body and she shivered on the blankets. Eve let out a soft moan when she still felt his pre-cum reacting within her body and she watched, in a haze, as Khiva stood from the bed, walked over to a small ledge near the fireplace, and brought back a warm, damp cloth.

He crawled back over her, his heavy cock swinging heavily between his powerful thighs. A drop of pre-cum dripped from his tip and landed just below her belly button and Eve bit her lip, feeling its effect much more quickly than the last time.

Khiva made that purring trill in his throat, but then gently dragged the damp cloth over her skin, cleaning the drop away before the pleasure got too intense, and then cleaning where he’d drawn over her skin with his slicked thumb.

Oh,” she whispered, her skin unbelievably sensitive.

“How do you feel, Evelyn?” he rasped, continuing to stroke her body, letting the cloth drag over her nipples. Again, he pronounced her name like ‘Eva-leen’ and she was ridiculously charmed by it, among other things… “Was it too much?”

She felt like she could finally breathe again once Khiva cleaned off his pre-cum from her body. But as clarity returned, so did a lot of other emotions.

“Good,” she huffed out, feeling a little shy and not quite meeting his eyes. Clearing her scratchy throat, she said, “It was really good.”

When Khiva’s gaze lowered down her body, she realized she was still naked and sprawled out beneath him. Her eyes darted to the side of the bed, searching for her underwear and dress, feeling a lot more exposed and vulnerable than she’d expected to.

“Evelyn?” he murmured.

Just then, between them, she caught a glimpse of his still rock-hard cock and she realized that she didn’t know how to handle this situation. Just moments before, she’d been relaxed and aroused and coming off the heels of an amazing orgasm, and now she felt…panicked.

“I-I’m sorry,” she whispered, when he began to study her, and she licked her dry lips. “You didn’t, um, orgasm. Did you want me to…”

She trailed off because she had no idea what she would even suggest. She was an inexperienced virgin who had only been kissed once before that night. What did she know about getting someone off, especially a Krave?

Khiva simply said, in a rather careful tone, “Veki. That was for you. Do not concern yourself with me.”

Eve felt horribly selfish at that moment, but she eventually nodded. She didn’t know why she was feeling this way—this desperate feeling to retreat—but the more she thought about, she figured it was normal…at least for her. She longed for the quietness of her townhouse and the safety of it. She’d made a big step coming here that night, for allowing it to go as far as it did, and…she needed to regroup.

“I…can you get me my clothes please?” she asked softly, knowing she wouldn’t be able to move with him hovering over her. She was tempted to wrap one of the blankets on the bed around her body in the meantime.

Immediately, he rolled off of her but not before she caught a flash of something on his face. Without saying a word, he brought her her underwear and her bra, which she quickly put on. Khiva observed her, still naked, but whatever she’d seen on his face had vanished. He brought her her dress once she rose from the bed and helped her get it over her head.

Eve felt slightly better once her body was covered, but she blinked when Khiva moved behind her and re-hooked the back of her dress closed. It was surprisingly intimate, him helping her dress, especially when he was still nude…especially when he still had an erection the size of her forearm.

Once he finished with the last hook, his fingers lingered at the base of her neck.

“Will you stay, Evelyn?” he murmured softly, his voice drifting over her. “I apologize if I went too quickly. We do not have to do anything more this night, but you have until the morning. I can send for more food, if you’d like. Or we can simply talk. Or rest.”

Eve turned around, craning her neck up to look at him. Though his expression was neutral, his words were questioning and slightly…hesitant, like he’d upset her in some way.

So, she reached out a hand to touch his arm, feeling the subtle differences in the texture of his skin, and said, “You did nothing wrong, Khiva. I really liked what we did. I just…this is all new to me, you know? It feels a little overwhelming at the moment.”

Khiva’s eyes watched her. Those beautiful eyes almost convinced her to stay.

“I think it’s best if I go home,” she said softly. “But thank you. I’m sorry that I’m such a nervous wreck,” she tried to joke, to lighten the mood.

But Khiva didn’t respond. He simply blinked, absorbing her words, but then let out a low breath and nodded. His voice was unexpectedly warm as he said, “Of course. Whatever makes you comfortable, Evelyn.”

“Thank you for understanding,” she said, her feet inching towards the door. It hadn’t been all that long ago since she’d crossed the threshold of that door for the first time and she wondered if any woman in her right mind would’ve paid 900 credits for a night with a Krave, only to leave just a little over an hour later.

It was possibly the most expensive hour—and orgasm—of her life.

But it had been worth it. So worth it, if not only because of him.

“I guess this is goodbye for now,” she said softly, looking back at him, her hand reaching for the door. Her words sounded like a question, lilting up towards the end.

Khiva’s breath hitched and suddenly, before she could reach for the door lever, he grabbed her by her hips and pushed her back against the solid wood.

Surprise rocked her, but before she could say anything, his lips were on hers.

Eve gasped, allowing his tongue entry, and he swept her mouth with precision and thoroughness, slowly working his lips over hers. Unable to help herself, she kissed him back, her head beginning to swim, getting lost in it.

How had she lived without this? Without his kiss?

Eve didn’t know how long it lasted, but by the time Khiva finally pulled back, her breathing was ragged, her nipples were tight and hard, her dress was even more winkled, and there was a small wet spot on the front of it from his pre-cum because he was still naked and aroused.

Khiva blew out a rough breath and she felt it ruffle her hair. Then his eyes focused on hers and her heart skipped a beat by the intensity she saw there.

“Will you come see me again?” he asked softly.

“I…I think so,” was the only thing she could get out.

“I want to see you again,” he rasped. “I will beg if I have to.”

Maybe Madame Allegria had taught the Krave to secure their clients for future visits. Maybe he did this and acted this way with every client, making them feel special, kissing them senseless, and letting them leave with fluttery bellies.

But for some reason…Eve couldn’t bring herself to care. It was a fantasy and she was completely playing into it.

Besides, she’d already decided that she would visit him at least once more, to lose her virginity. Because after what she’d experienced that night…she couldn’t imagine losing it to anyone else. She didn’t want to lose it to anyone else.

“Please,” he murmured softly.

“I will,” she finally said, looking up at him, still wrapped in his arms and pressed against the door.

Relief made his shoulders loosen and he bent his head for one last kiss. Eve savored it, the taste of him, the surprising softness of his lips, and the way he seemed to consume her.

Finally, he backed away, slowly opening the door for her, as if reluctant.

Kasari, leeldra,” he said and her stomach fluttered again, knowing it was some sort of farewell in his language.

Unable to resist, she said, “Kasari, Khiva.”

His pupils flared and he watched her as she turned and began the slow walk down the hall. When she turned at the elevator, she looked over her shoulder at him and saw he was still watching her, completely nude.

Eve smiled, giving a little wave, and then stepped inside, pushing the metal gate closed behind her. The last thing she saw as the elevator doors closed were his eyes flashing in the low light.

Then she was alone and she let out a deep ragged breath that she’d been holding. She looked around her at the interior of the elevator, seeing it for the first time since she’d been too nervous on her way up.

Eve smiled, touching her lips, and it didn’t take long until the elevator pinged open to the lobby floor.

She got out and Valerie was standing at the desk. The blonde did a double-take, looking taken-aback.

“Miss Tesler?” she asked, studying her closely. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes,” Eve said, “I’m, um, just ready to leave.”

Valerie looked at her carefully. Slowly, she said, “I hope everything was satisfactory with your Krave.”

Khiva, Eve mentally corrected her.

It occurred to her for the first time that her abrupt departure would reflect poorly on him, or get him into some kind of trouble. She had no idea what the dynamics were at Madame Allegria’s, after all.

“Yes, absolutely,” Eve said, forcing a wide smile. “Khiva was wonderful. In fact, I’d like to book another visit. When is he available next?”

Valerie blinked, her shoulders loosening, and she turned to her Nu device. After another moment, she said, “He has an opening next week, on Thursday evening. Would you like to reserve it?”

Eve wondered if Khiva ‘worked’ every single night and something about that made her stomach turn.

Clearing her throat, she nodded, “Yes.”

“Great,” Valerie said, smiling. “I’ll send a confirmation to your Nu device. And I’ll have transport for you out at the front in a few minutes to take you home.”

“Thank you,” Eve said, incline her head. “I’ll see you next week.”

Then she turned to leave, walking quickly through the lobby and out the front door. When the door closed behind her and she was once again out of sight, she let out a heavy breath, still unable to believe what the night had brought.

But as she walked through the cobblestone alley to the sidewalk of London Street, Eve couldn’t help but smile.

Though she desperately needed the safety and comfort of her townhouse, she was proud of herself…for putting herself out there for once in her life and experiencing something she’d been longing to for a while.

Even more so, she couldn’t wait until next Thursday, when she’d be able to see Khiva again.