The Alien’s Dream by Zoey Draven








TAYLOR STARED AT Vaxa’an since neither of them spoke first.She found herself embroiled in some sort of Luxirian power struggle.And Taylor didn’t have to be a Luxirian to know that Vaxa’an was still pissed off at her mate.

Realizing that staying silent was getting her nowhere, Taylor spoke first, eager to state her case and get her mate off the hook.

“Look, uh, Prime Leader,” Taylor began, “I can see why you’re upset.But since this concerns me, I can honestly tell you that you’re making a bigger deal out of this than it is.”

Vaxa’an crossed his massive arms over his chest, the gold bands he wore around his biceps glinting in the bright light.“Vikan has been a loyal Ambassador and a friend to me for many, many rotations, female.I can assure you that I am not ‘making this a bigger deal.’He disobeyed a direct order from his Prime Leader in not only taking you from the Golden City without my permission but by also endangering your life in the wilds of Luxiria.Anything could have happened.”

Taylor blew out a breath.She had her work cut out for her.

“I understand that.But I can assure you that Vikan took care of me.His priority was my safety.Do you honestly believe that, me being his fated mate and all, he would be careless enough to let me get hurt?”


“He made sure I was warm, fed, and well-rested.He made sure we had a secure shelter every night.And honestly, once I got over being pissed off, it was nice to get out of that damn room you left us in.”

His eyes narrowed.“Those quarters were to ensure that nothing like this ever happened, female.”

“No, you kept us locked in there for a couple weeks with no word about what you were going to do with us.Thank goodness that your mate came to see us and tell us what was going on.All of us were scared.We had no idea what you planned.”

Vaxa’an inhaled a patient breath.“I kept you there because I could not guarantee another Luxirian’s Instinct would awaken for one of you.Obviously Vikan had already seen you from the rescue.But the others…”

“I get that,” Taylor said, trying to calm down.She would get nowhere by getting pissed.“But it’s not the best approach.All of those women in there, I can guarantee you that they can fight their own battles and make their own decisions if something like that ever happened.”

“It does not matter anymore, female,” Vaxa’an said.“A vessel has been properly outfitted and fueled for a journey to the Fourth Quadrant, to Earth.Once I have brought you safely back to the Golden City, you can all depart for your home.”

Taylor straightened her spine and said softly, “I’m not going anywhere.”

Vaxa’an tilted his head to the side, dropping his gaze to the ground, as if collecting his thoughts, before returning his gaze to her.“Female, I do not know what Vikan has told you…about his past.”

“He told me everything,” Taylor said.“He told me about her, about Nitav.”

“Then you know that I cannot be certain he is…whole.Or ready for another mate.”

A flash of anger hit her, the need to defend her mate strong.Though Vaxa’an made a valid point, Taylor knew in her heart that he was wrong.Vikan had told her to trust in what she knew about him if she didn’t trust his words.And right then, she knew the truth.

“He told me he is ready to start a life with me.And I believe him,” she said, staring straight at Vaxa’an.

The Prime Leader studied her like she was a specimen under a microscope, as if trying to figure her out.

Taylor continued, hedging onto the subject of her mate’s punishment, “But you know, it will be a little difficult to start our new lives if he’s locked away, or whatever you planned on doing with him.”

“Locked away?” Vaxa’an repeated, quirking an arrogant brow.Taylor couldn’t help but think that Kate had her work cut out for her with this overbearing, dominant male.“I was not planning to lock him away.”

“Then what were you planning to do?”

Vaxa’an frowned, running a hand over his horn.“I had not decided yet.”

Hope sprung in Taylor’s chest and she pounced on that.“He did nothing wrong.At least in my eyes.Yeah, the fuel thing kind of sucked, but looking back on it now, I wouldn’t have changed a thing,” she confessed.“He’s a good male, Vaxa’an.He makes me happy.And I know that I can make him happy too.”

Vaxa’an looked down to the ground again and Taylor knew that she was making him think, at least a little bit.That was enough to spur her to continue.

And so she decided to tell him.

“After the rescue mission,” she started, “after I first saw Vikan, I began having dreams.”

“Dreams are not unusual, female,” Vaxa’an commented.

“They were always of him though.Every single night.But they felt strange to me.They felt…clear,” she confessed.“And I didn’t know what was happening, but the night that Vikan took me, I had a dream before he came.And in that dream, I saw us.I felt the blood bond then, even though I didn’t know what it was at the time.I knew his name even though I did not before.”

Vaxa’an’s brow furrowed, his lips turning down.

“He was familiar to me in a way he shouldn’t have been.I knew things that I shouldn’t have.I knew Nitav’s name before he ever told me about her.I know what his home looks like, though I have never stepped foot inside.”

“His gift…” Vaxa’an murmured, trailing off.

“His gift…it somehow affected me once his Instinct awakened.They weren’t dreams at all, but visions of our future together.”

Realization hit the Prime Leader.“Vikan has always been special, female.His whole line has always had those gifts, but you must know that they bring him much hardship.It is something he will always be burdened with and you as well, if you choose this life.”

“He told me,” she said softly, “about what happened here.I see how much it affects him still but I know that I can help him.I know I can be strong for him, just as he is for me.”

Vaxa’an’s eyes slid shut, his expression shifting slightly.

She bit her lip.“I…I’m falling in love with him, Vaxa’an.”His eyes snapped open to regard her.“And I know that we still have a lot to work through, but I’ve also seen our future and I know that it’s all worth it.Our love only deepens over time, until it’s something that I couldn’t have ever imagined.And I know that you can’t see it right now, but he has changed, not only for me, but for himself.”

Taylor longed to go to her mate, longed to tell him she was sorry for shutting down earlier.She wanted to tell him about her feelings for him, wanted to tell him that yes, she wanted a future with him, that she didn’t want to leave.

“I know you’re angry about what he did,” she said softly.“But please.I know how important Lopixa is to him.He’s been a loyal friend to you for a long time and I know that he would accept any punishment you give him.But please don’t take this place away from him.”

It was quiet in the room for a long time as Vaxa’an thought over her words.Taylor could feel her heart beating in her throat, hoping and praying that he would hear her loud and clear and that he would understand.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Vaxa’an inclined his head, huffing out a resigned breath.

“You are right, female,” Vaxa’an said quietly.“Vikan has been a loyal friend to me for many rotations.And I do want him to find as much happiness as I have found with my luxiva.He certainly deserves it more than any other male I know.”

Hope bloomed and Taylor held her breath, waiting for his decision.

Vaxa’an continued, “I will forgive this, since you are unharmed and have obviously forgiven him yourself.”

“Thank you,” she breathed.

“However, you must keep his actions to yourself and tell no one.I have managed to keep the matter quiet in the Golden City, so I do not need other males thinking they can do something so rash without consequence, tev?”

She made a zippering gesture over her mouth, which no doubt went over his head.“I promise.”

Vaxa’an huffed out a sharp breath and jerked his head in a nod.“Then go.Find your mate and tell him the good news.Tell him I will speak to him before I depart this next span.”

Unable to help herself, overcome with relief and happiness, she stepped forward and embraced him.Vaxa’an was clearly taken aback, but patted her shoulder in a polite gesture that made her smile.

When she pulled away, she said again, “Thank you, thank you.”

He jerked his head to the entrance of the large room.“Go.I am sure he is not far.”

Vaxa’an didn’t even finish his sentence before Taylor turned her back and ran to the door, eager to see her mate.

Behind her, she swore she heard the Prime Leader laugh.