The Alien’s Dream by Zoey Draven








“YES,” TAYLOR GASPED, moaning as he slid that wicked, ridged tongue between her thighs, rasping gently over her throbbing, greedy clit, just the way she liked it.Her back arched and her skin was flushed and damp from their exertions, but she never wanted him to stop.

Gray eyes looked up at her as he gave another swipe of his tongue.Taylor recognized that look, had seen it often on his face, and desire for her alien male ran hot in her veins that even though she’d just cum twice before, she was already on the edge again.

“Are you ready to take my cock, luxiva?” he growled, his need finally surging to the forefront even though he often liked to tongue her to multiple orgasms before mating her.

Just thinking about his delicious, thick cock made pricks of pleasure sizzle down her spine and she nodded, her voice hoarse as she said, “Yes, baby.Please.I need you.”

Immediately, he rose from his knees and stood from their cozy bed, piled high with furs and cushions, his glorious cock bobbing against his taut abdomen from the motion.Opalescent pre-cum shimmered at the very tip and Taylor bit her lip, her nipples pebbling even tighter, because she desperately wanted a taste.She was addicted to his taste.

With a purr, catching her lustful stare, her male caught her hips and tugged her down until she was positioned at the foot of the bed, thighs splayed obscenely wide for him.His strength and need only turned her on more, if possible, and he caught her ankles in his grip, pushing her even wider to receive him.

A choked cry tore from her throat when he thrust inside her without warning and that cry turned into a keening moan as he took her hard, pounding into her sex with single-minded, erotic determination.

Her breasts bobbed with his thrusts and her male growled, his gaze flickering from her eyes, to her tits, to where they were joined together.

Unable to resist, he leaned forward and caught a tipped peak between his mouth, sucking on her nipple so hard that she felt it all the way to her toes.Taylor clutched his neck, keeping him there, allowing him only enough space so he could switch breasts.She listened to the sound of their flesh slapping together as he fucked her thoroughly, that knobbed cock gliding over every sensitive part of her.She felt his long, dark hair tickle her skin and felt his pierced nipples drag against her belly as he never ceased his thrusts.


He felt like heaven.

Finally, he released her sensitive nipples, reddened from his sucklings, and brought his forehead against her own.His purring growl, which she’d come to love so much, reverberated between them and Taylor felt it in her own chest.Softly, with a gentleness that was a direct contrast to his hard, claiming thrusts, he kissed her, moving his warm, velvety lips across hers and Taylor wound her arms around him, getting lost in him, her head swimming with pleasure and love and overwhelming happiness.

Never had she thought to find someone like him.Never had she thought she’d be so happy.

And that intense feeling of love burst through her chest the same moment her orgasm did and Taylor was unable to prevent raking her nails down his back, trying to hold onto him as she began to climb higher and higher.


His name tore from her throat, her eyes catching and holding his as pleasure raced through her.Stormy gray eyes saw her through the orgasm and the one that followed.Not once did she ever look away.She never wanted to look away from him.

And when he finally came, his seed poured hot inside her, bathing her clenching, sensitive walls and his roar echoed around their home, as it did most nights—and mornings and afternoons.

Taylor clutched him in her arms, keeping him inside her, and he purred, rubbing his dark horns over her cheek in a possessive and affectionate Luxirian gesture that made her smile sleepily.

And when she dozed off, she felt the pulse of their blood bond between them, felt his love, felt everything, and she fell asleep in his arms, his scent on her skin, and his name a whispering sigh on her lips.

*   *   *

When Taylor woke next, he was there, crouching beside her, his gray eyes bright even in the darkness of the room.

“Vikan,” she whispered, still half asleep, groggy, and reaching for him.“Why are you out of bed?”

He jolted the moment she said his name.His lips turned down slightly, his brows furrowing.But when her hand touched the warm, strong, velvety skin of his forearm, he stilled, his eyes flickering in the low light.

A slight purr from his chest and then he murmured, “Sleep, luxiva.”

Taylor relaxed, nodding, her eyelids already sliding shut as the warmth of his voice lulled her.

She slept.

When she woke next, she was in Vikan’s arms, bridal style, and he was just carrying her onto a circular vehicle of some kind.A cool breeze washed over her skin that wasn’t covered by her tunic.

In the back of her mind, Taylor thought that sensation was odd, the feeling of wind, considering she hadn’t been outside since…

She inhaled a sharp breath, sucking in cool, fresh air.Clarity returned in a flash, her brain firing on all cylinders as she fully came awake, fighting through the fogginess of the deep dream, trying to discern what was happening, what was real or whether it was still just another of her strange, vivid dreams.

And just as she realized she was outside, on the strange planet that she’d been on for the past couple weeks, that it was nighttime and that no one was around except for the gray-eyed alien that she’d just dreamed about…Taylor gasped and struggled in his steel-like arms.

“What the hell is going on?” she rasped, her voice still scratchy from sleep.

He didn’t give her time to ask much more than that before the circular, open-air vehicle they were on began to hum and vibrate.A moment later, it lifted off the ground and Taylor’s surprised cry was lost in the wind as they hurtled into the sky.

Taylor’s stomach dropped, frozen and still against his chest.Eventually, what she realized was a damn hovercraft leveled off, the gray-eyed alien’s long fingers working expertly over the control panel, even though he still cradled her with his other arm.

When the hovercraft slowed, high above the ground that Taylor hardly dared to look at, the wind finally settled into a hushed whistle as they glided through thin air.Instead of looking down, she looked up at him, trying to figure out what the hell was happening.

“Where are you taking me?” she demanded, her eyes running over features that she’d memorized in her dreams.Strangely enough, a part of her didn’t fear him.Strangely enough, a part of her knew that he would never hurt her in any way.So instead of being frightened, she settled on pissed.“Let me go!”

He didn’t.

Instead, once he seemed content with the direction of the hovercraft’s journey, he turned those startling eyes on her, pinning her into place with only his gaze.Though she was angry, she felt her body settle against him further, suddenly breathless by their intensity.

The familiarity of him shook her, just as, in the back of her mind, she thought, I’m going crazy.

Because God help her, she knew how it felt being carried in his arms.She knew what he smelled like, what his muscled bulk felt like against her bare flesh, what his dark rumbly voice sounded like as he rasped wicked words in her ear.

All thanks to her dreams.

She struggled with the impossibility of it even as her body softened against him, as if it had a mind of its own.How could she know these things when she’d never even spoken to him?

No.She resumed her struggles, pushing his chest away and thrashing her legs until he finally set her down onto the floor of the hovercraft, but kept her pinned between his body and the control panel.

Taylor sucked in a breath, about to tell him off, when he suddenly noted, “You called me Vikan.”

Because that’s your name, she almost bit back sarcastically until her mind caught up with his words, about what they meant.

Her heartbeat thundered in her chest.

She denied it even though she remembered.“No, I didn’t.”

His eyes narrowed.“Tev, female.You did.”

Now she knew that when she woke earlier only to find him ‘out of bed,’ that had been in the room with the other women.It hadn’t been in a strange yet familiar bed in a place she somehow knew was far away from there.She could even recall the deep emerald green of the cushions, the softness of the furs beneath her.

Taylor squeezed her eyes shut, panic rising.

What was happening to her?

A touch on her cheek made her eyes fly open and she recoiled from his fingertips, though there wasn’t anywhere to go since she was trapped between him and the metal panel.

When she met his gaze, whatever words she was about to say died in her throat.He was studying her, but his touch never left her cheek.

“You have been dreaming, female,” he stated, his voice a thick, velvety rasp that caressed her skin.The tone of his voice harbored no hesitation.What he said was fact.

Taylor’s breath hitched.Could he help her?Did he know what was happening to her?

But first…she swallowed past the rock lodged in her throat and asked quietly, only loud enough so that he would hear her over the wind, “Is your name Vikan?”

His pupils flared, his eyes drifting to her lips as she asked her question, the answer of which she desperately needed to know.Something rose between them and the first thing that Taylor thought when it did was Cecelia’s words yesterday…that she and Rixavox had an undeniable connection, a strange pull she couldn’t explain.

Taylor’s breaths came out fast, but she couldn’t look away from him.

Tev, luxiva,” he murmured.“I am called Vikan.”

All of her fears were confirmed with only a handful of words.

“Why did I already know that?” she asked him softly, as though speaking to herself.Her brows furrowed together, trying to make sense of it all even though nothing made sense anymore.“How do I know that?How is it even possible?”

“The gift of foresight manifests in odd ways,” he told her, his hand sliding down from her cheek to her shoulder, as if he couldn’t help but touch her.

“Foresight?” she repeated dumbly, shaking her head.“Like seeing the future?That’s crazy.”

He frowned at the word ‘crazy,’ but seemed to understand her meaning.“I have had the gift all my life span, female.It is a part of me.And now, it seems the Fates have connected it to you through me.”

What the hell was he talking about?

“I…” her lips moved but she didn’t know what to say.“No, no.I must have heard your name somewhere.One of the guards must’ve said it and I heard it.That’s all.And the blood bond thing…it’s only because Cecelia was talking about it earlier.It just popped up in the dream because she’d mentioned it.”

A stunned growl tore from his throat.“Blood bond?”

But Taylor hardly registered his words or the sudden intensity of his gaze.She felt a little light-headed and she murmured, “I need to sit down.I need to think.This is all too much.”

Vikan caught her against him when her knees began to buckle and his warm hand came down to support the small of her back.The intimacy of him holding her that way jarred her and she extracted herself from his arms, sitting down against the side of the hovercraft, tucking her knees to her chest.

When Vikan crouched in front of her, she whispered, not quite meeting his eyes, “Please.Just give me time to think.”

He frowned, studying her for a long while before he blew out a slow breath, rising to his full, towering height.He was well over seven feet, possibly closer to eight.She relaxed a little, sensing he’d give her some space.

But before he let her have that time, he asked quietly, “Will you tell me your name, female?”

When she glanced up at him, startled by the question, he had a sober, serious expression on his alien features.His tone had been…hesitant, almost like he wasn’t sure he wanted to know it.

“Taylor,” she found herself replying before she could second guess it.“My name is Taylor.”

He lowered his chin to his chest, blowing out a harsh exhale before lifting his eyes to the sky.Taylor almost gasped at the look on his face.He looked so…tormented.So…sad.

But just as quickly as the look came, it was gone.Vikan turned from her, his back muscles stiff as he resumed his post at the control panel, leaving Taylor to wonder what the hell just happened.

Because the truth was that that dream—and the many more that had come before it—had shaken her.Freaked her out beyond belief.Except the dream she’d had that night had been the most vivid of all.She could remember every detail about it, the smell of sex, the cozy darkness of the room, his heat hovering over her, that feeling of happiness and belonging she’d never felt before that bloomed in her chest.

As she eyed Vikan’s turned back, she wondered why the alien male she’d been dreaming about had stolen her away in the middle of the night like a common thief.

But most importantly, she wondered what it all meant.