Wicked Captor by Zoey Draven






This is our little routine now, Cara thought as she stepped onto the bridge.A familiar sight greeted her…Devix, sitting in the chair.Except this time, her chair was already in place and he didn’t have the goblet of alcohol with him.Instead, he was keying in something on the control panels.

True to form, Cara stepped off the elevator tube and went to watch him, studying the way his long, strong fingers flew over the numerous buttons and keys like he’d been doing it all his life.And perhaps he had been.Cara didn’t know much about him.

It was something she wanted to remedy.When she’d first arrived on the spaceship, she’d told herself that she would learn about him, befriend him.Of course, it had been for purely strategic purposes—to convince him to take her home instead of wherever he was taking her, for example—and in the back of Cara’s mind, she still thought that it would be smart to befriend him.But now, the reasons to get to know him were for far more personal, more selfish reasons.

Because Cara thought that she was a tiny bit obsessed with the hulking alien, who turned his eyes onto her the moment she stepped onto the bridge.Who looked at her like he wanted to devour her, despite that he…well, despite that he kind of already had.

Cara grew warm just thinking about what happened in the training room earlier and a purring trill from Devix reminded her that he could smell her arousal.

Clearing her throat, she tucked a strand of her freshly washed hair behind her ear, a nervous habit she recognized but hadn’t done in years.Devix didn’t pause in whatever he was doing at the controls, but his attention was fully on her.With a last swipe of a sharp claw, dragged in a circular motion on a black pad, Devix ceased his actions, tilting his head at her.

“Did you memorize that, female?” he asked in his gruff, roughened tone.

Cara wanted to laugh, feeling some of the tension ease from her shoulders.She hadn’t known what to expect, seeing him again after what had happened in the training room.She’d felt at ease and comfortable when they’d parted, but Cara had fallen into a very, very deep sleep after she bathed.And everything always looked different in the light of day, so to speak.

“I’d need to see it one more time,” she told him softly, turning with the intention to settle into her chair.But Devix stopped her, his palm coming to grip her hip.

Immediately, she felt that touch everywhere.Their attraction was an intense thing, something she’d never felt before.And she’d noticed the change in Devix just that morning.He seemed less tense, less…broody, for lack of a better word.And he’d been touching her freely, as if he couldn’t keep his hands off her for very long.

Cara would be lying if she said she wasn’t flattered…or that she didn’t enjoy the physical contact.It had been a long time since someone had touched her with gentleness, with kindness, or just touched her because they wanted to.In all fairness, after Cara’s father died, she’d closed herself off from a lot of people, taking a lover every now and again but never letting them get too close.It had started to wear her down, the constant loneliness.

But she didn’t feel lonely right then.Not when Devix was looking at her, trying to gauge her reaction to his touch.

Her response?Cara stepped forward and sank down into his lap, maneuvering her legs around him until she straddled his hips.Devix’s palms came around to grip her ass, holding her there, his chest rumbling in apparent approval.

“Sometimes I think that all of this is so strange,” she murmured softly, looping her arms around his neck, eyeing his horns, which now were only slightly raised off his skull, instead of straight.“But other times, it seems perfectly normal.”

“What is ‘it’?” he grunted, eyes dark enough that they reflected the stars behind her, their light coming in through the large pane of glass.

She lifted a shoulder.“That you exist,” she tried to explain.“That there’s a whole universe of beings and creatures and places like colonies and planets that each have their own specific languages and customs and people.”

Devix frowned, his voice softened, “It is not so strange.”

“Did you always know that all this existed?That there were other species and planets that had the ability to travel through space?”

Another frown.“Tev.Of course.”

“Humans don’t know,” Cara said, sighing.“We didn’t know that all this was…real.”

“Then Earth is a T7 classification,” Devix murmured, his voice growing dark.“Vrax, the Krevorags never learn.”

“What do you mean?”

“The Uranian Federation has very strict policies about contacting species that have not developed intergalactic travel technology yet,” Devix explained, something like realization infusing in his tone.“It is forbidden.Yet the Krevorags disregarded direct law again.They think that the Jetutians will protect them.No doubt that is who gave them the Luxirian crystals to begin with.Vrax!

Cara’s head spun with all the information he was telling her.“The Krevorags are the lizard aliens?The ones that run the Pit?”

The ones that had abducted her…caged her…

Tev,” he murmured, inching his head, making a visible effort to calm down.But his horns had straightened slightly and he took one hand off her ass to run over the pointed peak.

“And these Jetutians…they are aligned with the Krevorags in some way?”

Devix blew out a breath, “Tev.”

“And…” Cara paused before saying, “Your people gave the Jetutians crystals, which can reach Earth?”

“‘Give’ implies a willingness,” he said, a scowl etching into his features.

Cara frowned.“They stole them from your people?”

Devix’s palm returned to her backside, pressing her more closely into him as if afraid she’d leave.“The Jetutians and my species have an ugly history.A very long, very bloody history.”

“Tell me.”

“Our last encounter with the Jetutians was ten rotations ago,” Devix murmured.

“Ten years?”

Tev,” Devix replied.“We were at war with them, aligned with the Rev’pika.As retaliation, the Jetutians unleashed a virus into Luxiria’s atmosphere.A previously untested technology that not even our own allies have been able to replicate.”

“What happened?”

“Our males did not realize what had happened at first.It was not an attack meant for the males, but for our females,” he said, lifting his eyes.“By then, there was nothing we could do.The virus spread through our females like the Fates’ fire.It killed the majority.Only the young females survived, but we later discovered they could no longer bear young.”

“Oh my God,” Cara whispered, unable to process that kind of weapon.

“Our whole race was threatened in the matter of spans.”

“Did you…” Cara swallowed.“Did you lose someone close to you?”

Devix’s eyes connected with her own.“My mother died the first span.She was one of the first deaths.”

“Devix,” she breathed.Her heart banged in her chest.He truly did know that the grief from loss never truly got better with time.“I’m sorry.”

His hand came to stroke the strand of hair that escaped from behind her ear.He rubbed it between his fingertips as he said, “The Jetutians claimed they had a cure.They claimed they could spare the rest of our females, if we surrendered two tonnes of our crystals.There was no choice.We gave them what they wanted.”

Cara had a sick feeling in her stomach.“And there was no cure?” she whispered.

Nix.There never was,” he said.


“Perhaps it is our fault,” he murmured, turning his gaze back to her.“That you and the other humans were taken.Luxirian crystals are the only known power source capable of reaching the Fourth Quadrant, where your planet is.The Krevorags never would have had access to that kind of energy unless they received it from the Jetutians, who could only receive it from Luxirians or our allies.”

Cara sighed, her forehead dipping down a little.“It’s not anyone’s fault except for these Krevorags and Jetutians.”

“We had a part leading to your capture,” he pointed out.“Can you not see that?”

“I see it,” she murmured softly.“If you expect me to react negatively, you’re wasting your time on the wrong woman.”

Devix shook his head, huffing out a breath.“You are a strange female.If you will not be angry with me for why you are here, on this vessel, will you at least be angry with me for this?”

“Why do you want me to be angry at you so much?”

“I deserve nothing less.Instead, you let me touch you.You let me enjoy your smiles and presence and scent and voice.”He frowned.“Why?”

“Because I want to,” Cara replied, a slight tick of annoyance entering her voice.“I get it, it’s a weird situation, okay?But I’ve had my choices taken from me ever since I was captured.I…I feel something for you.Attraction, lust, comfort, whatever you want to call it.For once, I want to make my own choice about what I do.I don’t need to justify it.”

Devix’s jaw ticked but then he said, “Forgive me, female.I do not wish to upset you.”

“Then stop saying things that upset me,” she couldn’t help but say.

“You…” Devix started but trailed.“You are singular, Cara.”

It wasn’t the most romantic thing she’d ever heard, but it still made butterflies erupt in her stomach.She sighed, feeling some of her annoyance at him drain.

The mood was still slightly heavy, considering what they’d just discussed.She hadn’t meant for things to become so deep, but she had wanted to learn more about him, hadn’t she?

“Tell me something else about you,” she requested.“Something that doesn’t have to do with Krevorags or Jetutians…or Azatians,” she added at the last moment.

His expression was grim but then he said, “What would you like to know?”

“What do you do on Rozun,” she asked, “with your free time?”

The last thing she expected him to say was, “I grow food to sell at the market.”

Cara’s lips parted.“You’re a farmer?”

“A farmer?” he repeated, frowning, his mind obviously working with his language implant.Finally, he said, “Tev, I suppose.”

Cara smiled, relaxing into him again.“What do you grow?”

“There are no corresponding words in your language.I mostly grow pillerva pods because they grow well in Rozian soil.Most Luxirians cannot stand the taste, but most species pay well for it.”

“What does it taste like?” Cara questioned, intrigued, feeling a longing she hadn’t felt in a while.

She was the first to admit that she’d slowly been losing her passion for cooking over the years, despite top food critics praising her work.She’d worked her ass off in culinary school, working up from line cook to sous chef to finally being offered a chef position at a hot, local fusion joint in Seattle.Her dream had been realized, but lately, pre-abduction, it had become harder and harder to find inspiration and creativity to create new dishes.

She’d written it off as a slump, telling herself that she just needed a long-deserved break, when she decided to resign as executive chef.Two days after that, as she was planning a trip to Europe, she’d been captured.Turned out her break would be a lot longer than anticipated.

“It is sweet,” Devix said, making a face.“Much too sweet.”

“What, Luxirians don’t like sugar or something?”

Nix, we cannot palate it.We like meat.Trixava meat specifically.”

“Why am I not surprised?” she murmured, feeling his solid, muscular bulk beneath her.Slowly, she ran her palms down his chest, eliciting a purr from Devix.“You would need a lot of protein to fuel this body.”

His cock was hard beneath her.It had been since she’d first settled herself into his lap.

“Female,” he grated.“Your scent is distracting me.”

“From what?” she questioned softly, eyeing his impossibly velvety-looking lips.She wondered if Luxirians kissed, or if that was strictly a human gesture of affection.

“I wish to know what you do on Earth,” he said.“What do you do in your ‘free time?’” he questioned, repeating her words back to her.

Cara softened and she looked up into his eyes, which were dilated, a tell-tale sign of his arousal.

“I’m a chef,” she replied.“Or, at least, I was.”When she saw his confusion, she said, “I cook food for people.Really, really good food, if I do say so myself.”

He purred, but it sounded slightly higher pitched, as if tinged with his interest.“Tev?I like food.”

Cara laughed, feeling affection for him bloom in her chest, startling but right.“All males like food.It’s like imbedded in your DNA or something.”

“DNA?” he questioned.

“Nevermind,” she murmured, playing with the short, soft hairs at the base of his neck.It looked like he shaved his head, possibly often, but it was already growing back at a quick rate.“You don’t like having long hair?” she couldn’t help but ask.

Devix’s gaze shuttered slightly.“I had long hair once.”

“Not now, obviously,” she said, cocking her head to the side.

“I must wear it shorn now,” he told her.

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask why, but something told her that he didn’t want to talk about it.At least, right at that moment.Still, Cara couldn’t help but wonder about him.

Like, why was he working as a mercenary when he grew crops on Rozun?Why did he have the body and scars of a soldier?Why did he leave his home planet behind?Was it because of the virus that had killed his mother?

If anything, she just had more questions about the alien in front of her.She wanted to know everything about him, but knew she had to tread carefully.He’d been honest up until that point, but she wondered if there were some things about his past that she didn’t want to know.

Shaking herself, Cara decided to change the subject.She shifted on his lap, feeling his cock press up between her spread thighs.She’d only worn a tunic that reached just above her knees and it was bunched around her hips to accommodate his body.

Devix’s gaze strayed down between them.Since she didn’t have underwear, he could see her bare sex, especially when she shifted the tunic further up her hips.

Cara saw him swallow and felt his palms clench on her ass, the tips of his claws resting gently on her flesh.

“Are you always so hard?” she asked, wanting to know the answer.

Rebax?” he said, in his language.

“Your cock,” she whispered.“It’s been hard every time I’ve seen you.”

“Perhaps there is a correlation between those two events, female.”

“You seeing me and your hard cock?” she couldn’t help but tease.

Tev,” he growled.

“Poor baby,” she cooed, her eyes flickering to his lips again.“It must get frustrating, having no relief.Too bad you didn’t let me reciprocate earlier.”

He tensed underneath her, but growled, seeming to enjoy her lighthearted teasings.

“I could lend you a hand now,” she whispered, feeling her body start to ignite, the space between her thighs growing wetter and wetter.

“It is the same as before, luxiva,” he grated.“I would lose control if you touched me that way.You do not know how much restraint I require with you.”

“Maybe I don’t want you to hold back,” she replied.

“I could hurt you,” he replied, frowning.“It would be hard to control my strength and you are so delicate compared to me.”

“You wouldn’t hurt me,” she said, her heart pounding in her chest with excitement, with lust, with longing.

“I would rather die than hurt you, female,” he murmured softly and Cara sucked in a small breath.Such strong words, but she could see that he was being honest.

“I was right about you, you know,” she whispered, leaning closer until she could see those silver flecks in his eyes again.“You are good, to your very core.”

Devix swallowed but still seemed uncomfortable by her words.He’d lashed out last night when she’d told him that.Had it only been last night?It had seemed like weeks had passed.

“My core is neither,” he answered.“Neither good or bad.”

“Then you’re just like everyone else,” she answered.

Nix,” he murmured, leaning his forehead against her own, in that sweet gesture that made her throat tighten.“You are good, female.”

“You just haven’t seen the bad yet,” she said, swallowing.

“I think if I ever did, I would like whatever bad you have,” he answer slowly.

Cara inhaled a breath, his musk invading her nostrils, wondering where in the world this male had come from and why she hadn’t met him earlier.

Her gaze flickered down to his lips.“I want to kiss you, Devix.”


“Do Luxirians kiss?” she asked.She still sensed his confusion, so she smiled a little and said instead, “Can I show you?”

Tev,” he murmured.

“Close your eyes,” she said and surprisingly, he did it without question.

With a slow deliberateness, Cara leaned forward.A gentle hum from the spaceship met her ears but otherwise, she heard nothing else but Devix’s steady breaths.

Devix’s chest rumbled between them when Cara’s lips made contact with his own.She let out a shuddering sigh because his lips were so damned soft, it was almost unfair.Gripping the base of his neck, she pressed into him more, kissing him gently at first.

Devix’s hands tightened on her backside and a steady purr rose into the air.When she opened her eyes, she saw his gaze was on her and she pulled back slightly, releasing his lips.

“Is this ok—”

Her words ended in a delighted gasp when he pulled her back almost immediately, seeking her lips with his own.

Cara moaned when Devix began to imitate her, when he began to move his lips like she’d shown him.Fast learner, she thought, dazed.

But Cara had another trick up her sleeve and Devix growled into her when she slipped her tongue past his soft lips, softly stroking his ridged one.

Vrax,” he cursed when they pulled apart briefly.A quick glance told her his horns were fully straightened again but she didn’t even get a chance to tease him about them when he pulled her back for more.

In a very short amount of time, Devix became one of the best damned kissers in the whole universe.

Cara’s head spun as he slowly but surely took control.She gasped into his mouth when he stroked his ridged tongue over the roof of her mouth, making her whole body shiver.In turn, she sucked on his tongue, which made him groan so deeply she felt it in her own core.

“Wicked female,” he rasped.

“I love kissing you,” she whispered, smiling, and then went back for more.And as they slowly traveled through whatever section of space they were currently in, Cara made out with her alien captor and she loved every single second of it.

She didn’t care that her future was uncertain.She didn’t care that she might never see her home again, or that she might very well have to say goodbye to the alien currently holding her in his strong arms.

Nothing else mattered right then except for his lips and his warmth and his touch.

For now, anyways, she couldn’t help but think.

For now, she never wanted to stop kissing him.