Wicked Captor by Zoey Draven






Two weeks later…

“Baby,” Cara whispered in Devix’s ear, leaning over him in their bed, the furs falling to the side.Through the large, floor-to-ceiling window, she could see the swirling, colorful lights of dawn creeping down underneath the canopy of the trees.

A sleepy responding purr made her smile.Her male was a hard worker, she’d discovered.An extremely hard worker and he was exhausted from the day before, working off his frustrations by hauling over twenty loads of pillerva pods, just in time for their trip to the market that day.And those suckers were heavy.

But before they made the journey…

“My period’s done,” Cara murmured, nibbling on the hard shell of his ear.

His eyes shot open and immediately, as if he’d been wide-awake the whole time, he had her on her back before she could blink.

Cara laughed, the sound filling the room.She was already naked and she widened her thighs so he sunk between them.She moaned when she felt his—surprise, surprise—hardened cock against her.

It had been the longest five days of her life.

Though she hadn’t had her period since her abduction…it had come back with a vengeance earlier that week.Devix had balked at her not wanting to have sex during it.While she was usually more horny during it, she’d still decided against it since her period had been more intense than normal…although she’d almost given into him a couple times.Another thing she’d learned about Devix was that he could be damned persuasive when he wanted to be.

So, she’d left both of them sexually frustrated, though she had given him blowjobs throughout the week to help her male take the edge off…which only made her hornier.It was difficult going from having sex multiple times a day to nothing, zip, nada.

But that was coming to an end.

Cara licked her lips, gasping, as Devix nudged the head of his cock into her sex.She rotated her hips against him until he gave a guttural growl, sinking all the way inside her.

“Show me how much you missed this,” she teased, her hands cupping the underside of her breasts, lifting them to his mouth.

Devix groaned, leaning forward, lapping at her sensitive nipples with his ridged tongue.Pleasure lashed down her spine and she arched into his warm mouth.

“We do not have enough time in all the universe for me to show you just how much, female,” he rasped, his voice husky from sleep and oh so delicious.“But I will make do.”

Cara smiled but then cried out when he began thrusting into her.

Yes, Dev,” she whispered, her fingers clutching the muscles of his back, feeling them ripple and shift under her touch.It felt like heaven when he was inside her.So familiar and necessary that she wondered how she’d gone almost a whole week without him.

His lips found hers as he mated her and in his kiss she felt everything.His need, his love, his confidence in their future together.

A bright future, one that they were already building together, brick-by-brick.

His skin warmed under her fingertips and she burned hotter and hotter for him.Devix groaned into their kiss, his breathing becoming erratic.Both of them wouldn’t last long.They’d needed one another too badly.

So when Cara’s orgasm triggered his own, she listened to his roar as her back arched with pleasure, as he pumped his cum deep inside, ropes and ropes of it.

But her male had stamina.

And it was only after her fourth orgasm and his third that he let her catch her breath.Panting, she flopped against him, limbs shaking, body tingling.

“Are you falling asleep?” she whispered when she saw his eyes briefly close.Typical male, she thought, affection unfurling like a rose in her chest.

Nix,” he murmured before he slid a grin over to her.“Never.”

“Poor baby,” she murmured.“I’ve denied you too long.”

“Mmm,” he grunted, his palm coming to land on the swell of her ass.“You have much time to make up for, female.”

“And after the market, I’m all yours,” she told him.“But first we have a deal to seal on a restaurant stall and pillerva pods to sell.”

Devix grinned again and every time she saw him smile, her heart raced like it was trying to beat out of her chest.She loved it when he smiled, something that she’d hardly seen before but saw all the time now.

Tev, we do.”

And they’d be one step closer to opening up Rozun’s first and only restaurant, run by Rozun’s first and only human.A frightening venture, but one that excited her, one that she’d been working hard for the past couple weeks, once they’d been assured that no more of Sarkon’s scouts were coming after them.

It had taken a few days to feel completely safe after what happened in the forest and Devix hadn’t left her side for a single moment.But eventually, their freedom from Sarkon was clear and Devix seemed…lighter, relieved.Because she knew that that part of his life, as a mercenary, was officially over.

Devix looked at her and he brushed his fingertips over her lips.

“You are sure you want this life?With me?”

Cara hit his chest.“Yes.And I told you not to ask again.”

“Some moments I think I am dreaming,” he murmured to her, rolling onto his side so he faced her.His grip found her waist and he pulled her into his body.“Some moments I fear that I will wake up and you will not exist.”

“I’m here,” she whispered, repeating the words she’d told him after the incident with Sarkon.“I’m here, Dev, and I always will be.And sometimes I think the same thing.That I dreamed you up, that you’re too perfect to be real.”

Devix’s lips quirked.“We can dream together, female.”

Cara chuckled, “Don’t get cheesy on me, Dev.”

“You like it when I am ‘cheesy,’” he replied, repeating her very English word.

“No,” she said, but her smile gave her away and she rolled her eyes, caught.“Fine.Yes, I love it.”

Devix huffed out an amused laugh and then gave her a sweet kiss, his hand drifting lower, lower.“Let us mate one more time, luxiva.Then we will go ‘seal this deal,’ as you say.”

She arched a disbelieving brow.“Just one time?”

“Two,” he amended quickly, purring in her ear.

“Just two?” she asked, slightly more breathless.

Devix gave her a wicked grin in return and Cara knew it would be a long, long time before they reached the market that day.

She wouldn’t have it any other way.


Devix and Cara will return in WICKED MATE (February 2018)…flip the page for details!