The Alien’s Touch by Zoey Draven



Cecelia was humming to herself, tracing the lines of a book she’d found in Rixavox’s study.Yes, she pleaded guilty to snooping around, like any woman in her right, curious mind would do.But what else was she supposed to do while he was away doing his Ambassador duties?

It was mid-afternoon, she guessed, and she’d been floating on a cloud since last night.She’d turned into one of those sappy people that couldn’t wipe the smile off their face and she liked it.

Her heart gave a little jolt and she straightened in the lounge area of the fire pit when she heard a hovercraft landing out on the patio.Rixavox had just left an hour ago after bringing her a meal and they’d spent most of the time he had to spare making out among the cushions and groping each other through the layers of their clothes, like horny teenagers.Was he back so soon?

But it wasn’t Rixavox that came through the door.It was Levrix and the Luxirian female gave her a smile when she saw her.

“Oh, hi!” Cecelia exclaimed, surprised—and admittedly a little disappointed that it wasn’t Rixavox.But she shook that feeling off, chiding herself, since Levrix was taking the time out of her own busy day to visit.“I thought you wouldn’t be able to swing by today.”

“The bazaar is slow around this time,” Levrix explained in her heavily accented English.“I thought I would come see you.It is cold out so I brought you some more of the tea and a…a lillavax.It is a special fruit, like a berry I think you would say.We do not get them often, but I wanted you to try.”

Cecelia smiled, making room for her on the cushioned lounge and moving her book to the side.“Thank you, that’s very kind.”

“What have you been doing?” Levrix asked, kneeling next to her before reaching into the folds of her dress.She pulled out the flask that looked like it was made from a kind of bone and then a small, hardened object, no bigger than Cecelia’s thumbnail.Her blue eyes alighted on the heavy tome next to her and commented, “That is a book of the ancient times.”

Levrix passed her the flask of licorice-flavored tea that warmed her insides as she sipped from it.She told her, “I like looking at the writing, even if I have no idea how to make sense of it.”

“This next span, I will have more time to spare,” Levrix told her.“I will read you a section, yes?”

“I’d like that,” Cecelia said, smiling, “very much.”

“For now, come and try this lillavax,” Levrix ordered.She placed the small fruit in the center of Cecelia’s palm.It looked black at first, like a shriveled, rotten blackberry, but on closer inspection, she saw it was actually a deep purple.“Squeeze until it pops and you suck the juice.It is very good.”

Cecelia chuckled at her instructions, but did as she said.The hard berry popped with some pressure and a thick jelly oozed from the crushed skin.She wrinkled her nose but after an encouraging look from Levrix, Cecelia took a deep breath and tasted the fruit.

“Oh,” she said, eyes wide.“It tastes like cinnamon.Like very spicy cinnamon.”

“And you like this cinnamon?” Levrix asked.

“Yes,” Cecelia said, licking up the remnants.“I do.Thank you.It’s nice not to have meat all the time.”

“One span, have Rixavox bring you to the meal hall.We have more variety there and we take great pride in our northern foods.We have some of the best dishes in all of Luxiria,” she boasted.

Cecelia smiled, her thoughts straying for a brief moment, wondering if that ‘one span’ would ever happen.She was meant to be leaving in a few days, to journey back to the Golden City to finish her treatment.Already at the thought, her chest ached a little.

“Yes, maybe one day,” she answered, giving her a smile she didn’t feel.

Levrix stood and shrugged her furs back on.She nodded to the flask and said, “Keep that and finish it.I will bring more tomorrow.We are expecting harsher winds soon, so it will keep you warm.”

“Thank you,” Cecelia said, standing, glad that she was able to stop by even if it was only for a short while.Near the door, she leaned forward and gave Levrix an impromptu hug.The Luxirian looked bewildered when she pulled away and Cecelia smiled, explaining, “Humans are huggers, especially with their friends.”

“We are…friends?” Levrix asked, slowly and softly, eyeing Cecelia with an expression she couldn’t decipher.

“Well, yes.I consider you a friend.Especially after you brought me that cinnamon berry,” she joked.

Levrix studied her for a little while longer, like she was caught off guard and she didn’t know how to act.Cecelia wondered if she’d made some sort of social mistake and reminded herself to ask Rixavox about it later.He certainly didn’t mind it whenever she hugged him.

Then, Levrix seemed to shake herself out of her stupor and jerked her head in a nod.“Tev.I am honored to be called your friend, Sessela.”

Cecelia relaxed slightly.“I’ll see you tomorrow?”

Levrix inclined her head as her answer and with one last look at Cecelia, she left, as quickly as she’d stopped in.

She sighed, shaking off the encounter, before returning to her book.She studied a few more of the symbols scrolled across the page and noted that it seemed Luxirians read up and down, as opposed from left to right.The pages felt buttery soft in her hand and she turned them gently, afraid she might accidentally tear one.

Rixavox found her like that when he returned from the command center for the day.She was so consumed in studying the symbols that she only realized he was there when he growled her name and sealed the front door closed before the wind could seep in.

Her belly warmed when she saw the intensity on his face, the way he stalked towards her, a grumbling purr filling the air.Like she was already trained, she felt arousal begin to consume her at that sound, reminding her of their time in the Rillirax the night before and the way they couldn’t stop kissing and touching one another as they drifted off to sleep once they returned to Velraxa.

Cecelia gave a shocked squeak when he lifted her off the lounge and took long strides towards his bedroom.

“Miss me?” she teased, slightly breathless.

Rixavox’s grunt was his answer and she gave a small laugh.He set her down near the foot of the bed and promptly stripped off her shirt until she was completely naked.Like a male possessed, he made quick work of his own clothes, letting them pool on the ground, baring his body though she knew he would deny himself with her.Last night, in bed, she’d tried to touch him again, to bring him to orgasm.Again, he’d said something about not being in control of ‘it.’And again, he hadn’t answered her when she asked him what ‘it’ was.Then, he’d distracted her with his drugging kisses until she’d forgotten her own goddamn name.

Cecelia thought it would feel strange, being naked like this with someone she didn’t even know existed a little over a week ago.But it wasn’t strange.It felt…right, natural.Like they’d done this a million times before.

She furrowed her brow in confusion when Rixavox suddenly sprawled on the cushioned mattress, on his back, with his thick, ridged, mouthwatering cock jutting high into the air.He beckoned her with his fingertips.

“Come, female,” he rasped.“I wish to lick your cunt.”

Cecelia sucked in a sharp breath, wetness gushing against her thighs at his naughty words.“Like this?” she asked, eyeing his supine position.

Tev,” he purred in that sinful voice.“Come here.”

Cecelia bit her lip, her eyes straying to that magnificent cock.She’d dreamed of it when she’d fallen asleep last night.In her mind’s eye, she envisioned straddling him in that position and slowly sinking down onto it.

She stifled a moan but then said, “Only if you let me touch you too.”

He was already shaking his head, even as a growl tore through his throat, his cock jumping at her words.Why did he deny himself something he obviously wanted?

“Female, I cannot—” he was beginning to say, but she cut him off with a jerk of her head and an arched brow.

With a confident smile that she hadn’t given in years, she asked softly, “You want to lick my pussy?”

His pupils flared.“Tev,” he hissed, his hips rocking up on the bed.

“And I want you to,” she replied.She’d never heard her voice so scratchy, so husky before in her life.Her eyes strayed to his cock again and she licked her bottom lip, making Rixavox groan.“But I want to touch you too.So if we’re going to do this, then it needs to be on equal terms.”

Rixavox blew out a harsh breath, a thin sheen of sweat dotting his chest despite the crispness of the air inside the house.

Tev.Come,” he finally commanded.Cecelia felt the change that single word brought.Her heart jumped in her throat, excitement making her blood rush in her ears.And Rixavox?A strange intensity, a sudden focus radiated from him like heat, like he was about to fight the most difficult battle of his life.

When he saw her victorious smile as she sank down onto the bed besides him, he grunted, “Demanding, are you not?”

She slid her body next to his and said in his ear, “When I want something badly enough, I can be the most demanding person you’ve ever met.”

A purr sounded deep in his chest and before she knew it, he had his hands spanning the middle of her waist and he was hauling her over his body so that her thighs were straddling the sides of his neck.Her breathing went quick and she looked straight down over him.

“I like this side of you, luxiva,” he purred.

“Y-you’re not upset you lost?” she tried to tease, but her voice was a little too breathless to be taken seriously.

He huffed out a wicked, small laugh, his gaze straying between her splayed thighs.It was possibly even more intimate than sex, she mused.He could see every part of her, right before his very eyes.She thought she would feel self-conscious about it, try to squirm her thighs closed, but she didn’t.If anything, she spread them a little wider, feeling exhilarated by his intent gaze.

“Does it appear that I have lost?” he rasped, shooting a sexy smirk up at her.

She sucked in a breath—maddening male—but he dragged her closer until she was straddling his face.

And then he licked.

Cecelia’s head fell back, a loud moan tumbling from her lips.Desperately, she tried to right herself, fearing that she would lose her balance since the muscles in her legs began to tremble.And the thing that she grasped?His horns.

His roar was muffled between her legs but the resulting vibration made her buck against that ridged tongue.Every wet, hot slide against her made those hardened knobs hit all the right places.

She thought she might have hurt him, grabbing his horns like that.She was just about to apologize, when he rasped, “Again.More.Harder.”

Cecelia’s lips parted when she realized he’d liked it.Then her cheeks went hot when she realized that was why his horns always straightened when he was aroused.

So, she tightened her grip, feeling the smoothness of them underneath her palm.They were hard as stone as she squeezed, stroking them up and down, working them like how she wanted to work his cock.

Wicked female,” he hissed.

His hips bucked as he lapped between her thighs.She felt his jaw moving underneath her.She could perceive the flexing of his tongue as he hit all the places she’d showed him last night.He was a quick learner.Already, she feared she was on the verge of cumming, but she knew from the previous night that he would be relentless, that he wouldn’t stop at just one, that he would wring multiple orgasms out of her until she was spent and begging.

“Yes,” she moaned, when he lightly and gently sucked on her clit, being mindful of his sharp teeth.Pleasure made her stomach clench and her thighs tightened around his face.

Glancing over her shoulder briefly, she saw his thick cock jutting up.His hips were rotating and flexing off the bed, like he was envisioning fucking the place he was currently licking.She gasped, her breathing going erratic.He was so incredibly sexy, so incredibly erotic.In the back of her mind, she wondered if he’d try to orgasm her into exhaustion so she’d forget about their arrangement.As she eyed that thick cock, with its swollen ridges and engorged head, she knew she wouldn’t forget.Ever.

Her first orgasm hit her by surprise, making her twist back around.A cry broke from her lips as her abdomen clenched, making her jerk on his tongue.He suckled harder, steadily increasing pressure, his eyes flickering back and forth from her pussy to her face, as if he couldn’t decide what he would rather watch.

“R-Rixavox,” she whispered brokenly, her neck craning upwards, her eyelids sliding shut as pleasure mounted and then crashed.She moaned with it, gasping for breath, rocking into him, clenching onto his horns for dear life, wondering if she’d ever be the same after someone like him.

It was too much, but not enough.Soon, he was dragging her back up to that cliff, dangling her over the edge, before making her fall all over again.And again.

She’d been right, she thought, dazed, her breathing rough, sweat shining over her sensitive skin.He was trying to distract her with orgasms.

“No,” she murmured, her head lolling on her shoulders when she felt him go back to work between her thighs, right on the heels of her fourth orgasm.

She pushed at his shoulders after letting go of his horns and somehow managed to slid off his body, even though his hands grasped at her thighs.

“Nice try,” she gasped, her chest heaving, “but we had a deal.”

His pupils seemed permanently dilated, so black and glassy that she swore she could see her reflection in them.“Luxiva…” he rumbled, a growl following.

She felt as boneless as jelly as she slid down the bed to kneel by his side.But she was a woman determined to bring her man pleasure and she wouldn’t be stopped, even by him.

Though Rixavox was hesitant about her pleasuring him, Cecelia watched his hips pulse towards her when she stretched out her hand.

And then he made a rough sound in the back of his throat when she grasped tightly around the base of his cock and slid her palm up.The ridges were smooth and hard and just feeling them, imagining them inside her, made her spine tingle.

His body went tight and his muscles rippled and shifted underneath his mirage-like skin as she dragged her hand up and down, slowly at first.

Luxiva,” he panted, his jaw clenched, his voice sounding pained.Yet, his hips fucked her hand and he thrashed when she gripped even tighter.“Tev, tev, tev.”

Her hand couldn’t fit all the way around him.He was too thick.She bit her lip, thinking that he would stretch her to her limits and fill her up in a way she’d never felt before.

He gave a long groan when she added her other hand, fumbling over him for a moment before finding a steady rhythm that had him huffing.

She smiled, a thrill of feminine power making her grip tighten.Cecelia squeezed and massaged and milked him until he was murmuring words in his language that didn’t make sense to her.He dug his horns into the furs on the bed above him and his muscles seemed to grow.She watched, in awe, as the true power, the mesmerizing strength he possessed became even more apparent as he grappled for control.

“I want to see you cum, honey,” she whispered over him, licking her lips.“Please.”

He did that purring growl, his gaze impossibly dark as he flashed her a desperate look.

Cecelia slid further down until she was cradled between his sprawled, massive thighs.But as she stroked him, even though he looked like he was coming apart in her hands, when she looked up to his eyes, she saw him fighting the pleasure.It maddened her.

It only made her more determined.

So, keeping hold of his gaze, Cecelia slowly leaned forward until the glistening tip of his cock was centimeters away from her lips.She watched his nostrils flare, realization dawning over his features.

Nix,” he rasped before his back bowed and a rough bellow tore from his throat.Cecelia closed her lips over the sensitive flesh, her mouth stretching wider and wider as she tried to take more and more of him.But he was big.Huge.Physically, she’d only be able to take him so far.

She dragged her tongue along the underside of his cock as she came up for air, breathing through her nostrils deeply.Rixavox’s gaze was wild as she looked at him and the muscles in his neck strained as she bobbed her head back down on him.He looked…unhinged.


He was murmuring in his language again, deep and guttural sounds wrenched from his throat as his head thrashed from side-to-side.All the while, she learned to relax her jaw to take more of him while she held him steady at the root of his cock.Her heart pounded in her ears and the tips of her nipples tingled as she heard the sounds he made.She needed to hear those sounds for the rest of her life.She didn’t think she’d be complete without them.

But what really set him off was when she accidentally grazed her teeth over the knots lining his cock.At first she thought she’d hurt him, just like when she’d first grasped his horns.But she moaned around him in surprise when his purring began to vibrate his cock and it only got more intense as she hesitantly did it again.

Her jaw began to ache at the sheer size of him, but her body felt like it was on fire.She thought she might cum again just from sucking on his cock, no extra stimulation necessary.Even after four orgasms, she was ready for her fifth.

“Female,” he groaned, his voice unrecognizable.“Vrax!”

His hips bucked, catching her by surprise, but she kept her lips wrapped around his cock tightly.She sucked harder, stroking the base of his cock where she couldn’t reach with her lips.

And then he was roaring, the sound echoing until she wondered if Velraxa, nestled in the valley below, would be able to hear it.

The moment his hot cum hit the back of her throat, Cecelia felt her body propelled into another orgasm.A part of her wasn’t even shocked that this was how she responded.The alien male, who was currently sprawled underneath her, his cock deep in her mouth as he emptied his seed down her throat, turned her on in a way she didn’t think possible.

Rixavox tasted the way he smelled, a deep male muskiness that she couldn’t get enough of.His roar went on and on as he filled her.And he kept on cumming.Eventually, she had to pull off so she could swallow, but she kept her hands pumping and milking him in a jerky rhythm.She watched through a half-lidded gaze as opalescent streams of cum arced from the tip of his cock and bathed his taut abdomen and chiseled chest.Cecelia licked her lips, tasting the remnants of him on her tongue.

After what seemed like hours, his cock finally stopped spurting his seed and he fell back against the bed, chest heaving, muscles relaxing, a constant purr filling the room.

She was grateful when he gently dragged her from between his thighs to settle her against his side because all the muscles in her body felt completely spent.She didn’t think she would’ve been able to do it herself.

Rixavox pressed kisses over face before rubbing his horns against her cheek.Cecelia smiled, a delicious smugness filling her.He couldn’t seem to keep his hands or lips off of her so she figured she’d done something right.

“Female,” he rasped against her lips.Cecelia’s eyelids fluttered shut and she gave a little contented sigh, loving the way he kissed her.A girl could get used to drugging, soft, sensual kisses from her generous alien lover.

“Mmmm,” was the only sound she could manage.Between them, she felt his seed on her stomach and she watched Rixavox as he looked down at it.

But instead of cleaning them, he did that purr that made his body vibrate and he rubbed his opalescent cum into her skin like lotion.

Her lips parted when she realized he was marking her, claiming her.A small whimper escaped her throat and she was shocked when she felt her pussy give a sharp, interested throb between her legs.It was just so male, so primal.So hot.

“You are mine now,” he growled, craning his neck to kiss her again.And again.“Always.”

It should’ve alarmed her how much she liked those words, how right they felt.

But she wasn’t frightened.Not anymore.

So, Cecelia kissed him harder.